MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 184 182. If I wrote this song, I would like to

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  Chapter 184 182. If I wrote this song, I would die where I am. (seeking subscription)

   When Wang Cheng turned around and walked to the backstage, he looked into his eyes in shock at the pairs of worshippers, calmly nodded to Han Xiao and Huang Bin, and then glanced at Wen Yixiao.

Wen Yixiao sent him a guitar just now, and seeing the way Wen Yixiao looked at him, Wang Cheng couldn't help but think of the fairy who owed a lot in his previous life, and every time he looked at him, he looked the same. eyes.

  Unfortunately, when he was dying, he didn't see that person coming to see him off.

  Nodding to Wen Yixiao, Wang Cheng handed the guitar back to Wen Yixiao, and Wen Yixiao hurriedly stretched out both hands to take the guitar that Wang Cheng handed over.


  Wang Cheng thanked Wen Yixiao again, then turned and walked towards the exit, ignoring the others.

  Han Xiao hurriedly followed.

Huang Bin and Mo Bailin also wanted to leave with Wang Cheng immediately, but when they thought that their cooperation with Wang Cheng had officially ended, and what Shen Shenghui said at noon also made them a little scared, worried that they and Wang Cheng If they get too close, they will be affected by the company and hidden like Zhang Hanwen.

  So, Huang Bin and Mo Bailin stopped after walking for a few steps, and watched Wang Cheng leave with others. They knew that they and Wang Cheng were on different paths from then on.

Wen Yixiao wanted to step forward several times to keep up, and she leaned forward a few times, but seeing that Han Xiao had passed by, she held back after all, she also had her own pride, and she didn't want to appear with Han Xiao In front of Wang Cheng, especially with so many people watching.

  Song Xue and several other teammates also watched Wang Cheng's back.

  The gossip teammate said in a low voice: "The old cadre's farewell song is really very interesting. If you are not a person with a story, you can't write such lyrics. I really want to know what the old cadre has experienced before..."

  Wen Yixiao also thought so in her heart.

   Or, almost all the audience thought so too...

  They were all curious about what Wang Cheng had experienced in order to write such a deep, flavorful and extremely touching work.

  At this time, the tens of thousands of spectators at the scene realized that Wang Cheng had already left.

   The applause exploded...

   Clap clap clap clap!

  Everyone stood and applauded vigorously, giving their warmest applause to Wang Cheng. Many people couldn't help but wipe their eyes, and couldn't help but be infected by the artistic conception of the song and Wang Cheng's singing.

   And many musicians and literary figures are very excited.

As a top lyricist, Liang Xi applauded vigorously, his face flushed with excitement, and he said incoherently: "Have you heard the lyrics? The lyrics are simply amazing and well written. If I wrote them This song, I am willing to die in place. I have never written a line of lyrics with such artistic conception in my life, this is simply a poem, a poem..."

Kong Shengjie next to him also said excitedly: "I have participated in the production and creation of hundreds of works in my life, and I have heard and seen thousands of Chinese music works, but this song is really the one I have heard. The most artistic conception, the most literary taste, is really a poem, and the singing is very touching."

   "It's really unimaginable that this is written and sung by a nineteen-year-old boy... If it is a middle-aged person in his forties or fifties, it will be easier for me to accept it."

Kong Changxing also nodded excitedly: "Yes, I really don't know where his limit is, every time he will come up with a shocking work at the last moment. Last week's embarrassment and this week's farewell are simply two extremes Ah, I can't imagine that these two works are written by the same person."

  The people around were taken aback when they heard this, and then they all said it was true!

  No Land and Self-Conceit is almost the extreme of Chinese rock, representing the current ceiling of Chinese rock, but this farewell song represents an extreme of Chinese classical music, whether it is the lyrics, the song or Wang Cheng's singing, it is full of aftertaste.

  These two works were written by the same person. Many experts expressed their incomprehension and disbelief!

  But this is what happened before their eyes...

  What they can do at this time is to keep applauding vigorously to vent their emotions.

