MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 241 239. Shonan Satellite TV Wants to Contract Wang Cheng! inevitable failure

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  Chapter 241 239. Shonan Satellite TV wants to contract Wang Cheng! A culturally teachable show that was bound to fail?

  Cultural Central Plains program group started promotion, Central Plains Satellite TV devoted a lot of resources, hoping to hype up the popularity of the program first, and arouse everyone's expectations.

   Groups of photos of Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, An Keru and others taken by various media appeared on major social platforms, arousing the curiosity and attention of many people.


  Many people have never heard the name of this program.

  Although some people have never heard of the program, out of curiosity and support for Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao and others, they went to Wenhua Zhongyuan to watch previous programs, and they were all disappointed.


  Most people can't watch it at all, it's too boring.

  There are complaints about this program everywhere on the major platforms, as well as confusion about Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao and others choosing this program to cooperate.

   "It's the first time I watched a program on Central Plains Satellite TV, and it was a program whose name I had never heard of before, so strange..."

   "I watched the first episode, it's not good at all!"

   "It turned out to be a cultural, scientific and educational program. I watched one episode, and it was too boring."

   "Why did Wang Cheng participate in this program? Why did Wen Yixiao and the others participate? I didn't see anything interesting, it was a very boring program."

"When Wang Cheng first started to live in the countryside last time, I also watched the country life and found it very boring. After watching the programs of Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, I found it interesting! I hope that this time the Cultural Central Plains will be like this... I I didn't even watch it for ten minutes, it was so boring."

"How are we going to film the Cultural Central Plains this time? Let Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru be the guest commentators? It feels too good to be useful. Letting them sing on stage doesn't fit the core of the Cultural Central Plains program. feels very contradictory!"

   "This is the first time that Zhongyuan Satellite TV has become the focus of everyone's attention?"


   This is indeed the first time that Zhongyuan Satellite TV has become the focus of attention of many viewers and the industry.

In the past, Central Plains Satellite TV has always been a transparent existence. In the central and eastern regions of China, it can be said that it has the lowest sense of presence, and it is slightly better than Xiangbei Satellite TV next door. The attention of other surrounding TV stations is higher than that of Central Plains Satellite TV. superior.

  At this time, even Shonan Satellite TV, which has just become the focus of the rural life fire, is less popular inside and outside the circle than Central Plains Satellite TV.

Many executives and backbones of Shonan Satellite TV are also paying attention to the progress of Zhongyuan Satellite TV's cultural programs in Zhongyuan. They want to know what kind of program will be recorded with the participation of Wang Cheng and others for this unpopular cultural, scientific and educational program that has no entertainment at all. The show is coming...

  Zhou Wen, Zhang Huizhong, and Li Chi came to Deputy Director Yang's office.

  Li Chi handed the latest data of the previous rural life program to Deputy Director Yang, and said with a smile: "Director, I really didn't expect that ten hours of online videos would have such a high number of views. This surprise is a bit big..."

The biggest advantage of Shonan Satellite TV over other satellite TVs is that it has its own online platform, and it is an online platform that has grown up. Although it is not as good as several mainstream online video platforms such as Penguin, it is also a second-tier platform next to several mainstream first-tier platforms. Traffic is absolutely not to be underestimated!

  Of course, the most important thing is that this platform is owned by Shonan Satellite TV. Their own programs are launched on their own platform, and they put all the money in their pockets.

   It doesn’t have to be like other TV stations. The programs have to be launched on platforms such as Penguin. Depending on the faces of these platforms, part of the income will also be divided.

   This is also one of the reasons why Shonan Satellite TV has not had any blockbuster programs in recent years, but it can still firmly sit on the throne of the number one commercial TV station in the region!


After all, the traffic is not as good as mainstream platforms such as Penguin Video, so even the trump card program of Shonan Satellite TV, the broadcast volume is not too bad. It is very successful if there are 50 to 60 million broadcasts in a week. If it can exceed 100 million, it will bring a lot of benefits to Shonan Satellite TV.

But this time, Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, An Keru, Han Xiao, and Zhu Ziqi recorded the country life together, not only broke the national record for the same period in ratings, but also the highest record of Shonan Satellite TV in ten years. , At the same time, it also created a record for the broadcast volume of Shonan Satellite TV's own online platform...

   This can be said to be a milestone victory for Shonan Satellite TV.

  In the past ten years, Shonan Satellite TV has not achieved such a major progress and victory, and the benefits brought to Shonan Satellite TV can be described as long-term dividends.

