MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 162 160. A general order is enough to pass down through the ages! (

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  Chapter 162 160. A general order is enough to pass down through the ages! (seeking subscription)

  The excited reaction of Liu Shengjie and Kong Changxing surprised Liang Xi beside him.

  Liang Xi touched Liu Shengjie's hand, and said in a low voice, "Old Liu, what's wrong?"

  Liu Shengjie ignored Liang Xi and didn't speak. He just looked excitedly at Wang Cheng on the stage, stared at every movement of Wang Cheng, and listened to every note flowing from Wang Cheng's guzheng.

Liang Xi frowned slightly, and wanted to ask Kong Changxing, but seeing that Kong Changxing looked the same, he immediately shut up and didn't ask, knowing that it would be useless to ask, so he could only listen to Wang Cheng's music carefully, thinking, and said in a low voice : "This piece is a little strange, I don't remember it at all, but it sounds good... The rhythm is tense and lively, and Wang Cheng's playing skills are not difficult, but it is very smooth and natural. It stands to reason..."

  Liang Xi's eyes lit up in an instant, and he seemed to think of something in an instant, and he stood up directly, standing side by side with Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi, staring at Wang Cheng on the stage with the same incredulous eyes!

However, the music played by Wang Cheng has changed again. His right hand no longer just shakes, but starts to play. With exaggerated chanting and sliding techniques, his left hand plays a piece of gentle and mysterious music, which is full of thinking. The image of a wise general thinking about countermeasures can't help but gradually emerge in everyone's mind...

  It seems to overlap with Wang Cheng's temperament and image on the stage.

  More and more musicians at the scene stood up in shock, all of them were full of disbelief and a trace of horror, as if something earth-shattering had happened.

Among the many celebrities and entertainers, they just think that Wang Cheng's performance is very pleasant, and there is a sense of pleasing to the eye. Although the clothes are not as fairy-like as Wen Yixiao just now, every movement of Wang Cheng is better than that of Wen Yixiao. Xiao's playing technique is more fluent, natural and harmonious. Every move is filled with the music, as if it has been integrated with the piece itself, and the temperament of her body changes with the style of the piece at any time.

  Sometimes he is decisive, sometimes heroic and wise, sometimes contemptuous...

However, many celebrities and artists saw a dozen or so big names in the music industry they knew standing up and staring at Wang Cheng with shocked expressions. Everyone knows that Wang Cheng's performance may be far beyond their cognition .

Therefore, many celebrities and artists did not dare to act rashly. They all looked at Wang Cheng very quietly, listened to the music carefully, and wanted to hear something different from it, and wanted to see Wang Cheng like the music masters around him. Cheng Cheng's piece is extraordinary, so it can be seen that they also have good musical literacy.


Most of the celebrity entertainers can play a piece of guzheng. Their understanding of guzheng and classical music is very limited. They may not even be able to recognize a few famous guzheng songs that are familiar to them, let alone the pieces that Wang Cheng is playing at this time. .

Except for those professional and experienced musicians, other celebrity artists can't hear the extraordinaryness of this song at all. Even many powerful singers listen to it with serious expressions, but they still frown, because They really don't know...

  Du Wei frowned tightly, looked at Wang Cheng, and pricked up his ears, listening to every note Wang Cheng played, thinking about what was extraordinary about it.

The teammate next to him looked at Kong Changxing, Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi who stood up not far away with excited faces, and said in a low voice: "Old Du, Mr. Liu and the others are so excited, why are they so excited? And Professor Xu is also very excited It seems that Wang Cheng's performance is a little better than Wen Yixiao's, but it's not like this, is it?"

Du Wei still stared at Wang Cheng, shook his head slightly, and replied in a low voice: "I don't know! But in terms of technique, Wang Cheng's performance is not only slightly better than Wen Yixiao's, but at least a level higher. Yes, I can hear this. It is amazing to be able to play this piece of music that we are not familiar with so vividly, and every movement is so smooth and natural. However, it should not be so difficult for several teachers to Excited, there should be other reasons..."

A teammate said in a low voice: "That's right, it's amazing that Wang Cheng can play such an unfamiliar piece of music so beautifully and vividly. I still have a little impression of Wen Yixiao's "Xiyuanji". I have no impression at all. I have studied Guzheng for a while, and I can hear the top ten famous Guzheng songs."

   "It is reasonable to say that the music is so good, it is not difficult to see Wang Cheng's playing skills, he should be more famous..."


