MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 5 4. Don't delay my nap! God is chasing and feeding

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  Chapter 5 4. Don't delay my nap! God is chasing the talent of feeding.

  Zhang Xiuhua stood at the door of the practice room, with his arms crossed over his chest, his face was gloomy, and the anger was clearly suppressed in his eyes.

Zhang Hanwen and the others in the practice room became tense, knowing that Zhang Xiuhua was really angry, and they were careful not to make mistakes during practice, but this also caused their bodies to stiffen, making them look extremely uncoordinated and not beautiful at all. …

   Several pairs of eyes also look at the door from time to time, wanting to see when Wang Cheng will come!

  They all knew that Zhang Xiuhua must have been **** off by Wang Cheng, and they were all curious, why did Wang Cheng become so bold all of a sudden, not only contradicting Zhang Hanwen, but also contradicting his manager? Made Zhang Xiuhua so angry?

The agent has the power to control their life and death. Even the famous traffic stars in the company are usually polite to the agent. No one dares to fall out with the agent, because the agent represents the company. will.

  When Zhang Xiuhua gets along with them, he has always established the personality of an intimate big sister. He communicates with them in a heart-to-heart way, and will not quarrel with them, let alone get angry with them.

  This was the first time they saw Zhang Xiuhua so angry, as if they saw the angry head teacher when they were counting down the grades in school, they were uneasy.

Seeing this, Zhang Hanwen suppressed his dissatisfaction for the time being, but his anger towards Wang Cheng was about to overflow. He just wanted to call the company and propose to replace Wang Cheng when he was resting later. The company put pressure on Wang Cheng!

  Here, he and Zhang Xiuhua couldn't suppress Wang Cheng anymore, so they could only ask the bigger leaders of the company to come forward to suppress Wang Cheng.

  At this time, Wang Cheng walked in slowly from the door, and saw Zhang Xiuhua staring at him with cold eyes, and everyone else looked at him with complicated expressions.

  Some are gloating, some are excited, some are worried, some are envious...

  Wang Cheng remained calm and didn't care about the attitude of Zhang Xiuhua and the others. He picked up his mobile phone to check the time and said, "It's still one minute to nine o'clock, so I'm not late. Sister Hua, morning...Good morning everyone..."

  Zhang Xiuhua looked at Wang Cheng and said coldly: "Wang Cheng, I will truthfully report to the company what you did today. I think that you may not be suitable to participate in the show now, and you need more practice."

  The trainee system was introduced from the country of baseball, and the system of trainees in the country of baseball is as strict as a prison.

  Therefore, domestic entertainment companies have extremely strict control over their trainees, absolutely not allowing their trainees to be disobedient, no matter how popular and talented you are, you have to obey the company's arrangements.

   Otherwise, they may be abandoned by the company.

Because the trainee system is to continuously copy traffic stars like an assembly line and reduce the operating risks of entertainment companies, so the company will not compromise with a certain trainee, and uncontrolled existence is not allowed, otherwise everyone else will follow suit what to do?

   Moreover, since it is a reproducible traffic star, it doesn't mean that you can't leave you. Without you, just hype the next one.

  So, as long as you are disobedient, the company will deal with you immediately, and will not spoil you. It may range from a warning to serious cases, and hide it in the snow, killing chickens to scare monkeys.

  This is completely different from the attitude towards superstars who have climbed to high positions step by step by relying on their strength and works.

  So, the traffic stars who debuted as trainees are extremely afraid of signing with the company. The announcements arranged by the company will be completed desperately. It is not surprising that a certain traffic star is recording a program by drip.

  After hearing Zhang Xiuhua's words, Zhang Hanwen was relieved, and he didn't need to go to the company anymore.

  The other trainees were shocked when they heard this, and at the same time, their expressions became uneasy.

  For their trainees, the most serious punishment is to deprive them of the opportunity to debut and hide them.

  They gave up their studies, signed a contract with a company, and received boring and hard training every day. For what?

   Isn't it just debut and fame!

  They all looked at Wang Cheng with a trace of pity in their eyes, and they were glad that they were not like Wang Cheng.

  However, they saw that Wang Cheng didn't appear to be afraid or worried.

  Wang Cheng laughed instead, looked at Zhang Xiuhua, and said with a hint of hope: "Sister Hua, why don't you tell the company now and call me back immediately? I can go back to the company base now!"

  Zhang Hanwen and several teammates stared at Wang Cheng with strange expressions.

  Is he not afraid?

  Are you afraid of losing this opportunity?

   Did you say that on purpose, thinking that the team cannot do without him?

  When Zhang Hanwen thought of this possibility, his expression was not very good-looking.

  He is responsible for the singing and dancing of the team, and he works the hardest. He thinks that he is the most inseparable face in the team.

  Wang Cheng is only responsible for his appearance, except for being handsome and good-looking.

what else?

  Singing pale, dancing stiff!


  Zhang Hanwen just wanted to say something.

Zhang Xiuhua looked at Wang Cheng and said, "Wang Cheng, let me see your performance today first, and reserve the right to impose additional punishment on you. If your performance today is not satisfactory to me, then you can leave with your things tonight, and you don't have to participate in tomorrow's competition." stage performance."

