MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 216 214. A small show director who becomes the main character! who wants to see

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  Chapter 216 214. The director of a small show who becomes the protagonist! Who wants to see Wang Cheng go to the countryside?

   Li Chi is just a small variety show director of Shonan Satellite TV, under the name of Xiangjiang Satellite TV, and works in Shonan Satellite TV all the year round. He is almost not well-known in the circle, and no one knows about it.

Because the programs he participated in were all short-lived productions with little ratings or popularity, and he was only a behind-the-scenes person, so it was normal for no one to know him, and he had long been used to such salty fish life.


  When he received the notice that Wang Cheng would come to participate in the recording of his program tomorrow, Li Chi was a little dazed.

On the phone, a deputy director of the station congratulated: "Old Li, I managed to win you a chance this time! Although Wang Cheng has a lot of negative news recently, he is definitely the number one in popularity. We hope that his ratings for this episode will It’s not difficult to reach two or more, right? Old Zhang said that as long as there are Wang Cheng’s programs, the ratings are guaranteed to be four points, and we only hope that you can pass two.”

  Li Chi was still a little dazed: "Director, Wang Cheng really wants to come to my show? Is the program group enough money to invite him? This year our production fee is only over two million yuan!"

  The deputy director said affirmatively: "Don't worry about the money, I will take care of it for you, you just need to record this episode of the program."

Surprises gradually appeared in Li Chi's heart. He finally cooperated with a big name with super giant status. This was something he had never imagined before. The celebrity artist of the brand is still a second-tier star in southern Shonan, and the traffic popularity is very average. The ratings of that issue were only about 0.5, but that was already the peak.

  However, he still said with some concern: "Director, should the broadcasting time of our program be moved?"

  Midnight file...

  How did he achieve ratings above two points?

  It was only broadcast at 10:30 in the evening, and it was broadcast until 12:00 in the morning. How could others have time to watch TV at this time?

The record for the highest ratings of all TV stations in the country at midnight is only about one point. It was a variety show on Shonan Satellite TV a few years ago. How long has it been off the air...

  Normal midnight ratings are around 0.4 or 0.3, and lower ratings are 0.2 or 0.1.

  The TV stations and investors of the midnight program don’t have much hope. This kind of program is used to fill in the time. The production is just passable, and the ratings are not too bad.

  A rating of more than 2.0?

  For more than ten years, no TV station has done it...

  Let’s not talk about the golden age of TV ten or twenty years ago, it has no reference significance for the present.

  The director of the station said earnestly: "Old Li, the competition in our station is so fierce, where do you think your broadcast time can be moved?"

   Li Chi was silent.

  Shonan Satellite TV is still the first brother of the local commercial TV station. Although Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV are very close behind, and the gap is very small, it is still the first brother. It has many programs and many programs in planning.

  So, it is almost impossible for him to find a good time slot for a midnight program at 0.20.

  Li Chi was silent for two seconds, and complained: "But, director, the ratings of our channel's trump card show are only a little over during the prime time on weekends!"

Director: "However, Lao Li, this time we have invited Wang Cheng for you. Tomorrow's idol will broadcast live at 5 pm, and the time slot is not as good as 10:30 pm. Everyone can achieve a mythical rating of more than 5 pm! You can't do both?"

   Now, Li Chi has nothing to say.

  After all, the live broadcast at five o'clock in the afternoon is really hell, it's just a little better than the morning time, and it's not as good as the ten o'clock in the evening time period.

  After all, although it is embarrassing after ten o'clock in the evening, everyone is still at night after get off work and school.

   And at five o'clock in the afternoon, everyone is in class or going to work, and there is no time to watch TV at all!

  People can achieve mythical ratings of more than five points when the broadcast starts at five o'clock in the afternoon, can't you?

  However, Li Chi always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it, he said, "The director, I want the midnight file next weekend, is that okay?"

  Country Life is broadcast at midnight on Wednesday. At this time, there is really no one. This is why the show has not stopped, because no one really wants to compete at this time.

It will definitely be better if there is a midnight file on the weekend. Coupled with Wang Cheng's popularity, the ratings will definitely increase. He still dare not think about two points. enough.

  However, the director refused: "Old Li, it's too hasty now! It's hard to adjust the time. If you want to adjust the time, at least the weekend in half a month, do you think you can wait?"

   Of course not...

   Li Chi shook his head: "By then, Wang Cheng's peak popularity will have passed."

  He also knows that Wang Cheng has just left the Tomorrow Idol stage for about a week now, and the popularity accumulated before is still at the explosive and peak stage, but it won't be so in half a month.

have no choice!

  Li Chi: "Okay, director, what support is there in the station?"

Director: "Tailey's support is that you can use this issue of Wang Cheng to your heart's content, and there is no upper limit on funding! However, everything is based on Wang Cheng's intentions, so don't make him angry and dissatisfied. We also hope that I will continue to work with him in the future…”

  Li Chi was speechless: "So, I'm just a pathfinder?"

