MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 159 157. How about another show? have no idea……(

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  Chapter 159 157. How about another show? I don't know... (please subscribe)

  This week, it seems that the whole southern Guangdong Province has become lively.

  Many celebrity artists, especially traffic star artists, have appeared on the streets of the southern city of Guangdong Province. They were "encountered" by the so-called media, and then they were exposed and made a little hype.

   There are also some big-name celebrities who directly appeared in the program group of Idol of Tomorrow to visit the class, and jointly hyped with the program group.

  However, those who receive this kind of treatment are basically star entertainers under Penguin Entertainment.

  Yu Jinghong brought Li Xingluo to the program group base in person today. After a small interview outside, she came to the door of Wen Yixiao's practice room and looked at Wen Yixiao and others who were practicing hard.

  Li Xingluo looked at Wen Yixiao's well-proportioned, slender, weak and boneless figure, as well as his extraordinary appearance, and said enviously, "I really envy them!"

  Li Xingluo also made his debut on the Tomorrow Idol stage back then, and was among the first batch of traffic stars that Penguin Entertainment tried to succeed. He can be regarded as a veteran of Penguin Entertainment.

However, the ratings and attention of Tomorrow’s Idol back then were far lower than they are now, not even the happy girls of Shonan Satellite TV. The highest ratings in the first season were less than 1.7, only around 1.6. If it weren’t for online videos With continuous drainage, the first batch of trainees that Penguin Entertainment promoted at the beginning would not be too successful.

  Li Xingluo relied on Penguin Entertainment's continuous support, and invested a lot of resources to gradually become a super-first-line celebrity, which is extremely rare among traffic stars.

   Now she is extremely envious of Wen Yixiao and the others who can seize this year's opportunity and directly become superstars on the idol stage of tomorrow, surpassing her years of hard work, and fulfilling her lifelong pursuit in one step.

  Of course, what she admires the most is Wen Yixiao's talent and strength, and appearance and temperament are also a kind of talent. If she had Wen Yixiao's good looks and temperament, she felt that she might have achieved greatness long ago.

  Yu Jinghong nodded: "Youth is capital! If you want to cooperate with Wen Yixiao, it is up to you to convince her. Now the whole company will follow her as much as possible and meet her requirements."

  Hearing this, a trace of envy and jealousy flashed in Li Xingluo's eyes, and he felt a little sad.

   This is the treatment she wants...

  Resources from all over the company, she gives priority to random selection, and the rest belong to others.

   It's a pity that she hasn't succeeded until now, but Wen Yixiao has received such treatment since she debuted.

  However, Li Xingluo is not a bitter woman, she will only strive for it as much as possible.

   Moreover, she knows that compared with Wen Yixiao, she is really behind in all aspects. Whether it is dancing, singing, or appearance, she is a bit behind, so she is convinced that she lost.

  Wait for Wen Yixiao and others to rest after their practice, Yu Jinghong knocked lightly on the door.

When Wen Yixiao saw Yu Jinghong and Li Xingluo, she roughly knew the purpose of each other's visit. She didn't go out to meet them, but shook her head slightly at them, then put on her headphones and listened carefully to the music inside. That was her choice. A guzheng piece, used to perform on the stage this afternoon.

  Yu Jinghong and Li Xingluo at the door didn't look very good-looking!

  Li Xingluo knew that it was unlikely that she and Wen Yixiao would cooperate, but she still had an option in her mind, and that was Du Wei.

  Du Wei's background is relatively ordinary compared to Wen Yixiao's, and he just joined Penguin Entertainment, so it's easier to get along with. As long as the company's arrangements are not messy, Du Wei will obey.

  However, Li Xingluo knew that Du Wei was more than one grade lower than Wen Yixiao in terms of attention alone!

  Of course, she knew that the best choice must be Wang Cheng, and Wen Yixiao's attention was several grades lower than Wang Cheng's.

   If she can cooperate with Wang Cheng in the final farewell performance, it will definitely reach the sky in one step, and her attention will skyrocket. Even if she has more than 30 million fans, she may increase her fans to millions overnight. This is the power of Wang Cheng.

  It's a pity that she knows that it only exists in a dream.

  Li Xingluo looked at Yu Jinghong.

  Yu Jinghong looked calm, but there was a glimmer of haze in her eyes.

  Because, what she saw was that Wen Yixiao became more and more disobedient.

  Compared to the well-behaved and obedient Wen Yixiao a few months ago, Wen Yixiao now seems to be in a rebellious period. She doesn’t care about her and the company’s arrangements, does things in her own way, and doesn’t care about other people’s feelings...