Vice-Director Yang picked up the data and glanced at it, his eyes lit up, and he asked in a little surprise, "The first-day broadcast volume exceeded 200 million? The previous highest first-day broadcast volume of our program was over 10 million." Right? This is a twenty-fold increase?"

   This rate of increase is terrifying. Deputy Director Yang has already restrained his emotions extremely, otherwise he might be stunned.

Zhang Huizhong said with a smile: "This time the improvement is indeed great, but in fact it can be more, but the number of users on our platform is limited. Therefore, our platform has gained a lot of benefits. Get busy, tens of millions of new users were added in one day yesterday, more than they added in the past year..."

  This is a great thing!

  Excitement flashed in Deputy Director Yang's eyes.

Li Chi also said: "If this program is placed on Penguin Video, it will have at least 500 million views on the first day. If it is shortened to two hours, it may even exceed 1 billion views on the first day! Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao and the others The attraction together is very strong, and Wang Cheng's performance is too amazing."

  Deputy Director Yang quickly calmed down, with an extremely bright smile on his face: "This is great! This episode can help us attract traffic continuously."

Looking at the report carefully again, Deputy Director Yang put the report on the table solemnly, and he can pick it up later to continue admiring. He glanced at Li Chi and Zhou Wen, and said in a serious tone: "Old Li, Old Zhou, you guys are on fire this time!"

Zhou Wen is now known as the most culturally rich host on Shonan Satellite TV. His elegant and erudite image has been recognized and attracted by many people on rural TV programs. The number of followers on his Weibo account has skyrocketed, breaking through Tens of millions of levels...

   Li Chi is now also known in the industry as one of the underrated variety show directors.

  Although Zhang Huizhong participated, he is a long-established director, and he is only an assistant director, so there is not much praise for him.

  Li Chi smiled and said: "This is all the courage of the leaders. I just did my job well! If you didn't bring Wang Cheng and the others, there would be no show."

   Li Chi told the truth, he didn't praise his own achievements, because he really didn't feel that he had done anything extraordinary.

   It’s just recording a program according to the previous rhythm, and the format of the program is not innovative, but the guests of the show are different, and the talent level of the guests is different...

  So, he knew that his contribution to the success of this program was the least, and it was not as good as Zhou Wen's contribution.

   After all, Zhou Wen's chat with Wang Cheng showed a lot of knowledge and scholarly temperament in the show, which is also one of the attractions of the show.

Zhou Wen also smiled and said: "Director Yang, Director Li, Director Zhang, we are all our own people, so there is no need to talk about it. We all know that Wang Cheng is the number one factor for the success of this program, and the leaders and Directors Zhang bought Wang Cheng at all costs, which is the greatest credit."

  Zhang Huizhong waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't talk about it. Since we are all our own people, don't talk about it. Let's talk about it later!"

  Director Yang nodded: "Well, I'm all from my own family, so I won't say these kind words. The future changes will be that your rural satellite TV programs will have a big change."

   Both Li Chi and Zhou Wen immediately sat up straight, knowing that this was related to their future careers.

  Although, they had already heard the wind, and knew that several leaders in the station held a meeting for more than an hour yesterday afternoon to discuss their program arrangements.

  However, they still don't know what the final result will be.

Director Yang continued: "According to the data we surveyed, the program format of your country life has been recognized by the market. Many viewers watched Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru's off-stage performances. , I suddenly became curious about the life of big-name stars."

   "So, country life has become a program that everyone wants to watch, and they want to see what stars look like in their lives from country life."

   "Therefore, we decided to formally increase investment in rural life. The production cost of each program will be at least 20 million yuan, and at least two popular first-line celebrity artists will be invited to participate in each episode."

   "Starting next week, the broadcast time will be moved to 8 o'clock on Sunday night..."

   Li Chi and Zhou Wen were all surprised when they heard the official decision.

   Even, Li Chi couldn't help but shed two tears...

  After struggling all his life, he finally made it this far.

  From midnight on Wednesday to prime time on weekends...

  Became the director of the pillar program of Shonan Satellite TV and one of the big directors in the industry.

   Zhou Wen also clenched his fists excitedly, but his personality and knowledge cultivation allowed him to better control his emotions, so he didn't cry, but his eyes were a little moist.