  This is what Zhang Xiuhua thought of, the only way to deal with Wang Cheng temporarily.

  She couldn't really let Wang Cheng leave right now.

   This team has practiced together for more than ten days, and the promotional video has been filmed. Wang Cheng has already attracted some fans just because of his appearance.

  If Wang Cheng is kicked out of the team at this time, then the audience will definitely be disappointed, and the group can directly declare failure...


  She could only try to put pressure on Wang Cheng and make him obedient.

  Although, she knew that this threat might no longer be able to put any pressure on Wang Cheng.

  She didn't know why Wang Cheng suddenly didn't seem to be eager to debut.

  However, she has no other way.

  Facing a trainee, if the method of blocking Xuezang can't scare the other party, then there is really nothing to scare the other party.

Zhang Hanwen sighed and understood the situation of Zhang Xiuhua and the team. As the captain, he could only stand up and say, "Wang Cheng, it was my fault yesterday. I didn't pay attention to my tone of voice. I will pay attention to it in the future. We are a team." , I still need you, come here, I will try my best to help you keep up with the team..."

As Zhang Hanwen, who has already made his debut once, superficial acting is already his basic skill. In order to show the responsibility of a captain and let other team members listen to him, he has always made himself a big brother. The effect is Not bad either.

Wang Cheng knew that it was impossible for him to leave today, and he was disappointed in his heart. He nodded to Zhang Hanwen: "Thank you, captain, for your concern. I'm fine. This is my job. I have forgotten what happened yesterday. I will try my best to Do it."

   Either don’t do it, do your best to conquer all audiences!

   This is the principle that Wang Cheng adhered to in his previous life, so he was able to achieve great success in various fields in the entertainment industry.

  In this life, he will not give up this principle.


  Once it enters the working state.

  He immediately seemed to be a different person.

His whole body exuded a strong and confident aura, like a leader who had been in the top position for a long time. He looked at every team member with a condescending attitude, and Zhang Hanwen was the same. This made Zhang Hanwen's captain's aura immediately weakened a lot. Not daring to meet Wang Cheng's eyes, the pressure is even greater than when facing the company's boss.

  Zhang Xiuhua just wanted to leave to communicate with the company leaders about Wang Cheng's problems and discuss how to deal with Wang Cheng. If Wang Cheng disobeyed the manager's order, he would be punished afterwards. Otherwise, how would the manager and the company discipline other trainees?

   But seeing Wang Cheng's state at this time, Zhang Xiuhua stopped and stared at Wang Cheng, wanting to see what Wang Cheng was going to do again.

  Wang Cheng walked to the middle of the practice room and asked, "When is the performance tomorrow?"

  Faced with a sense of oppression like that of the company leader, Zhang Hanwen instinctively replied immediately: "Our recording time is in the afternoon, around six o'clock, and we are the fifth to appear. The specific appearance time depends on whether the other teams' performances go well."

  Wang Cheng nodded with a calm expression: "Fortunately, it didn't delay my nap..."


   When the surrounding team members heard this, they all swayed and almost fell down...

  They thought that Wang Cheng inquired about the performance time, and when they heard that there was so little time, it would be more urgent.


   Are you worried that it will delay your nap?

  What nap?

What it is?

  They don't know how long they haven't had a nap.

  Tomorrow the program will be recorded and the show will start. It will be even busier then, and you still want to take a nap?

   Talking in your sleep!

  Zhang Hanwen and the others looked at Wang Cheng with strange eyes, and the atmosphere was a little weird for a while.

   Today's Wang Cheng is too weird.

  Wang Cheng ignored their gazes, but said to Zhang Hanwen: "Captain, let's start!"

Only then did Zhang Hanwen come back to his senses, escaped from Wang Cheng's aura just now, looked at Wang Cheng who seemed to be a different person in amazement, and asked: "How many mistakes did you make yesterday? Are you sure?"

  Wang Cheng nodded: "No problem..."

  The picture in memory is extremely clear, and every movement that has been practiced is engraved in Wang Cheng's mind.

It’s nothing more than all kinds of handsome men’s group dance moves. There is basically no difficulty. It just requires a good sense of rhythm, must be stuck in the rhythm of the song, and be coordinated as a whole, so that it will look better and have a sense of stage impact. !

  The point where Wang Cheng made a mistake before was that his sense of rhythm was not strong enough to keep up with the others, so it dragged down the whole team.

   But for Wang Cheng now, these requirements are really too simple.

  In his previous life, he made his debut as a singer, and dancing is naturally the most basic requirement.

   It was the first time to hold a concert tour across the country, and there were 40 performances a year. He practiced the dance moves of each performance very proficiently, and followed the dancers throughout the performance without making mistakes. Later, due to performance needs, he often learned various skills and dances from many top dancers. In terms of dance, he was also one of the top dancers in China at that time!

  So, to Wang Cheng, the men's group dance choreographed by the company is really a trivial matter!