  It is a weakened copy of Wang Cheng.

  Yu Jinghong knew that because Wen Yixiao liked Wang Cheng so much, she was changing towards Wang Cheng and became another Wang Cheng...

   Such celebrity artists are definitely not liked by brokerage companies.

   Just look at the potential conflict between Wang Cheng and Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

  Yu Jinghong has already received the news, knowing that Rubik's Cube Entertainment will definitely take some measures against Wang Cheng in the future, and the conflict with Wang Cheng will break out sooner or later.

  However, she hasn't seen the excitement between Rubik's Cube Entertainment and Wang Cheng, and her biggest newcomer Chaoju is about to become another Wang Cheng...

   This made Yu Jinghong inexplicably dumbfounded and worried about the future.

  Mofang Entertainment dared to take some measures against Wang Cheng, but Yu Jinghong would not dare to take any measures against Wen Yixiao in the future.


Yu Jinghong looked at Wen Yixiao, and said to Li Xingluo: "Forget it, how about I take you to meet Du Wei. Du Wei probably won't refuse. In the company, there are not many better choices than you. Or, you can wait? Wen Yixiao may want to concentrate on preparing for today's final and doesn't want to be disturbed, so I don't want to talk about it. If you want to wait, you can wait until today's performance is over, and I will take you to meet her tonight, Talk alone."

Li Xingluo's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he said: "Well... yes, then wait. It's impossible for Wen Yixiao to perform with Wang Cheng, so she can't choose other male guests, but only female guests , I think she will choose me!"

  Li Xingluo thought about it and felt that he was also the best choice for Wen Yixiao.

  Wen Yixiao has a bit of a cleanliness obsession with the opposite sex, so she doesn't like to contact the opposite sex. In addition, she has already confessed her love to Wang Cheng, so it is even more impossible to cooperate with other opposite **** on stage, so she can only choose female artists!

  If you choose a female artist, Li Xingluo feels that she is also one of Wen Yixiao's best choices!

Yu Jinghong nodded: "Okay, it's good if you can figure it out. However, you should be mentally prepared. Someone from Du Wei is already in contact. If you don't go, he may agree to someone else. If Wen Yixiao I also rejected you, and there is no chance for Du Wei, so you can only think about Wu Han!"

   "This is my care for you. Wu Han is also stared at by many people. Everyone dare not expect to cooperate with Wen Yixiao and Du Wei, so there are actually more people staring at Wu Han."

   This is the strength of Penguin Entertainment. Three of the four teams in the semifinals are owned by one of their companies.

  Li Xingluo nodded to express his understanding, feeling a little stressed, knowing that Yu Jinghong had always taken good care of her.

  When Li Xingluo first debuted, Yu Jinghong served as her manager. Later, Yu Jinghong was promoted to the artist director, and last year she became the vice president. She has always taken care of Li Xingluo.

  Wu Han now has more than 20 million fans, and will definitely be a super-first-line cafe in the future, with greater potential than her.

  However, she is now cooperating with Wu Han, which can only be regarded as an equal and strong alliance. She doesn't get much popularity, and she is more than one level behind Du Wei and Wen Yixiao.

   The two left Wen Yixiao's practice room, walked a certain distance, and met two acquaintances walking over!

   It is Shen Shenghui, the artist director of Rubik's Cube Entertainment, and Yu Huaying, the new top-line celebrity!

  The two had just stepped out of the elevator and were about to go to Wang Cheng's practice room when they happened to run into Yu Jinghong and Li Xingluo.

  The two sides faced each other, they were both stunned for a moment, and then they met and exchanged a few words in a friendly manner.

   "Hello Director Shen, Hello Huaying!"

   "Hello, Mr. Yu... Hello, Xingluo..."



   Exchange a few false pleasantries with each other, and then say goodbye.

  Yu Jinghong and Li Xingluo looked at Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying as they walked towards Wang Cheng's practice room on the other side, with expressions of watching the show.

  Li Xingluo said softly: "Yu Huaying wants to cooperate with Wang Cheng, it's really a beautiful idea!"

  If she can cooperate with Wang Cheng, she is willing to pay any price, but she knows that is the most impossible thing.

Knowing more information, Yu Jinghong said lightly: "A few days ago, Yu Huaying went to find Wang Cheng alone, but Wang Cheng refused to drive him away without even entering the door of Wang Cheng's dormitory. Everyone has seen it. This time, Yu Huaying asked Shen Shenghui to come and look for Wang Cheng together, I guess it's still useless."