The words of his teammates made Du Wei's body tremble in an instant, his eyes shone with shock, and he said excitedly: "Yes, the performance skills of this piece are not difficult, and it sounds so good, with a bright rhythm and clear layers... Logically speaking, it should be It will be very famous, everyone is familiar with it! Why haven't we heard of it? Unless..."


Thinking of this possibility and answer, Du Wei also stood up from the auditorium in an instant. He was also the only one among the many newcomer trainees and celebrity artists except Wen Yixiao, and his expression was full of shock and excitement. Unbelievable, and a trace of admiration from the bottom of my heart.

As a talented singer who is rational and wants to make his own original music, Du Wei knows more clearly than other trainees and young star artists, how incredible what Wang Cheng is doing at this time, and what it will bring what a shock...

  Wu Han and Ma Yunfei next to him, as well as Li Feifan, Chen Hao, Xiao Daohong, Zhang Hanwen, and Zhu Ziqi not far away looked at Du Wei curiously.

Chen Hao said in a low voice: "Du Wei also stood up, do you think he is pretending? Anyway, I didn't hear anything amazing about Wang Cheng's performance! It is that his strength may be stronger than Wen Yixiao's." That's all, the movement and rhythm of the performance are obviously more fluent and natural, just like the performance of the guzheng master I saw in Beijing a few years ago."

  Xiao Daohong nodded: "Yes, I don't know...Maybe, Du Wei, like other teachers, saw the extraordinaryness of Wang Cheng's performance! Or our knowledge is too little."

Zhang Hanwen couldn't see anything, but he said in a firm tone: "So many music masters are so excited and shocked, you can see that Professor Xu can't wait to go up and hug Wang Cheng and take a bite, which shows that there is really something that we don't know Yes. Anyway, it’s right that Wang Cheng is very good..."

  Zhu Ziqi gave Zhang Hanwen a thumbs up: "No wonder you can become Wang Cheng's friend!"

  Zhang Hanwen rolled his eyes at Zhu Ziqi, smiled without saying a word.

Zhu Ziqi looked at Wen Yixiao who stood up not far away, and then stared at Wang Cheng. She also knew that Wang Cheng's performance at this time must be amazing, but she really didn't know much about Guzheng and classical music. , so she really didn't know what happened, but she was a little envious of Wen Yixiao's talent in the field of guzheng and classical music, and she also made up her mind to learn more about this knowledge and information in the future.

at this time…

  The music played by Wang Cheng became more compact.

  Scenes of battlefield battles slowly appear in the music, so that everyone who hears the music can feel the intense feeling.

  The two armies confronted each other, fighting fiercely, and the horns sounded...

  After a fierce battle, the victory is triumphant, and the momentum is like a rainbow!

Wang Cheng, however, looked calm and quiet, playing quickly with both hands, as if a general in command of the Chinese army, after seeing the army returning triumphantly, swiped his hands twice, and then slowly played the last two soothing songs. note...



  The music stopped abruptly.

  Wang Cheng also slowly left the guzheng strings with his hands, took a breath to release the breath accumulated in his heart just now, and then stood up, indicating that he had finished playing.

Seeing all the audience at the scene staring at him quietly, and a dozen people standing up and looking at him with shock and excitement, he also stood there calmly, with his hands behind his back, facing everyone, still as if the person passing by Just like passers-by looking at the scenery!

  The scene was so quiet for a while...

Many people have always been very fresh, but looking at Xu Chaohua on the stage, a dozen music masters who stood up, and super newcomers like Du Wei and Wen Yixiao, they all looked not sober. I couldn't bear to applaud to wake them up, for fear of disturbing their thoughts, so they seemed very quiet.

Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui in the back office looked at this weird scene, and they were a little confused, so they looked at Xu Chaohua, Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, and Liang Xi under the close-up. Excitement, and Wen Yixiao's and Du Weina's expressions were equally full of excitement and admiration.

  The two still don't understand what happened...

   Liu Jiahui murmured in a low voice: "It's just a guzheng piece, Professor Xu, Lao Liu, and Wen Yixiao, why are Du Wei and the others so excited?"

  Guo Shouxin frowned tightly, and said in the same puzzled way: "I don't know, I don't understand! But let's get the atmosphere moving...don't stay silent for too long."

   As he spoke, Guo Shouxin picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Atmosphere group, move!"

next moment.

  The members of the atmosphere group hidden in several areas of the auditorium began to applaud enthusiastically...

   slap slap slap...

