MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 206 204. The most expensive concert ticket in the world! percent

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  Chapter 206 204. The most expensive concert ticket in the world! 10% brand share?

   At this time, almost all the audience who bought the tickets, after the payment was over, their eyes were surprised, and almost all of them had the same question in their hearts - is Rubik's Cube Entertainment crazy?

  Or, some people directly asked Wang Cheng a soul question—Wang Cheng is crazy about money?


  This time, Rubik’s Cube Entertainment raised the price of concert tickets again.

  If it is a concert ticket of another star artist, with such a screenshot price, Li Jing may have to wonder if she has encountered a scam...


  Wang Cheng and Rubik's Cube Entertainment, she believes that Rubik's Cube Entertainment can really do it.

  Looking at the price of a first-row ticket as high as 20,000...

  Li Jing murmured in a low voice: "I don't know what Wang Cheng will be harmed by Rubik's Cube Entertainment in the end. After the contract expires, how much potential value is left?"

  She quickly paid the 20,000 yuan for the ticket to the assistant and reimbursed the expenses.

  She opened the ticketing platform to look, and sure enough, she found that it was sold out, and the price of each one shocked her.

   Tickets in the first row are 20,000 tickets, the first few rows are more than 15,000, the middle area is about 13,000, the back area is about 10,000, and the cheapest ticket in the last row is 8,000...

  The average price is more than 10,000!

  This price!

   Absolutely created the world's most expensive concert record.

  Even if superstars from developed countries such as Europe and the United States hold concerts, they dare not set the average price at $1,700!

  She felt that Rubik's Cube Entertainment was really crazy and lost its mind.


For this concert, Rubik's Cube Entertainment will receive more than 600 million in ticket revenue, and the advertising sponsorship may reach a terrifying 700 million, creating the highest single concert revenue record again. This is also the annual revenue of Li Jing's company Unearned money.

  However, she knew that such an income would definitely not be sustainable. This was seriously overdrawing Wang Cheng's popularity potential, as well as overdrawing the trust between Mofang Entertainment and Wang Cheng, as well as the reputation of Mofang Entertainment itself in the circle.

  Of course, Li Jing was a little surprised.

  Such an expensive concert ticket can still be sold out so quickly, which proves that Wang Cheng's popularity potential is beyond imagination.

  Li Jing looked at Han Xiao, and had a little fantasy in her heart—when Wang Cheng's contract expired, could Han Xiao see Wang Cheng bring him to her company?

  Then their company definitely has the potential to become a giant in the entertainment industry!


  She knew it was just a fantasy.

  Wang Cheng couldn't have listened to Han Xiao.

   She will be thankful that Han Xiao won't be abducted by Wang Cheng by then.


  She doesn't know, Wang Cheng and Rubik's Cube Entertainment are in such a struggle, how much popularity potential will Wang Cheng have left? Is it still worth paying big money to sign?

  Continuing like this now, she believes that Wang Cheng will be abandoned by many fans and fans in a short time!

   Fans are not being taken advantage of...

  She looked at the social platform.

   Sure enough, I found that the major social platforms at this time were full of complaints and abuse about this concert.

  Wang Cheng's Weibo homepage comment section was the hardest hit, followed by Rubik's Cube Entertainment's official Weibo.

  Most of the fans and fans will mainly go to the celebrity artist himself, and a small number of more sober people will go to the brokerage company of the perpetrator.

  The most popular topics on Weibo are all related to Wang Cheng.

   "The ticket price of Wang Cheng's latest concert has reached a new high and set a world record!"

   "While saying not to cut leeks, but cutting leeks like crazy!"

   "The tickets in the last row are more than 8,000, and the average price is 11,000. Are you afraid of the concert? The question is, the tickets are sold out in just one minute, are you afraid?"

   "People in Modu are rich, so they can watch such an expensive concert..."

   "I want to ask, when will Wang Cheng's new song be available for download?"

   "This ticket is much more expensive than the previous scalper ticket."

   "I despise..."


   Li Jing frowned slightly, looked at the sleeping Han Xiao again, put down her phone, and stopped paying attention.

