MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 204 202. Shock the endorsement price of the entertainment industry! this endorsement

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  Chapter 204 202. Shaking the entertainment circle's endorsement price! Can you accept this endorsement?

  Though, it was loud outside.

  However, Wang Cheng still sat comfortably on the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and rested for a while, without looking at the many people who were crazy about him outside.

  Shen Shenghui, who was sitting in front, looked at the situation outside, a little anxious and worried.

  I was afraid that so many people would gather together crazily. If something unexpected happened, he and Rubik's Cube Entertainment would suffer losses, and it would become impossible to hold such a grand concert in the future.

Just like a few years ago, a businessman wanted to hold a New Year’s Eve event on the Bund, but because he underestimated the speed of information dissemination in the mobile information age, tens of thousands of people came at once, and the streets where the business was located were completely blocked. It almost caused a stampede, and the frightened merchants immediately canceled the event, and contacted officials to disperse everyone.

   Then, the merchants also suffered a lot later, and large-scale events will no longer be allowed there.

  Shen Shenghui quickly picked up the phone and called out: "We are blocked, hurry up and evacuate the people on the road, let us go out, let everyone go home quickly, don't gather here."

   "The people from the official uniform team are here? That's just right..."

hang up the phone.

Shen Shenghui breathed a sigh of relief. The official uniform team has been keeping special control over this area for the past few days, and has sent a large number of people. In the current situation, I am afraid that more people will be sent over. It's definitely not enough, and people may be dispatched from all over the devil.

Dozens of security personnel ran out from the passage not far away, surrounded the car, and confronted countless fans who wanted to get closer. Push the congested road forcibly out of the way!

   "Give way, go home quickly, don't stay here."

"excuse me…"

   "Be careful with the car..."

  Several security guards shouted loudly with their horns, barely letting some sober people get out of the way.

  The short distance of more than one kilometer outside the gymnasium took a full hour for the car to pass, and entered the urban avenue where there were not so many people and the road was not congested.

   Along the way, various media and self-media were filming frantically, almost filming the whole process of Wang Cheng's difficult departure, and broadcasting live reports on major social platforms.

Xiaoning is one of the live broadcasting army. He ran out right after the performance, followed the car with difficulty in the crowded crowd, while driving the live broadcast, his body swayed with the surrounding crowd and said loudly: " Everyone, it is absolutely not advisable to cause congestion like this, Wang Cheng is very tired from the performance, he should go back to rest earlier..."

   "Today Wang Cheng's performance was even more exciting than yesterday..."

  The peak number of online users in the live broadcast room has exceeded 100,000.

  The dense barrage never stopped.

  Many of them expressed disappointment. They thought they could see Wang Cheng appearing on the screen, but they only saw Wang Cheng's car and dozens of security guards struggling forward.


  With such a monotonous live broadcast, 100,000 people in the live broadcast room also watched the whole process. After watching for a full hour, the number of people in the live broadcast room began to decrease rapidly when they saw the car entering the avenue and speeding away.

  Watching Wang Cheng leave, Xiaoning still had an excited smile on his face, although he was physically and mentally exhausted, and when he got home, he just wanted to fall down and sleep...

However, she still said to the live broadcast camera: "I just saw the news that Wang Cheng will continue to hold a concert tomorrow, children's shoes, if I can get tickets, I will continue to watch Wang Cheng's concert tomorrow." Said To be honest, watching his performance is really addictive.”

   After finishing speaking, Xiaoning closed the live broadcast room, relaxed her whole body, and then quickly walked outside, feeling almost exhausted.

  Standing at the concert site for an hour or two, kept singing and waving with Wang Cheng, and then just sent Wang Cheng off in the crowd for an hour, which was more tiring than working in the countryside for a day when she was a child.

  The whole scene became much quieter because of Wang Cheng's departure.

  The overall shouting has stopped, only sporadic sounds.

  Everyone started to leave here one after another.

  Yu Hong, Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting followed the crowd to the huge open-air parking lot over there.

Yu Hong's expression was still a little dazed. After he came out, he was silent all the time, his eyes were a little empty, and his mind was still replaying Wang Cheng's performance on the stage just now, especially when he sang the first song, and the two The look in her eyes the first time is still fresh in my memory, as if it happened just now.

  The touching singing voice still echoed in her ears.

  Jiang Han said excitedly: "Today Wang Cheng's performance is in better condition, the performance is even more exciting, will you come tomorrow?"