   "Since Wang Cheng refused, he will not agree again. Moreover, there are many conflicts between Wang Cheng and Shen Shenghui..."

  Li Xingluo asked curiously: "Then who will Wang Cheng choose to cooperate with?"

  Yu Jinghong froze for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't know... Anyway, everyone in the circle wants to cooperate with him, but no one can influence his thoughts!"

  In terms of firm thinking and strong concentration, Yu Jinghong would like to call Wang Cheng the strongest among all the people she has ever met, none of them.

  Li Xingluo also knew almost all the information and deeds of Wang Cheng, so he knew that what Yu Jinghong said was true.

The two didn't take the elevator to leave immediately. They stood in the corridor and watched Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying not far away. They arrived at the door of Wang Cheng's practice room. Shen Shenghui knocked on the door, but they didn't go in. They went in, and then the two of them came back with very ugly expressions, obviously they were turned away, and they didn't even have to talk.

  Seeing that Yu Jinghong and Li Xingluo did not leave, but looked at them here...

  Both Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying smiled awkwardly, and then they didn't talk to Yu Jinghong, they got into the elevator first and left. Anyway, the relationship between the two sides was not very good.

  Watching the two leave, Yu Jinghong smiled slightly and said softly: "It seems that there will be a good show in the future!"

  However, Li Xingluo looked at what happened to Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying, and it was exactly the same as his own, but he didn't feel much gloating...

   After Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying left the program group base, they got into a nanny car, and their expressions were not very good-looking.

  Yu Huaying looked at Shen Shenghui and said, "Director Shen, Wang Cheng obviously doesn't pay attention to you and the company at all! He thought that he has more than 70 million fans, and no one in the whole company can do anything about him."

  Shen Shenghui said lightly: "You don't need to say these things. Don't worry, Wang Cheng doesn't accept to cooperate with you. I will find a way to arrange other people for you, as well as Ma Yunfei!"

  Yu Huaying didn't say anything more, she was already satisfied to be able to cooperate with Ma Yunfei and appear on the stage of Tomorrow Idol's final performance, and said with a smile: "Then thank you Director Shen."

  Although he is far worse than Wang Cheng, he is also much better than those who have no chance...

  Shen Shenghui closed his eyes slightly, and the picture of Wang Cheng completely ignoring him just now flashed in his mind, which made him more and more unhappy.

  However, he really has nothing to do with Wang Cheng for the time being.

  I can only wait a little longer...


  Wang Cheng didn't take the matter of Shen Shenghui and Yu Huaying to heart, ignored them, and still focused on his work, teaching Huang Bin and Mo Bailin their performance moves...

  Huang Bin and Mo Bailin each had a firm face, and a trace of pain flashed in their eyes.

  Because it is a performance topic of martial arts, they will learn martial arts moves from Wang Cheng again.


   Their foundation is like that.

  Even if he worked hard recently, he couldn't suddenly become a genius with a solid foundation. He could only learn martial arts moves from Wang Cheng again with difficulty.

  Of course, mainly this time, the movements Wang Cheng taught them are getting more and more difficult. They are all relatively difficult movements and will be more enjoyable to watch.

  For the sake of performance and self-improvement, Huang Bin and Mo Bailin tried their best to follow Wang Cheng to learn every movement, and their whole body felt a little sore, which was almost the same as when they practiced Chinese Kung Fu with Wang Cheng for the first time...

  Sun Gang once again acted as a student throughout the whole process, saying that he could not learn or teach such a dance...

   While practice is over.

  Huang Bin and the others quickly collapsed on the ground to rest.

  Chen Xiaoyong came up and handed the thermos cup to Wang Cheng, and said in a low voice: "Wang Cheng, Director Shen came just now, and Yu Huaying..."

  Wang Cheng took a sip of water, hummed lightly, and did not speak.

Chen Xiaoyong tentatively asked: "Wang Cheng, do you have anyone to choose for the last guest performer? Whether it is inside the company or outside the company, you can ask the company, and the company will help you to ask. I think , no one will reject you..."

  Wang Cheng still said calmly: "I see!"

  He knew that Rubik's Cube Entertainment just wanted to control him...

  If the person sent by Rubik's Cube Entertainment is more pleasing to the eye, he doesn't mind cooperating with the other party, it's just work anyway.


The aura that Yu Huaying exudes is the kind he is very familiar with, the kind of aura that is unscrupulous for the superior, he has seen too many in the entertainment circle in his previous life, and he suffered a loss for it when he was young, and paid the price , so I have never had a good impression of this kind of person.