Feng Tang also applauded vigorously, and said to the people around An Keru: "This song will definitely become a classic that will never go out of style. If I sang this song, I would even quit the entertainment circle... "

  An Keru also blushed slightly, nodded: "Yes, this song is written and sung really well."

  Her eyes looked towards the direction where Wang Cheng disappeared, full of longing...

Chen Yuqi, who was not far away, also applauded and said excitedly: "Mom, did you hear that? The lyrics of this song are just a poem, just a poem. It's no worse than the modern poems we studied, right? Do you recognize Wang Cheng's literary level?"

  Jiang Han also nodded and said in agreement: "This song will definitely be passed down forever! The lyrics are so well written, Wang Cheng's singing is so good, and the emotion is too strong. I can only say that it is worthy of being Wang Cheng!"

  Feng Tingting: "In the next class, I will discuss with my instructor the lyrics of Wang Cheng's farewell song."

  Their research topic is the in-depth study of Chinese language and literature, about ancient poetry and modern poetry, so they are particularly sensitive to Wang Cheng's song.

Tian Wen nodded, didn't speak, just applauded vigorously. At this time, she also recognized Wang Cheng in her heart. She didn't mind her daughter becoming a fan of Wang Cheng. On the other hand, they continued to show their talents and strengths.

Xu Chaohua was very anxious to see it. He really wanted to tie Wang Cheng to the Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music. Seeing that Wang Cheng was getting more and more radiant and his achievements in his works were getting higher and higher, he knew that he and the Western Sichuan Conservatory of Music There are fewer and fewer opportunities.

  The applause at the scene became louder and louder...

   And there were loud shouts from the auditorium.

this time…

   It's no longer Xiao Chengcheng.

   Just shouting Wang Cheng's name.

  Everyone remembered Wang Cheng's request—please call me by my name.

   Many fans and fans shouted Wang Cheng's name loudly.

   "Wang Cheng..."

   "Wang Cheng..."

   "Wang Cheng..."

   "Wang Cheng..."

   "Wang Cheng..."


  The girl in the first row who snatched Wang Cheng's mask shouted even more hoarsely. There were two lines of tears on her face and she didn't even know it. She still shouted with all her strength.

   And there are not a few people like her, and many female audiences cried while crying.

  The live broadcast camera quickly recorded these faces and sent them to all parts of the country through the signal...

  At this time, in the office of Xie Xingfeng, the Beijing Spring Festival Gala program group.

Xie Xingfeng, Ma Jian, and Zhou Xianfeng also looked at the live broadcast screen with complicated expressions. Looking at the tens of thousands of excited audiences on the screen, the three of them have been quiet for a while, without speaking, and their minds are still echoing The farewell song sung by Wang Cheng just now!

  Every line of lyrics and every song of Wang Cheng seems to be the art of music itself.

   Almost sang to their hearts.

   People like the three of them grew up in the Beijing circle and have been deeply influenced by culture and art since they were young. They like this kind of music with some literary depth the most.

   Moreover, they also know very clearly that if this work can be moved to the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, it will definitely be liked by many leaders.

  Because they also understand that many high-level leaders also like this kind of in-depth works with obvious Chinese cultural characteristics. This is the cultural heritage and precipitation of the Beijing circle.

   This farewell song, just like the Chinese Kung Fu song, was tailor-made for the Spring Festival Gala stage, and it just happened to appear at the right time—it was a time to send a message to the entire entertainment circle, advocating everyone to promote traditional Chinese culture.

  After a while, Ma Jianxian said: "I think, for this work alone, we should find a way to get Wang Cheng on our stage! Zhou Chu, what do you think?"

  Zhou Xianfeng still didn't speak, and remained silent. Although his eyes were moved by staring at the live broadcast screen, he didn't say everything all at once, and he was still hesitating in his heart.

after all…

  Xie Xingfeng has come to invite Wang Cheng twice in a row, and the terms he offered are better and better each time, but Wang Cheng still has no change of mind about his work and rest time, and he has not compromised for the Spring Festival Gala program group.

  That shows that they can't change Wang Cheng.

