MTL - This Star Doesn’t Work Overtime-Chapter 8 7. Time is up, get off work! he is like my grandpa

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  Chapter 8 7. Time is up, get off work! He is like my grandpa...

  Zhang Xiuhua did not immediately go to Zhang Hanwen, Wang Cheng and the others so as not to disturb their practice.

  Wait until lunch time.

   Zhang Xiuhua quietly came to the door of the practice room. She had already made mental preparations in advance. Even if she saw them quarreling and fighting, she had to deal with it calmly and don't make it a big deal...


  When she came to the door of the practice room, she was slightly surprised by what she saw, and stared at the scene with wide eyes.

   What a harmonious picture of teammates and harmony.

  Wang Cheng is teaching Zhang Hanwen and other teammates to practice dance steps. Every movement has an easy-to-understand explanation.

  Zhang Hanwen and other teammates listened very carefully, and at the same time followed Wang Cheng to make moves.

   If you make a mistake, Wang Cheng will demonstrate and explain again, and then you can quickly understand and correct it...

   "I thought of this when I was bored. It's called Robot Dance. As the name suggests, I want to imagine myself as a robot. Imagine how a robot walks. That's the feeling."

   "Muscles should be contracted and shaken quickly... You are doing it wrong, look at my movements, look at my muscle joints..."

   "Do it again, yes, I feel it this time, but the strength is not enough, do it again..."

   "Zhang Hanwen, you did a good job, come on, follow me to the next move."


  Every team member, including captain Zhang Hanwen, obeyed Wang Cheng's words extremely.

   Everyone is more obedient than before listening to Zhang Hanwen's words, it is the kind of heartfelt convincing.

  The most important thing is that every team member enjoys it, so the efficiency of learning and practice is very high. There is no tired look on everyone's face, only excitement and concentration.

   "This dance is really fun, do I look like a robot?"

   "Wang Cheng is too powerful, why didn't you show your awesomeness at the base before?"

   "This dance looks better than street dance."

   "Whoa, we're going to perform this dance on stage tomorrow, it's going to scare them..."

   "Wang Cheng, how about my pace?"


  Zhang Xiuhua stood quietly at the door, not disturbing this harmonious and friendly picture.

  Actually, this is what she imagined when she first led the team out.

   It's just that it hasn't appeared in this period of time.

  Captain Zhang Hanwen instills the concept of great pressure in everyone every day, so everyone is tense and under great pressure. Whenever they meet, they always look serious, unlike the happy and relaxed look now.

  She didn't expect that Wang Cheng, who repeatedly made her angry, led everyone to do what she wanted.

   "Do you want to suppress the company's punishment? Ask Mr. Liu to intercede? He is like this now, and he will succeed in the future."

   "Talented, good-looking, and good-natured leadership, such trainees are hard to find!"

  Zhang Xiuhua looked at the serious Wang Cheng, hesitation flashed in his eyes.

   And at this time.

  Suddenly there was a mobile phone ringing and buzzing vibrations in the practice room.

  Zhang Hanwen and other trainee team members and Zhang Xiuhua at the door were slightly startled, and then looked over.

I saw Wang Cheng walked over to pick up his mobile phone, looked at the alarm on it, turned it off, and then said to Zhang Hanwen and the others nonchalantly: "There are five minutes to get off work, come on, let's practice together again." Take these actions..."

  In a split second...

   Zhang Hanwen, who was immersed in the joy of dancing, and Zhang Xiuhua, who was thinking about pleading for Wang Cheng, all woke up from their state in an instant, and stared at Wang Cheng with wide eyes.

"get off work?"

   This word flashed through the minds of several people.

   Suddenly, I was a little confused and didn't want to understand what it meant.

  Because they have never been to work seriously, so they have no specific concepts about the words going to and from work!

   But then I thought of the work and rest time that Wang Cheng mentioned in the morning...

  Nine-to-five eight-hour working hours a day...

   Take a nap at noon and take a three-hour lunch break!