  Chen Yuqi smiled wryly: "I want to come too, but I really have no money..."

  Feng Tingting and Jiang Han are also a little helpless. Their living expenses are not much. Together, they should be barely enough for the tickets in the middle area. I just don’t know if the tickets will continue to increase in price tomorrow!

  The price has increased for three consecutive days, and they all have expectations that the ticket price may increase tomorrow.

   But even so, they still want to go.

  Yu Hong suddenly said: "I'll treat you tomorrow, I invite you to come and see it again!"

  Chen Yuqi looked at Yu Hong: "Mr. Yu, do you want to watch it again?"

  Yu Hong nodded: "Of course! I just don't know if I can get tickets tonight."

  Chen Yuqi, Jiang Han, and Feng Tingting hurriedly promised that they would come to grab it, and Yu Hong would just pay...

Chen Yuqi put her arms around Yu Hong's shoulders and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, looking at you, do you think you can't forget Wang Cheng after watching it? Don't think about it, let's just watch his performance, everything else is delusional The first time I went to see Tomorrow Idol’s live show, I was like Ni, and my mind was full of Wang Cheng when I came back. But he and we are people from two worlds, and we will never have an intersection in the future.”

Jiang Han said: "That's not necessarily true. What if we meet him in the future? If Fairy Hong is willing to go after Wang Cheng, there might be something interesting. Fairy Hong has a fairy-like appearance, and Wang Cheng can't resist it, right?" ?”

  Yu Hong hurriedly pushed the two of them: "Don't talk nonsense, what can't be chased after you..."

   After finishing speaking, Yu Hong quickly walked towards the parking space, but his heartbeat was speeding up crazily.

  If there is a chance, it is possible to get together with Wang Cheng.

   She really is willing to do anything.



  The car finally started running and drove towards the urban area.

Shen Shenghui breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the phone and called the security personnel to promise the bonus, and then contacted the official uniform team to promise that he would do a good job in security next time, then he relaxed, looked back and looked back, still sitting there closed I don't know if it's Wang Cheng who is asleep.

  Shen Shenghui wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

  Because, he knew that Wang Cheng might not bother to listen to what he said, and would not reply.


  When the car arrived at the apartment dormitory where Wang Cheng lived, Shen Shenghui still said: "Wang Cheng, the fourth concert will end tomorrow, and in the next two days on the weekend, there will be an endorsement for you!"

  Wang Cheng nodded: "It doesn't matter, but remember that the time of the endorsement contract should not exceed the time of the brokerage contract."

  Advertising endorsement is one of the daily tasks of celebrity artists. Most of the celebrity artists have more opportunities to contact advertising endorsements than running variety shows, which proves the speed of making money. After all, celebrity entertainers go to variety shows to gain exposure in order to receive endorsements to make money...

   Therefore, Wang Cheng did not reject this at all. Even if he guessed that the endorsement arranged by Shen Shenghui might not be so smooth and sincere, it didn't matter. As long as it was a serious job that was not illegal, he would do it.

   Commercials, variety show announcements, concerts, and even starring in movies and TV shows, he never refuses anyone!

  However, the contract time cannot exceed his brokerage appointment time.

   This is the basics!

  He doesn’t want to retire when the agency contract expires, and he still has some advertising contracts and movie and TV drama contracts on his back...

Shen Shenghui immediately said: "Don't worry, the contract I signed for you is a one-year short contract. After all, President Qin and I hope that you can stay in Rubik's Cube Entertainment for a long time in the future, and we will formulate a long-term development plan for you. , any contract will not be signed for too long!"

   "Moreover, this endorsement is definitely in response to the country's call..."

  Wang Cheng hummed, then got out of the car and left, not bothering to listen to the specific information about the endorsement later.

   Anyway, that's the day after tomorrow's work.


  He just wants to go have lunch and get some rest.

  The performance started at ten o'clock, and it is already ten past one, ten minutes beyond his normal off-duty time.

  So, Wang Cheng didn't want to talk about work with Shen Shenghui anymore.

  Get out of the car and go directly to the small restaurant that I often go to next to.

  Shen Shenghui watched Wang Cheng leave, and then asked the driver to drive back to the company.

   buzz buzz...

  Shen Shenghui's phone rang, and it was from an acquaintance in the PR department: "Director Shen, I got some news from Penguin Music."

  Shen Shenghui: "What news?"

