MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 173 171. Only talk about work during working hours! 20 billion buy king

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  Chapter 173 171. Only talk about work during working hours! 20 billion to buy Wang Cheng?


  Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian both took deep breaths at the same time, suppressing their emotions.

  Although, anger rose in my heart.

However, thinking of their reason for coming, thinking of Wang Cheng's wonderful performances, thinking that Wang Cheng is now a super giant with 80 million fans, ranking third in the entire Chinese entertainment circle in terms of the number of fans, second only to the two veterans Super giant.

However, in terms of current appeal, Wang Cheng is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one person in the Chinese entertainment circle. The number of fans and the popularity of topics have set online records. Hundreds of millions of people participated in the discussion of him alone, which is simply unbelievable. matter.


  They can't do anything to Wang Cheng, and they can't fall out face to face.

  Guo Shouxin saw the expressions of the two, and hurriedly said: "Director Xie, Mr. Ma, Wang Cheng is like this when he is working. He is very focused and doesn't like to be disturbed. How about we wait?"

Han Xiao just glanced at a few people and continued to study his lyrics and music scores. He didn't want to drag Wang Cheng down today, and Wen Yixiao was watching beside him. Weaker by more than a notch.

  Wen Yixiao's current singing skills and live performance are comparable to the veteran queen!

  Han Xiao knows that her singing and dancing skills and talents are definitely not as good as Wen Yixiao's, but she doesn't want to lose too much, so she puts herself into it very seriously.

   Seeing this scene, Wen Yixiao didn't stay any longer, and turned around to join Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi, joining in the production of the new song.

  The expressions of Xie Xiaofeng and Ma Jian slowed down a little. It was a bit embarrassing for them to be seen by so many people in the circle what happened to Wang Cheng, but they quickly adapted to it.

   After all, after so many years in the industry, who didn't have similar encounters when they were young?

   It's just that it's been too long, they've been in high positions for a long time, and they've forgotten it...

   Ma Jian said in a low voice: "It's a bit too arrogant. He will suffer sooner or later when he is like this, and then he will not be able to get along."

  A few years ago, when a few arrogant and accustomed traffic stars were unlucky, they were pushed by the wall and disappeared instantly!

   Ma Jian felt that the day when Wang Cheng offended people like this was not far away.

   The only difference is that this time Ma Jian felt that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would also push Wang Cheng's wall...

  Xie Xingfeng remained silent, but he also made up his mind that he would never cooperate with someone like Wang Cheng in the future!

  If he hadn’t been the general director of the Spring Festival Gala this time, he was under a lot of pressure, and Wang Cheng’s several performances were very exciting, and he was named and praised by the official media, he really didn’t want to come to Wang Cheng...

  If it was his own movie, he would never come to meet Wang Cheng in such a humble manner!

  The three of them just stood at the door and waited for about an hour!

  The door of the recording studio was opened.

  Wang Cheng came out first, followed by Lao Wang and others. Everyone had a smile on their faces. It was obvious that the recording was good and it was finished.

   Recording the arrangement of a song for an hour is a normal standard for them to cooperate with Wang Cheng!

  Wang Cheng said calmly: "You can get off work and rest first, Han Xiao and I will continue to record songs!"

Lao Wang nodded and wanted to leave here, because he didn't want to join the relationship between Wang Cheng and Xie Xingfeng, but he also wanted to stay and see the results, and wondered whether Wang Cheng would accept the invitation of the Spring Festival Gala in the end, after all, it was also related to Can they go to the Spring Festival Gala?

  However, after struggling for two seconds, Pharaoh still left. He still chose to protect himself wisely and not to go into the muddy water. No matter what the result was, it was meaningless for him to stay here.

  Xie Xingfeng hurried forward to Wang Cheng and said, "Wang Cheng, can we talk?"

  Wang Cheng ignored Xie Xingfeng, but looked at Han Xiao and asked, "How are you familiar? Can you sing?"