  Chen Xiaoyong didn’t say any more, knowing that it’s useless to say more, as long as he does his own job well, he doesn’t dare to intervene too much in the conflict between Wang Cheng and the company!

  After resting for a while, Wang Cheng took Huang Bin and Mo Bailin to practice again, and then the phone vibrated, reminding him that it was time to get off work.

Wang Cheng said to Huang Bin and the others: "You guys are in pretty good shape this morning, keep it up. Don't practice too much at noon, go to eat and rest after a short break, and when the performance is about to come, just come over and practice twice. "

   After finishing speaking, Wang Cheng took his things and left the practice room.

  Huang Bin and the others agreed one after another: "Okay, Brother Cheng..."

  Watching Wang Cheng off...

  Huang Bin and the others were greatly relieved, and they all lay down on the ground and began to rest.

  However, Mo Bailin said worriedly: "Except for the recording of the song on the first day, Brother Cheng has been practicing with us afterwards. He has never studied instrument solo at all. Will he forget that there is also instrument solo?"

  After hearing this, several people began to worry and discuss.

   "That's right, Brother Cheng didn't study musical instruments at all. He wanted to win Wen Yixiao in two competitions, and gave up on the solo instrument?"

   "Impossible, it is impossible for Brother Cheng to give up the show."

   "Then what did he think? Will he play casually when the time comes?"

   "Can't figure it out..."

  Huang Bin thought for a while and said, "I asked Brother Cheng the day before yesterday!"

  When several people heard this, they all looked at Huang Bin.

  Mo Bailin quickly asked, "What did Brother Cheng say?"

  Huang Bin smiled bitterly: "He said, he knew..."

   Several people were taken aback for a moment, and then they all smiled wryly.

  The style of this answer is very Wang Cheng...

  These people could only bury their worries in their hearts immediately. The most important thing is to prepare for their performance first, and let Wang Cheng worry about the rest.

  Anyway, they were already very satisfied with reaching the final finals. Even if they couldn't win the championship, they still got enough exposure and more fans than they had imagined before.

The number of Huang Bin's fans has accumulated to more than 32 million. Although the speed of fan growth has become slow, such a high exposure will add more than one million fans a week, but for him, now He is already very satisfied with his results, even if he can no longer gain fans in the future, he can accept it.

  He never dreamed before that he could become a super first-line cafe!

  Mo Bailin's fans also exceeded 20 million, which is about the same as Wu Han's. The other team members all have around 15 million fans.

  If they develop well in the future and their resources keep up, they may even reach the achievement of super-first-line cafes, and then they will really become legends.

  Managers Chen Xiaoyong and Wu Zhi Sun Gang have not dared to have a bad attitude towards any of the team members recently. They are a little cautious towards everyone, for fear of offending them.

Let go of your mind, Mo Bailin and the others are full of energy when they think about the future, so this week learning the basics of martial arts with Wang Cheng is a hard work, knowing that such an opportunity is extremely rare, and there may be no time or opportunity to learn in the future. Now this state and momentum!

After a short rest, Huang Bin got up, clapped his hands and shouted: "Okay, brothers, get up, let's continue to work hard. Brother Cheng doesn't have high requirements for us, as long as we can perform smoothly. But, we We have to improve our own requirements. After we leave Brother Cheng, we will develop ourselves. We must seize the opportunity to improve ourselves..."

  After hearing this, several people stood up one after another, forgetting their soreness and exhaustion, and continued to practice.

  Chen Xiaoyong and Sun Gang were shocked and admired slightly.

  They are all old people who have been in the industry for several years, but among the younger generation of traffic stars, this is the first time they have seen such a hardworking newcomer.

  Of course, they know that Wen Yixiao's efforts are not weak at all...

   "This year's showbiz, roll up!"

  Chen Xiaoyong sighed in his heart.

   And he knew that the instigator of all this was going to eat after get off work first.

  Wang Cheng went back to the dormitory to put down his things, and went to the cafeteria to eat.

  As soon as they sat down, Wen Yixiao and the others also came over, and sat at the table opposite Wang Cheng to eat generously. The mentality has obviously changed in the past few days, and they are more calm and calm when facing Wang Cheng.

   Moreover, Wen Yixiao put a book in front of Wang Cheng, which was a historical document.

  After observing the books Wang Cheng read, she knew that Wang Cheng liked to read books on history, so she would put this book sent by her home in front of Wang Cheng in the past two days, hoping that Wang Cheng would like it.

