MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 180 178. If you have forgotten your name, please follow me. Now let

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  Chapter 180 178. If you forget your name, please follow me, now let us worship to happiness.

  Looking at the ratings reports on the table, both of them were in a bad mood!

  Looking at the live TV screen, the host is talking about Wang Cheng's upcoming appearance...

   Liu Jiahui said in a low voice: "Our previous estimates were a bit optimistic..."

  Guo Shouxin nodded: "Yes, after last week's performance, our mentality is not right. I thought that this week's ratings would not be too low! However, last week's ratings data is a miracle."

   Liu Jiahui said with emotion: "Yes, the reason why miracles are miracles is because miracles cannot be replicated. Therefore, we must adjust our mentality in the future. Next year's ratings will definitely be much lower than this year's. Don't be affected by that time."

  Guo Shouxin hummed, and picked up the ratings report again to look at it.

  Wen Yixiao's ratings for the opening show were 3.3, which is no worse than last week's finals, but the follow-up trend did not replicate last week's data.

   After that, it continued to decrease, until the Pink Age came out, and the ratings were only 2.2, which is an astonishing drop.

Fortunately, the performance of the four members of Pink Age was also very exciting, which raised the ratings to 2.9 again, and then dropped to 2.5 when Ma Yunfei appeared on the stage, and then returned to 2.9 when Du Wei appeared on the stage, but he failed to return. to above 3.0.

  Until the subsequent appearance of Ocean Girl, the ratings were pulled back to 3.3 again, returning to the ratings of Wen Yixiao's opening performance...

   At this time, Wang Cheng finally appeared.

   This made Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui, who had experienced an average rating of 4.3 last week, a little out of balance when they saw the data.

  They had expectations in their hearts that this week's show would definitely not be able to replicate last week's miracle ratings, but they also felt that the overall ratings would remain above 3.0.

   After all, the lineup for this week's show is amazing.

  The trainee players of each team, plus the invited guests are basically top-tier celebrity guests, as well as the three major Asian girl groups.

   Even if Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao are not added, just these other people can support a variety show with a super lineup, which is stronger than Shonan Satellite TV's annual New Year's Eve show.

  However, with such a lineup, the ratings cannot be kept above 3.0!

  Compared with Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao’s ratings above 4.0 for almost the whole process last week, it’s just so uncomfortable that I can’t breathe…

  However, after the two of them calmed down, they accepted and understood.

   It's not that the current ratings are too low.

   But last week's ratings were too exaggerated, a miracle that cannot be replicated, so it cannot be compared with such a miracle.

  Under normal circumstances, the ratings of a variety show can raise the peak ratings to around 3.0. Even if it is very high, it would be an exaggeration to maintain an average rating of around 3.0.

  Especially, the current broadcast time is not prime time...

   Such ratings can be regarded as very successful.

Even Shonan Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party performances in recent years, the ratings have not reached 3. It can be seen that the ratings of 3 points are gold, just because there are several variety shows with ratings breaking 3 this year, and the ratings of Tomorrow's Idol are even higher. Each issue is more than 3, so people have a cheap illusion.

   In fact, except for a few shows this year, among all entertainment variety shows in the past ten years, only The Voice finals a few years ago broke the ratings by 3 points, and no other variety show has ever achieved it.

  So, thinking of this, the mentality of the two of them is much better.

   Now, the two looked at the live broadcast screen again, and saw that the host had stepped down and Wang Cheng was about to perform on stage, and their hearts were full of anticipation.

   I don’t know how much Wang Cheng can increase the ratings...

   Finally, can the average ratings of tonight be pulled above 3.0?

  The average audience rating last week was 4.3!

  If the average audience rating can exceed 3.0 this week!

  Then they will really harvest a miracle year this year.


   At this time, after the whole scene was lively, it became quiet.

  Whether it’s ordinary audiences or many celebrities and celebrities in the industry, they all quietly stared at the stage with wide-eyed eyes, wanting to see Wang Cheng’s performance for the first time.

  Many viewers in front of the TVs were also looking forward to and excitedly watching the live broadcast.

  Many people who used to play games, attend classes, or were busy with other things quickly sat in front of the TV and turned on the TV to watch the live broadcast of Tomorrow Idol...

  The Internet has become quieter, and many people have no time and energy to surf the Internet.

  Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting were all full of anticipation and excitement.

Chen Yuqi said excitedly: "Wow, I finally saw Wang Cheng's performance live. I am so looking forward to it, so excited. It's a pity that Wang Cheng only has one performance today. If I can watch his four performances live like last week It was such a joy to perform.”

  Jiang Han also blushed: "Yeah, just one show is enough. The other fans of Wang Cheng in the school know it, and they must be so envious and jealous, hahaha..."

  Tian Wen frowned slightly when she heard what her daughter and classmates said. She doesn't like star worship, but she also has some expectations for Wang Cheng's performance in her heart.

  However, if it was a guzheng performance, then she would look forward to it even more, and she doesn't mind her daughter being so fascinated.

