MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 182 180. Let me tell you something funny: I paid for the scene

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  Chapter 182 180. Let me tell you something funny: I paid to sing for Wang Cheng at the scene! (seeking subscription)

   "One more song..."

   "One more song..."

   "One more song..."


  Almost tens of thousands of people shouted together, and the sky-shattering sound hit everyone's eardrums.

  Many trainees and guests from the backstage also came to the exit of the stage and gathered here. They also raised their hands and shouted together with the tens of thousands of audience: "One more song..."

   Such a hot scene.

   Many of the big names present have never experienced it.

Even the pink era, a world-class girl group, does not have such an amazing attraction in Bangguo. Although there are many fans who are reluctant to part with each performance, there are hundreds or thousands of people at most, and it will not affect the audience. Tens of thousands of people!

  Flame Youth and Ocean Girl have also never experienced...

  The other trainees and invited guests have never experienced such a shocking scene.

  Every pair of eyes looked at Wang Cheng, full of envy and amazement.

  They seemed to be watching a miracle happen...

  Wen Yixiao looked closely at Wang Cheng, and murmured in a low voice: "I don't know if he will sing another song!"

  Song Xue picked up her phone and looked at the time: "It's not time to get off work, it should be!"

  The people around were a little weird when they heard this...

  Off hours?

  What is that for a star entertainer?


  It's no wonder that it's Wang Cheng.

  Wang Cheng's habit of leaving get off work on time at 8:00 p.m. is almost well known in the circle.

  From the incomprehension and ridicule behind everyone's back at the beginning, everyone has accepted it now, knowing that this is Wang Cheng's unique style.

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui in the back office also stood up excitedly, watching the TV screen closely, hoping that Wang Chengneng would really agree to the tens of thousands of audiences present and sing another song, and the follow-up ratings might be even higher.

   Such an on-site atmosphere has never been seen even in their many years of career.

  In the golden age of the Chinese music scene more than ten or twenty years ago, no king or queen could do this to make the audience so reluctant.

  After all, at that time, there was no single king and queen who was the only one, and at the same time there were at least two or three top kings and queens competing for each other, so no one was irreplaceable, and no one’s works were unmatched.

  That's why it was called the golden age of the Chinese music scene at that time. If it was dominated by a certain person, it would mean that the music scene was withered, and it would not be called the golden age.

  The current Chinese music scene has withered for ten years, so the current Wang Cheng has become irreplaceable in the Chinese music scene at this time, and many works are outstanding in terms of sales and influence.

  That's why the audience at the scene were so reluctant to leave Wang Cheng, because Wang Cheng's works and strength are unique in their hearts.

   "If Wang Cheng can hold a concert, the atmosphere will definitely explode..."

   Guo Shouxin said in a low voice.

Liu Jiahui nodded and said with certainty: "Of course, there are more than 50,000 people at the scene, let alone all of them. At least 40,000 people are here for Wang Cheng, and the remaining 10,000 people may be for Wen Yixiao. A small number of people are here for the three major girl groups. Many people can’t buy tickets and complain everywhere. If the ticket sales are released, it is estimated that millions of tickets will be sold..."

   As for the others...

   It doesn't matter if you don't mention it.


  The capital.

  In the office of the Spring Festival Gala.

  Xie Xingfeng, Ma Jian, and Zhou Xianfeng were also looking at the live broadcast in amazement and excitement at this time. Looking at the enthusiastic atmosphere of the scene, it is really impossible to imagine how excited the people at the scene were.

  They could see from the live broadcast footage that many celebrities and entertainers in the front row were waving and shouting along with the tens of thousands of spectators.

  Of course, as people in the circle, they also know that most of these people are just pretending to steal the spotlight in front of the camera, just to gain popularity.

  However, Xie Xingfeng said: "See Wang Cheng's attractiveness?"

  Both Ma Jian and Zhou Xianfeng nodded at the same time, their eyes shining with thoughtful light.