   "Penguin Music held an internal meeting and wanted to pay in advance the sales share of all Wang Cheng's songs and works so far, which may reach one billion before tax!"

  Shen Shenghui was slightly surprised: "Why? Such a large sum of money, why didn't they follow the normal process, they can hold back half a year, why did they give it to Wang Cheng in advance?"

"I heard that it is because they want to use this money to express sincerity and goodwill to Wang Cheng, and hope that Wang Cheng can upload new songs soon! Now, most users of the Penguin Music platform are urging them to let Wang Cheng release songs. They want I contacted Wang Cheng, but I couldn't get in touch, it seems that I sent a message to Wang Cheng through Han Xiao, but Wang Cheng still didn't move."

   "They have no choice but to pay Wang Cheng first to express their sincerity..."

  Shen Shenghui heard this, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

  Penguin Entertainment is a behemoth in the industry, and its major platforms have always been high in the industry. So far, he has not heard of anyone in the industry who can get the share payment from them in advance.

  Even a big name like Liu Qianhua, the No. 1 person in the entertainment industry with over 100 million fans, has never received an advance payment from Penguin Music. They always follow the process of paying the sales share of the previous quarter in a quarter.

  This shows that Wang Cheng's importance to Penguin Music is far more than other big-name star singers, forcing Penguin Music to do so.

  Of course, maybe Penguin Entertainment is also behind the push. The purpose is to win over Wang Cheng in advance and prepare for the battle of grabbing people after Wang Cheng's contract expires.

  Shen Shenghui thought for a while, and quickly said: "Okay, I see, thank you!"

   "It's okay, this is my job, bye Director Shen!"

hang up the phone.

  Shen Shenghui's phone rang again. He was the vice president of the number one sports brand in China.

   "Director Shen, did I bother you?"

  The other party said very politely.

   This is also the first time Shen Shenghui has received such a polite attitude from the other party.

   After all, the brand owner is usually the real party A, the upstream industry of the entire entertainment industry, and the father of the financial owner, so the attitude has always been relatively high.

Especially the number one domestic sports brand like Ma Ning, which has great influence both at home and abroad, is also a guest of major entertainment companies. Every big-name celebrity artist wants to be its spokesperson, not just being able to Bringing a large amount of income can improve your own grade and style, and increase your influence among young fans.

  A big-name sports brand is definitely one of the endorsements that all celebrities want to accept.

   And this is the fifth time the opponent has practiced Shen Shenghui.

  Shen Shenghui also smiled politely: "Mr. Ma, you are welcome. If you want to find me, you can do it anytime."

  Mr. Ma smiled and said: "Don't dare! Director Shen, I want to talk to you again about inviting Wang Cheng to be our chief image ambassador."

  Mr. Ma had already contacted Rubik’s Cube Entertainment before Tomorrow’s Idol was over, and wanted to invite Wang Cheng to be the spokesperson for a certain sports series under Ma Ning.

   It's just that Shen Shenghui has been procrastinating and not agreeing.

  After all, Shen Shenghui didn't want to give Wang Cheng such a big name that could improve his status and style so easily, especially when Wang Cheng didn't agree to renew his contract.

   Later, after Wang Cheng clearly refused to renew the contract, Shen Shenghui directly rejected Ma Ning's invitation to endorse Wang Cheng.

However, Mr. Ma has never given up, and the more open the conditions, the better. The last time he directly invited Wang Cheng to be the image spokesperson of the entire Ma Ning brand. This is better than the endorsement of a certain sports series. The grade is higher and the contract treatment is natural. Also better.

  President Ma quickly said: "After a meeting and discussion, we can offer Wang Cheng a one-year endorsement contract of 70 million yuan, with a contract period of three years! Director Shen, you should know that this is definitely a sky-high price."

  An endorsement contract of 70 million yuan per year is a top-level contract even for the world's top sports stars, and it is a super contract that has never appeared before for domestic celebrities.

  Generally speaking, for super giants in other entertainment circles to receive endorsements by big names, the annual endorsement fee is at most about 30 million yuan, and it is usually more than 20 million yuan!

  For Wang Cheng, the Ma Ning brand offered more than twice the endorsement price of other super giants. For a three-year contract, the price was 210 million!

  This sincerity is not insufficient.