   Then, warm applause broke out quickly.

  Xu Chaohua, Liu Shengjie, Liang Xi, Kong Changxing, Wen Yixiao, Du Wei and all the people standing there with shocked faces also woke up immediately, flushed with excitement, and quickly clapped with all their strength.

  Others naturally stood up one after another, giving their warmest applause to Wang Cheng who was standing there calmly watching everyone on the stage.

   Li Canghai at the front exclaimed in amazement: "His guzheng is so powerful! Wang Cheng, you are so powerful..."

   Li Canghai called out to Wang Cheng from behind.

Wang Cheng was only one meter away from Li Canghai and Li Qiushui, so he could naturally hear Li Canghai's voice amidst the warm applause. He glanced at Li Canghai and Li Qiushui, the Qingxia sisters, and tapped He nodded his head, expressed it for a while, and then ignored it.

   Li Canghai screamed in surprise, and then continued to applaud vigorously.

  Li Qiushui also praised in a low voice: "His guzheng level is not inferior to the only guzheng master in our country... really very, very good."

Li Canghai did not expect her younger sister to have such a high opinion of Wang Cheng, but she knew that Li Qiushui was more talented and capable than her in classical music. She once studied with the only Guzheng master in Xinguo for a month, and her evaluation was also good. It will be more real, and the strength of the immediate applause will be stronger.

  Beside Li Xingluo, there was only excitement on her face and helplessness in her heart. In front of such an enchanting young man, she could only feel at ease as a former wave who was shot to death on the beach.

   Behind Pei Zhuyan, Lisa, Ginny, and Lin Xi also applauded excitedly.

  Lin Xi said excitedly: "His guzheng performance is better than Wen Yixiao's. It's unbelievable. Why can he do so well?"

  Ginnie, Lisa, and Pei Zhuyan couldn't answer because they didn't know the answer. They couldn't imagine that Wang Cheng, who was only nineteen years old, could be so powerful? Why can you have such amazing strength in several different fields?

  Hanazawa Shizuka's loud scream came from next to her: "Dead high school..."

  Amuro Chiyuki, Nakamori Haruko, and Ishihara Maju also all shouted: "Dead high school!"

  The atmosphere on the scene became more enthusiastic...

  Many young celebrities, trainees, and a few fans in the audience all screamed.

   "Wang Cheng..."

   "Xiao Chengcheng..."

   "Wang Cheng..."

   During the shouting.

  Wang Cheng still looked at everyone calmly, unmoved.

  Wen Yixiao also called out to Wang Cheng excitedly, hoping that Wang Cheng would take a look at her, but Wang Cheng didn't look at anyone, but just looked ahead calmly.

  In the middle, Zhu Ziqi, who was standing there very conspicuously, also shouted loudly: "Wang Cheng..."

  However, this time, Wang Cheng did not look at Zhu Ziqi, but at Zhang Hanwen who was next to Zhu Ziqi, and nodded to Zhang Hanwen again.

  Zhang Hanwen waved excitedly in response and laughed out loud.

  Beside Xiao Daohong, Li Feifan, and Chen Hao also waved vigorously at Wang Cheng, hoping that Wang Cheng could interact with them, but unfortunately Wang Cheng didn't look at them, but the camera also gave them a close-up.

   The applause gradually died down.

  Wen Yixiao sat down slightly disappointed, but her expression was still extremely excited, her pretty face flushed.

  The gossip teammate next to him hurriedly grabbed Wen Yixiao's arm and asked, "Little Fairy, why were you so excited just now? Is the veteran cadre's performance so awesome? I just feel better than you..."

   Several people looked at Wen Yixiao curiously.

However, Wen Yixiao took a deep breath and didn't go into details, but said: "You can see it from Professor Xu's comments. I may not even be qualified to evaluate Wang Cheng's guzheng level. Not only is he better than me, we are not at the same level at all. Yes! The gap between me and him is farther than from here to the capital!"

   Gossip teammate, Song Xue and several other teammates were shocked when they heard what Wen Yixiao said.

  Guzheng is one of Wen Yixiao's best instruments, they have always admired it, but Wen Yixiao admits that Wang Cheng's guzheng is so much better than hers?

  From southern Guangdong to the capital, it is almost equivalent to the huge gap between the north and the south.

  The gossip teammate stared wide-eyed: "Is it really so good? But why are veteran cadres so good? Why are they so good in every item? Will this give the rest of us a way to survive?"

  Wen Yixiao smiled bitterly, feeling bitter and helpless in her heart.