  Afterwards, Ma Jian said in a low voice: "I don't know what song Wang Cheng will sing again? It's impossible to create a new song on the spot, right?"

  Xie Xingfeng: "Like last week's song Shameless? It should be impossible..."

  Last week, Wang Cheng wrote a song on the spot, which shocked the entire Chinese music scene.

No big-name musician questioned Wang Cheng's strength and authenticity anymore. The big names who had posted doubts before had all deleted their previous speeches. Only some unknown musicians continued to question Wang Cheng. Want to get attention with this.

  However, no one believed that Wang Cheng really created Embarrassment in a short period of time on the spot. Everyone guessed that this should be the stock in Wang Cheng's stomach before, and it happened to be taken out at that time.

Zhou Xianfeng also watched Wang Cheng's live performance last week, and shook his head lightly: "It's unlikely. The song "No Land to Shame" should be his previous stock. It is unlikely that it was created temporarily on the spot. Now, he may sing a song. His own previously published work."

   At this time.

  On the live broadcast screen.

  The host handed the microphone to Wang Cheng again, and said with a smile: "Wang Cheng, so many people are reluctant to let your performance end like this, and want to hear you sing again, what do you think?"

  The whole day's shouting at the scene gradually subsided, and every pair of eyes was fixed on Wang Cheng, looking forward to Wang Cheng's answer.

   Almost everyone agrees that…

  The wishes of tens of thousands of people at the scene, and the voices of tens of thousands of people, no one can refuse.

   This is the voice of the masses.

  I was thinking about what Wang Cheng would sing.


  With his hands behind his back, Wang Cheng still looked calmly at the scene of more than 50,000 people, a large area covered in darkness, most people would be speechless when they saw this scene.

  But Wang Cheng, like a passerby, looked at the 50,000 people, as if he had nothing to do with him, and said calmly, "I'm off work!"


The host holding the microphone froze for a moment, his whole body froze, and the expression on his face became stiff. He stared at Wang Cheng with wide eyes, and then at all the audience, wondering if Wang Cheng was joking. .

  Han Xiao was surprised for a moment, and felt that this was a reasonable thing. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he felt amused—this is Wang Cheng.

  Almost all the audience at the scene were a little dazed and confused...

  Especially the many celebrities and entertainers in the front row, they all stared at Wang Cheng with wide eyes in disbelief!

  They dream of having such fans, tens of thousands of people are reluctant to leave by themselves,

  If they are faced with the call of tens of thousands of fans, they will definitely not say anything, just start singing, as long as they are asked to sing...

  After all, they also hope to continue to operate such a fan stickiness, which represents their popularity, their coffee position, and their income...


  Wang Cheng actually said—he is off work?

   Several celebrity artists under the stage looked at each other in disbelief.

"what did he say?"

   "He said he was off work and stopped singing..."

   "Did you hear that too?"

   "I heard it, you heard it too?"


   Such a dialogue woke up several celebrities around.

  They didn't dream or hear hallucinations.

   This is real.

Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting, three doctoral students at Peking University, shouted like crazy fans just now, hoping that Wang Cheng can continue to sing, so when they heard Wang Cheng's answer at this time, they were somewhat unresponsive. Quietly froze in place.

   Tian Wen next to her said in a low voice, "This Wang Cheng has a real personality!"

Xu Chaohua smiled wryly and said: "It's just too individual, otherwise it would be impossible to reject me so many times! Our principal has scolded me several times, saying that our school has been rejected so many times by Wang Cheng in such a public manner, and did not respond on Weibo. Directly ignoring it will make our school lose face."

  Tian Wen said lightly: "He didn't respond to the invitation I sent him, and he ignored it!"

  Xu Chaohua: "This is Wang Cheng. Maybe it's because he can stick to his personality like this and not be infected by the big dye tank of the entertainment industry, so he can have such talent and strength."

Tian Wen froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, it's impossible for people who follow the crowd to achieve much! But, like Wang Cheng, who can face the voices of tens of thousands of people and still insist on himself, it's even more important." It’s not easy, if it were me, I couldn’t do it.”