Shen Shenghui still smiled and said: "Mr. Ma, I'm sorry, it's really not about money. You should know that there are more than a dozen domestic and foreign big names that I have rejected recently, and they all came to Wang Cheng. I can only say goodbye to you. All of you say sorry. However, this situation is only temporary, and we have other arrangements for Wang Cheng's work in a short time."

   "After this period of time has passed, we will still have the opportunity to cooperate. How about it, Mr. Ma?"

Mr. Ma on the other side of the phone took a deep breath and said, "Director Shen, I am of course not qualified to say anything about the work arrangements between you and Wang Cheng. But, as far as I know, you have already reached a preliminary cooperation with Hong Xing, and Hong Xing Star is also a sports brand, of course we don’t want to give Hongxing a chance.”

Shen Shenghui said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, don't joke, are you still afraid of the rise of big stars? At their peak, they were second-rate brands. Later, because their style didn't keep up with the fashion, they have been losing money for three years in a row, and now they are about to close down. It's impossible for them to threaten you Ma Ning."

Mr. Ma asked: "Since you know their financial situation, why do you still cooperate with them? A brand that will go bankrupt at any time, will this reduce Wang Cheng's external image? They must have put all their eggs in one basket to invite Wang Cheng this time. Do you still have money to make products for your endorsement fees?"

   "If Wang Cheng just finished filming the endorsement commercial, they went out of business, I think it would be a big blow to Wang Cheng, right?"

  Shen Shenghui: "We will consider these, thank you Mr. Ma for considering for us, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first!"

  Shen Shenghui was thinking in his heart—this is what he wanted to see, the commercial went bankrupt just after filming, the bigger the blow to Wang Cheng, the better...

Mr. Ma quickly said again: "Director Shen, we will add another 10 million to 80 million a year, and sign for two years! This is our greatest sincerity, and it is also the real bottom line. We signed NBA superstars last year. The endorsement fee is 13 million US dollars, less than 80 million."

   "This is our greatest sincerity!"

  When Shen Shenghui heard this number, his heart beat faster again.

  The biggest brand under Rubik’s Cube Entertainment is Hu Fei. Hu Fei also endorsed a sports series under Ma Ning. The one-year endorsement fee is only 25 million, which is already on the high side of the super giant.

   Ma Ning's endorsement for Wang Cheng is 80 million a year. Once this figure is revealed, it may cause shocks in the entire Chinese entertainment industry.

  Why are you in the entertainment industry? For art? For fun?


   Ultimately it’s all about the money.

The coffee position is determined by the number of fans, but at the same time, the coffee position recognized by the gold master father is the coffee position, that is, the real big coffee must have an income comparable to the coffee position, otherwise there will be no number of fans and no corresponding gold. If the main supporter earns income, the circle will not recognize it, and will only think that those fans are robots!

   If Ma Ning’s endorsement to Wang Cheng is known to everyone, other super giants will definitely have conflicts with the brand!

   They are all super giants, even if there are fewer fans than Wang Cheng, the price shouldn't be three times the difference, right?

   And Liu Qianhua has more fans than Wang Cheng, and the number of works is also more. Should there be a higher endorsement price?

  Other super-first-tier big names, first-tier top streamers, will also be calculated according to the number of fans and popularity, and increase their endorsement prices...


  If this price is announced, Mofang Entertainment and Ma Ning Brand will bear tremendous pressure from their respective circles.


   Hongxing's contract with Wang Cheng is not small.

  As Mr. Ma said, Hong Xing’s financial situation is not good, so he put all his eggs in one basket and asked Wang Cheng to speak for him. He wanted to make the last effort, so the price he offered was not low.

  Shen Shenghui was silent for a while, and then responded: "Mr. Ma, I can only say sorry..."

  President Ma over there was also a little angry: "Well, since this is the case, then we will carefully consider our future cooperation!"

  Shen Shenghui was startled, and wanted to explain, but Mr. Ma over there had already hung up the phone.

  Shen Shenghui looked at the phone speechless for a while, and murmured in a low voice: "Another big benefactor has been offended! If Wang Cheng fails to renew the contract in the end, the loss will not only be on the surface..."

  During this time, Shen Shenghui had already rejected more than a dozen big brands because of Wang Cheng, and most of them were a little angry. It would not be so easy to continue to cooperate in the future, and he might have to pay some price...

   "I just hope that this advertising endorsement can bring some results."

   "A brand that is about to go bankrupt, Wang Cheng, can you catch it?"

  Shen Shenghui looked at the company with anticipation in his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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