  She was looking forward to the chance to beat Wang Cheng in this match, so as to leave a deep impression on Wang Cheng, and consciously this is the match with the greatest advantage for her.

  However, unexpectedly, the reality is that this is her biggest disadvantage.

   In terms of guzheng and classical music, the gap between her and Wang Cheng is even greater than in singing and dancing. She is too old to have any idea of ​​catching up.

   At this time, the applause stopped, and everyone looked towards the stage.

  The host also walked up quickly, but hasn't spoken yet.

  Xu Chaohua couldn't wait to speak first, and quickly said excitedly to Wang Cheng: "Wang Cheng, what's the name of your song?"


All right!

  Many people at the scene were stunned.

  So, don't the hosts and judges of the program group know the title of the song Wang Cheng performed solo?

  Looking at Wang Cheng with eyes in pairs, I feel in my heart—it’s really self-willed, and the program team is also willful.

  The host quickly came to Wang Cheng's side and handed the microphone to Wang Cheng.

  Wang Cheng didn't answer this question, but said calmly: "General order!"

  Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this name!

   Liu Shengjie, Liang Xi, Kong Changxing and many other music masters, as well as Du Wei, Wen Yixiao and others, all praised at the same time—good name! It almost perfectly matched the music and artistic conception of Wang Cheng they had just heard.

Xu Chaohua also blushed and said loudly: "Okay, good, good! What a name, what a general order, what a Wang Cheng! Wang Cheng, I want to ask again. I'm sure I haven't heard of this general order." But, I'm sure I've heard all the classical Guzheng music in China."

   "I've never heard this piece of yours before. So, I want to ask, is this the piece you wrote yourself? Is this the first time you've played this general order in public today?"

  When Xu Chaohua asked these words, his voice was a little trembling, his eyes were fixed on Wang Cheng, and his heart was full of expectation.



  The scene is chaos.

Many people who were puzzled and didn't understand before now understand now, and they all looked stunned and shocked. They knew why Xu Chaohua and Wen Yixiao stood up in shock at the beginning, and also understood why many music masters also followed suit later. They all stood in shock...

turn out to be!

   That's how it is!


at this time!

   It's their turn.

  Many celebrity artists at the scene who heard Xu Chaohua's words couldn't help standing up excitedly. Many celebrity artists who knew the classical music circle were stunned and talked excitedly.

  "Is it true? Wang Cheng's original Guzheng piece? This piece is very nice, and it's not difficult to play. If it's his original composition, it's awesome."

   "No wonder Professor Xu and the others were so excited and shocked just now. I still couldn't figure it out, but now I understand, it turned out to be like this. It's really awesome."

"This piece of music is so beautiful, Wang Cheng's performance is so smooth and natural, and it blends in with the piece. I thought it was some famous piece, and I wanted to search and download it to listen to it after the performance. Unexpectedly, Is it Wang Cheng's own original work?"

   "Let me give you some popular science, creating such an excellent classical work is much more difficult than creating a good song..."

   "Oh my god, is this the show we get to see?"

   "After this year, will Tomorrow Idol still have the courage to continue drafting? Will the other trainees have the courage to step up to the stage where Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao performed?"

   "The truth turned out to be like this, I almost wanted to kneel..."


  There are excited discussions all around.

  Zhang Hanwen was also a little excited, looked at Zhu Ziqi and asked with a smile: "Now, do you still think that you can conquer Wang Cheng?"

  Zhu Ziqi was silent, her eyes were fixed on Wang Cheng, and she felt that her previous thoughts were a little naive and ridiculous!

  She is still thinking about creating a rock piece to make her famous, but Wang Cheng has already started to move towards classical music art, and has successfully created a piece of work.

  How to play this?

   Not to mention conquering Wang Cheng, she felt that she was far from being qualified to be compared with Wang Cheng.

  Seeing Zhu Ziqi's silence, Zhang Hanwen didn't continue to hit the long-legged, tall, cold, black, and straight. He continued to look at Wang Cheng, and applauded again!

   Applause once again spread to the audience.

  Everyone spontaneously applauded Wang Cheng again.

  Although, Wang Cheng has not answered yet.

  However, they obviously didn't need Wang Cheng's answer, they already knew the answer.

   Such an excellent guzheng work, if it was created by someone else, it must have been released long ago. It won’t wait until now, and it won’t be handed over to Wang Cheng to perform and release. If you play and release it yourself, wouldn’t it be nice to shock Huaxia yourself?