  Xu Chaohua: "I can't do it either."

  Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting heard their conversation, and were a little speechless.

  Of course they already knew that Wang Cheng has a weird temper and a weird personality. They said in the first issue of Tomorrow Idol that he just came to work in the entertainment industry...

  However, they still have inertial thinking, and it is reasonable to think that Wang Cheng should take these fans who support him seriously.

  Now, they understand.

  Wang Cheng really didn't take his fans who supported him seriously...

  The cry of tens of thousands of people.

  The wishes of tens of thousands of fans who support him.

  He can also ignore it.

   Such a star...


  I like it so much...

  For some reason, Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting, the three talented Peking University girls, looked at Wang Cheng, who was still calm on the stage, and felt more attractive and attractive to them.

  The temperament of being isolated from the world, confronting tens of thousands of people, and being an enemy of the world is simply love!

  The eyes of the three of them looking at Wang Cheng became even hotter and crazy, and they really had a fanaticism for chasing stars.

  Before, the three of them liked Wang Cheng's works more, and what they liked was Wang Cheng's talent and the good songs, but now they were attracted by Wang Cheng's personal charm for the first time.

  Many trainees and guest celebrities in the backstage, as well as the three major girl groups, stood at the entrance behind the stage, looking at Wang Cheng's back, and were a little speechless.

  Pei Zhuyan said in a low voice: "He is really amazing!"

  Lisa nodded in approval, a trace of heartfelt admiration flashed in her eyes.

  Ginny and Lin Xi also nodded...

They debuted in the entertainment circle of Bangguo, so they naturally accepted stricter rules. They would try their best to agree to the requests of fans. They knew very well that everything they got came from the support of fans. If they didn't With the support of fans, they are nothing.

  So, at the end of their performance, when there are often hundreds of people shouting together, they will consider adding a song.

  When I meet media reporters outside, I usually smile and say hello...

   Don't dare to ignore and offend fans and the media.

  If Wang Cheng refuses to ignore the wishes of tens of thousands of fans at the scene, they absolutely dare not.

  If they dare to do this, they will definitely be reprimanded by the brokerage company, and will also be resisted by many fans. At least they will lose fans, and at worst they will lose their fans!

  Other trainees and guests, except Wen Yixiao, who is more and more like Wang Cheng, who supports and approves of Wang Cheng's approach, others can't understand.

  Especially the traffic stars, they can't understand it.

   Fans are their life.

   It's too late to wait carefully, how dare you offend?

  Looking at Wang Cheng’s back with pairs of eyes, it’s very complicated. Many people are a little gloating and expecting that Wang Cheng will offend many fans tonight and lose fans...

   Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui in the office also had wry smiles on their faces.

  They only paid attention to the ratings just now, so they forgot Wang Cheng's temper...and instinctively felt that Wang Cheng should agree to everyone's request under the general trend.

   This is something that every star artist in the circle cannot refuse.

   But, unexpectedly, Wang Cheng really refused, ignoring the emotions of tens of thousands of fans.

  At this moment, they calmed down and thought about it, thinking that this is Wang Cheng...

  If he agreed easily, he would not be Wang Cheng.

  The three people who were far away in the office of the Beijing Spring Festival Gala program group were also watching the live broadcast in a daze at this time.

   Zhou Xianfeng frowned and said, "Young man, you have too much personality..."

Xie Xingfeng smiled wryly: "That's right, his biggest insistence is his own work and rest time! It's just like the popular migrant worker now, he is determined not to work overtime! Although it's not yet his off-duty time at eight o'clock, he has completed the contract Even if the performance tasks within the performance are completed, you can leave work."

   "If it's eight o'clock, I suspect he might leave the stage directly, regardless of whether the show time is over or not."

  Zhou Xianfeng stared at Xie Xingfeng: "Then if you invite him over, can you handle it?"