  He joined Shonan Satellite TV more than 20 years ago, from an oddball editor to a host step by step, and then worked as a host for nearly 20 years. He thought he would just wait for retirement like this.

did not expect…

  In his forties.

   But ushered in such a huge opportunity.

  Both of them have respect and gratitude to the young man who is as calm as water at all times and indifferent to everyone.

Looking at the two of them, Master Yang knew that they must be very emotional, and smiled, "You deserve it for all your hard work. If you have any other requirements, such as production funds, using your personal connections when inviting celebrities Wait, you can bring it up."

Zhang Huizhong patted Li Chi on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Life in the countryside is very popular now, and if I want to invite celebrities, except for those few super giants who are not sure, others will definitely not refuse, and they definitely want to come over for a while." Turn Wang Cheng's heat..."

   Li Chi and Zhou Wen are already thinking about how to take advantage of the popularity in this short period of time, invite influential celebrities and entertainers that everyone wants to see as much as possible, lay down the foundation of rural life, and lay the foundation for long-term program production.


   At this time, Director Yang looked at several people and asked, "Have you paid attention to the cooperation between Zhongyuan Satellite TV and Wang Cheng?"

  Zhang Huizhong nodded: "I must pay attention to it. Who doesn't pay attention to this matter? That is, the nature of the cultural center is too boring. Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao may not be able to bring it up, unless..."

Zhou Wen continued: "Unless Wang Cheng writes a good article similar to the humble room inscription on the show, this will be in line with the purpose of the show, and the show can be brought up, but how can such an article work? Is it so easy to write? When Wang Cheng was writing the humble room inscription, inspiration came suddenly, and he sent it out of feeling...Inspiration doesn't come every day..."

Li Chi also nodded and said: "I'm not optimistic about their cooperation! Central Plains Satellite TV may lose a fortune this time! However, it shouldn't be a big problem if the ratings are over two points. After all, Wang Cheng and Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, An Keru , The popularity of the big names like Han Xiao is there, but if you want to continue to improve, it is impossible."

   "The nature of the program is too restrictive..."

Master Yang listened to the words of several people, and nodded slightly. He followed the public opinion on the Internet, and he thought roughly the same way. His eyes were thinking, and he said softly: "Now the conflict between Rubik's Cube Entertainment and Wang Cheng is almost public. And Wang Cheng has Qian did not break the contract and leave Rubik's Cube Entertainment, which shows that he also has his own persistence in this regard."

   "Then, can we take advantage of this, and when the cooperation between Wang Cheng and Wenhua Zhongyuan is over, continue to buy Wang Cheng back at a high price and go on our unpopular show?"

   "Or, to be straightforward, let's continue to offer quotations to Mofang Entertainment, pack Wang Cheng's follow-up schedule, and show all the usual deserted programs on our station?"

   After listening to Master Yang's words, the eyes of several people brightened slightly.

  They knew that it was basically impossible for Country Life to cooperate with Wang Cheng again.

  Because, the principle of Rubik’s Cube Entertainment is to not allow Wang Cheng to appear on popular variety shows, but only allow Wang Cheng to appear on unpopular shows to consume Wang Cheng’s popularity and suppress Wang Cheng’s value.

  So, if Rubik's Cube Entertainment agrees to Wang Cheng's appearance on the show, it can only be invited by an unpopular show with no ratings, and if the price is right, then there is a high probability that Wang Cheng will be invited.

  They didn't ask Wang Cheng to make every unpopular show appear.


   As long as there is one more deserted show that can replicate the wonders of country life...

  Then Shonan Satellite TV will make a lot of money.

  Country life programs will also benefit from this.

  Of course, everyone under Shonan Satellite TV will benefit.

  Zhang Huizhong most hopes that Wang Cheng can cooperate with Shonan Satellite TV for a long time. In his plan for the next new program, he wants to invite Wang Cheng to come over and play the leading role.

Therefore, Zhang Huizhong immediately thought about it and said: "It would be better if Zhongyuan Satellite TV fails! Then we will have fewer competitors. If there is no profit, other small and medium TV stations will withdraw, and the only ones who can compete with us are There are two or three opponents..."

  Zhou Wen nodded lightly: "Yes, Zhongyuan Satellite TV failed, and Wang Cheng's value in the eyes of many TV stations has dropped greatly. We can also use public opinion to hype it up..."

  Master Yang nodded and confirmed.

  After confirming this matter, Director Yang looked at Zhou Wen: "By the way, Lao Zhou! You know that Hong Xing bought the copyright of Wang Cheng's humble room inscription, right?"