  Xie Xingfeng's facial muscles trembled. He didn't expect Wang Cheng to ignore him so much again...

   Ma Jian said in a deep voice, "Don't young people nowadays have a little bit of manners?"

  Guo Shouxin said in a low voice: "Wang Cheng, Director Guo and Director Ma from CCTV are here and want to talk to you about the Spring Festival Gala."

  Wang Cheng ignored the three of them. When he was working, he didn't like to be disturbed, which would interfere with his work progress and status. He kept looking at Han Xiao with questioning eyes.

  Han Xiao took a deep breath, looked into Wang Cheng's eyes, and nodded slightly: "You can try..."

   After watching it for about an hour, it was time to record the song.

   This is her first time.

  However, she didn't want to drag Wang Cheng down.

  She knew that each time Wang Cheng recorded a song, he could finish one song in about an hour, which is already relatively slow today.

  Wang Cheng nodded to Han Xiao, and then said softly to Guo Shouxin: "I will talk about things other than work after I get off work."

   After speaking, Wang Cheng ignored them and walked into the recording studio first.

  Han Xiao hurriedly followed in.

  At the entrance of the recording studio, Xie Xingfeng, Ma Jian, and Guo Shouxin were left again.

  The three of them were a little confused...

   Things other than work, we can talk about it after get off work?

  Guo Shouxin took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was more than two hours before Wang Cheng got off work at one o'clock...

  Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian's faces were as cold as ice!

Guo Shouxin said helplessly: "Wang Cheng is very focused when he goes to work. He and Han Xiao may not be able to handle the song recording for a while. Otherwise, the two of you can go to my office and sit for a while, have a cup of tea, smoke a cigarette, and wait for noon. How about we go to the cafeteria to talk to him during the meal?"

   Ma Jian said in a cold tone: "Director Guo is really reserved."

  Guo Shouxin was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, and said in a bad tone: "Director Ma, if you can't wait, you can leave!"

  He just set a 5.2 variety show ratings record, and he also has his own arrogance.

   Ma Jian snorted and did not leave. After all, he came with a mission. If he left without completing the mission, he would be accused when he went back!

  Xie Xingfeng took a deep breath, and then asked: "Director Guo, how many sales have been made for the shameless and general orders uploaded by Wang Cheng just now?"

   Ma Jian also quickly looked at Guo Shouxin, his eyes full of curiosity.

  Guo Shouxin nodded, picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Lao Huang—how many sales of the general orders and embarrassment that Wang Cheng just uploaded?

   Waited for a while...

Lao Huang replied: "The sales volume of Shameless is exploding. It has been uploaded for an hour, and the sales volume has exceeded 50 million! The popularity of this rock song is beyond our imagination, no matter men, women or children, they all like it very much, and almost beat us Users of all ages on the platform are wiped out, and sales can be scary."

   "The sales volume of this Guzheng song by General Order is also surprising. Tens of millions of people have paid to download it within an hour. Now the growth rate of sales has slowed down significantly. The users who pay to download are mainly older."

  Guo Shouxin directly sent the message to Xie Xingfeng: "I sent it to you, Director Xie, take a look for yourself!"

  Xie Xingfeng picked up his phone and looked at it, and Ma Jian next to him also looked at it with his head.

  The two quickly read it, and then fell silent.

  They already know the sales of the two songs "Dragon Boxing" and "Once Upon a Time You".

  Plus the shameless and general orders that were just uploaded for an hour.

   They are stressed.

  Whether it's Xie Xingfeng or Ma Jian, they all know that they really don't have the right to pose in front of Wang Cheng at this moment.

  No place to be ashamed of this sales trend, it looks like it will break the record again.

  The sales of General Order at this time are also heading towards breaking the sales record of classical music, and the most important thing is a piece of Chinese classical music, which is definitely of great significance in this period.


  Although Wang Cheng ignored them just now, they no longer care about it. They just want to bring Wang Cheng to the stage of this year's Spring Festival Gala as much as possible.