  However, Wang Cheng didn't even glance at it.


  This relatively old book, Wang Cheng knew at the corners and corners that it might be a relatively rare out-of-print book, which would allow him to learn more about historical information.


  He knew that once he took it, he might offend that little fairy.

   So, he won't take it.

  Han Xiao often twittered in his ear, which made him feel that enough was enough. He often regretted that he shouldn't have written those two words to Han Xiao at the beginning, and now he couldn't drive him away even if he wanted to.

   If there is another little girl, he may not be able to bear it.

  Many experiences he had personally experienced in his previous life told him that once such an innocent little girl who has never been in love has been provoked, it will be very difficult to get rid of.

Wen Yixiao didn't say a word, just put the book in front of Wang Cheng, and went back to her seat to eat quietly, but glanced at Wang Cheng from time to time, hoping that Wang Cheng could take a look at the place where she was choosing. I hope Wang Cheng will like this book even more.

  Unfortunately, Wang Cheng ate quietly and slowly without looking at him.

  Wen Yixiao's gossip teammates couldn't help muttering: "It feels like Wang Cheng is guarding against you, little fairy, are you so scary?"

  Wen Yixiao listened, a faint smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he ate happily.

  Based on what she knew about love, she knew that Wang Cheng was on guard against her, maybe because he was afraid of falling in love with her!

   This made her very happy, which showed that she also had a lot of attraction to Wang Cheng, but she didn't know why Wang Cheng insisted on resisting her, or it wasn't resisting herself, but resisting the matter of falling in love...

  However, she is neither afraid nor anxious. She has a lifetime to slowly eliminate Wang Cheng's resistance.

  A figure sat in front of Wang Cheng with a meal. Wang Cheng knew who it was when he smelled the strong and familiar smell of smoke.

Guo Shouxin sat down, looked at the book in front of Wang Cheng, and said with a smile, "Detailed Explanation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms! It was written and published by Huang Zhizhong, a famous professor at Beijing University, twenty years ago. This book was out of print more than ten years ago. No, it is one of the authoritative books in the field of the history of the Three Kingdoms. This is also an autographed edition of Professor Huang, if you sell it, if you meet a collector you like, it will not be a problem to sell it for one hundred and eighty thousand!"

  Obviously, Guo Shouxin is not an idiot, and he has a lot of knowledge. He can see the origin and value of the book in front of Wang Cheng at a glance.

  Wang Cheng paused while eating, and curiously looked at this well-preserved book on the history of the Three Kingdoms twenty years ago, but did not look through it.

He is not very interested in the history of the Three Kingdoms of China in this world. The history books he reads are Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing and modern history, to understand the historical information that is different from the history of another world. The history before the Tang Dynasty is exactly the same. He There is no need to read too much into research.

   Moreover, because there is no novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, ordinary Chinese people in this world don't know much about the Three Kingdoms.

  With Wang Cheng's current knowledge of the history of the Three Kingdoms, it may be enough to become a university professor and talk about the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Seeing that Wang Cheng didn't seem interested in this book, Guo Shouxin knew that this book might not have been brought by Wang Cheng. He was curious to ask, but when he thought of Wen Yixiao who was sitting behind him, he decided not to ask too much. Immediately, I still asked about the performance: "Wang Cheng, we don't have a rehearsal for this finals, and we will give you all the time to rehearse! We believe in the performance of you and Wen Yixiao."

   "However, you also have to submit the program list to us!"

  Guo Shouxin's tone was also somewhat helpless.

  Because of the trust in Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, I also know that they have to write two new songs and practice dance, etc. Time is very tight, so I give them more time, so there is no rehearsal before the performance.


   These two people really completely ignored the existence of the program group.

  The afternoon performance is coming soon.

  Their program group didn't even know the program list they were going to perform, and they didn't know anything about what they were going to perform.

   If such an outrageous thing is said, no one will believe it. People in the industry may laugh at Guo Shouxin's program group for being so out of control.

  However, this is Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui's trust in the strength and popularity of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao.

  Last week, Wang Cheng prepared for half an hour to perform, and he could have that effect, and the ratings could break 4!

  Wang Cheng has been preparing for a week this time, what are they afraid of?

  Wen Yixiao, who was eating in the back, also pricked up his ears when he heard what Guo Shouxin said, wondering what program Wang Cheng would perform in the afternoon.

  However, Wang Cheng said lightly while eating: "Well, I see."


   Got it, what does it mean?

  Did you say...

  Guo Shouxin stopped eating for a moment, and then asked, "So, what's the name of the show you're performing?"