  So, if cooperation between the two parties is to be promoted, the only thing they can change is themselves.


  The decades-old tradition of the Spring Festival Gala, the painstaking efforts of generations.

  How could it be said to change?

   How many people will this convince?


   What if the effect is not good after the change? The ratings are still not improving?

  Then when the time comes, who can carry this big pot?

  Anyway, Zhou Xianfeng can be sure that he can't handle this blame alone. Even if he adds Ma Jian and Xie Xingfeng, he can't handle this blame.

  So, even though Zhou Xianfeng was very excited at this time, he still didn't dare to make up his mind to take this risk.

Of course, Xie Xingfeng could see what Zhou Xianfeng was thinking, and said seriously: "Last week, Wang Cheng performed four performances, and Wen Yixiao performed three performances. They created a myth of 5.2 ratings! If we call them together again, Wang Cheng Five performances, Wen Yixiao two performances, and then the two will perform a work together, how good will the effect be?"

  Ma Jian and Zhou Xianfeng fell silent at the same time, recalling the moment when Wen Yixiao and Wang Cheng appeared in the same frame on the TV screen just now, that moment really surprised them.

  Both of them can be said to be the ceiling of beauty and temperament in the Chinese entertainment circle at this time. If they stand together and perform together, it will definitely be enjoyable for all audiences.

  Even they, who were used to seeing too many handsome men and beautiful women, were amazed.

  Zhou Xianfeng's eyes flickered, but he still didn't speak. He just took out a cigarette and lit it up, then said softly, "It's difficult, many leaders are hard to talk to."

  Xie Xingfeng and Ma Jian were overjoyed when they heard that Zhou Xianfeng had finally let go.

Today's performance is really not in vain. They know that Wang Cheng's performance will never disappoint and can conquer many audiences. The more cultural and artistic people are, the easier it is to be conquered, because they can understand Wang Cheng's performance. There are more things contained in the work!

   No, Zhou Xianfeng was conquered.

Xie Xingfeng immediately said: "Zhou Chu, let's talk slowly, one by one! There are still a few months before the performance, and we will spend two months to convince other people. If Wang Cheng can be invited to come over, he still has another one." One month to prepare, for him and Wen Yixiao, one month is enough."

  "If it fails in the end, forget it. We have worked hard, and we have made a contribution to future generations. What has remained unchanged for decades, will eventually be changed by someone."

Zhou Xianfeng smoked vigorously, not knowing whether it was right or wrong for him to take this step, whether his performance will be good or bad at that time, if the ratings go up, then he will be able to rise to the top in the future; if the ratings don’t improve, it will affect this year’s Spring Festival Gala The overall effect, then he and others will not have the chance to be successful in this life, and will also like to mention the retirement package in advance...


  He knew that it was too early to think about those results.

  The first thing they have to do now is to convince other people and several leaders to agree to their plan.

  Zhou Xianfeng immediately said seriously: "Director Xie, edit all the videos of Wang Cheng's performances together and give me a copy. I will go to meet some leaders."

  Xie Xingfeng smiled and said: "Wang Cheng's previous performances have been edited, and the ones left for tonight will be finished soon, just add them in, and I will give them to you tomorrow."

  Zhou Xianfeng: "Good!"


  Wang Cheng entered the backstage lounge, got his own things, a thermos cup and a book, and was ready to leave here!

Han Xiao followed Wang Cheng quietly, without saying a word, and looked at Wang Cheng closely, as if looking at the whole world, thinking back to the farewell song Wang Cheng sang just now, there were tears in his eyes, as if at any time Will be flooded, it seems that the song is sung to her.

  Wang Cheng put away his things, looked at Han Xiao and said softly, "The performance is over, go and do your own business! Don't follow me..."

   After speaking, Wang Cheng walked out.

The tears in Han Xiao's eyes finally burst out and flowed down her cheeks. She hurriedly reached out to wipe it off, and muttered in a low voice, "You, are you going back to Shanghai? Rubik's Cube Entertainment is going to suppress you, I I can't bear you to go back. Otherwise, I'll go with you. "

   "I'm not working anymore, I'm ending the contract with the company, I follow you every day and take care of you, so you will be happier, okay?"

