MTL - This Pirate Relies on Justice-Chapter 752 Turned into the 0 beast group of history! The location of the 3rd piece of red text! …

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Cui Ze sent Beast Kaido to [Infinite Hell] and went to jail honestly.

As for why Mr. Kaido is so cute and sensible...

Naturally, Cui Ze took the initiative to help him calm down!

Under the card, all pirates are equal.

It's just that Kaido of Beasts is full of vitality now, except for the lack of a pair of dragon horns, he has not yet been reduced to the point where he must be killed.

Cui Ze also planned to push the boat along with the current and save the life of Beast Kaido for the time being.

Anyway, the "strongest creature" has rough skin, thick flesh, and high strength.

It can be said that apart from Charlotte Lingling who has the talent of [Steel Balloon], it is the most suitable target for the Fate Pirates' duel training meat shield.

And as a "prisoner", Kaido of Beasts can also provide Cui Ze with a regular A-level bait every year, which is a cliché.

Shiki the Golden Lion, Rayleigh the Pluto, Shanks the Red Hair...

These "predecessors" are old and experienced!

Of course, Cui Ze wouldn't just miss Kaido's [Phantom Beast · Blue Dragon Fruit].

Count the many phantom beast species in the sea.

Exclude the two "fairy fruits" [Sun God] and [Yueyomi Ming].

[Fish Fruit·Phantom Beast·Blue Dragon Form]'s expressiveness and combat power are undoubtedly the strongest!

Just the feature of "Sea, Land and Air" is already superior to most Devil Fruits!

Naturally, Cui Ze would not miss such a rare [Blue Dragon Fruit].

By comparison.

Kaido's filial son Yamato, the [Phantom Beast Species: Big Mouth True God Fruit] he possesses seems a bit weak.

In addition, the girl Yamato, apart from a little brain problem, has no shortcomings in the rest.

It is also standing on the front line of fighting against the Emperor Pirates and the Pirate Emperor all the year round (Fog)...

Cui Ze didn't bother to collect the [Dakou True God Fruit] owned by Yamato.

This is definitely not just because "Dakou Zhenshen" is the guardian holy beast of Wano country, and Cui Ze hates this wonderful country so much...

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In addition, it's not just Beast Kaido's 【Blue Dragon Fruit】.

Marko's [Phoenix Fruit] and Bramank's [Bag Fruit] are also within Cui Ze's target range.

The former is a phantom beast species with extremely strong resilience, and also has the rare ability to fly, which belongs to the fruit of panacea.

And the latter...

Cui Ze planned to wait for [Bag Fruit] to respawn before going to Murloc Island.

Once he fished a piece of [Repayment Candy] from Fishman Island, which came from the world of the "Doraemon" series.

In the dark, Cui Ze felt that [Bag of Fruit] was very compatible with the behind-the-scenes fishing world of Fishman Island.

Just when Cui Ze was thinking silently about whether [Bag Fruit] could catch that pocket item...

There was an explosion in the sky, and Enilo made his debut.

"Captain! Didn't you say that Kaido of Beasts should be handed over to me?"

"You're too slow."

Cui Ze made a pun, and it was a series of puns.

"Also... If you really want to fight, I can fight with you."

"Uh... yeah ha ha ha!"

The electric spark that Anilu exploded was extinguished immediately.

"Then what, Captain, why are you here? Where are the Whitebeard Pirates?"

With a smile, he told Enilo about the solution process of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Taking advantage of this time, Cui Ze opened a [Any Door], connecting the capital of flowers and the underground of the General's Mansion, and welcomed Robin who was still studying the text of ancient history.

Robin was a little surprised at Cui Ze who suddenly appeared in Wano Country, but she smiled and saw Enel, and she quickly cleared her mind.

If nothing else, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates have become history!

'It's so strong! '

Robin silently sighed Cui Ze's toughness in his heart.

Then, she took out the still warm Phantom Beast fruit from her pocket, and handed it to Cui Ze.

"Captain, this is the devil fruit I picked up by accident before, [animal system · snake fruit · phantom beast species · Yamata no Orochi form]!"

[Killer Queen's Requiem] Killed Heitan Orochi.

The fruit of the black charcoal serpent is reborn in situ.

Robin picks up the fruit of rebirth.

To round it up...

This [Baqi Orochi Fruit] was picked up.

"【Baqi Orochi Fruit】..."

Cui Ze was a little speechless.

He was too lazy to inquire about the fate of Heitan Orochi, the original ability user, but he still raised his hand and summoned an [Awakening Card], imprinting this snake-like phantom beast fruit in it.