  Director: "Don't think too much, just work hard!"

   After finishing speaking, the director hung up the phone.

   Li Chi looked at the phone and was speechless for a long time, and felt a bit like a dream. This was a treatment he had never dreamed of before.

  Super giant stars join, and there is no upper limit on production funds...

  This is a good thing, who would dare to think about it?

   buzz buzz...

  Suddenly, the phone rang, and he woke up suddenly.

  Seeing a string of unfamiliar numbers, Li Chi didn't dare to neglect. After all, he is just a transparent little variety show director, and he has never dared to offend anyone.

  The phone was quickly connected, and a capable female voice came from the opposite side: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Li Chi, director of Country Life, Shonan Satellite TV?"

   Li Chi immediately replied: "Yes, yes, I am, may I ask who you are?"

  The female voice on the opposite side immediately said: "Hahaha, hello! Director Li, I am Wen Yixiao's manager, Mo Jinhua, and I want to talk to you about cooperation!"

  Wen Yixiao?

   Li Chi's face was full of surprise again.

  Wen Yixiao walked out of the stage of Shonan Satellite TV, and then shined on the stage of Idol of Tomorrow, becoming a super popular young superstar second only to Wang Cheng. He is very familiar with this.

  The other party's agent called in person...

  He guessed something from the music, and immediately smiled: "Oh, it's Sister Mo, what do you need from me?"

  Mo Jinhua: "Yes, Director Li, our family, Wen Yixiao, wants to participate in your show, which is the episode recorded by Wang Cheng tomorrow. What do you think?"

Mo Jinhua got straight to the point, named the episode that Wang Cheng was going to record, and recorded with Wang Cheng, lest the other party miss the recording time, it would be funny, when Wen Yixiao really ran away in a rage, Mo Jinhua might be kicked out by Yu Jinghong.

  Li Chi smiled wryly: "Sister Mo, we have already invited Wang Cheng, and the production cost is a bit tight. Maybe we can't afford to invite a super big guy like Wen Yixiao."

  As a young director, Li Chi instinctively began to cry poor.

  There are only more than 2 million production funds left this year, and three episodes of the program will be produced in the future. Under normal circumstances, even if there are big names who want to join, he can't afford the announcement fee.

Mo Jinhua smiled and said, "Director Li, Wen Yixiao likes your program format very much and wants to experience it. So, we can lower the announcement fee appropriately! How about 8 million episodes? But I want to announce it to the public. Fifteen million…"

  Li Chi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking quickly, he said, "Sister Mo, I also sincerely hope to cooperate with Wen Yixiao. However, we can only give a notice fee of five million at most!"

  Mo Jinhua was silent for two seconds, and then said: "Yes, Director Li, happy cooperation!"

   Li Chi had a pleasant smile on his face: "Happy cooperation!"

hang up the phone.

   Li Chi quickly lit a cigarette and smoked to calm himself down.

   Wang Cheng is here!

  Wen Yixiao is here too!

   These are the two most important pillars of Tomorrow Idol.

  Is he trying to copy the ratings miracle of Tomorrow's Idol?


   Can't float.

   calmed down a little.

   buzz buzz...

  The phone in Li Chi's hand rang again. He picked it up and looked at it. It was still a series of unfamiliar numbers, and he connected immediately: "Hello..."

  A female voice still came from the other end of the phone: "Director Li, hello, I am Li Jing, Han Xiao's manager! I want to talk to you about cooperation!"

A few minutes later.

   Li Chi put down the phone, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

   Another Han Xiao with more than 40 million fans is here, and he is also a top-tier celebrity who became popular in Tomorrow Idol!

  However, he didn't wait for him to calm down.

  The phone rang again, and this time he knew the other party: "Old Li, I am Peng Yuying, how about letting our family Ziqi go to your place to record a program tomorrow? It is the one recorded by Wang Cheng!"

   "Notification fee? We are old acquaintances, you can just pay the notification fee. Anyway, Ziqi also wants to have fun and go to the countryside to relax. If there is no money, let's not talk about it."

Li Chi didn't dare not talk about money, and finally gave a price of 3 million yuan for a single issue, which was lower than Wen Yixiao's 5 million yuan and Han Xiao's 4 million yuan. After all, the number of cafes and fans is there. It is impossible for him to give random prices according to his mood, and if the one is not good, he will offend others.

   And the people who made the call were all he couldn't afford to offend. Offending one of them might affect his future career.

   "It seems that the rumors that these people are pursuing Wang Cheng should be true!"

   Li Chi whispered to himself.

   buzz buzz...

  The phone rings again.

  Li Chi's emotions have calmed down, and he is still connected to an unfamiliar number. He quickly connected: "Hello!"

   "Hello, Director Li, I am An Keru's agent..."

   "Oh, hello, hello!"