   Anyway, she is not qualified to influence Wang Cheng and Rubik's Cube Entertainment.


   On the Weibo platform, there are also many people speaking for Wang Cheng.

Wen Yixiao grabbed three tickets for the first row again, and said on Weibo: "The ticket price is indeed a bit expensive, but this is not decided by Wang Cheng. If you have time to target Wang Cheng, why don't you find the people behind the scenes?" The main messenger! Wang Cheng doesn't care about these things, he can only get less than 10% of the income from concert tickets, which is not as much as his daily income from one song!"

   "If Wang Cheng really cared about money, he wouldn't delay releasing two songs."

  Wen Yixiao had no scruples, and directly pointed the finger at Wang Cheng's agency Rubik's Cube Entertainment.

   An Keru also said on Weibo: "In order to suppress and overdraft their artists, some companies have used all means and no limit. He is only nineteen years old..."

Zhu Ziqi also posted on Weibo: "Wang Cheng's performance can be said to be very exciting, I have not missed every show. I will go tomorrow, I don't care about the ticket price. But, everyone cares, I hope Rubik's Cube Entertainment I can care about it, I believe this is not Wang Cheng's decision!"

Ocean Girl Li Canghai and Li Qiushui also spoke for Wang Cheng on Weibo: "Wang Cheng's performance is the most exciting live performance we have ever seen! We have contacted Wang Cheng, he is definitely not a person who cares about money! "

  Zhang Hanwen, Song Xue and other trainees who just debuted also spoke for Wang Cheng, but their influence was much smaller.

  Many celebrities of the older generation don’t speak up, they all understand the principle of being wise and protecting themselves, and they don’t want to get into this muddy water...

   Anyway, the struggle between the two sides did not affect them.

  At this time, many powerful star artists are working hard to prepare their works and want to release songs and albums in the near future, so many bands and creators have been busy recently.

  In addition, it is almost the end of the year, and the end of the year is approaching, and everyone is busy.

   Therefore, people in the circle just watched the excitement, and then went to busy with their own affairs, no one participated and continued to pay attention!

  Shen Shenghui was sitting in the office, looking at the data on the platform, the tickets were sold out in less than a minute, and he collected 600 million in one minute!

   This is a harvest worth celebrating.

  However, Shen Shenghui was not happy at all.

  Because, this is not what he wants.


  There are more and more people scolding Wang Cheng on the Internet, and there has been a large area of ​​abuse in the comment area of ​​the Weibo homepage, fighting with the diehard fans who still stick.

  However, such expensive tickets for Wang Cheng can still be sold out quickly!

   This made Shen Shenghui a little speechless.

  He can no longer continue to raise the ticket price. If he raises it any further, the price department will come to him.

  The price at this time has already put Rubik's Cube Entertainment under some pressure from relevant departments.

   As for the pressure from the audience and passers-by, Shen Shenghui never cared about it.

   Even the company's valuation soared again.

  Because of these few concerts, Rubik's Cube Entertainment earned more than one billion yuan!

  So revenue-generating capacity.

  The share price, of course, soared.

   You should know that although Rubik’s Cube Entertainment is a giant in the entertainment industry, its revenue in the previous year was only a few billion, and its net profit was only about a billion, so the previous overall market value was only more than 20 billion.

  Wang Cheng’s concerts have allowed Mofang Entertainment to complete this year’s profit task ahead of schedule. By the end of the year, this year’s overall revenue will be at least two or three times that of last year.

   This is definitely good news for the capital market, and it is not impossible for the valuation to exceed 100 billion...

  However, for Shen Shenghui and Qin Yuhai, this is not what they want.

  What they want is not a short-term benefit, but a long-term benefit. With an increase in valuation, it is impossible for Qin Yuhai to sell all the shares in his hand and cash out. The capital is not a fool, and no one will take the offer.

  Shen Shenghui looked at his phone, hesitated for a while, and finally did not call Qin Yuhai to report the situation, just continue to implement the plan.

  Tomorrow's concert is over.

   Sign an advertising endorsement the day after tomorrow!


the next day.

  Wang Cheng still got up at six o'clock as usual, then went out for a run, and listened to Han Xiao chatting for a while.