  Han Xiao confided her heart again, she was reluctant to leave Wang Cheng, and she was also reluctant to suffer bad treatment from Wang Cheng, she wanted to be by Wang Cheng's side.

  Wang Cheng looked at Han Xiao who was about to burst into tears, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Do you still remember what I told you in Hangzhou last time?"

Han Xiao blinked, wiped some tears again, and said with some sobs: "I remember, you said that we were still young, and that our relationship could not stand the test of time. But, Wang Cheng, I can, I can I can stand the test, and I will never change in my life. I am willing to get a certificate with you now, have a baby with you, and I am willing to take care of our children at home every day..."

  Wang Cheng looked at Han Xiao.

  This word...

  In his previous life, he had heard others say it to himself, and he also said similar things to others.

   But neither he who spoke nor the other person who spoke to him did.


   is terrifying and can change anything, including people's hearts.

  Wang Cheng shook his head: "You are still young, and I am even younger. It is too early to talk about starting a family and having children. Go back and have a good rest, and give us some time."

After finishing speaking, Wang Cheng stretched out his hand and patted Han Xiao's shoulder, and with a little force, he pressed Han Xiao's shoulder, stopping Han Xiao from rushing over to hug him, and Han Xiao's aggrieved tears stopped even more. keep flowing...

  Wang Cheng had already turned around and left, heading outside. He was going back to the base of the program group to get the things he had packed in advance at noon, and then he and Shen Shenghui flew back to Shanghai.

   Go back early so that you won't delay your bed time at night.

Outside, Shen Shenghui was already waiting, standing there like a manager or assistant, looking at Wang Cheng with complicated eyes, some admired, some did not understand, some were incredible, and some hated and feared, seeing Wang Cheng go Come here and take the initiative to help Wang Cheng get things, without the aggressiveness and condescension in the front.

  However, Wang Cheng didn't hand over his things to Shen Shenghui, but just took them outside by himself.

  Shen Shenghui said quickly: "The company's car is waiting outside. The plane will take off in an hour, so we should be in time."

  Wang Cheng hummed, but did not speak.

  Other people in the program group also learned the news that Wang Cheng would leave after the performance.

   Most of the staff of the program group, as well as most of the performers and guests, all ran over to see Wang Cheng off.

Pei Zhuyan looked at Wang Cheng's perfect appearance and temperament, and recalled Wang Cheng's incredible strength, and said in a low voice: "We have to go back tomorrow, I don't know if we can see him in the future, I don't know Can't get to see him perform."

Lisa nodded, looked at Wang Cheng's eyes full of admiration and reluctance, and some halo of girlish feelings, and said in a complicated tone: "Yes, I really hope to see his performance abroad in the future, I will definitely Go to the scene to support him..."

  Lin Xi: "Of course, if he can perform abroad, I will definitely not miss it."

   Ginny also nodded vigorously: "I don't know if there will be such a day in the future..."


   Haruko Nakamori also took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in her heart, and voluntarily shouted to Wang Cheng: "Wang Cheng-jun, come on!"

  Her Chinese is very standard, and everyone can hear it clearly.

  Wang Cheng also glanced at her, turned around and walked on without making any gestures.

   Haruko Nakamori was a little disappointed, and Chiyuki Amuro, Maju Ishihara, and Shizuka Hanazawa who were next to her were also full of disappointment. They still wanted to get in touch with Wang Cheng more.

Li Canghai and Li Qiushui are not too sad, because they have received news from their managers that their performance just now has caused a lot of repercussions in China, and they may stay in China for a long time to develop, then they will There are more opportunities to meet Wang Cheng and get in touch with Wang Cheng.

  Li Canghai murmured in a low voice: "Once the sea was too difficult to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud, the writing is really good! But tonight, the song was written even better, Wang Cheng..."

  Li Qiushui's eyes were slightly red, but he didn't speak, just looked at Wang Cheng.