Xie Xingfeng recalled what Guo Shouxin said, just follow Wang Cheng, and immediately said: "As long as it is within his working hours, then it's fine. It's no problem to leave the performance to him. Director Guo of Tomorrow's Idol Program Group is In doing so, we will completely entrust the performance to the players and give them full trust."

   Zhou Xianfeng was noncommittal about this.

As a producer within the CCTV system, he naturally doesn't like any uncontrolled celebrity artists. If it's within his control, then it's fine.

  So the stars and entertainers invited by the several programs he produced in the past few years are relatively old-fashioned, fully cooperative, and have a good reputation, but the ratings are not very good, and the popularity is not high.

  He never hired any traffic stars who like to play big names.

  Wang Cheng with a weird personality...

   Zhou Xianfeng really didn't want to touch it.

  The three were silent again, staring at the live broadcast, wanting to see what would happen next.

On the live stage, after cooperating with Wang Cheng in the past two months, the host has experienced more embarrassments than he has experienced in the past few years, so his ability to respond immediately has been greatly enhanced, and he reacted quickly. The stiff expression on his face changed to Smile, haha: "Haha, Wang Cheng really knows how to joke."

  Wang Cheng stood there calmly without speaking.

  The host laughed and said, "Well, since Wang Cheng wants to rest, today's performance may end here!"

  He was a little tired and just wanted to end soon.



  The eerie silence of the scene was also broken at this moment.

  In the auditorium, someone suddenly shouted.

   "Among the crowds, there are you and me!"

   "Acquaintances meet and ponder each other."

   "Among the crowds, it's you and me..."

   "Pretending to be decent and smiling..."

  The abrupt singing sounds like a bright light in the dark.

  It quickly lit up everyone, and also infected many fans at the scene, and quickly sang along.


   They didn't want it to end there.

   More and more singing voices joined in.

   "You don't need to say too much, you know it yourself."

   "What do you and I want to do?"

   "Don't care about a lot, let alone be sad."

   "One day you will understand me."

  The singing became louder and louder.

This song has just been released for a week, but the download sales have already exceeded 100 million, and it also broke the weekly sales record. The number of people who have listened to it has reached hundreds of millions. It may be said that in the whole of China, as long as you don’t live in the deep mountains and old forests without Internet and TV People have basically heard of it.

The audience who can come to the scene are loyal fans, so most of them can sing this song, and a small number of people who can sing but don’t know the lyrics also took out their mobile phones and clicked on the lyrics of this song by Penguin Music, looking at the lyrics They sang together.


   More people joined in.

  Dang sang: "In the sea of ​​people, I see you again."

   "Equally charming, equally beautiful..."

   "Relax slowly, let go slowly."

   "Also still don't care..."

   Tens of thousands of people almost all joined in.

  Many people shouted at the top of their voices, and the singing of the audience soared into the sky.

  The live broadcast camera quickly turned to capture many audiences at the scene. At a glance, everyone was singing along, even the many star artists in the front row were no exception.

  Zhu Ziqi, Liu Ziyu, Zhang Hanwen, An Keru, Feng Tang and others all sang the lyrics of embarrassment loudly.

   Even Tian Wen and Xu Chaohua sang along.

  Even Liu Shengjie, Kong Changxing, Liang Xi and other behind-the-scenes producers couldn't help singing along with the surrounding atmosphere and singing.

  In the corner, Yu Jinghong, Mo Jinhua and others, as well as executives and managers of entertainment companies such as Shen Shenghui, were no exception, and all sang together.

  Yu Jinghong sang a few lines, and whispered to Mo Jinhua: "Wang Cheng's attractiveness, if you can really buy it for 10 billion, it's really not a loss. However, Qin Yuhai's asking price is too outrageous."

  Mo Jinhua nodded in agreement, looked at Wang Cheng standing there, full of admiration, and continued to sing along with everyone.

Standing behind the stage are Wen Yixiao, Song Xue, Ma Yunfei, Yu Huaying, Li Xingluo, Lin Xi, Nakamori Haruko, Li Canghai and all the trainees who performed tonight, and the guests also sang together own singing.