   Zhou Wen said affirmatively: "Of course, Wang Cheng personally posted on Weibo, and no one in the whole country doesn't know about it! It's a pity, if this is the case, it is impossible for this work to flow out..."

Master Yang smiled and said, "Wang Cheng couldn't possibly sell it. I got news that because of this work, Wang Cheng almost quarreled with Qin Yuhai, the owner of Rubik's Cube Entertainment. Qin Yuhai offered 30 million yuan to buy it, but Wang Cheng ignored it." At that time, Qin Yuhai turned around angrily and left."

   "Lin Mi also offered 30 million yuan, which was also ignored!"

   "It seems that there are still people who know the goods."

thirty million?

   Zhou Wen still said with certainty in his tone: "If 30 million can be bought, I am willing to spend all my money to buy it with this money."

  Taiwan Master Yang shook his head: "If 30 million can be bought, I will find a way to buy it. My house in the urban area is sold, and I can borrow some from friends. I should be able to get it all together..."

   Both of them love and understand calligraphy, and they are Dong Xuexue.

  Both of them firmly believe that the value of this work will definitely skyrocket as time goes by!


this era.

  There is no work of the same level as this work.

  Just the literariness of the article Humble Room Inscription has surpassed almost all contemporary literary workers. If you want to find a work comparable to this article, you have to look back at least fifty years ago.

  In addition, the cursive calligraphy that can be called the first in today's era and surpasses several famous calligraphers in history!

   It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a unique treasure.

  No matter how ignorant and indifferent the current calligraphy and literary circles are to Wang Cheng, they cannot obliterate the level and brilliance of this work itself.

  If there is a chance to get this work, Director Yang and Zhou Wen will definitely go bankrupt, and they will try their best to fight for it.

  Unfortunately, Qin Yuhai and Lin Mi failed to buy it after bidding more than 30 million yuan.

  Hong Xing has now purchased the authorization of the humble room inscription, so this work will never come out of Wang Cheng's hands.

   Master Yang thought about it, and his face was full of pity, and then he looked at Zhou Wen: "Old Zhou, have you copied this work yet?"

   Zhou Wen blushed suddenly, and smiled awkwardly: "It is written, but I dare not show it!"

Master Yang hurriedly said: "Don't, take it out and let's take a look together. I also copied it. Let's bring it over tomorrow to exchange ideas! I feel that I saw Wang Cheng's calligraphy and notes, and copied it a few times. My running script has improved a bit!"

  Zhou Wen's eyes trembled, and he said, "I feel the same way..."

   Li Chi and Zhang Huizhong looked at each other, knowing that such a topic, the two of them couldn't get into the topic at all, so they could only silently drink water from their teacups.

Then, Zhang Huizhong took out his mobile phone and posted on his Weibo: "Cultural Central Plains is not suitable for Wang Cheng, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru. Although I am not very optimistic about their cooperation, but I Wish them success..."

  Zhang Huizhong began to use his own influence to set the rhythm...

   Of course Li Chi also liked and forwarded it, and said: "Director Zhang is right!"


  Wang Cheng couldn't run in the morning today, so he could only go back to the hotel room, and walked back and forth in the room for about half an hour, just like taking a walk!

   This surprised the three assistants!

  Some online speculated that Wang Cheng's usual work and rest was just a voice for show, but at this time, it was self-defeating.

  Put on show, no need to put on a show in a hotel room, where no one can see…

   After walking for half an hour and reading for a while, the hotel breakfast was delivered.

   Had breakfast.

  Wang Chengcai got up and went out, joined Han Xiao, Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, and An Keru, and got on the bus of the program team at the entrance of the hotel to the recording site!

Outside the hotel, dozens of entertainment media gathered, and there were as many as hundreds of self-media and Internet celebrity anchors who came to catch the heat, and more fans gathered spontaneously, almost blocking the road in front of the hotel …

  As soon as Wang Cheng and the others came out, there were many shouts outside.

  However, Wang Cheng did not show up to respond.

  None of Wen Yixiao, Zhu Ziqi, Han Xiao, and An Keru showed up to respond to any media or fans...

   This left the hundreds of thousands of people gathered outside speechless.

  The bus from the program group came to the recording site.

  Here is already getting busy.

  As soon as Wang Cheng and the others appeared, the busy scene stopped instantly.

   Pairs of eyes looked over one after another.

  (end of this chapter)

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