  Wang Cheng didn't have the habit of showing off, so he replied directly: "You used to be, Dragon Fist!"

When Guo Shouxin and Wen Yixiao heard these two names, they were stunned again. After thinking about it carefully, they knew that you used to be Wang Cheng's solo repertoire. It must have the taste of folk songs at first glance. Yes; Longquan looks like boxing, it must be Wang Cheng's team performance!

   Can't help but look forward to it.

  Especially Wang Cheng's martial arts performance, everyone is looking forward to it.

  The gossip teammate said in Wen Yixiao's ear: "It seems to be watching the performance of the veteran cadres now."

  Guo Shouxin also had a kind of eagerness to see Wang Cheng's performance, and then asked suspiciously: "Where are the musical instruments playing? I heard from the staff that you didn't even ask for the musical instrument!"

  He heard that Wang Cheng did not prepare musical instruments for performance at all...

  Wang Cheng replied softly: "I don't know yet!"

  Guo Shouxin's eating movements froze for a moment, the chopsticks stopped by his mouth, and he asked in surprise, "What do you mean? Don't know yet? You are not prepared at all?"

  Wang Cheng nodded: "Yes!"


  Back, Song Xue couldn't help but drop the chopsticks on the table. She was obviously shocked, so she hurriedly picked them up.

  Wen Yixiao frowned slightly, her eyes were full of worry, but also touched and happy.

  She thought that Wang Cheng might have deliberately given up the musical instrument competition...

  So, is Wang Cheng trying to deliberately throw water on her?

  Wen Yixiao smiled.

Guo Shouxin was a little messy, and hurriedly said: "Wang Cheng, the performance will start in a few hours! You didn't prepare for the instrument performance at all? As far as I know, Wen Yixiao spends two hours practicing every night Musical instruments. What if you lose at that time?"

  Wang Cheng still said relaxedly: "If you lose, you are inferior to others. There is nothing to say!"

   Whether he wins or loses, Wang Cheng really doesn't care, as long as he tries his best, that's enough.

  If he does his best and loses to the opponent, then Wang Cheng will only be happy because he has seen such an amazing genius.

   After finishing speaking, Wang Cheng had finished his meal, put down his chopsticks, got up and left.

Guo Shouxin watched Wang Cheng leave, his face was speechless, he stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say and what to do, after a few seconds, he continued to eat, and then Wen Yixiao came over to pick up the book after eating At that time, Guo Shouxin suddenly remembered: "By the way, Wen Yixiao, report your performance list to me quickly..."

  Wen Yixiao smiled, reported her program list for the three performances to Guo Shouxin, and then left, planning to go back to the dormitory for a short rest before going to the practice room for additional practice.

  She also likes it recently. It feels like taking a break at noon, and she will be in a better state in the afternoon.

  However, she doesn't have the luxury of resting for two or three hours like Wang Cheng, she only needs to rest for one hour. The extra training time at night has also been shortened a lot, and she has also started to pay attention to the rest time. She will never practice until one or two o'clock at night. She must go to bed before twelve o'clock, and get up at seven o'clock to practice with her teammates...

  Wen Yixiao's schedule is becoming more and more like Wang Cheng's.

  Guo Shouxin rubbed his temples to let himself relax, and immediately returned to the program group after eating in a hurry, and reported the program list of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao to the program group...

   After listening, Liu Jiahui frowned and asked, "Is there another performance by Wang Cheng?"

  Guo Shouxin smiled wryly: "He said that the performance of the instrument has not been determined yet!"

  Liu Jiahui and several other persons in charge all stared wide-eyed: "The repertoire of the performance has not been determined yet? Then how will the performance be performed? He is not prepared at all?"

  Guo Shouxin shook his head: "I don't know, he said that if he loses, his skills are not as good as others..."

  Liu Jiahui and the others were full of helplessness and admiration...

   This mentality is too awesome.

The person in charge of publicity immediately began to report the situation: "Now we are still the core of the most popular topics on the entire network. Wang Cheng alone accounts for 85% of the traffic and topic points, Wen Yixiao 13%, and others occupy 13%. Two percent!"

   "This has something to do with Wen Yixiao enjoying more resources. The group and we have invested more resources in Wen Yixiao than Wang Cheng..."

"However, among the topics everyone is discussing, the most anticipated performance is Wang Cheng's martial arts performance. With the name of Dragon Fist that Wang Cheng said, I think it should be able to meet everyone's expectations. It is also boxing and dragon. Our Huaxia , I naturally have a kind of recognition and liking for dragons."