   "Rubik's Cube Entertainment has lost their minds. They priced your concert tickets at an average price of more than 10,000. The first row costs more than 20,000, and the last row costs more than 8,000. The Internet is crazy."

"The problem is, such expensive tickets are sold out within a minute. The scalper tickets on Xianyu are still very popular. The tickets in the first row have been sold for 100,000. The tickets in the last row can be sold for 20,000." ! These people really love you, and they spend money to buy you while scolding you."

   "By the way, a lot of people are still waiting for your new song to be uploaded, farewell and when you are old, I really like when you are old."

   "The decoration company said, go and see the house on weekends! The real estate company heard that you have to pay the full amount in advance, and I helped you fight for a five-year property fee exemption."

   "I went to the intermediary and asked Zheng Wenzhong if the house was for sale. They said they asked Zheng Wenzhong, and Zheng Wenzhong's answer was that they would never sell it..."

  Han Xiao chattered about whatever came to his mind.

  Wang Cheng also listened quietly. After having breakfast together, Han Xiao left quietly, and Wang Cheng went back to the dormitory to rest for a while.

  At nine o'clock, Shen Shenghui came to pick up Wang Cheng in a nanny car on time.

  Wang Cheng also went downstairs to go to work by car at nine o'clock on time.

   Inside the car, it was still quiet.

  Wang Cheng brought a book and read it quietly.

  Shen Shenghui was silent for a while, and then said: "In the afternoon, the brand will come and sign a contract with you."

  Wang Cheng didn't speak, but just glanced at Shen Shenghui, expressing his understanding.

  In this way, I have to go to work in the afternoon...

   After talking about the business, Shen Shenghui stopped talking, and took out his mobile phone to look at it.

   All the way to the concert site.

   Outside, there was still a crowd that could not be seen at a glance. The number of people was no less than yesterday, and perhaps 100,000 people were still present...

  Seeing this, Shen Shenghui was a little speechless.

   Tickets are so expensive, and there are so many people supporting Wang Cheng?

  He was thinking about how to increase the intensity.

  The concert started smoothly!

  The atmosphere at the scene was still lively. The singing of 60,000 people inside and tens of thousands of people outside almost resounded through half of the magic city.

this time!

  Wang Cheng was more casual on the stage, directly dressed in casual clothes, brought up the thermos, and took a sip when he was thirsty!

  Such a style, but it makes the audience feel more cordial...

  When the singing is over.

  Many people stayed at the scene and refused to leave.

  However, Wang Cheng will not continue to stay on site, and will leave work directly after work.

this time.

  Shen Shenghui made preparations in advance. Hundreds of security personnel were outside to maintain order and ensure the smooth flow of the road, allowing the nanny car Wang Cheng was in to leave smoothly, without being blocked for more than an hour like yesterday!

  The show is over.

Shen Shenghui also breathed a sigh of relief, looking at Wang Cheng, who was obviously more relaxed than the previous two days, and said softly: "The concert will be suspended. I signed the endorsement contract this afternoon, and the commercial will be shot tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. They create a song for their product, and it will be used as a commercial song when the time comes."

   "Of course, you will be paid for creating the song, and the copyright of the song belongs to you personally. They only need the right to use it in the advertisement."

   Writing a song for a commercial?

  Wang Cheng frowned slightly and asked, "Is the contract settled?"

  Shen Shenghui nodded: "It's settled! I will sign the contract this afternoon!"

  Wang Cheng hummed, stopped talking, and continued to read the book in his hand.

   It's just work, so do it!

  Shen Shenghui also remained silent, sent Wang Cheng to the apartment dormitory all the way, then returned to the company, and came to Qin Yuhai's office.

  Qin Yuhai sat there with a complicated expression on his face. He made more than one billion yuan in a few days, which should be a happy event!

  However, this is not in line with his original intention!

Shen Shenghui said in a low voice: "Yesterday, the manager of Ma Ning's advertising and public relations department contacted me, and signed Wang Cheng for 80 million a year for two years, but I rejected it! This morning, Tayun contacted me, and signed Wang Cheng for 100 million a year." , a one-year contract! I also refused, and there are more than a dozen other big brands with a total contract value of more than two billion, all of which I have temporarily rejected!"