  At that time, it will definitely be affirmed by the above, and will also be welcomed by the audience, a double win with one stone!

   The big deal is that I will never deal with Wang Cheng again...

  If Wang Cheng really faced a situation where the wall was overthrown and pushed by everyone, they wouldn't mind throwing stones at him and venting what happened today.

  However, they can only bury these thoughts in their hearts and cannot express them at this time.

  Ma Jian smiled at Guo Shouxin and said, "Director Guo, let's sit in your office for a while."

  I have completely forgotten about the little friction with Guo Shouxin just now.

Xie Xingfeng also nodded and said, "Okay then, Director Guo, we'll follow your orders and wait for Wang Cheng to get off work at noon before going to see him. We came this time with absolute sincerity, and we respect his working hours and off hours…”

  Guo Shouxin also showed a smile on his face: "Okay, I'm sorry, both of you!"

  Xie Xingfeng shook his head: "This has nothing to do with Director Guo, we all know it."

   Ma Jian also nodded.

   Both of them knew in their hearts that Guo Shouxin couldn't let Wang Cheng do anything. Guo Shouxin knew Wang Cheng so well and was willing to bring them to see Wang Cheng.

  The two looked back at Wang Cheng's locked recording studio door again, and reluctantly followed Guo Shouxin to the office to rest.

   And at this time...

  In the magic capital!

  The headquarters of Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

  Yu Jinghong and Mo Jinhua walked in quickly, and led by Zhang Yupeng, they came to Qin Yuhai's office.

  Qin Yuhai stood up and shook hands with Yu Jinghong: "Hello, Mr. Yu, we meet again."

  Yu Jinghong came here as soon as she got off the plane, without delay, shook hands with Qin Yuhai and smiled, "Mr. Qin, we are here to give you money this time, I hope you can accept it..."

  Qin Yuhai smiled and said: "I hope so too! I just traded the shares of Tomorrow Idol with you and gave you a large sum of money. If I can get it back from you, it would be the best."

  Zhang Yupeng didn't speak at the side, just watched!

   Both parties sit down.

  Yu Jinghong said straight to the point: "Mr. Qin, I'll get straight to the point. Regarding Wang Cheng's contract transfer, how much do you offer?"

  Qin Yuhai's eyes flickered, and he said softly: "Mr. Yu, why do you insist on buying Wang Cheng's contract? His contract has less than two years left!"

Yu Jinghong said seriously: "Boss Qin, I won't say those words. On behalf of Penguin Entertainment, I can offer you 7 billion in cash to buy Wang Cheng's contract! If you agree, after signing the contract, the money will be paid within a week. It will go to your company's account."

   "As far as I know, before Mofang Entertainment acquired Dongxing Entertainment, its market value was only more than 20 billion yuan. This 7 billion cash is already equivalent to one-third of Mofang Entertainment before!"

  Qin Yuhai's eyes flickered, 7 billion in cash, 1.8 billion more than the 5.2 billion he bought Dongxing Entertainment at the beginning, and 1.8 billion in cash was transferred in one change of hands, plus Dongxing Entertainment, it is definitely a profitable business.

   However, he has bigger ambitions.

Therefore, Qin Yuhai said directly: "Mr. Yu, I don't think Wang Cheng's value is only 7 billion! As far as I know, he brought the ratings of Tomorrow's Idol to 5.2, and the long-term value he created for the program group is no less than 50. 100 million..."

Yu Jinghong shook her head: "Mr. Qin has said that it is a long-term value. Moreover, Wang Cheng's contract is less than two years left. I don't know if he can renew it. This is a gamble! Mr. Qin, you take seven One billion cash has already made a lot of money, and we, Penguin Entertainment, are willing to take this risk!"

  Qin Yuhai glanced at Zhang Yupeng, and Zhang Yupeng said, "Mr. Yu, Wang Cheng is very important to our company's long-term strategy."