  Everyone was almost shouting at the top of their lungs.

  In the backstage office, Guo Shouxin quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and said: "Immediately play the shameless soundtrack, and we must seamlessly connect with the singing of everyone on the scene..."

  The opposite backstage staff quickly responded: "Okay, Director Guo, get it done right away!"

   Liu Jiahui smiled and said: "Although Wang Cheng refused, but everyone did not refuse, the atmosphere of the scene is enough!"

  Guo Shouxin looked closely at the live broadcast screen, nodded and said: "Yes, the atmosphere of the scene is really enough..."

  At this time, the live music sounded.

  It is the soundtrack that makes you feel ashamed, and it is perfectly integrated with the singing of everyone on the scene, which immediately makes all the singing fans at the scene even more excited.

  The singing of tens of thousands of shouts rushed to the backstage office, and it was extremely deafening.

  The two have been in the entertainment industry for many years, and this is the first time they have seen such an amazing scene!

   "I don't know if I will see you again in the future."

   Liu Jiahui said in admiration, the emotions in his eyes were very complicated.

  Guo Shouxin also whispered: "It's a bit difficult!"

They have also been to the concerts of many big-name singers of the older generation, and they have seen some classic songs from many years ago, which attracted many fans of the older generation to sing along, but no one could do it. The shock of tens of thousands of people singing the same song together.

   The lyrics still hit the sky.

  Guo Shouxin looked at the live broadcast screen, Wang Cheng and the host, as well as Han Xiao, Huang Bin, and Mo Bailin standing together, combined with the singing of tens of thousands of people at the scene, felt a little discordant.


   He and everyone else knew it.

  These people and these singing voices are all aimed at Wang Cheng alone.

  The other people seem a bit redundant, and the picture is not so harmonious.

  Guo Shouxin moved quickly, picked up the walkie-talkie in his hand and said to the host: "The host is leaving now, take Han Xiao and Huang Bin with them, and leave the stage to Wang Cheng alone."


The host on the stage heard Guo Shouxin's voice from the headset, and was surprised again, but quickly adjusted and recovered his expression, but his face was a little stiff. After seeing the shouts of tens of thousands of people at the scene, he was also very shocked. Just now I was also a little dazed and envious, and looked at Wang Cheng who was still standing there with his hands behind his back, like a passerby looking at the scenery.

  He wanted to ask Director Guo: Where is there a stage? Wang Cheng did not perform again.

  The show is over...

   Shouldn't he have announced the end of the show and left the stage with Wang Cheng and others?

However, he didn't say much, and didn't think too much, he just quickly carried out Guo Shouxin's order, smiled at everyone present, then turned around and waved to Huang Bin, Mo Bailin, and Han Xiao, signaling to follow. on his steps.

  Huang Bin, Mo Bailin, and Han Xiao were all taken aback for a moment, then looked at Wang Cheng's back, and felt that it was a bit redundant for them to stand here at this time, these singing voices, these pursuits, did not belong to them.

  So, they all quietly followed the host and turned around and left the scene.

   Handed over the entire stage to Wang Cheng alone.

  The huge stage became empty, only Wang Cheng was left alone, looking a little lonely.

  However, from the eyes of Wen Yixiao and others in the background, it seemed very shocking, because Wang Cheng was alone in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

  Wang Cheng was alone, facing the impact of tens of thousands of singing voices.

Wen Yixiao put herself in her shoes and thought about it. She herself did not dare to face such a huge pressure at this time. Her performance experience is still too little, especially the live performance of a big scene. Today is the first time. It is impossible to do it. Just like Wang Cheng, standing there calmly, didn't even bother to move, as if tens of thousands of people didn't exist.

After the gossip teammate yelled the lyrics, he looked at Wang Cheng's back and whispered to Wen Yixiao: "The temperament of the veteran cadre, the aura, is really invincible. I feel that more than 50,000 people have been compared by him... "

  Wen Yixiao and Song Xue still sang the lyrics along with the rhythm of the music, but at the same time nodded in agreement with their teammates.