  So, if you go to work at 9 am, don't you get off work at 1 noon?

   All of a sudden, several people have a groan in their hearts!

  They usually only have one hour to eat and rest at noon. After eating, they just sit in the practice room and chat for a while.

  A young team member stared at Wang Cheng and asked, "Wang Cheng, isn't it? You really want to come to work? After practicing for four hours in the morning, you get off work? Then what shall we do?"

Wang Cheng picked up the water cup and took a sip of hot water. Seeing Zhang Hanwen and the others looking at him helplessly and earnestly, he said in his usual relaxed tone: "You guys should also rest after work. A good schedule is good for your physical and mental health. Get twice the result with half the effort. I suggest that you also take a good rest at noon, and you will be in a better state when you practice in the afternoon."

   "Of course, if you want to practice more, I won't stop you."

  Zhang Hanwen couldn't help but said: "Wang Cheng, if you insist on such a schedule, how will you be on the show in the future? What if the show is recorded at noon or at night?"

  Wang Cheng shrugged: "It's very simple, then either they change the recording time, or they change people."

  No one or anything can stand in the way of Wang Cheng's goal of longevity.

  The corner of Zhang Hanwen's mouth twitched, looking at the willful Wang Cheng, he really wanted to say let Wang Cheng change careers, the company and the program team will not be used to your problems.

  However, when he thought of Wang Cheng's amazing talent and strength when he taught them dance in the morning, as well as that kind of calm and control over everything, he had only seen it from the big guys in the circle.

  He knew that Wang Cheng might be more suitable for this bowl of rice than him.

   It's just like God chasing after the food, even if you don't eat it.

  Wang Cheng looked at his phone, it was just one o'clock, he immediately picked up the phone and said, "Okay, everyone, I'm off work, I'm going to eat first, how about you?"

  Zhang Hanwen and the others glanced at each other, then looked at each other again.

  Of course they are also tired, and they also want to have more rest time. It would be even more beautiful if they can take a nap.

  However, none of them dared to be as self-willed as Wang Cheng. They were all afraid that the company and the program team would blame them, and if something bad might ruin their future.

At this time Zhang Xiuhua opened the door and walked in, clapped his hands and said: "Okay, boys, it's time to eat, and then go back to rest. At noon today, you all have an hour and a half to rest. Hurry up and finish your meal. One hour of rest is enough for you to sleep for a while..."

   At this time, Zhang Xiuhua had just made a temporary decision.

  Since ancient times, human beings have suffered from inequality instead of scarcity!

  If Wang Cheng is only acquiesced to go to bed and rest, others may not say anything, but they will definitely be dissatisfied in their hearts. In the future, the dissatisfaction will continue to erupt to a certain extent, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

  For the long-term harmony of the team, Zhang Xiuhua can only extend the rest time for everyone.

  However, they didn't all follow Wang Cheng, and they still had to practice an hour and a half earlier than Wang Cheng.

   And this, for other team members, is already a blessing from nature.

   "Sister Hua, you are awesome."

   "Great, let's go eat now."

   "Sister Hua, you are my real sister..."

   "Sister Hua, would you like me to bring you a meal?"


   Several people were very excited.

  Only Zhang Hanwen looked helpless, knowing that because of Wang Cheng's change, it was difficult to lead the team.

  Wang Cheng was calm and indifferent.

  He doesn't care if other people get enough rest, as long as he does.

  Wang Cheng wanted to follow everyone to dinner.

  Zhang Xiuhua said: "Wang Cheng and Zhang Hanwen stay here, the others go to eat first."

   Several other people left quickly, fearing that they would be left behind and might be scolded and punished.

  Wang Cheng and Zhang Hanwen stayed behind. Zhang Hanwen looked a little nervous, but Wang Cheng still looked very relaxed, as if he didn't care what Zhang Xiuhua would say.

  Zhang Xiuhua carefully observed Wang Cheng's expression, and smiled helplessly again in her heart, knowing that it was exactly what she thought. Wang Cheng seemed to be not afraid of anything, and her reticence really made her unable to do anything.