  Qin Yuhai also had a flash of shock in his eyes, and asked, "How much is Hongxing's contract offer?"

  The company can take 90% of Wang Cheng's endorsement fee, which means Rubik's Cube Entertainment lost nearly 2 billion.

Shen Shenghui immediately replied: "60 million a year, and 10% of the sales share, signed a contract for one and a half years, until the end of Wang Cheng's brokerage contract! They can only take out 60 million in cash, and I forcefully asked for 100 million." 10% of the sales share, this 10% share, I ask for no time limit..."

  Sales share?

It is extremely rare for a brand to give a sales share to a spokesperson. In the history of advertising endorsements in the entire world, there are less than two hands. Each of them is an epoch-making superstar, either from a sports festival or from a In the film and television industry, and it is only given when the brand has not yet risen, and after it rises to become a giant, it will try to get that part of the sales back...

   And now, Hong Xing actually gives 10% of the sales share, and it doesn't end with the end of the endorsement, but it is permanent, definitely the first.

  It seems that Hong Xing really put all his eggs in one basket.


  A mocking smile flashed across Qin Yuhai's mouth.

  Hongxing has been losing money for three consecutive years. Last year, it lost hundreds of millions of dollars. Its popularity has also dropped to the limit. Few of the young people know about it. The company is almost insolvent and will close down at any time.

  The 60 million endorsement fee for Wang Cheng's signing this time was all patchwork, but the price was still lower than the price offered by other big names, so he agreed to give a 10% permanent share.

   After all, the company is about to go bankrupt, and the sales share doesn't matter anymore. If Wang Cheng can really survive and turn losses into profits, giving 10% of the share is not a loss.

  However, Qin Yuhai did not have any optimism for Hong Xing, and said lightly: "The 10% sales share, give it to Wang Cheng! Let him see our sincerity."

Shen Shenghui smiled, and didn't take this so-called brand division seriously, and said in a nonchalant tone: "Okay, then I will be famous in the contract, and I will give him a special explanation. This is Mr. Qin, you give him Sincerity, we want to grow with him."

  Qin Yuhai nodded: "Yes, that's it."

Shen Shenghui knew what Qin Yuhai was worried about, and quickly said: "After the advertising endorsement is over, we will hold a few more concerts for him to continue to overdraw his popularity. Then, we will arrange a small TV variety show that no one knows. I am already in contact with him. Well, even though it is a small program group, the announcement fee that should be given cannot be too much less..."

   "I want to choose a variety show that is not well-known, and it is not a type of variety show that young people like to watch. That way the ratings will definitely not be high. This will break Wang Cheng's golden body that created super high ratings!"

  First use the concert to overdraw Wang Cheng's popularity, then use the commercial endorsement that is about to close down to attack Wang Cheng's commercial image, and then use the low ratings of a small program to attack Wang Cheng's attractiveness in TV variety shows...

  Step by step, they are all aimed at the shining points of value in Wang Cheng, just to knock Wang Cheng down.

Qin Yuhai: "Well, I hope it can be done as soon as possible. I have been under too much pressure. In the past few days, Shanghai Satellite TV made two calls a day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV made one call a day, Shonan Satellite TV made one call a day, and Beijing Satellite TV also made one call a day. The phone calls... are all old friends who have worked together before, and they all want Wang Cheng to appear on their show. I can't even refuse, so I can only delay..."

  Of course Shen Shenghui knows this. Every day he has to answer dozens of calls from major TV station program groups and entertainment companies. They all want to cooperate with Wang Cheng, and he is also procrastinating.

   If Wang Cheng’s contract is not resolved, they will continue to suspend Wang Cheng’s normal business, otherwise they will be making wedding dresses for others.

  The two discussed some details and ended the conversation.

  Shen Shenghui returned to the office and contacted Hong Xing, and made an appointment for the details of the signing in the afternoon, and revised the contract again, giving 10% of the sales share to Wang Cheng personally!

   It was past four in the afternoon.

  Shen Shenghui took another car to pick Wang Cheng up to the company.

  (end of this chapter)

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