  Wang Cheng stood there alone, facing more than 50,000 spectators, he really did not lose the wind at all, and even seemed to have the upper hand.

  Everyone doesn't know how Wang Cheng did it.

  He is only a nineteen-year-old trainee who just debuted...

  Even the four members of Pink Age, who had the most experience in performances, were shocked and admiring Wang Cheng's back, but they couldn't be as relaxed as Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng also felt the departure of the host and Han Xiao, but he didn't care about it. He wanted to leave the stage together, but he was a little dazed for a while when he saw the shouting singing of tens of thousands of people and the earnest eyes. , so I missed the opportunity to leave with Han Xiao, Huang Bin and the others. At this time, listening to the singing of so many people, I thought about leaving after listening to this song...

   In front of everyone, Wang Cheng took out his mobile phone and checked the time. Seeing that there was still an hour before the end of get off work, he relaxed a little.

   It's not bad to hear others sing to him...

  In his previous life, he had many concerts like this.

   You only need to play the music, get started, and leave the rest to the audience who bought tickets to sing for him.

   "I don't believe anymore, what reason do I believe in."

   “People have become so indifferent…”

   "No longer recall, recall what the past."

   "It's not who I used to be..."

   “I have felt lonely…”

   "I was also neglected by others..."

   "But never feel it!"

   "I feel ashamed..."


  The more the audience sang, the more they sang, the more they felt, and the more they sang, the more they felt like star singers.

   A few minutes passed by.

   When the music ends.

  Everyone still feels unsatisfied after singing.

  Everyone's face is enjoying the feeling just now.

  Even many celebrities and entertainers in front of them felt the same way. This was the first time they had experienced such a thing, and everyone felt very strange and moved.

   Such a hot scene.

  Although they never owned it, they can participate at this time!

  So, many celebrities and artists have also figured it out. They don’t compare themselves with Wang Cheng, and they don’t care whether they become Wang Cheng. Their own participation is also something that will help their development, and they can be regarded as gaining popularity.

Pairs of eyes stared at Wang Cheng who stood alone on the stage and faced all of them. Everyone’s eyes were no longer incomprehensible and unbelievable. They had already forgotten Wang Cheng’s words: I’m off work, and refused to come again. head…

   After singing this song, they felt ashamed, and all they had left was their love for Wang Cheng's music.

  Many people feel that there is another song...

  However, this time they did not speak to Wang Cheng, but to themselves.


  The singing stopped, when Wang Cheng thought it was over and wanted to turn around and leave.

  The audience congratulates you and there is another shout of singing among you.

   "It wasn't just the wine last night that made me cry."

   "It's not just your tenderness that makes me reluctant to part."

  As soon as the singing sounded, many fans who were also reluctant to leave at the scene immediately sang along.

   "How long will the rest of the road go, you are holding my hand..."

   "What bothers me is the freedom to struggle..."

  The voice quickly became louder and quickly swept the audience.

  Every audience who still had something to say, immediately joined in.

   Moreover, this time the program group played the Chengdu soundtrack quickly without the need for Guo Shouxin's conductor backstage, seamlessly connecting with the live singing again.

   This time, everyone sang even more vigorously.

  The singing voice soared into the sky again.

  Many people started shouting at the top of their lungs.

   "Parting is always in September, memories are the sorrow of missing."

  "The green weeping willow in late autumn kisses my forehead."

   "In that rainy little town, I never forgot you."

   "Chengdu, the only thing I can't take away is you..."

  The singing voices converged into a torrent, hitting everyone's ears.

  Many people couldn't help but burst into tears when they sang, as if this song was singing their own story.

   "Walk with me on the streets of Chengdu, oh oh..."

   "Don't stay until all the lights go out..."

   "You will hold my sleeve, and I will put my hand in my trouser pocket."

   "Walk to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern..."


  Wang Cheng failed again, and stood at the front of the stage again, keeping his hands behind his back, looking at everyone with a figure-of-eight gait, with a calm and leisurely expression.

