MTL - This Omega is Fierce and Wild-Chapter 120 spark

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This year's "The Last Century" Early Spring Invitational Tournament is destined to be recorded in the history of the league.

First, Qiu Yu led the Eagle Cavalry team to win the championship as the first Oga in the league, and then Mu Feibai directly proposed at the championship interview site.

It is said that at that moment, the league's official live broadcast platform was blocked by too many bullet screens. In this era of advanced information technology, it is unbelievable that the platform is blocked by bullet screens!

So, after "Eagle Rider Wins the Championship" and "Music God Proposes", the strange entry "League live broadcast stuck" also rushed to the front row of hot searches on social platforms along with the first two.

Until three days later, these topics are still talked about with great interest.

"I never expected that Fg, who Mushen fell down half a year ago, would be cashed in this way!"

Xu Qingwei was wearing a fiery red wedding dress, and almost fell on the bed with a smile: "What did he think, to propose with the championship ring given out in the competition? This is a bit too perfunctory, everyone in your team has that ring! "

On the sofa opposite Xu Qingqing, Qiu Yu had no choice but to say, "It's not that he was perfunctory, but I hinted at him to propose marriage."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help laughing, and said: "After returning to the hotel, he regretted it, and said that the championship ring is not good, and the whole team of brothers have it."

"You hinted him to propose marriage?" Xu Weiwei was surprised.

"Yeah." Qiu Yu nodded, "Actually, I asked him before if he wanted to get married. He said that he should be asked to propose. He also said that he needed flowers and a ring. I knew he was willing."

Since Mu Feibai is willing to get married, Qiu Yu doesn't care much about the form of the proposal.

When he saw the championship ring and the trophy on the stage, he suddenly remembered that Mu Feibai still had an old Fg that he hadn't given to the fans. This is often discussed on the Internet.

Of course, Qiu Yu could tell that those were good-natured jokes. After Mu Feibai said that he didn't want to force Qiu Yu to propose through a live broadcast, his fans also paid attention to the occasion and moderation when making such jokes.

The fans are so cute, so he is happy to give the fans who have always supported him and Mu Feibai the chance to realize their small wishes.

However, it was only after returning to the hotel that Qiu Yu realized that Mu Feibai had actually prepared the real proposal ring. Unexpectedly, if he interrupted him like this, it would be difficult to take out the ring that was originally prepared—after all, Qiu Yu had asked twice before, and after proposing on the podium, he couldn't do it again in private. It's a joke.

So Mu Feibai contacted the brand that made the ring overnight, and made another ring of the same style, changing it into a wedding ring.

"You are so brave!" Xu Qingqing gave Qiu Yu a thumbs up, "I heard you say it before, you were the one who took the initiative to ask him to mark it, you first asked him to be your boyfriend, and now you even propose marriage first Yes! As expected of you, my role model!"

The two chatted in the lounge for a while before the wedding officially began.

Xu Qingqing's wedding was relatively simple and quiet, not many relatives and friends were invited, even her own father was not present. It was her mother who took her by the hand, led her through the long flower corridor, and brought her to the groom.

The two read the vows under the witness of the parents of both parties, then exchanged rings, and finally ended the short wedding process with a loving kiss, followed by the wedding banquet.

Seeing that the guests got up one after another to go to the buffet bar to pick up their meals, and the surrounding area became much cleaner, Mu Feibai lowered his head and smiled in Qiu Yu's ear, "The wedding we are going to hold in the future will definitely be more lively than this."

Qiu Yukun glanced at him: "It's also a comparison? It's not like you don't know about the conflicts in Qingqing's family. It's because she doesn't want to invite too many people."

Because of the fact that Qiu Yu and Mu Feibai were attacked in the Eastern Seventh Star District, when Qiu Yu arrived at the hotel where Xu Qingqing held her wedding last night, Xu Qingqing apologized to him for a long time and almost knelt on the ground. .

Later, when Qiu Yu was comforting Xu Qingqing, she found out that her mother heard that she was almost sold by her stepbrother, and was planning to divorce her stepfather who doted on her son without a bottom line. With the help of Xu Qingqing, he prepared various evidence documents, and made up his mind to let Xu Qingqing's stepfather leave the house.

Xu Qingqing's mother has compromised with her life all her life, and this time she finally mustered up the courage under Xu Qingqing's persuasion, planning to fight a tough battle for herself and her daughter.

"Look, besides me, there are still many brave Oga." Qiu Yu looked at the couple walking side by side in the field, and said with a smile, "Although Qingqing had no choice but to marry, I believe, Even if she gets married and has children, she can still live out her own splendor."

"It should be like this." Mu Fei said in vain.

After Xu Qingqing's wedding, Qiu Yu and Mu Feibai returned to the team's residence the next day, and began to prepare for the upcoming spring competition.

But before that, there is one more thing they need to participate in—as an event of the same level as the Covenant Cup, the Early Spring Invitational also has players' exclusive champion appearances, and players need to provide design directions and some important details to the development team.