  Xu Chaohua said with a smile: "Every time there is a performance by Wang Cheng, everyone looks forward to him the most... This time, he and Han Xiao will definitely not be classical music, which is a pity."

  Tian Wen nodded: "Yes, he has such an amazing musical talent. If he can specialize in classical music, his achievements will be amazing in the future, and he will be famous in history."

  In Tian Wen’s view, only classical music classics can make people famous in history.

  No matter how powerful and popular pop music is, it is only temporary, and it will be forgotten by people in a few decades.

Just like teenagers nowadays, no one knows what pop music was like 30 or 40 years ago, and they have no interest in pop music decades ago, but they have heard and known the classic classical music that has been passed down for hundreds of years. music.

Chen Yuqi heard it and said: "Mom, don't be so old-fashioned! Just like the ancient poetry and modern poetry we have been arguing about, the literati in the past looked down on modern poetry and vernacular Chinese, but after a hundred years, there are still many vernacular and modern poetry. Has it become a classic and passed down?"

   "It is not only ancient poetry and prose that can be passed down through the ages, modern vernacular and modern poetry can be just as good! The same goes for classical music and pop music. As long as it is a good work, it can be passed down..."

  Chen Yuqi studies Chinese language and literature, so she used her major as an example.

Tian Wen hummed and did not speak, obviously disapproving of what her daughter Chen Yuqi said, music and literature are two different fields, although everyone likes to put the two together and call them the literary world, but in fact the two are quite distinct The two art groups and types.

  In ancient times, music was an unpopular heresy, and literature was the right way.

  Therefore, literature, whether it is ancient Chinese or modern vernacular, naturally has the genes to be passed down.

  At this time, the lights on the stage gradually dimmed.

  Chen Yuqi also stopped talking, just staring at the stage excitedly.

next moment…

  The lights on the stage suddenly turned on again.

  Under the brilliant lights, Wang Cheng, Han Xiao, Huang Bin, Mo Bailin and others are already standing in the center of the stage. Everyone is wearing different clothing styles, but they are all cool and casual...

   All of a sudden, it made many people feel a lot easier.

   Then, a burst of prelude music sounded.

  Wang Cheng took a step forward, stretched out his fingers one by one, and said to the microphone next to his mouth: "onetwothreefour..."

  In an instant, the whole stage seemed to come alive.

  Every stationary person dances, but everyone's dance moves are different. Although the moves are not difficult, they are just simple dance moves, but they are full of casualness and joy!

  Wang Cheng also danced different dance moves, the same simple, so beautiful in the cheerful melody, and the stage aura is still strong.

All the audience at the scene were dazzled, as if watching the dance floor in the night bar, everyone was dancing the dance they wanted, and there was an involuntary feeling in their hearts, a desire to join it Impulsive, I really want to dance freely and happily like those people on the stage...

  At this time, Wang Cheng's singing came.

   "If you forget your name, please follow me..."

   "Now let us adore to joy..."

   "If you let go of your burden, please follow me..."

   "Spread to build a happy era..."

  A few cheerful lyrics immediately made many people in the audience restless.

  Wang Cheng came to the front of the stage in two steps, and in an instant, many audience members in the front row stood up excitedly and waved to Wang Cheng.

The most expensive ticket for the front row of this live performance is as high as 100,000, but it can still be sold. The fundamental reason is that many people know that Wang Cheng likes to stand at the front and face the audience directly when performing, so the front row audience has a chance Being able to interact closely with Wang Cheng...

  Most of the audience came to watch the show live. Who wouldn’t want to interact with Wang Cheng up close?

  Whether it is ordinary audiences or many celebrities and entertainers, they are eager to interact with Wang Cheng. Some like Wang Cheng, and some just want to gain popularity.


  When Wang Cheng came to the front in one step, the audience in the front row couldn't wait to stand up and interact with Wang Cheng first.

  Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting all stood up and waved to Wang Cheng.

  Jiang Han said excitedly: "Wang Cheng seems to have glanced at me... ah..."

   Can't help screaming.

   Not far away, Liu Ziyu, Zhu Ziqi and others also stood up and waved to Wang Cheng.

  Liu Ziyu jumped up and waved to Wang Cheng, hoping to be seen by Wang Cheng, and said excitedly: "Ah, Wang Cheng seems to have seen me! Ziqi..."

  Zhu Ziqi was also waving to Wang Cheng, ignoring Liu Ziyu's excitement, and listening to Wang Cheng's song carefully while waving.

  She could feel that this song was born for joy.

  Every note, every line of lyrics, and even everyone's dance reveals a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, which is very suitable for live performances.

Kong Changxing on the other side said in a low voice: "Wang Cheng's music style is really hard to guess, it has changed too much. Any style of works can be produced, and they are all so good. Although it has been done more than once, I still feel that Incredible! This song is somewhat similar to his previous songs, yet somewhat different..."

   Both Liu Shengjie and Liang Xi nodded, looking at Wang Cheng with admiration and disbelief.

  The more professionals stand at the top, the more incredible Wang Cheng's performance will be!

  Wang Cheng stood in front, and Han Xiao and Huang Bin followed behind, and came behind Wang Cheng, moving with the music.

