MTL - This Pirate Relies on Justice-Chapter 704 [Human Fruit, Phantasmal Beast, Moon Reading Fate Form]! night girl...

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'Im is a woman...or rather, looks like a woman...'

Obviously it was the first meeting with the sea ceiling boss, but this was the first thought that popped into Cui Ze's mind.

‘Why is this not surprising at all? '

As for Im's looks...

If you use the attribute evaluation of the light curtain, Im's hidden charm attribute is at least A++ level.

But... Cui Ze never cared about this issue.

In the palace of Pangu City, the atmosphere of silence only lasted for a while.

Im, who was sitting on the throne, stared at the visitor in golden armor for a while, and suddenly sighed with emotion.

"You're not're not Joey Boy."

Im's tone is extraordinarily ethereal, and it's another place that can add a little bit of charm.

Cui Ze's response to this is-

Draw your sword and draw it!

The [Heaven Piercing Sword] hanging above his waist was pulled out of the scabbard by Cui Ze like a phantom, and the snow-white blade pointed directly at Im on the huge throne. The sword shot out from within.


The dazzling beam of light left a scorching trail in the dim palace of Pangu City.

But just when it was about to reach the steps under the throne, the front of the light beam seemed to touch a layer of fuzzy barrier invisible to the naked eye, penetrated at an extremely fast speed, and finally disappeared.

Such a scene, as if the beam attack was "swallowed" by the space, is strange and inexplicable.

"Is this about to start?"

Im, who was sitting on the throne, did not change color because of Cui Ze's sudden attack.

At this moment, her expression is like a goddess who has been bored for hundreds of years, and suddenly saw a small toy that came to her door, she was full of interest and aloof.

Under the golden mask of [Siren Linyi], Cui Ze raised his brows slightly.

The knowledgeable color of [Legiliency] quietly poked out, trying to touch Im, to spy on the inner thoughts of this human god.

But there was no accident, Cui Ze's knowledge and knowledge seemed to touch a boundless night, and there was no effective gain except for the illusory darkness.

Im on the throne seemed to be just a phantom.

Cui Ze wasn't discouraged at all, since [Legiliency] is invalid, then just use another ability!

[Listen to the Voice of All Things] has roughly the same effect as [Legiliency], but Cui Ze is somewhat regretful that although [Listen to the Voice of All Things] clearly sensed Im's existence, it failed to capture her " heartfelt voice".

After witnessing the scene just now, Cui Ze, who is in urgent need of Im's accurate ability information, had to change to a new perception ability.

【Exploration of the Wolf King】!

Cui Ze sniffed lightly, and launched [Wolf King's Exploration] with all his strength, and he instantly obtained the target's gender, age, growth path, devil fruit information, etc.

Exclude those irrelevant information, such as "grandmother who is hundreds of years old".

Cui Ze finally got the intelligence news he wanted most.

The devil fruit held by Im is called [Superman Series · Night Fruit]!

In the past years, this superhuman fruit had another name.

It's like [Rubber Fruit] is called [Human Fruit·Phantom Beast·Sun God Form].

[Yeye Fruit]'s "real name" is—

[Animals, human fruits, phantom beasts, monthly fortune-telling forms].

‘It can also be called [Moon God Fruit], right? '

The corner of Cui Ze's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a rather inexplicable strange feeling of "as expected".

Clearly, he found accurate information about Im's devil fruit ability.

Cui Ze didn't feel the slightest sense of gain in his heart.

Whether it's [Yeye Fruit] or [Tsukiyomi Fruit]...

They all belong to the category of devil fruit that sounds powerful, but the actual ability and effect depend on the development of the eater.

in other words.

If you really want to get information about Im's abilities.

Only through fighting!

Thinking of this, Cui Ze's eyes instantly became sharper.

[Heaven Piercing Sword] was held firmly, the power of [Plasma Spark Tower] quietly merged into this light attribute divine sword, and then another burst of intense and dazzling light burst out from this divine sword.

Starting from the sword body of [Heaven Piercing Sword], the tentacle-like shining beams split and exploded, attacking Im on the throne at the same time.

[Heaven Piercing Sword]'s attacking momentum was overwhelming, as if it was going to smash Imlian and the huge throne under him to pieces on the spot.

However, Cui Ze's elaborate second round of attack still failed to attract Im's attention.

The latter is still sitting high on the throne, with a bored attitude.

It's like a reenactment of the scene just now.

The dense light beam released by [Heaven Piercing Sword], at the moment when it was about to step over the steps of the throne, seemed to have directly entered another layer of space, and disappeared without a trace again.

'this is…'

Cui Ze's mind suddenly flashed the intelligence information he had accidentally collected on Aska Island.

‘The power of [vanishing] with the same origin as [Moon Jade]? ! '

[Moon Gem], which was made hundreds of years ago, still maintains the effect of "silently disappearing" for C-level and below item abilities.

Then the [vanishing] power released by Im himself will only become more terrifying and powerful!

It was so powerful that even the A-level light attack released by [Heaven Piercing Sword] would not be able to do anything to Im at all, and would just disappear without a sound.

Roughly lock on a certain ability of the Cui Ze no longer tentatively experimented with the attack effect of [Heaven Piercing Sword]. 】Power is rushing and flowing in his body.

On the throne, Im's expression became slightly solemn, and the lazy temperament just now dissipated a lot.

Cui Ze walked up to the steps, and raised the [Heaven Piercing Sword] on his right hand flatly, the black-red [Domineering] power surged out from his body, wrapping around the bright and white blade of the [Heaven Piercing Sword] On top of that, he waved lightly forward.


A+++ level [Domineering] is enough to wear down all A+++ level and below devil fruit ability effects.

The sharp edge of [Heaven Piercing Sword] seemed to have cut through an illusory barrier, and a piercing sound suddenly sounded in the void.

At the same time, the thin layer of moonlight that originally shrouded Im's side also disappeared without a trace.

"This level of domineering..."

Im slowly got up from the throne, and his tone lived up to the previous frivolity.

"I just underestimated you!"

Facing Im's self-criticism, Cui Ze was as cold as a silent rock, just waving the [Heaven Piercing Sword] in his hand just as before.


The flying slash in the shape of a half moon galloped out from the edge of [Heaven Piercing Sword], crossed the distance of two steps in the blink of an eye, and slashed in front of Im.

Possessing the ability entry of [Jianjigu's Eye], it is only a matter of thought for Cui Ze to become a great swordsman.

Facing this sharp slash.

Im still just raised his hand.


Of course, Im prefers to say—

【Lights off】!


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