   Many audience members in front shouted and sang loudly at Wang Cheng, trying to attract Wang Cheng's attention.

   Zhu Ziqi, Liu Ziyu, Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and even An Keru were all singing loudly while waving vigorously at Wang Cheng, hoping to make Wang Cheng take a look at them.


  Wang Cheng didn't look at anyone, just stood there indifferently, like a sculpture, lonely and cold.

at the same time.

  The major social platforms are also full of enthusiasm, almost all of which are discussions about the performance, and the audience uploaded a video recorded on the spot. The video is full of shocking images of tens of thousands of people singing in unison.

"Let me tell you a funny thing. I bought a scalper ticket for more than 30,000 yuan to watch Wang Cheng's performance live. As a result, now I am singing to Wang Cheng, and Wang Cheng is watching me sing. However, I am very excited…"

   "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.this_Chengdu is my favorite song!

   "I watched the live broadcast, and it was very shocking! I feel that Wang Cheng is too awesome, and I really regret selling the more than 10,000 tickets I grabbed."

   "This is the first time I saw such a shocking scene. Tens of thousands of people sang to Wang Cheng, so I asked who else in the entertainment industry has the treatment?"

   "Wang Cheng just said that he was off work, which made me laugh out loud. As a result, you all sang together in a blink of an eye and didn't let him go off work. I just want to say, well done, please don't stop, do you want to get off work? Have you asked us?"

   "I really envy such a scene, I can sing non-stop all night, and I can sing for you with a nunchaku."

   "That is, if there are tens of thousands of people who are capable of singing nunchakus together, then I will write a big service..."

   “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I didn’t even get a ticket for such a scene!”


  The popularity on the Internet is bursting again.

   Everyone has a high tolerance for Wang Cheng. When Wang Cheng said I was off work, many people were making fun of him. Not many people said to Wang Cheng that Wang Cheng did something wrong and disrespected the audience...

  If it's other celebrities, no matter how famous they are, if they dare to say this, they will definitely be sprayed to death.

  Only Wang Cheng, he said when Tomorrow Idol performed for the first time that he was just a star worker...

   Moreover, Wang Cheng has always been indifferent to fans, not saying a word, not posting a single photo, which has also made many people get used to his withdrawn and weirdness.

  So, such a Wang Cheng, say something strange...

   It doesn't seem strange, does it?

   At this time, the singing on the scene became even louder.

Because, thousands of onlookers outside the arena also joined in, supporting the fans outside the arena, and sang the lyrics loudly with the rhythm of the music, and the voice was louder and more energetic, as if they wanted to overwhelm the audience in the arena The audience came to prove them.

   "Don't stay until all the lights go out..."

   "You will hold my sleeve, and I will put my hand in my trouser pocket."

   "Walk to the end of Yulin Road and sit at the door of the tavern..."

   Shout out loudly.

   This song will eventually be sung.

  Although many people were still unsatisfied and reluctant to give up, the music gradually stopped after all.

   And Wang Cheng also felt the strong reluctance of many audiences at the scene, and he was touched, and he didn't want to let them continue singing, otherwise it would be endless, and he still couldn't get off work?


   When everyone finished singing.

  He preemptively said into the microphone next to his mouth, "It's ok! Send you a thousand miles, and there will be a farewell."

   "Then I will sing one more song at the end, and end tonight's performance!"

  Everyone on the scene, whether it's ordinary audiences, or behind-the-scenes stars and entertainers in the industry, as well as everyone in the program group, all stared wide-eyed...

  Think I heard wrong...?


   Really want to sing a song?

   Didn’t you say you’re off work and don’t sing?

  They haven’t had enough singing yet, and they still want to sing by themselves...

  Wen Yixiao's gossip teammate stared wide-eyed and said, "What did the old cadre say, did I hear it right? Does he really want to work overtime and sing another song?"

   "This is not the style of veteran cadres!"

  (end of this chapter)

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