  Zhang Hanwen didn't believe that Wang Cheng would have made any progress without practicing with them this morning, so he said immediately: "Well, let's practice together now to find out how we feel!"

  Wang Cheng nodded seriously.

   Several other team members are also ready.

  Music starts.

   is a normal Korean dance music, with an extremely strong electronic rhythm.

   There are seven people in total, Zhang Hanwen is in the middle position of the team, and Wang Cheng is next to him, which is a good position second only to position C.

  This is also the reason why Zhang Hanwen has strict requirements on Wang Cheng, because Wang Cheng's position does not allow mistakes. Once a mistake is made, it will definitely be discovered, which will drag down the entire team.

  However, Wang Cheng, as the face value of the team, had to stand here, otherwise he would lose the meaning of attracting fans.

  Zhang Xiuhua hadn't left yet, she was standing at the door watching the effect of Wang Cheng's first practice after losing his temper.

   And the next moment.

  Zhang Xiuhua's eyes were fixed, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.


   is just the first action to start.

  Wang Cheng is different from others.

  Of course, it wasn't Wang Cheng who made a mistake.

  Even though Zhang Xiuhua can't dance, her vision is absolutely professional. It can be seen at a glance that Wang Cheng doesn't seem to be in the same rank as the others.

  On the first movement, Wang Cheng performed extremely smoothly and naturally, and every detail was integrated with the rhythm of the music, with an extremely strong sense of rhythm.

  It seems that the person is not following the rhythm, but the rhythm is matching his movements.

in comparison…

  In Zhang Xiuhua's eyes, the movements of the other team members seemed somewhat stiff and unsmooth, and not natural enough, as if they were doing morning exercises.

   Even Zhang Hanwen, who has two years of dance practice, still has a clear gap with Wang Cheng.

   And continue with the music.

  Wang Cheng's performance made Zhang Xiuhua's eyes flash with surprise.

  Every movement is so perfect.

  When there should be strength, the movements are full of explosive power.

  When it is time to be gentle, the body is like water.

  Several movements with relatively high difficulty are all connected and completed easily and naturally coordinated...

   A few minutes of dancing.

  In addition to the beginning, Zhang Xiuhua also took a look at Zhang Hanwen and others for comparison. After that, Zhang Hanwen and others were completely gone in Zhang Xiuhua's eyes, and only Wang Cheng was left.

  That almost perfect appearance, coupled with the concentration and coolness when dancing!

   Zhang Xiuhua, who was married and had a child in her forties, felt her heart beating faster. She stared straight at Wang Cheng, her face gradually turned slightly red, and her eyes almost burst into hearts.

  The other members of the team also noticed something strange.

  Everyone noticed it, they seemed unable to keep up with Wang Cheng's rhythm.

It's not that they can't keep up with Wang Cheng's rhythm, but that they are out of sync with Wang Cheng's movements, as if they are a few ranks behind. They are forced together and appear uncoordinated, just like a beginner and a master standing together. They all look the same, but feel completely different.

  So, at the end, Zhang Hanwen couldn't help but stop, and the others also stopped, standing aside, carefully watching Wang Cheng, who was dancing to the music.

  Zhang Hanwen looked at Wang Cheng, who was in the state he dreamed of, with a confused face, full of doubts in his heart, what is this? Why? where am i what am i doing

  If he could have this kind of dance talent, he would have made his debut long ago, okay?

  But, why can Wang Cheng?

  He was obviously very average before, and he didn't perform very well during the training at the training base. Whether it was dancing or singing training, he was an ordinary person. Except for his outstanding appearance, everything else was average.

  So, how did Wang Cheng do it now?

  The other team members were also full of envy and amazement. Looking at Wang Cheng's dance, they asked themselves—is this our dance? Can it be so good-looking?

  Everyone watched Wang Cheng dance alone for a minute in silence.

  Even without the impact of many people doing movements together, Guang Wangcheng danced alone, which still made each of them feel the visual impact brought by one person and the beauty of dancing alone.

  It seems that it is a kind of beauty of dance art.


   Has artistic beauty?

   Is this really the dance for the boy group audition?

It’s not that they are self-deprecating, but that they all know that the singing and dancing standards of the men’s team draft are generally low, and the professional entry level is already top-notch. Most of the trainees are not even up to the professional entry level. Well, I can only say that I can dance.

  So, watching Wang Cheng's dance at this time, they only felt...


   It's probably not something they get to see for free.

  The teachers who choreographed them are not so good.

  When Wang Cheng stopped his action as the music stopped.

  The practice room became extremely quiet.

  The few people present were still a little shocked.

   Several pairs of eyes were still staring at Wang Cheng standing there without blinking.

  It seemed that just standing there, Wang Cheng was the only focus of the audience, and everyone else disappeared from sight inexplicably.

   Such a charm!

   It is not at all what Wang Cheng had before.

  However, Wang Cheng himself frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt and surprise flashed in his eyes.

did not expect.

   Live again, not only have a healthy and young body, but also have a better talent than the previous life.

  This is simply God chasing and feeding...

  (end of this chapter)

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