  Both Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui nodded in agreement.

  When they heard the name Longquan, they really couldn't wait to see Wang Cheng's performance.

The person in charge of the data personally reported the summary of various data this time: "Our program has been online for a week, and the broadcast volume has exceeded 3.1 billion, exceeding the previous expectation of 3 billion. The broadcast volume in Southeast Asia has reached more than 900 million. There will be a chance next week. Break through one billion!"

   "Also, according to the data provided by Penguin Music, the weekly sales volume of Wang Cheng's new song Chengdu has exceeded 61 million. It should not break the record of the nunchaku."

   Neither Guo Shouxin nor Liu Jiahui was surprised by this.

  Chengdu’s sales on the first day were more than 50 million, and it failed to break the record of the first-day sales of nunchakus...

  This song is definitely not as attractive to young people as nunchucks, so it will lose some young user groups.

  However, it is more attractive to older audiences, so some older audiences have also been added.

   Therefore, the overall sales volume is only a little less than that of the nunchaku.

  The person in charge of data continued to report: "The weekly sales of Wen Yixiao's new song has steadily exceeded 40 million, and it is possible to catch up with Wang Cheng in the future."

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui shook their heads slightly at the same time, not optimistic that Wen Yixiao would catch up with Wang Cheng in terms of sales in the future.

It seems that Wen Yixiao's progress has been relatively large. The sales volume on the first day was more than 20 million, and the sales volume in the first week was more than 40 million. It seems that they are not much worse than Wang Cheng. There is only a gap of 10 to 20 million. According to Wen Yixiao's progress The magnitude may be able to catch up in the near future.

  However, they know that such a gap is almost a natural barrier.

  Now the national online music pool is so big, plus the super ratings and popularity of Tomorrow Idol.

  Whether it is Wang Cheng or Wen Yixiao, they have almost spread their works to everyone's ears, so they have almost exhausted their potential.

In the future, if the two of them still want to significantly increase the sales of new songs, they will not be able to do it through their own efforts, but the entire pool of Chinese online music needs to become larger, with a larger user base and more people who are willing to pay. It takes more to do it.

   Just look at the follow-up sales of Wang Cheng's works.

  The nunchuck sold nearly 70 million in the first week, but now it has been three weeks, and the sales have not exceeded 100 million...

  Chinese Kung Fu, Fist of Fury, Ninja, Jiucao Gangmu and other works have just surpassed 100 million sales, and the sales increase after 100 million is slower than that of a turtle.

  Wen Yixiao's highest-selling work was released at the same time as Ninja, and now the total sales are only over 70 million...

  The pool is so big, Penguin Music now has a total of more than 300 million users.

  Selling over 100 million in a short period of time is the limit of what Wang Cheng can do now, and the subsequent sales will take a long time to accumulate...

   Listening to them report some traffic and public opinion data.

  Guo Shouxin ended the meeting before the live show, and asked the heads of various departments to go back and continue to be busy, making final preparations for the upcoming finals show!

  The live broadcast time is coming soon.

The stars and entertainers who got the location of the scene came to the program team base early, accepted interviews and hype from various media outside, and then entered the program site to communicate and interact with each other, and then tried to find a way to go to the program group to get acquainted with each other. …

  So, the five o'clock live broadcast, after three o'clock, the venue is almost full.

  Many big-name celebrities and entertainers ran around in the background, interacting with Guo Shouxin, Liu Jiahui and others in front of the camera, which can be broadcast as sideshows later, adding hot spots to the show.

  However, Zhang Huizhong, Li Guang, and Wu Tong sat together quietly in a remote corner, and did not go backstage to chat with Guo Shouxin.

  Because, as experts, they know that Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui may be busy flying at this time, and have no time to pay attention to them.

  Looking at the lively scene, celebrities and entertainers from all walks of life tried their best to rub the camera...

  Zhang Huizhong praised in a low voice: "This is the first time that such a program has appeared in China. It is very popular and has a high degree of freedom. The program team is also very cooperative, and the audience should also like it."

  Li Guang and Wu Tong both nodded in agreement, envy flashed in their eyes.

   Variety shows like this usually only appear in foreign countries, and have never appeared in China.

   It’s not that everyone doesn’t know that the audience likes to watch this, and it’s not that everyone can’t do it. It's that when each TV station produces programs, in order to ensure that there will be no accidents that end badly, so the scene will not be so chaotic and free.

   Now Tomorrow Idol has done it for the first time.