Contrary to the enthusiasm of several rookies, Zhou Shu was going crazy: "I can't think of it! No matter how I think about it, I can't think of it! I never expected that winning the championship would be such a bald thing! Captain, don't you think it's too hard to find inspiration for exterior design?!"

Mu Feibai raised his eyebrows and smiled: "It's not difficult, how simple!"

Zhou Shu stretched his neck and tried to copy the answer: "Then show me what your inspiration is this time?"

Mu Feibai didn't stop him, and handed over the design ideas he had written to Zhou Shu.

"Traditional… happy clothes in the first star region in the east?"

Zhou Shu was dumbfounded: "Happy clothes! Also, do you want to match Brother Qiu's with a dragon and a phoenix?!"

He was wrong.

Why would he provoke the man who just made a successful proposal!

Do you ask for dog food?

Zhou Shu sat back in his seat silently, muttering to himself: "...Tsk tsk tsk is too scheming, let all the players in the Star Alliance contribute to the two of you..."

He thought it was unreasonable not to sell this set of appearance for 999.

After racking his brains for a while, Zhou Shu ran to see DU Chen's idea again.

Du Chen had just been writing and drawing on the tablet for a long time, and now he was in a daze, when Zhou Shu approached him suddenly, and he didn't have time to cover the screen.

"Huh?" Zhou Shu was surprised, "Isn't that what?"

Du Chen's face changed slightly, he turned off the screen, and stared at Zhou Shu with a frown.

The second-hand Zhou Shu didn't realize the danger at all, and was still enjoying himself: "This seems to be the system of the bartender at Thirteen Degrees—"

"Shut up, you!" Du Chen said angrily with his ears red.

Beside, Lin Jinxi laughed twice.

Zhou Shu blinked his eyes, suddenly: "Oh, I said why you always wanted to go to the bar on weekends before, is there something wrong? Did you go to see little brother Yao Jue?"

DU dust: ...

Qiu Yu had never heard of this matter before. Hearing this, he gave Du Chen a surprised look, and then looked at Lin Jinxi curiously. Obviously, Lin Jinxi knew the inside story.

It's a pity that Lin Jinxi didn't dare to offend DU Chen, so she could only make an apologetic expression to Qiu Yu.

It was Du Chen who struggled for a moment, and said to himself: "I just think he works in a bar and is too easy to be bullied, so I thought... If I visit him often, people know that he has an Alpha friend, so I can restrain myself a bit. .”

He looked at Qiu Yu, hesitated for a moment, and said, "...not chasing him."

Qiu Yu just smiled: "If you like it, just chase after it. I won't stop you, and you don't need to explain to me."

DU Chen was immediately annoyed: "I didn't like him!"

Qiu Yu continued to tease the child: "Then is he treating him as a sister again?"

DU dust: ...

If it weren't for the fact that Qiu Yu was so good and could teach him many tactics and skills, he simply didn't want to stay in this team anymore! It's unreasonable, how can Qiu Yu bully people like this? It's exactly the same as his sister who has been a friend since childhood!

Noisily, everyone finally determined their design directions and submitted them to the art team of "The Last Century".

At this time, Lu Cun, who finished his homework first, suddenly exclaimed: "Wow! "Star Trace Era" next door!"

The young man couldn't stand the appetite, so Lin Jinxi immediately went up to him and asked, "What's wrong with Xinghen?"

Lu Cun ignored him, but looked at Qiu Yu with bright eyes, and called, "Master!"

His tone was full of excitement: "Just now the "Star Trace Era" league officially announced that it will add a sub-league professional competition starting next year, including the Oga group!"

Qiu Yu was slightly taken aback.

Mu Feibai immediately opened the bracelet and found the official website of the "Star Trace Era" league.

Sure enough, the latest sub-league news is hanging high at the top, and there is indeed a content that the Oga group will be added next year. And, considering that the bodies of most Oga players cannot perfectly adapt to the pressure of the game cabin, the professional game equipment of the Oga group in the sub-league will use holographic helmets.

"Ah, what a pity!" Zhou Shu was furious, "Obviously in the competitive games of the All-Star League, we are finally the first game with Oga players! Why did the first Oga Sub-League be snatched by the next-door Star Trace! "

"That's right, what a pity." Lin Jinxi also said, "However, since someone steps up to take the lead, then other games will always be learned in the future."

"Yes, someone has already lit the fire." Mu Fei said, "Then, can the prairie fire be far behind?"

He turned his face slightly and looked at Qiu Yu who was sitting beside him.

Qiu Yu also looked at Mu Feibai with a smile.

He stretched out his hand, hooked his little finger lightly, hooked Mu Feibai's fingers into his palm, and held them tightly.

He is very happy to leave traces in this world that did not belong to him originally, and also very happy to find his lover, his destination, and his future in this world.

He was finally no longer a ghost with nowhere to go.

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