"It's like this, Director Li, our family Keru wants to relax recently. Your show was recorded in the countryside. It's very good. Can you arrange for Keru to go to your place to record a show? Oh, it's best to talk to Wang Cheng recorded together, they also know each other, and went to the countryside to experience life together, so there is a good care..."

All right!

   It was aimed at Wang Cheng again.

   It is rumored that An Keru is also interested in Wang Cheng.

   Sure enough, the rumors are not groundless.

  This is a veteran super-first-line celebrity. Han Xiao's fans and background are not comparable to Han Xiao, and the number of fans is almost 50 million. He is already a quasi-super giant, not much worse than Wen Yixiao.

  So, after talking about it, Li Chi gave a price of 4.5 million, which is a little lower than Wen Yixiao. After all, Wen Yixiao has more than 60 million fans there...

   After answering a few calls, Li Chi immediately reported the situation to the director.

  The head of the station said grandly: "Don't worry, the station will reimburse you for these notification fees, Lao Li, so many big names have joined together, you should do it well!"

  Li Chi still did not give up and said: "Director, can you move the time?"

  Director: "Hello? Lao Li, what are you talking about? Louder, I can't hear it anymore, there is no signal? Okay, then I'll hang up first, can Lao Li hear you? Goodbye..."

   tuk tuk tuk...

  Li Chi is also speechless and accustomed to this unreliable director, and has no hope of adjusting the broadcast time. He starts to think in his heart how to make good use of these big-name stars to produce a wonderful program tomorrow!

   It seems that a rating of 2.0 is not impossible!

  When Zhang Huizhong heard the news, he called the director speechlessly: "Director, next time my show, I will also invite these people over!"

  He really didn't expect that it was just to win over the relationship with Wang Cheng, so he asked the village life at Midnight to send an invitation to Wang Cheng, and Rubik's Cube Entertainment really agreed.

   What he didn't expect was that Rubik's Cube Entertainment wasn't the only one who agreed.

  Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru all quickly took the initiative to call and ask to join...

  This is pie in the sky...

   No, falling out of a pie is not enough to describe it, it is like a golden brick falling from the sky.

The director said to Zhang Huizhong: "Director Zhang, I didn't expect them to come here on their own initiative. They are not at all afraid of being affected by the conflict between Wang Cheng and Rubik's Cube Entertainment, and they are not afraid of the negative impact of Hongxing's advertisement! Next time you want such a lineup, you have to You do it yourself..."

  Zhang Huizhong just made a joke and complained, and said with a smile: "I don't know if Lao Li can handle it this time. With so many big names joining, if his ratings still don't improve, then maybe this is the last episode?"

  The station director said seriously: "It should be that Lao Li's ability is still a bit ordinary. If he is given so many big names and the ratings can't meet the standard, then he can only change jobs to shine..."

  Zhang Huizhong hung up the phone, feeling a little envious of Li Chi.

  He doesn't care about the negative impact of Wang Cheng's cooperation with Hong Xing. He doesn't care whether Hong Xing goes bankrupt or not. He only cares about Wang Cheng's talent and strength. He is one of the few people in the circle who only look at the essence of facts.

   No matter how much negative public opinion Wang Cheng is involved in, no matter whether Hong Xing went bankrupt because of Wang Cheng...

  None will affect Wang Cheng's own stage strength.

  He knew that this was also the reason why Rubik's Cube Entertainment dared to do such nonsense and overdraw Wang Cheng's popularity and commercial potential!


  Wang Cheng's strength lies there, even if this wave of operations caused Wang Cheng's popularity and commercial value to plummet.

  However, as long as Rubik's Cube Entertainment operates well in the future, it will give full play to the absolute advantage of Wang Cheng's stage strength!

  The popularity will recover soon.

After all, Wang Cheng's stage strength, in Zhang Huizhong's view, is really the only existence in China, and it is not inferior to those top world-class superstars in Europe and America in the world. This is why many fans and fans have been dissed by Wang Cheng , There is no reason to give up on Wang Cheng!

   These fans who can't be driven away are Wang Cheng's most solid background.

   "Hey, it's a pity, I still missed the peak period! Rubik's Cube Entertainment is not bad."

  Zhang Huizhong shook his head, and then posted a message on Weibo: "Welcome Wang Cheng to come to Shonan to record the show, and I treat you here!"

  In order to establish a good relationship with Wang Cheng and facilitate future cooperation, Zhang Huizhong really spared no expense, and kept coming off in person.


  Wang Cheng still didn't respond.

   At this time, the news on the Internet that Wang Cheng is about to record a variety show again has already turned the world upside down.


  This is different from the song and dance variety show that many fans are looking forward to!

village life…

  What the hell?

  What they want to see is Wang Cheng's live performance, Wang Cheng's powerful stage aura, Wang Cheng's ghostly mechanical dance, and Wang Cheng's incomparably beautiful original songs!

  Who wants to see Wang Cheng go to the countryside to experience life?

  So, many fans of Wang Cheng's fans, as well as passers-by, and the hype media have already made a fuss.

  (end of this chapter)

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