  The warm applause sounded again.

  Liu Shengjie clapped excitedly and said in a low voice: "It's incredible, why can he do it?"

  Liang Xi and Kong Changxing both shook their heads to express their incomprehension.

  Just now Kong Changxing said that this is impossible.

  Because this is something that no one has done in the Chinese classical music circle for 30 years!

  But it happened in the blink of an eye...

  Let him be speechless at this moment.

  Liu Jiahui and Guo Shouxin in the back office also stood up in bewilderment at this time, looking at the excited audience on the live broadcast screen, they were also shocked, and understood why Xu Zhaohua and the others were so excited just now.


  They were still a little confused and unbelievable.

Wang Cheng didn't submit the repertoire for their instrumental solo, so they didn't have any expectations for Wang Cheng's solo performance. They just hoped that Wang Cheng wouldn't lose the chain too much. They put all their hopes on Wang Cheng and Huang Bin at the end. The team performed.

  But I didn't expect...

   As a result, Wang Cheng went to give them such a big surprise.

   An original Guzheng classical piece was played here, and it is such an excellent classical piece.

   Liu Jiahui thought about Wang Cheng's identity as a calligrapher that had never been exposed to the outside world, and exclaimed: "Wang Cheng is really a god!"

  He was looking forward to the huge sensation that would be caused when Wang Cheng's identity as a calligrapher was revealed. That was much more amazing than writing a song.

  He suddenly felt a sense of urgency, and he was thinking about how to get some words from Wang Cheng as soon as possible, otherwise he would definitely have no chance when it was exposed in the future!

   Not everyone has the opportunity to get the works of calligraphy masters.

  Guo Shouxin also nodded in admiration: "It's amazing, amazing beyond imagination! Now, he may be named and praised by the official media again..."

  Liu Jiahui was taken aback for a moment, and then expressed his affirmation: "I shouldn't be able to escape!"

The Chinese Kungfu performed by Wang Cheng last time, all of which are elements of traditional Chinese culture, was named and praised by the official media. At this time, Wang Cheng's original Guzheng classical music was also recognized by Xu Chaohua, which is also a tribute to traditional classical music. The great publicity, even promotion, of music culture will inevitably be named and praised!

   Both of them had smiles on their faces, looking expectant and proud.

If Wang Cheng is praised by the official media, their program group will naturally be praised together. This is a relationship of prosperity and prosperity, which will invisibly raise the grade of the entire program group. The top of the food chain for variety shows.

  After all, there are only a handful of variety shows that can be publicly named and praised by the official media, and pure entertainment variety shows never existed before.

  Tomorrow Idol is the only pure entertainment variety show that is named and praised by the official media, and it is the only traffic talent show variety show. Wang Cheng is also the only traffic trainee in the circle who is named and praised...

  If Tomorrow Idol and Wang Cheng are named and praised by the official media again, their status in the circle will be raised again.

  In the future, not only will the status of tomorrow's idols rise, but the status of the trainees who have stepped out of tomorrow's idols will also rise accordingly. The influence will definitely not happen overnight.

  That's why Liu Jiahui and Guo Shouxin are so excited.

  Looking at Wang Cheng and all the applauding celebrities on the live broadcast screen, Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui couldn't help applauding together.


   It lasted for more than 30 seconds before gradually calming down.

  However, many audience members who stood up at the scene did not sit down again, but still stood and looked at Wang Cheng.

  Xu Chaohua, who was on the judging panel, also looked at Wang Cheng, and asked again with a trembling voice: "Wang Cheng, is this the song you wrote yourself? Is this the first public performance?"

  Wang Cheng looked at Xu Chaohua calmly, and gave a soft hum to the microphone without too much explanation. His hum meant that this was his first public performance.

   However, this is not written by himself...

  He is just a porter.

  However, Xu Chaohua and everyone else took it for granted that this was Wang Cheng's affirmative answer.

   This piece of music was composed by Wang Cheng himself!

  The scene instantly became silent.

   Looking at Wang Cheng with pairs of eyes, they were full of admiration and disbelief!

Both sisters Li Canghai and Li Qiushui shook hands excitedly. The younger sister Li Qiushui, who has always been relatively calm, couldn't help but said excitedly at this time: "Is he too powerful? Is he really only nineteen years old? He is younger than us." Two years younger? Why can he do it?"

  Li Canghai and Li Xingluo couldn't answer Li Qiushui's questions from the soul.