Wu Tong nodded and said: "Even if Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao's performances are relatively average, the lineup and atmosphere alone are enough to attract many viewers. I think the live broadcast has already started, and the ratings may not be low now... "

Li Guang: "Well, today's ratings must not be low. No one wants to miss Wang Cheng's fourth martial arts performance. Lao Guo and the others may break the highest ratings of 4.3 again. It is today's stage performance, only Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, will the audience feel monotonous..."

  The two directors Wu Tong and Zhang Huizhong shook their heads at the same time.

  Wu Tong didn't speak, and gave the opportunity to speak to his senior Zhang Huizhong.

Therefore, Zhang Huizhong said affirmatively: "The audience will definitely not feel monotonous. Both Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao are talented super rookies who have risen this year. The audience will only feel that their performances are not enough and they will not get tired of watching them. Let the audience It will be at least a few years later. Especially for Wang Cheng's performance, even if Wang Cheng performed the whole show by himself and turned today's live broadcast into his personal concert, the audience will only be happier and the ratings will be very high high."

"Although Wen Yixiao's appeal to the audience is weaker than Wang Cheng's. However, she is also a super rookie who is super giant when she debuts. Coupled with her unique appearance and strong strength, even if the audience watches If she performs all afternoon, the ratings won't be bad."

Wu Tong nodded: "Yes, plus the gimmick of the two of them fighting alone, it adds more interest. Before, there was no show that could put two super giants together! Even I forced Can't wait to see their final showdown..."

   "Although the result is already doomed, Wang Cheng is almost certain to win the championship!"

   "However, each of their performances is still worth looking forward to!"

  What Zhang Huizhong and Wu Tong said made Li Guang nod in agreement, knowing that his understanding of variety shows is not as good as these two great directors.

  The venue is already full, and the special live broadcast has been going on for a while.

   There are only about ten minutes left until the official performance begins.


  Everyone looked curiously at the players' seats.

  Today, neither Wang Cheng nor Wen Yixiao showed up.

  Everyone was very curious, wondering why Wen Yixiao hadn't come yet.

   After all, Wang Cheng only arrives a few minutes before the performance starts every time, and everyone is used to it.

  However, Wen Yixiao arrives very early every time...

  Why haven’t you arrived today?

  Yu Jinghong whispered to Mo Jinhua beside her: "Wen Yixiao looks more and more like Wang Cheng..."

  Mo Jinhua knew more details, so she didn't refute this, but nodded and said: "Yes, there is no way! She has already fallen in love with Wang Cheng."

  Both of them were very helpless about this, but they had no choice but to wait for some time later to have a good chat with Wen Yixiao.

   Another two minutes passed.

  Wen Yixiao walked in with Song Xue and the others, looking at the still empty contestants' seats, they were all surprised.

  Wang Cheng didn't show up, so they understood.


  Huang Bin and Mo Bailin didn't arrive...?

  In the past, Huang Bin and the others would arrive early and dare not arrive so late for fear of offending the program crew.

Wen Yixiao also sat down calmly to meet everyone's gazes. She didn't have much expression on her face, and her temperament was dusty. In addition, she was more indifferent and calm now, more like a little fairy who fell from the sky, which made many The celebrities and entertainers were even more envious after seeing it.

   Then, Wang Cheng brought Huang Bin and others to the scene.

   It wasn't Wang Cheng who went to the practice room to call Huang Bin and the others over, but just met him at the door.

  Huang Bin and the others ended another practice in the practice room just now, so they came over to meet Wang Cheng in time. Sure enough, they met at the door and walked in together!

   "It's amazing to be here at the end!"

  Mo Bailin met everyone's gaze. Although he was a little stressed, he was more excited, as if he had become a big shot.

  Huang Bin said lightly: "You think too much, no one is looking at us!"

   Several people were silent, their excitement was much less, and they all knew that what Huang Bin said was true.

Although, Huang Bin is a top-tier fan with more than 30 million fans, Mo Bailin is a top-tier fan with 20 million fans, and everyone else has more than 15 million fans. Big shot.


  In the eyes of everyone at the scene, they couldn't see them at all, only the masked figure in front of them.

  However, Wang Cheng, who was wearing a mask, saw no one in his eyes. He ignored everyone's gaze and some people's waving, and just calmly walked to his seat and sat down.

   Huang Bin and the others sat down together, their expressions becoming serious.

  The live performance has also officially started.

  Wen Yixiao is still the first to appear.

  Wen Yixiao, who just sat down, immediately got up and went backstage to prepare for the first solo performance.

  (end of this chapter)

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy