MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 175 173. Weekly sales exceeded 100 million! Crazy show tickets.

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  Chapter 175 173. Weekly sales exceeded 100 million! Crazy show tickets. (seeking subscription)

   This week, Wang Cheng finally fell from the top of the hot topic list to the second.


  Hundreds of millions of people participated in the discussion on the topic of tomorrow's idol performance tickets, and Wang Chengdu was squeezed into the second hot topic.

   On the first day, 10,000 tickets were sold out in a second. During the day, the lottery for 2,500 tickets attracted tens of millions of people to participate, causing the Weibo lottery page to freeze and almost paralyze.

Then, for three consecutive days, 10,000 tickets were launched every night, and they were basically sold out in a second. The daytime ticket lottery attracted more and more people. The upper limit has reached 50 million people, making the entire Weibo freeze.

  The participation of so many people is not just because everyone wants to go to the farewell performance of the idol of tomorrow to watch the performance.

   It is because many people participated with the idea of ​​making a fortune!

  The reason is that on Tuesday, Xianyu had a ticket priced at 60,000 in the front row, and it was bought in less than ten minutes, which caused a sensation. Everyone wanted to be a scalper...

   As a result, the number of people snapping up tickets and participating in the lottery increased sharply again.

   Subsequently, the transaction price of second-hand tickets on Xianyu continued to be revealed, and it was still rising. The tickets for the front row rose from more than 60,000 to 70,000, and some people still could afford it. This continued to stimulate the wealth nerves of many people.

  Many self-media and passers-by are talking and discussing frantically.

   "Tickets for the second row of Tomorrow's Idol Live, the latest transaction price is 75,000!"

   "Are these rich people crazy?"

   "Whoa, I sold it too early. I bought a ticket in the middle on the first day, and I sold it that day. I bought it for 800 yuan and sold it for 10,000 yuan. Now it's worth at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan!"

   "My God, tickets for Liu Qianhua's concert are not so popular."

   "Let me ask, sitting in the first row, are you qualified to come on stage and interact with Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao?"

   "The lineup and popularity of this concert are much higher than Liu Qianhua's concert."

   "Unfortunately, Wang Cheng only has one performance..."


   Early in the morning!

  Tomorrow's idol program group will be busy.

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui sat in the office and listened to several responsible persons come to report the current situation.

   This is the last performance of Idol of Tomorrow this year. Everyone is still nervous and doesn't want to make mistakes in the last performance.

   "After we used tickets to hype. Our program group is now the most popular on the entire network, and it is a little hotter than Wang Cheng's topic. This is the first time. It is conceivable that the ratings of this afternoon's live broadcast will definitely be very good."

"The 40,000 tickets are all sold out, and the total ticket revenue is 40 million yuan. After deducting the platform share, we also have more than 30 million yuan in revenue! The 2,000 seats reserved internally have also been given away, all of which are inside the circle. Big coffee..."

   "The data from the TV station shows that the price of all advertisements for today's last live broadcast hit a record high in ten years! Today's various advertising sponsorship revenue alone is no less than 500 million..."

"The news from Penguin Video just now, the performance video of last week's finals has exceeded 4.7 billion views so far, and it should break 5 billion by night, creating a new record for weekly broadcasts! "

"The broadcast volume in Southeast Asia has also broken the record. The weekly broadcast volume has exceeded 2.5 billion, which has completely opened up the Southeast Asian market. According to statistics, Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao are very popular in Southeast Asia, and now they can both be called Asia. Superstar."

  Listening to these reports, the smiles on the faces of Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui never disappeared.

  The person in charge of data continued: "By the way, Wang Cheng also set an extremely astonishing record today!"

  Guo Shouxin asked thoughtfully: "Has his new work broken the sales record again?"

The person in charge of the data nodded, and said in a somewhat excited tone: "Not bad! All three of his songs have broken his previous records. Once you and Dragon Fist, and shameless, the three works sold all today. Over 100 million, creating an incredible record."

"All three works have sold over 100 million in a week. This is an incredible record in the history of Chinese music! Before, since the entire Chinese music scene entered the era of online music sales, there have been no works with cumulative sales of over 100 million in the past ten years. First! But in the two months since Wang Cheng performed in our program group, the sales of all his works have exceeded 100 million. Before that, the monthly sales exceeded 100 million, and now the weekly sales exceed 100 million."

   "Now the entire Chinese music scene is fried."

Guo Shouxin said with a smile: "That's not a frying pan, it's not just Wang Cheng's works that broke the record. Wen Yixiao's works also broke her own highest record, and the weekly sales volume has reached more than 60 million. The entire Chinese All the musicians in the music scene smelled money at once."

   "I know from Teacher Liu and Kong Changxing that almost all the creators and producers in the Chinese music scene have been busy recently. There are countless invitations and prices keep going up. Everyone has made a lot of money."

Liu Jiahui nodded: "I heard from Mo Jinhua that the two behind-the-scenes creators who did not show up to cooperate with Wen Yixiao have terminated their cooperation with Wen Yixiao and accepted the invitations of two other big-name singers. The price is very high. The starting point is 500,000 + copyright share!"

   "Teacher Liu Shengjie has also received many invitations, inviting him to be a producer. The starting price of a work has reached one million + copyright share!"

   "The entire Chinese music scene is going crazy!"

  Everyone in the program team in the office laughed, and there was a sense of pride and pride in everyone's face and eyes.


  The Chinese music scene was stimulated by the Tomorrow Idol program group.

  Stimulated by Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, and Du Wei's continuous increase in sales of their outstanding works, the entire Chinese music scene became active.

   And all three of them have gone out from Tomorrow Idol.

   This year's idol of tomorrow will affect the direction of the entire Chinese entertainment circle in the future...

  Their status of this program group will rise in the circle in the future.

  A person in charge jokingly said: "Many people on the Internet also suggested that we hold more farewell performances, so that we can earn more tickets."

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui ignored this.

  Because, they know that although there are similar speeches on the Internet, the internal affairs of Penguin Entertainment and Nanyue Satellite TV are the main reasons.

   Now that both the company and the TV station have tasted such a big sweetness, they don't want to end it easily.

  Tomorrow Idol is currently at its peak, whether it is popularity, ratings, or online broadcast data, and has not yet seen a downward trend.

  Therefore, many people in Penguin Entertainment and Nanyue Satellite TV proposed to add a few more performances. As long as the ratings remain above 4 points, they can make a lot of money, and the 50,000 tickets at the scene will not worry about selling.

   It only needs to add three games, and the overall revenue will be more than one billion, and the ticket revenue alone will be nearly 200 million!

   Such lucrative numbers…

  Who is not confused?

   Liu Jiahui, Guo Shouxin and other people in the program group were also very excited after watching it. The income of the program has increased, and their year-end bonuses will also increase by a large amount.


Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui, the two decision-makers, have been running Tomorrow Idol for several years. From the very beginning, it was the framework of the program group they formed. They have persisted until now, and they have regarded the entire program group and the program itself as their own children. The cause of their lifelong struggle.


  They can't do something like that.


  The most important thing is that after today's performance, the contract between the program group and Wang Cheng will officially end.

  Even if there are a few more performances in the future, how much will the ratings be without Wang Cheng?

   At that time, the ratings will inevitably drop sharply!

   This adds a flaw to the mythology of this season, which is completely superfluous!

  Even if you can make more money temporarily, it will ruin your reputation.

  That's why Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui repeatedly rejected Penguin Entertainment and Nanyue Satellite TV's proposal to temporarily increase the number of performances.

   And now there are still people in the program group suggesting it, which means that some senior executives of Penguin Entertainment and Nanyue Satellite TV still haven't given up.

  However, Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui ignored it directly.

  Guo Shouxin asked: "How are the team members and guests preparing?"

The person in charge of the logistics quickly replied: "We have met all their requirements as much as possible, and we should be well prepared. A small rehearsal yesterday was in good condition! Moreover, this farewell performance is for entertainment, so there is no need Strict, occasionally something goes wrong, and the audience will understand."

  Guo Shouxin nodded, knowing that the final performance was purely for entertainment, just like a concert, and it doesn’t matter if mistakes are made, so he asked immediately: "How are the three major girl groups preparing?"

  The person in charge immediately replied: "They also rehearsed individually yesterday, and the results were not bad. They all have their own characteristics, and the performance level is also very high. They are indeed the top three girl groups in Asia."

  Guo Shouxin heaved a sigh of relief: "Okay, today's meeting will end here. You will go to the performance venue first..."

   Several people in charge agreed one after another, and then left, preparing to take their own staff to the performance venue.

  A performance venue with 50,000 people is also rare in southern Guangdong Province.

   After several people left, Guo Shouxin looked at Liu Jiahui and said regretfully, "It will end eventually!"

  Liu Jiahui also nodded, his eyes full of reluctance.

  They know that this time may be the most glorious moment of their life.

   In the future, it may not be possible to replicate the miracle of this audience rating.

   Newcomers like Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, and Du Wei cannot be found every year. Even if one appears occasionally in the future, it is impossible for three to compete on the same stage at once.

Of course, they know that in the future, there will be at most one newcomer like Du Wei, and it would be great. Someone like Wen Yixiao may not be able to produce one in ten years, and someone like Wang Cheng, there will only be one in a hundred years. , When will the next one appear, only God knows.

  Liu Jiahui took out a cigarette and lit it, and said softly: "Next year, our competitive pressure will be very high."

  Guo Shouxin has been busy with the program group, and has not paid much attention to the outside information for the time being, so he asked curiously: "How to say?"

Liu Jiahui said in a solemn tone: "I have received definite news that Mofang Entertainment and Dragon TV will jointly create a large-scale talent show with an estimated investment of about 500 million yuan. Giants, and a few other mid-sized companies.”

   "At the same time, Jingtian Entertainment will create a music audition stage with Beijing Satellite TV. Talent Entertainment will create an audition stage with Bashu Satellite TV."