  Pei Zhuyan, Lisa, Ginny, and Lin Xi at the back also understood what happened, and they all looked dumbfounded and shocked.

   Lin Xi murmured in a low voice: "Can it really be this powerful?"

  She is still considering finding a teacher to learn guzheng, but Wang Cheng has already created such a beautiful guzheng piece, the gap is simply incalculable.

   Lisa, Ginny, and Pei Zhuyan also had disbelief in their eyes.

  Pop music, dance, and classical music can all have such amazing strength and realm, but Wang Cheng is only nineteen years old, is he still human?

  They have met top talents in the European and American entertainment circles in Europe and the United States, and their performance is far inferior to Wang Cheng's performance.

  Hanazawa Shizuka kept repeating in a low voice: "Dead high school, dead high school..."

Xu Chaohua's facial muscles trembled slightly with excitement, looked at Wang Cheng, and said excitedly: "Wang Cheng, I once again invite you as the vice president of the Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music to teach in our folk music department. The title of professor. If you have any other requirements, you can mention them. I can make the decision. As long as it is legal and reasonable, we will all agree to you..."

   "Private car, villa dormitory, everything is fine! Even, when you are older, as long as you are over thirty, I will help you, at least the position of deputy director of the department..."

   Regardless of the occasion, Xu Chaohua once again issued an open invitation to Wang Cheng in the name of Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music, and offered better treatment and conditions than before, and even more generous, allowing Wang Cheng to raise conditions!

   Just the title of full-time professor is the pursuit of many university teachers for a lifetime. Many senior teachers who have taught in universities for decades can only be mixed with the title of associate professor, and they will get the title of full-time professor all their lives...

  A university has a limited number of full-time professor titles, if given to Wang Cheng, then there will be one less associate professor who had the opportunity to get the title, and he will be dissatisfied!

   Not to mention, Xu Chaohua even made a public promise that when Wang Cheng was 30 years old, Wang Cheng would be appointed as the deputy director of the folk music department.

  However, Xu Chaohua dared to make such a promise to Wang Cheng, which shows his desire for Wang Cheng.

  As for the special car, the school's single villa dormitory, etc., are also the treatment that ordinary full-time professors can't get.

  However, most people at the scene thought that Wang Cheng deserved such treatment...

  The hosts stood quietly on the side and did not dare to speak, for fear of disturbing the conversation between Wang Cheng and Xu Chaohua.

  Under everyone's gaze, Wang Cheng still shook his head slightly at Xu Chaohua, but he still didn't speak, but shook his head to express his rejection.

  Many people at the scene also sighed with slight regret.

   This is the fifth time that Wang Cheng has publicly rejected Xu Chaohua's invitation to represent the Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music.

  Professors, deputy directors of departments, private cars, single-person villa dormitories and other things that other people are jealous of can't convince Wang Cheng in the slightest...

  Xu Chaohua leaned on the chair a little slumped, it seemed that Wang Cheng's refusal hit him hard.

He looked at Wang Cheng, his eyes full of reluctance, as if he was looking at his first love, and continued: "Wang Cheng, your guzheng level has reached the level of a master! This is in the entire Chinese folk music circle. , only two or three people can compare with you. To be honest, I am not qualified to comment on your guzheng performance. So, you are actually a bit of a talent for being a professor, but you are too young..."

"Also, the general orders you wrote are not difficult to perform, they are all common movements, but the melody itself is very good and complete, with clear artistic conception, bright rhythm, clear layers, and easy to learn, it is said to be a masterpiece Not too much."

   “This piece is very suitable for advanced learning pieces for guzheng beginners. When I go back to school, I will recommend this piece to my students!”

"Wang Cheng, when you played this piece, you almost perfectly interpreted everything in the piece, all the artistic conception, and every performance technique was natural, harmonious and smooth, so I say that your own Guzheng playing level should have reached the master level ..."

   "We are all listening to your General Order for the first time, but we can all hear what this piece wants to express. This is very rare, and it requires very superb performance skills to do it."

   "In the field of guzheng, you have already reached the pinnacle, and you have even gone one step further. You have created new guzheng pieces..."

   "This piece is easy to learn, with clear rhythm and layers. It is also a masterpiece, and it will definitely be passed down through the ages! Wang Cheng, it's a pity that you don't come to study folk music!"

  Xu Chaohua was very sorry. A more detailed evaluation shocked everyone present.

  Because Xu Chaohua had too high an opinion of Wang Cheng.