Compared with Nashi Laozi [Big Mouth True God Fruit].

On the contrary, Cui Ze prefers some [Baqi Orochi Fruit].

Destroy Wano Country or something...

If it wasn't for Cui Ze's rationality and morality, he actually wanted to do this too!

But then again.

Cui Ze looked at the freshly baked ex-level Phantom Beast card in his hand, and was a little confused about how to deal with it.

【Baqi Orochi Fruit】Two strongest characteristics, one is to release poison, and the other is to regenerate.

These two characteristics...

It has no effect on Cui Ze.

Cui Ze doesn't spit venom, but the rebirth effect...

[Dead River] Understand?

There is a high probability that this phantom beast fruit will be thrown by Cui Ze to other members of the Destiny Pirates—

Well, most of the members of the Destiny Pirates have now mastered multiple levels of devil fruit abilities.

Cricket [Yakita no Orochi]...

‘Let’s throw it to the [Hunter Association]! Or save it for later. '

Cui Ze took out the snake fruit-like [Baqi Orochi Fruit] from the card and stored it in the [Treasure Room].

"Captain, in addition to this [Yaki Orochi Fruit], I also found two other key items in the underground ruins just now."

Robin spoke at the right moment.

"The first one is the red history text. We have already collected two red history texts. We have already collected half of the road sign information to the final island of Ralph Drew.

"The second is the ancient weapon, the legendary extremely evil battleship [Pluto]..."

Discussing historical issues, the rest of the crew did not interrupt, just listening quietly.

"About the red history text... I know the location of the third red history text.

"On the back of that giant elephant that has wandered in the waters of the New World for thousands of years, lives a special country called 'Zuowu Kingdom', whose citizens are quite rare fur tribes."

Although Cui Ze personally does not expect to go to the final island of Ralph Drew, he never hinders Robin from exploring history.

"The third red historical text is hidden in the Whale Forest of Zuowu Kingdom! The specific location is inside the Whale Tree at the top of the Whale Forest.

"As for the fourth piece of historical text... I guess it should be in the kingdom of giants, Elbaf."

Robin had never wondered how the captain knew so much accurate information.

She just regrets that the captain's mouth can be so tight...

As long as Robin does not take the initiative, Cui Ze will not speak.



Robin breathed out a long breath, and under the icy and snowy environment created by [Sleeve Baixue], the white mist that he exhaled was particularly conspicuous.

"Captain, can I apply for a trip to Zuowu Kingdom now? If possible, I would also like to go to Elbaf."

"no problem!"

Cui Ze nodded, not surprised by Robin's choice.

"But I still need to deal with the Demon Slaying Order of the Navy Headquarters, so I can't accompany you—"

Robin changed his words immediately, "Then I'll go later!"


Cui Ze nodded again, continuing the topic just now.

"About the issue of the ancient weapon [Pluto], haven't you already discussed it clearly with Yixiao?"

As soon as these words came out, Robin immediately knew the captain's attitude.

"It seems that there is no way to see the elegance of ancient weapons..."

After finishing the finishing work of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Cui Ze and his party returned to Feast Island.

All follow-up tasks, such as the task of dealing with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, were all handed over to Pride.

With the experience of dealing with the remnants of the Big Mom Pirates, Prade is now familiar with this matter.

The members of the two crusade teams tacitly chose to take a rest.

Everyone just heard clearly that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters have decided to execute the Demon Slaying Order on the Destiny Pirates and Feast Island!

Almost all members of the Destiny including Yixiao think that this is a tough battle, and they must keep their spirits up and prepare for it.

As soon as Cui Ze returned to Feast Island, he summoned Luo over and gave him a [Shaking Fruit] card by the way.

"Luo, this is the ability of [Superman Series: Shaking Fruit], you should have heard of its name."

Luo, who has become more and more calm in recent years, nodded his head with breathless concentration, waiting for the captain's next words.

"A devil fruit that can interfere with the [Shaking Fruit]'s ability and even restrain the effect is very rare...but maybe [Silent Fruit] can do this."

Luo's childlike hole shrank slightly.

【Silent Fruit】…

Such a distant yet familiar name...

I don't know how Mr. Corazon is doing...


Cui Ze looked at the young man in front of him and smiled wickedly.

"As far as I know, Don Quixote Rossinanti will follow the Navy's Demon Slaying Order and rush to Feast Island.

"At that time, this Commodore Admiral of the Navy Headquarters—oh, it is the Rear Admiral, I will leave it to you to deal with it!

"You must behave well!"

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