  Wang Cheng's singing didn't stop. After the opening few words, there was a rap immediately followed, which made everyone's eyes shine.

   "708090 or..."

  Han Xiao, who was half a body behind Wang Cheng, suddenly uttered his own voice: "Generation Y..."

  Then, Han Xiao walked around in front of Wang Cheng easily, like a passer-by, and many audiences in the audience were envious and amused.

   Then, Wang Cheng's singing continued.

   "If you open the history textbook, you will find the answer carefully."

   "I can't find it, and I can't memorize it well..."

  Han Xiao leaned over from Wang Cheng's side again, and sang loudly with Wang Cheng: "Relax, let me, say..."

  Then, Han Xiao turned around again and walked away...

   Wang Cheng continued to sing: "What kind of wind blows in what era."

   "I'm holding my mic..."

   "Sing out to Oldschoolshow."

   "Yall ready to roll..."

   "In the 70s, I am the most high when retro!"


  “Never say sayGoodbye…”

   “It’s only cool if you let the funk go.”

   "Men and women, old and young."

   "We wear bell bottoms."

   "YO afro, looking forward to the spring breeze."

   "Swing left and right, pointing up and down magically..."

   "Black and white TV may not feel."

   "But I believe you can realize black humor..."

  Wang Cheng turned around and walked to the side.

  Han Xiao took a step forward, stood at the front, and sang his own song.

   "Forget that you exist."

   "What to expect..."

   "Joy you invited it to come."

   “Rather than yearn for caring.”

   "It's better to be wonderful together."

   "Happiness is contagious..."

   "Please be generous!"


  Han Xiao waved at everyone, turned around and stepped on the steps again, dancing simple and retro dance moves, as if returning to the last century.

   And at this time.

Everyone in the audience was infected by the cheerful music, and stood up one after another, waving their arms in accordance with the rhythm of the music. Many people also learned the simple dance moves of Han Xiao and others, and everyone had a smile on their faces , Many people also screamed excitedly.

   This is the sense of presence they want!

  Backstage, many trainees and famous guests who had finished the performance looked at the scene of the live performance with envy.

  In such a lively scene, even the three major girl groups that caused a sensation on the scene just now are at least one level behind.


  What everyone envied the most was Han Xiao who stood in front and sang.

  Being able to perform with Wang Cheng in such a lively scene, Han Xiao will definitely enjoy great benefits, and get closer to Wang Cheng.

  Lisa said regretfully: "It's a pity that we have never performed with Wang Cheng! We may not have the opportunity in the future."

Pei Zhuyan said in a low voice: "Last time I asked Brother Zhixun if he could perform with Wang Cheng. Brother Zhixun said that he also asked the program team, and the program team said that they had no way to decide, everything was up to Wang Cheng to decide! Obviously , Wang Cheng himself didn't want to cooperate with us, he finally chose this lucky girl."

  Lin Xi looked at Han Xiao: "She is so lucky!"

  Shi Yuan Zhenzhu next to him also said enviously: "This Han Xiao is so lucky that he can perform with Wang Cheng. It would be great if we could perform with Wang Cheng."

Haruko Nakamori shook her head: "I asked the director of the program group, and he said that we should ask Wang Cheng ourselves, but I dare not ask! I heard that many people wanted to cooperate with Wang Cheng, but Wang Cheng refused and chose this Han Xiao. And this Han Xiao has been pursuing Wang Cheng, I wonder if they are together?"

  Amuro Chiyuki hurriedly shook her head and said, "Don't be together..."

   Several people looked enviously at the scene of Han Xiao and Wang Cheng performing together.

Sisters Li Canghai and Li Qiushui also had slightly reddened envious eyes, but they didn't speak, they just watched the TV screen closely, thinking that they must be very happy to stand beside Wang Cheng instead of Han Xiao. beautiful…

  Wen Yixiao didn't watch the live broadcast in the background, but came directly to the exit, stood behind the stage and watched Wang Cheng and Han Xiao's performance, a few tears dripped from the corners of her eyes involuntarily!

   Taking a few deep breaths, Wen Yixiao suppressed the sadness in his heart, but his eyes were still firm, and he murmured in a low voice: "I will definitely be able to stand by your side to perform in the future!"


   And the performance on the stage continued.

  The atmosphere at the scene is already constantly exploding.

  Wang Cheng stood at the front, bent down and pointed at the live camera, singing directly facing the camera.

   "If you are in love, if you are broken in love, please follow me..."

   "Worship to happiness while dancing..."

  The audience in the first row jumped up one after another, waved at Wang Cheng, screamed and wanted to interact with Wang Cheng, and even wanted to high-five Wang Cheng, but Wang Cheng ignored them.

  Wang Cheng left the live camera and turned around again.

   And at this time, Wang Cheng's mask was a little loose because of the previous several turning movements. At this time, he turned around again, threw the mask out again, and fell directly under the stage!


   Screams rang out again at the scene.

  Especially the many spectators who bought the front seats at a high price, screamed harshly.


  The overwhelming screams sounded at the scene.

  (end of this chapter)

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