  However, she still said seriously: "Wang Cheng, because of your nonsense in the morning, the program team canceled our last promotional video shooting opportunity today."

  Zhang Hanwen was shocked when he heard this, and knew that one less promotional film would be a great loss, especially before the performance was about to start. One less chance to appear on camera would greatly reduce the team's chances of success.

  He glanced at Wang Cheng with displeasure.

  Wang Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

  The tone was still calm, and the look was still relaxed. Both of them knew that Wang Cheng didn't really apologize, but they had no choice but to accept Wang Cheng.

Zhang Xiuhua rubbed her forehead and felt a headache. Looking at Wang Cheng, she continued to say seriously: "The company found out about you and decided to punish you. I will now inform you of the company's decision on punishment. This time you will be on the show. All expenses will be deducted, and basic living expenses will also be paid in half.”

   "If you commit another crime later, then go directly back to the company base. During the next two years of the contract period, you will not get any more chances."

  Zhang Hanwen looked at Zhang Xiuhua in surprise, did not expect the company to actually punish Wang Cheng?

   This punishment is not small.

  Their trainees have signed a contract with the company, and the company will pay them living expenses, and there will be an announcement fee for the program, and the announcement fee is their main income.

  If the notice fee is deducted, the living expenses are basically only enough for their usual pocket expenses.

   Now, Wang Cheng is not only deducted the notification fee, but also the living expenses are halved?

   Then Wang Cheng will have to think about buying a bottle of drink in the future...


   If you commit the crime again, you will be happy to mention two years of snow storage!

  This is the deadliest threat to Zhang Hanwen.

   means that there will be no chance of making mistakes in the future.

  He thought about it differently. If he were Wang Cheng, he might be under a lot of pressure now, and he would have to be careful in the company in the future, for fear that he would be hidden if he made a mistake.

  However, he looked at Wang Cheng, and found that Wang Cheng still looked relaxed, with a hint of expectation and smile in his eyes?

  Wang Cheng's eyes indeed flashed with joy, looking forward to the next time the company will directly hide himself.

  Then he can go back to the company base and spend two years quietly with the basic living expenses. He doesn't have to run around to appear on the show. Once the contract is over, he can live in seclusion for the elderly.

  Wang Cheng looked at Zhang Xiuhua and smiled, "Sister Hua, I understand, I will keep it."

  will keep it?

  Zhang Xiuhua and Zhang Hanwen stared at Wang Cheng with wide eyes at the same time.

   Don't you hide it?

  Wang Cheng laughed hurriedly and said, "Haha, I mean, I know what to do."

Zhang Xiuhua asked helplessly: "The last sentence is your truth, right? Wang Cheng, what's wrong with you? Why don't you want to make your debut all of a sudden? Are you not afraid that the company will hide you? You are still young, and you don't have many opportunities to choose your life." What's more, you have the strength and talent to succeed in the circle..."

  Wang Cheng said seriously: "Sister Hua, I know what to do."

  Zhang Xiuhua sighed, waved and said, "Well, I can't control you. But if tomorrow's stage performance doesn't achieve the desired effect, then I can only take you back to the company, and I can't keep you."

  Wang Cheng: "I know, thank you Sister Hua."

  He knew that Zhang Xiuhua was pretty good among entertainment agents, so he really thought about Wang Cheng.


   is also as he said.

  He knows what he wants and what to do.

   After finishing speaking, Wang Cheng nodded to Zhang Xiuhua and Zhang Hanwen, then left for dinner, and took a nap after dinner...

   Watching Wang Cheng leave step by step like an old man taking a walk.

  Zhang Xiuhua looked at Zhang Hanwen, and asked in a low voice, "Hanwen, what do you think of Wang Cheng?"

  Zhang Hanwen was puzzled: "Sister Hua, how about what? Where?"

  Zhang Xiuhua: "All aspects, strength, character, attitude..."