The other trainees, Wu Han, Du Wei and others looked at Wang Cheng with complicated eyes. Tomorrow's idol is over, but they know that their competition with Wang Cheng is not over yet, and they may all live in Wang Cheng's place in the future. in the shadows.

  However, thinking of the conflict between Wang Cheng and the brokerage company, Wu Han, Du Wei and the others breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this was their chance.

   Otherwise, if Wang Cheng fully cooperates with the brokerage company and gets the support of all the resources of Rubik's Cube Entertainment to develop, then they really have no chance to succeed and will be completely overshadowed by Wang Cheng's light.

  The staff of many other program groups looked at Wang Cheng with gratitude and admiration in their eyes!

   It was Wang Cheng who brought them the greatest honor in their lives and created a mythical miracle of ratings...

   No matter how difficult Wang Cheng is usually, how famous he is in the program group...

   But, with mythical ratings miracles, they're good enough.

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui also came out to see off Wang Cheng in person, following Wang Cheng like two followers.

   Guo Shouxin said seriously: "Wang Cheng, it is our greatest luck to cooperate with you this year. Thank you for bringing us so much harvest. I really hope that there will be opportunities to cooperate with you in the future."

  Although Wang Cheng didn't speak, as if he didn't hear it, Guo Shouxin was not angry, and his face was still full of gratitude. He had long been accustomed to Wang Cheng's character and expression, and he also mastered the way of getting along with Wang Cheng.

  Being a good licking dog is enough...

  Liu Jiahui also said: "Wang Cheng, when you need our help in the future, just ask, don't be embarrassed, this is what we owe you. It's a pity, I haven't been able to get a piece of your calligraphy until now..."

  Wang Cheng glanced at the two, but nodded slightly, without speaking.

   And silently following on the other side, there is another figure—Wen Yixiao!

  Wen Yixiao didn't speak, but just followed behind Wang Cheng, and walked out of the side passage, where a commercial vehicle arranged by Shen Shenghui had already parked.

  The car door has been opened, the driver has been waiting for a while, and he can leave at any time.

  Seeing that Wang Cheng was about to get in the car.

  Wen Yixiao finally said: "Wang Cheng, I will miss you and will always miss you. If I have a chance, I will visit you!"

  Wang Cheng paused for a moment, then walked into the car without looking back.

  Shen Shenghui pulled the car door and was about to close it.

The tears in Wen Yixiao's eyes couldn't help dripping down again, she bit her lips tightly, full of reluctance, and a trace of sadness, until now Wang Cheng didn't respond or express to her, even unwilling Look at her more often.

  She didn't know what was wrong with her, and she didn't know if she had done something wrong, which caused Wang Cheng to have a prejudice against her. She didn't know what she should do to get Wang Cheng's approval.

  So, she was very confused and wronged.

  Guo Shouxin suddenly shouted: "By the way, Wang Cheng, after you go back, don't forget to upload the two new works tonight as soon as possible. Everyone is waiting. Such a beautiful work should be heard by more people!"

  Guo Shouxin was afraid that if he didn't remind him, Wang Cheng might forget about it, and the tens of millions of fans on the whole network would stay up all night again.

  Of course, Guo Shouxin is not afraid of these fans, what he is afraid of is that Lao Huang from Penguin Music will come to harass him again.

  Wang Cheng sat in his seat and hummed, agreeing.

  Guo Shouxin heaved a sigh of relief.


  Shen Shenghui closed the car door, got on the co-pilot and left.

   Watching the car go away.

  Wen Yixiao cried out!

  Song Xue and several teammates followed, helped Wen Yixiao in and walked in, comforting in a low voice.

  Guo Shouxin and Liu Jiahui felt sympathetic when they saw this scene, but they could do nothing because they could not help Wen Yixiao.

   "Let's go, the ratings report should be out, let's see our final harvest for this year."

   Guo Shouxin said something, turned around and walked in.

  Liu Jiahui also packed up his sad emotions, and quickly turned around to follow.

  They all want to know...

  How many ratings can this episode get?

   Can you replicate last week's miracle?

  (end of this chapter)

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