  A piece of music has been handed down through the ages. This is the charm of classical music art, which cannot be achieved by classic pop music.

  No matter how classic pop music is, after tens or hundreds of years, it has been forgotten by people, because the essence of pop music is popularity, and popularity will eventually be replaced by the next wave of popularity, and then forgotten.

  However, those classic classical music works of art will still be handed down.

   And Xu Chaohua also asserted that Wang Cheng's song is enough to be passed down through the ages.

   This is already the highest evaluation in the field of classical music.

  Because, among the masters in the entire Chinese classical music circle, there is no one who can do this...

  For classical music artists, being able to pass on through the ages and allowing their music and art works to be continuously performed by future generations is the greatest pursuit, but there are very few people who can do this in the entire history of the world.

  And they are now, here, on a traffic draft stage, witnessing such a person and a piece of work.

  The scene quickly burst into applause again. Pairs of eyes were fixed on Wang Cheng, and many celebrities and entertainers showed admiration.

  Wen Yixiao looked at Wang Cheng with a pair of eyes, and her emotions seemed to be overflowing with soft water. She really hoped that she could go up and stand by Wang Cheng's side now.

The gossip teammate next to him applauded vigorously and said excitedly: "Isn't this veteran cadre awesome? This can be passed down through the ages and become famous in history? Awesome, amazing...Are we witnessing history? We will also be remembered by history in the future ?"

   Gossip teammates obviously think a lot.

  Song Xue and the others also applauded excitedly.

  Huang Bin, Mo Bailin and several other Wang Cheng's teammates also applauded excitedly, feeling as if they, too, could be passed down through the ages with Wang Cheng.

   The applause rang again for a while, and gradually subsided.

  Wang Cheng still stood there calmly, accepting all this frankly, without excitement or depression, only calm.

  It seems that what Xu Zhaohua said has been passed down through the ages is someone else, not Wang Cheng himself...

Xu Chaohua admired Wang Cheng's calm attitude, and concluded: "Your song, and your performance just now. I really don't have the qualifications to rate you. There are not many people in China who are qualified to evaluate, let alone Score it. So, I will not rate it... I just hope that I will have the opportunity to hear your other classical music works in the future..."

   "The invitation and the conditions I promised to you will always be valid. No matter when you want to come to our Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music, we will warmly welcome you, and what we promise to you will always be left to you..."

   After finishing speaking, Xu Zhaohua still looked at Wang Cheng with regret and pity, as well as reluctance!

  The applause at the scene sounded again...

   It seemed that they were applauding non-stop. In just a few minutes, they had already applauded several times.

   Moreover, everyone is still standing as a punishment.

  However, until now, no one has sat down, they are still standing there looking at Wang Cheng on the stage.

   The applause stopped.

  Everyone looked at An Keru.

  The host finally found a chance to speak, and said to An Keru: "Ke Ru, what do you want to say?"

An Keru stared at Wang Cheng, thinking that she was eleven years older than Wang Cheng, felt a little heartache, took a deep breath, suppressed the depression and a little heartache in her heart, and said to Wang Cheng: "Professor Xu is the real As a professional, he has finished what should be said. Of course, I am not qualified to say anything. With Wang Cheng's guzheng master level and this guzheng work that can be passed down through the ages, I dare not say a word."

   "So, I won't give any marks."

   "Wang Cheng, I look forward to your next performance."

Wang Cheng didn't speak, and didn't look at An Keru, because he could feel that An Keru looked at him in a strange way, which was exactly the same as that of his ex-girlfriend named He Qing in his previous life—tenderness like water, and a little bit of tenderness. The heartache, coupled with the almost identical appearance, made him afraid to look at it, afraid of arousing emotions deep in his heart.

  So, Wang Cheng looked elsewhere, his expression still calm and indifferent.

   The applause sounded again, and then quickly extinguished.

everybody knows…

  Probably, Wang Cheng's instrumental solo performance will not have a professional score.

  Because no one dared to give Wang Cheng an evaluation and score.

Sure enough, Feng Tang also smiled wryly and said: "Now I feel more and more small on this stage. I dare not say a word, let alone rate...Wang Cheng, I hope I will have the opportunity to call you Wang in the future." professor…"

  Feng Tang's words made the atmosphere a little easier.

   Applause sounded quickly!

  Finally, Han Xiao once again played the role of scoring tool perfectly, and smiled at Wang Cheng: "Wang Cheng, I knew you would be the best in any field, and I won't give you a score, come on!"