Zhang Hanwen seriously thought about the short practice with Wang Cheng in the morning, and then said: "His strength in dancing is very strong, bottomless. The mechanical dance he dances, when I go to the bathroom in the morning, I searched on the Internet, and it is really his original creation, I have never seen other people jumping, and some people jumping similar movements are not systematic, not as good as him."

"Personality, Sister Hua, you know better than me. His personality has changed a lot now. He seems not interested in making a debut. He only thinks about how to ensure the rest time. He is a bit like my grandfather. My grandfather eats and sleeps on time every day. , make sure you get enough sleep, and do everything slowly, as if you will get injured and get sick if you hurry up..."

   Like your grandpa?

  The corner of Zhang Xiuhua's mouth twitched this time. She knew that Zhang Hanwen's grandfather was over seventy years old, while Wang Cheng was only in his early nineteenth. The difference between the two was over fifty years old.

Then, Zhang Hanwen frowned slightly, with a puzzled and strange tone: "Attitude, he has become more focused. As he himself said, he is very serious and focused when working, and even we are infected. , everyone is more devoted, the practice effect this morning is the best in the past ten days..."

  Actually, Zhang Hanwen wanted to say that if he had been in this state, he would have made his debut long ago, and his own strength would be much stronger than it is now.

  He didn't expect that a one-year trainee who was two years younger than himself would bring him such an opportunity to improve.

  Zhang Xiuhua's eyes lit up slightly, keeping these in mind, and asked: "Then do you think Wang Cheng will bring improvement to the team as a whole?"

Zhang Hanwen nodded immediately, and said affirmatively: "Of course, the improvement is obvious to all. Especially the dance he made up in the morning, added to our rhythm, is so handsome, he was born for dancing. I believe, Tomorrow's performance will definitely brighten everyone's eyes. So, Sister Hua, in fact, our team really cannot do without him now."

  When Zhang Hanwen said the last sentence, his tone was very complicated and serious.

  He has always thought that he is responsible for the strength of the team and the most inseparable person, while Wang Cheng is responsible for his appearance and has the least strength!

  Can now...

  Wang Cheng suddenly surpassed him in terms of strength, and became an existence with both appearance and strength.

   This made him a little bit shocked, and he doubted himself a little.

   "Fortunately, I sing better than him, but he sings very badly."

  Zhang Hanwen thought to himself, comforting himself.

  After hearing what Zhang Hanwen said, Zhang Xiuhua knew what she was saying. She nodded and patted Zhang Hanwen on the shoulder: "Okay, let's go eat..."

  Zhang Hanwen hummed, then turned and left to eat, he also wanted to take a nap at noon!


After eating at noon, Wang Cheng went back to his temporary dormitory to take a nap. He planned to take a two-hour nap at noon, plus eight hours of sleep at night, so that ten hours of sleep a day was enough to refresh his body and mind. Good rest.

  However, as a teenager after all, I didn’t doze off so much at noon, and got up after less than an hour of sleep.

   When I wake up...

   No one came to disturb his lunch break, and he read a book for a while.

  Wang Cheng walked slowly to the practice room, stepping on it, and just arrived at the practice room at nearly four o'clock.

   Time is up!

  Wang Cheng immediately entered the working state.

  Having practiced for more than an hour, Zhang Hanwen and others saw Wang Cheng coming, and immediately asked Wang Cheng for advice.

  Each of them is very interested in Wang Cheng's mechanical dance, and they can't wait to learn from Wang Cheng...

  The practice time of the afternoon was spent again in Wang Cheng's seriousness and concentration!

   Arrive at eight o'clock.

   Get off work on time.

  Seeing this, Zhang Xiuhua could only watch Wang Cheng leave and did not stop Wang Cheng from getting off work.

  As for the program group and other teams, many people saw this scene and talked about it behind their backs.

   Another nap, another eight o'clock break!

  People from Dongxing Entertainment, have you given up?

  They are still practicing more.

  (end of this chapter)

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