   "The final champions of the three stages will get together again, and the final winner will be the championship!"

   "The total investment in the whole plan exceeds one billion yuan. Moreover, they are still wooing other entertainment companies and TV stations."

  Guo Shouxin was stunned, took out a cigarette and forgot to light it, and said with wide eyes, "Are they going to compete directly with us?"

Liu Jiahui nodded: "Yes! We are directly competing with us. They are still wooing Shonan Satellite TV and Xiangjiang Entertainment, trying to win over several of our programs! This time, our Tomorrow Idol is too popular and earns too much. Everyone is jealous, and they don't want us to be the only family in the future, and we don't want Penguin Entertainment to develop too fast..."

"The contestants on the Idol of Tomorrow this time, Wen Yixiao, Du Wei, and Wu Han, are all from our company, and they are all very popular! In terms of newcomers, it is not as good as Rubik's Cube Entertainment, which has Wang Cheng and Ma Yunfei, but we have Tomorrow's idol stage, so we are still the biggest winners, and the profits make every entertainment company jealous."

Although the cooperation between Tomorrow Idol and several other talent shows in the past few years can also bring some enthusiasm and good income, but it is not enough to make everyone envious. The highest ratings are just over 2 points. The weekly playback volume is just over one billion.

  This year's improvement is really terrifying, the ratings skyrocketed to 5.2, and the online broadcast volume of the finals exceeded 5 billion last week!

  The direct income reaches billions, and the long-term income is unimaginable.

   Any entertainment company will be so envious that they won't be able to sleep.

  Similarly, they don’t want Penguin Entertainment to develop too quickly on the stage of Tomorrow’s Idol, so it’s a normal operation to unite to fight and suppress Tomorrow’s Idol and Penguin Entertainment.

  Guo Shouxin's expression also became serious and dignified, and the joy just now disappeared completely.

  If Tianfu Entertainment cooperates with Bashu Satellite TV, it may be integrated on the basis of the original Happy Boys, then it will not continue to cooperate with Tomorrow Idol, and Tomorrow Idol will have one less player source next year.

  If Shonan Satellite TV is also poached, there will be one less, and this is the biggest and best talent show stage.

   Liu Jiahui continued: "Also, the ambitions of Jiangsu, Zhejiang Satellite TV and Shonan Satellite TV are not small. They also want to create a stage that looks like tomorrow's idols, and they don't want to be inferior to others!"

"However, whether it's Dragon TV, Jiangsu-Zhejiang Satellite TV, or Shonan Satellite TV, they all want to win over Wang Cheng! They will regard Wang Cheng as the core of next year's new program. Now, the company's executives are worried that these three David TVs and the companies behind them will unite , that would be terrifying."

  The three big TVs and the entertainment giants behind them are really rich and have resources. Once they unite to make programs, it will be really easy to surpass the idols of tomorrow.

  Guo Shouxin took a deep breath, thinking of Wang Cheng's terrifying appeal.

  If Wang Cheng is really invited by them, the ratings will definitely not be low. It may be difficult to reach the record-breaking 5.2 of Tomorrow’s Idol, but it is guaranteed to be above 4.0...

   Then it will be very successful, and it will definitely surpass next year's idol of tomorrow.

  Next year, the next season of Idol of Tomorrow will start again, and if the ratings can be above 3 points, it will be considered a success...

  Guo Shouxin had a headache.

  Liu Jiahui asked: "How are Wang Cheng and Han Xiao's performance preparations going?"

  Guo Shouxin: "It's okay, I asked Han Xiao, and she said it's very good!"

  Liu Jiahui nodded, and then asked curiously: "Are Wang Cheng and Han Xiao really together?"

  Guo Shouxin shook his head: "No! Wang Cheng is only temporarily cooperating with Han Xiao, and they are not together. I think Wang Cheng still keeps a clear distance from Han Xiao."


  Wang Cheng had a relatively relaxed week. There was only one performance. After recording the work on the first day, the next few days were just simple choreography.

  Han Xiao's dance foundation is not bad. After all, he debuted as a trainee. Dance is an essential foundation for trainees, even more important than vocal music.

   After all, the recording studio can fix the sound, but the dance performance cannot use special effects.

  So, almost every famous trainee has a very good dance foundation.

  For the last morning's practice, Wang Cheng, Han Xiao, Huang Bin, and Mo Bailin were very relaxed, without the pressure of facing an enemy.

  When eating at noon, the cafeteria was much less crowded. Most of the contestants went to the performance venue to rehearse in the morning. Few people stayed at the base of the program group, only two groups of contestants, Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao.

  Wang Cheng just sat down to eat.

  Shen Shenghui came to the cafeteria suddenly, sat opposite Wang Cheng, and while eating, said in a serious tone: "Wang Cheng, today's performance is over, and your contract with tomorrow's idol is over."

   "New job, I'm ready for you!"

  Wang Cheng glanced at Shen Shenghui, but said nothing.

  (end of this chapter)