Yu Jinghong: "The long-term strategy can only be discussed if the contract can be renewed. Have you negotiated with Wang Cheng to renew the contract? If you have renewed the contract with Wang Cheng for more than five years, then I can make the decision without authorization and buy Wang Cheng's five-year contract for 10 billion ..."

  Yu Jinghong said loudly, with confident and powerful eyes, showing the aura of a strong woman.

Qin Yuhai shook his head: "The contract hasn't been renewed yet! But... Even if the contract is not renewed, I still think Wang Cheng is worth more than 10 billion! Mr. Yu, you Penguin Entertainment keep coming to me, so I'll just say a price, so that you won't have to pay for it in the future." It’s still troublesome! If you can accept the price, we will trade, if you can’t accept it, there is no need to talk about it in the future.”

  Yu Jinghong looked serious, nodded and said, "Mr. Qin, tell me!"

  Qin Yuhai stretched out two fingers!

  Yu Jinghong frowned, and said speculatively, "12 billion?"

  Qin Yuhai shook his head, and said word by word: "Two billion! If you give me 20 billion in cash, I will sell Wang Cheng to you!"


   There was a sudden inhalation sound.

  Mo Jinhua stared at Qin Yuhai with wide eyes.

  Yu Jinghong was also stunned, staring at Qin Yuhai for a moment speechless, the price far exceeded the highest budget of Penguin Entertainment, and looked at Qin Yuhai like a madman!

   20 billion to buy a person?

  Who would be crazy to buy?

  The current No. 1 person in the entertainment industry, Liu Qianhua, has created a total value of only about 20 billion since his debut, which is already the most among all the stars in the entertainment industry today.

   And that's just the total value, not the company's money. The brokerage company's money should be less than 20% of it!

  Even if Penguin Entertainment owns the entire entertainment industry chain and can maximize profits, if they want to use Wang Cheng to earn 20 billion, they must at least use Wang Cheng to create a value of more than 30 billion...

   How many years will this take?

   Moreover, Wang Cheng owns 90% of the copyright of his own works and 90% of the income, which makes the brokerage company lose a large profit point!

  Because, Wang Cheng’s musical talent creates profits from music works. Wang Cheng takes 90% of the profit. How much is left for the company?

  After a rough calculation in Yu Jinghong's mind, she felt the impossibility!

  Even if Wang Cheng can continue the current momentum in the future, it will take at least 15 to 20 years to use Wang Cheng to earn more than 20 billion in profits, which is already 20 years faster than Liu Ganhua.


  Even if the contract renewal with Wang Cheng is successful, it is impossible to sign a contract for more than 15 years. It would be good if you can sign for more than five years at most. What about after five years?

  The risk is simply huge.


  This price is without sincerity.

  The office was silent for more than a minute.

  Yu Jinghong looked at Qin Yuhai and said, "Mr. Qin, we came here with sincerity. I hope you can also say a price with sincerity. The figure of 20 billion is deliberately embarrassing us!"

  Qin Yuhai said lightly: "Mr. Yu, Wang Cheng is in our company, and the market value of the company alone has almost doubled! The value of this part has exceeded 20 billion."

From Qin Yuhai's standpoint, he naturally wanted to maximize his profits. If he wanted to sell Wang Cheng, he would calculate the loss based on Wang Cheng's successful contract renewal. The company's market value has increased by more than 20 billion, so now he called 20 billion is a conscience price.

  Yu Jinghong shook her head: "This price is impossible, no one is willing to give it."

  Qin Yuhai smiled lightly, and said: "So, there is no need to talk about the purchase of Wang Cheng's contract from now on. He is a member of our company, he is now, and he will always be in the future."

  Yu Jinghong took a deep breath, knowing that she had underestimated Qin Yuhai's ambition.

   There is no need to continue this negotiation!

   "Okay, I'm wasting President Qin's time."

  Yu Jinghong stood up and stretched out her hand to Qin Yuhai and said.

  Qin Yuhai stood up and shook hands with Yu Jinghong again, and said: "It should be wasting Mr. Yu's time, and let you make another trip for nothing."