  Wang Cheng nodded slightly to Han Xiao.

Then, the host announced loudly amidst the warm applause: "My God, this is the first time I have seen such a performance. It even made every judge afraid to give marks. This is also the first time I have seen such a show." High-level, super-strength competition performance, I think tonight's performance will become a part of history...Although Wang Cheng's performance has no score, but I think everyone knows in his heart that his score for this performance is the highest score. "

   "Even if it's a thousand points, ten thousand points, or even a hundred million points, it's not too much!"

  Wang Cheng nodded slightly to everyone, then turned around and left from the backstage. He didn’t leave the auditorium the same way, which disappointed Li Canghai, Li Qiushui and Li Xingluo in the first row.

   came out from the backstage, the applause continued enthusiastically, and the eyes were still looking at Wang Cheng who came out...

   There are many complex emotions in each pair of eyes, but there is definitely admiration!

  Wen Yixiao looked at Wang Cheng with eyes like water, and her body was about to move. She almost couldn't help rushing out to give Wang Cheng a hug several times, but she held back, knowing that she would definitely be rejected.

  If it is outside, even if she knows that she will definitely be rejected, she is willing to try.

  However, here, in front of so many people, and with live footage, Wen Yixiao still didn't have the courage.

Ignoring all the gazes, Wang Cheng calmly walked back to his seat and sat down, took a sip of water, then picked up the book and read it. That way, the scene just now was not enough to arouse the attention of the Chinese classical music circle. The shocking performance was taken to heart, as if nothing happened, as if I had done nothing.

   This made all the audience applaud and admire even more.

   Not far away, Liu Shengjie whispered in admiration: "He obviously possesses the strength of a master, but he is so low-key and restrained, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and not ostentatious. No wonder he can have such strength."

Kong Changxing nodded in agreement: "Yes, I really admire his mentality. He is never satisfied, always so low-key, and has been reading and studying. I found out that Wen Yixiao was learning Wang Cheng's behavior style, and I wanted to persuade her. Now it seems that Wen Yixiao is right, she can improve so fast during this period of time, it may also be related to this."

  Liang Xi thought of the questioning and resistance to Wang Cheng that he took the lead in before, and now he only felt a burst of shame from the bottom of his heart, so he worked hard when applauding, and looked at Wang Cheng with admiration and admiration.

  Not far away, Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua also looked at Wang Cheng.

  Yu Jinghong kept taking deep breaths, regretting once again in her heart, regretting that she hadn't bought Wang Cheng back to the company desperately...

  Mo Jinhua said in a low voice: "President Yu, isn't Wang Cheng's style of acting a great artist?"

  Yu Jinghong thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes, you are right! Several art masters I know all have weird acting styles...Wang Cheng is similar to them."

   The applause continued for a while before it gradually subsided.

  The host interacted with several celebrity artists again, and then announced the next round of performances!

   It is also the third round of three official competition performances.

  Although Wang Cheng had no points for the guzheng performance just now, no one would think that Wang Cheng lost to Wen Yixiao, and Wen Yixiao herself didn't dare to think so.

  So, in fact, Wang Cheng has won two games and won the Idol of Tomorrow champion this year.

  The third scene is just a formality...

   Whether you win or lose, it does not affect the result.


  Everyone, whether it was the scene or the audience in front of the TV, looked even more expectant.

  Because, the third group performance is what they are most looking forward to and most want to see.

  The team's performance style and stage atmosphere are better, and the on-site atmosphere will be more enthusiastic.

the most important is…

  Wang Cheng's third performance is still a martial arts performance.

   Now, audiences all over China, who wouldn't want to watch Wang Cheng's fourth martial arts performance?


  Everyone wants to see Wang Cheng's martial arts performance, and wants to know what kind of performance Wang Cheng will bring in his fourth martial arts performance!


  When the third performance officially started, Wen Yixiao took a few teammates to the backstage to prepare for the performance.

   There was another warm applause at the scene. This applause was not only for Wen Yixiao, but also for Wang Cheng, who appeared behind Wen Yixiao in advance.

  While passing by Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao's gossip teammate in front of him couldn't help but asked Wang Cheng excitedly: "Old cadre, why are you so good?"

   Immediately, Wen Yixiao and Song Xue hurriedly covered the mouths of their nosy teammates, smiled apologetically at Wang Cheng, and quickly walked backstage.

  Wang Cheng glanced at a few people as if he were a patient, but then he didn't care, and continued to look at the book in his hand.

  (end of this chapter)

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