  Yu Jinghong smiled lightly, and said: "Let me remind Mr. Qin. Wang Cheng's contract time is getting shorter and shorter. If Mr. Qin later finds that there is no way to renew the contract and then wants to resell Wang Cheng's contract, the price will be greatly depreciated."

  Qin Yuhai's pupils froze slightly, of course he was worried about this.

  Once Wang Cheng is unable to renew his contract within two years, his 5.2 billion investment may suffer a large loss in the short term!

   In two years, no matter how he manipulated Wang Cheng, it was impossible for him to earn more than five billion!

  However, Qin Yuhai still said confidently at this time: "Then don't bother Mr. Yu to worry."

  Even if it was time to sell Wang Cheng's contract later, he would not sell Wang Cheng's contract to Penguin Entertainment!

   In case Wang Cheng renews his contract with Penguin Entertainment, who else can stop Penguin Entertainment from now on? Is there any way out for other entertainment companies?

  Qin Yuhai, who has always been ambitious, naturally does not want Penguin Entertainment to continue to be the only one...

  The negotiations between the two parties started quickly and ended quickly.

  Yu Jinghong immediately took Mo Jinhua and left with a very ugly look on her face. As soon as she got in the car, she called Lei Zhenzong and explained the situation.

Hearing Qin Yuhai's asking price of 20 billion, Lei Zhenzong scolded directly: "Qin Yuhai is crazy about money... Don't talk to them about Wang Cheng in the future, let's just wait! When Wang Cheng's contract expires, he will become free. Man, let's go sign again and don't have to give them a dime for Rubik's Cube Entertainment."

   "We can keep the money and give it to Wang Cheng at that time. I don't believe that if we directly pay Wang Cheng a signing fee of 10 billion, will he not agree to sign the contract?"

   "Anyway, Wang Cheng will only be 21 years old two years later. He is still at his peak and has a long career."

  Yu Jinghong thinks so too. Although Wang Cheng looks like he won't renew his contract and wants to retire from the entertainment industry, she doesn't believe that Wang Cheng will be indifferent to the tens of billions of cash signing fees.

  Instead of giving the money to Qin Yuhai now, it is better to keep it and **** Wang Cheng directly!


  Yu Jinghong said worriedly: "I'm afraid, what if Wang Cheng renewed his contract with Mofang Entertainment in the past two years?"

   Lei Zhenzong was also silent for a while.

  If Wang Cheng and Mofang Entertainment renew their contract, then they really have nothing to do with their money!


  Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian were drinking tea and chatting in Guo Shouxin's office. Guo Shouxin was with him all the time, chatting about the situation of Tomorrow's Idol Program Group.

  When they heard that the Penguin video was only launched last night, the number of views has already exceeded 1.8 billion. Both of them were very surprised. The number of views on the first day exceeded 2 billion... This is really scary!

  How much will be played this week?

  I have heard about the variety shows under Penguin Entertainment for a long time. The number of broadcasts online is amazing, and the benefits they bring are no less than the ratings of TV stations.

  At this moment, they believed it to be true. After a little rough calculation in their hearts, they could not help but get reddened by the profits that Tomorrow Idol earned from TV stations and online broadcasts.

   This is absolutely astronomical, calculated in billions.

   And this is only the current results and income this year. With such a high ratings and broadcast volume, the popularity will definitely not be low in the future. It will bring a lot of income every year, and the income from long-term operation is also amazing!

  This kind of income far exceeds the income brought by any successful blockbuster in the past few years.

   Both of them were a little envious of Guo Shouxin's achievements at this time, and they became more determined to invite Wang Cheng in their hearts.


  Guo Shou's newly set alarm clock time is up.

  It's one o'clock!

   "Wang Cheng is off work, let's go, let's go find him."

   Guo Shouxin quickly got up and said.

  He also wanted to settle Xie Xingfeng's matter quickly, and then get busy with his own affairs.

  Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian also stood up, constantly thinking about how to persuade Wang Cheng later.

  (end of this chapter)

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