MTL - This Summoner is Outrageous-Chapter 553 Black History + Five

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The passage from room 3 to room 4 is very safe.

In the corridor, one person and one husband observed Room 4.

So far, Room 4 is undoubtedly the smallest in 1234, about 200 square meters.

Just standing at the entrance of the passage, the sideline of the area of ​​room 4 can see the whole room clearly.

There was nothing in the room except a plaster statue.


But when Li Pu saw the plaster statue, he frowned.

He had seen this plaster statue before.

Or rather, have seen something similar.

And not long ago, more precisely, at level 50.

It is about 3 meters tall, has three pairs of arms, and holds a turban on its head.

It was the guy I met in the Colosseum.

Because that was the opponent of Husband and wife in the first match, and even killed it instantly, so Li Pu was more impressed.

The difference between this plaster statue and that monster is that the plaster statue is white, its head is not a human head but a bat head, and it does not hold a weapon.

Like that monster, the oppressive aura of the plaster statue is also very strong, even stronger than the one in the Colosseum.

"Is it another second person?"

Li Pu's complexion became even worse.

You must know that even when the strength is healthy, he is not sure that the monster in the Colosseum will win, not to mention the current ebb and flow.

"Let's take one step at a time. If you don't die a few times first, you won't be able to pass the level."

But his mentality has been very open.

But this time, the situation was still unexpected.

As soon as one person and one husband stepped into the room, bursts of music sounded all around.

The music is full of exotic flavor.

Although Li Pu didn't know much about music, he could still hear that there was a flute-like instrument in it.

As the music sounded, the plaster statue was immediately activated.


I saw it jumping with both feet, and it had already jumped in front of them.

【Quiet! 】

Husband and wife: Master, we are going to die again!

"Die, die. Before you die, take a few more glances and look for clues carefully."

Li Pu has already started to look around.

[Quiet quiet! 】

Husband and wife said they received it, and immediately widened their eyes.

Out of the corner of my eye, the plaster statue raised its fist.

However, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... the imaginary fist did not fall.


Li Pu looked up suspiciously, and found that this guy didn't seem to have any intention of attacking.

The raised fist was... squeezed into orchid fingers.

At the same time, its body swayed along with the strange music, quite rhythmically.

[Quiet quiet! 】

Husband: Master, I just said that these rocks have no brains!

Husband and wife can't understand this behavior at all.

【Give me the curry! 】

Suddenly, the plaster statue shouted.

Immediately afterwards, it emitted a flowing colorful light.

The light is very strong but not dazzling, it just covers it completely, and it doesn't overflow in the slightest.

Let the statue, which was originally made of plaster, look like an outline filled with colorful paint.

This kind of abnormality immediately aroused the vigilance of one person and one husband.

They thought it was the opponent's big move.

It didn't turn out that the multicolored statue was just a wave dance movement with the waist rising and falling, commonly known as wave.

With the end of the wave, the color of the light on it faded away.

"This thing is so weird."

Li Puyou observed it for a while, and his personal safety was not threatened at all.

This plaster statue seems to only be able to dance, and from time to time the whole body becomes colorful.

After confirming that it was all right, he and his husband came to the No. 5 stone gate.

[Quiet, quiet, quiet! 】

Husband and wife: Master, the door cannot be opened!

Husband and wife flapped their little wings, but there was no response from the sensing area.

"Similar to Room 2, do you have to complete the mission before you can open the door?"

Li Pu held his chin, his eyes fell on the top of Shimen.

No. 5 Shimen is slightly different from the Shimen we met before.

That is above the door, there are 5 indentations.

The shape of the dents is a hexagon similar to the inscription, and each is as big as a palm.

Looks like something hinted that they got together 5 fillers.

"Still don't understand."

He had already searched the room just now, and there was not even half a gravel.

"Could it be that it's in another room?"

He thought it was very possible.

If you go there and search carefully, you may have an answer.

Maybe there is something like a hidden grid.

Thinking of this, Li Pu returned to Room 3.

He wants to use his dream ability to get rid of No. 3 homeowner first, and then search slowly.

Leaving the couple in room 4, he covered his mouth and nose and returned to the owner of room 3.

With a thought, he activated his dream ability.


A gigantic chestnut fell from the sky, and the owner of house No. 3, who was still a plaster statue, burst and fell to the ground.

However, even after receiving such an attack, it was still not killed.

Instead, it was activated on the spot, and the firewood in his hand lit up automatically with his eyes glowing red.

【die! 】

Even though Li Pu wasn't breathing, he became its target because of the attack.

Homeowner No. 3 raised his big hand and swat the flies.


【You die from being crushed】

【Determined as restarting】


Standing in the origin room, Li Pu was speechless.

He didn't expect that the combat power of the No. 3 homeowner was so strong that even his own dream ability couldn't beat it, and he still had the strength to fight back.

"Alright, let's start searching from Room 1."

After thinking about it, he can accept it.

So one person and one husband entered Room 1 and began to search carefully.

After meeting Homeowner No. 3, Homeowner No. 1 is no longer intimidating.

When it appeared, Li Pu didn't say anything, and directly dealt with it with a violent thump.

This guy was much more vulnerable than homeowner No. 3, and was smashed into powdered pieces on the spot.

After there was no threat, they began to carefully explore the passage.

As a result, nothing was found.

The only difference after killing homeowner No. 1 is that there is only one missing plaster statue of [The Thinker].

However, Li Pu and his husband were not discouraged, and immediately entered Room 2 to search.

This time the result was not disappointing. In the place where the original fire burned, the couple found a stone brick that could be dug out.

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There is really something hidden under the stone bricks.


It's just that when Li Pu held it in his hand, he felt that it wasn't what they were looking for.

It was a square piece of drywall, the size of a book.

Apparently, it doesn't match the groove in room 4.

The key is that the plasterboard itself has grooves, eight in total arranged in two rows.

Judging from the shape of the groove, it seems to be a token.

"Maybe it's a prop for the next level, I feel like it shouldn't be used in Room 4."

Li Pu thought for a while, and put it directly in the corner.

Anyway, the location has been memorized, and you can just pick it up when you need it in the next reincarnation.

Then it was time to deal with homeowner No. 3, but he had to pay his life first to refresh the number of uses of the dream ability.

When they came back, they repeated their old tricks and tricked the owner of No. 2 house into No. 3 house.

This time, Li Pu didn't hit Bao Li directly.

Instead, he planned to wait for the two of them to fight fiercely before launching a sneak attack.

[Quiet quiet! 】

Husband and wife: Master, it seems almost done!

When cracks appeared on the enlarged No. 2 homeowner, the husband and wife reminded Li Pu.

"it is good."

Li Pu waited until the stone door was closed and took a deep breath, then walked into Room 3.

With a thought, he released his dream ability towards homeowner No. 3 in seconds.

Then he didn't look at it, just turned around and ran back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hiding in Room 2, I seem to hear the fighting inside getting more and more intense through the stone door.

After a certain time, it suddenly became quiet again, and there was no sound at all.

One person and one husband waited for a while, and then opened the stone door.

As soon as the stone door was opened, the little elf boy was wandering in Room 3, as if this place had also become its territory.

Homeowner No. 3 has been broken into several pieces and fell to the ground, being killed by it.

It can be seen that the condition of homeowner No. 2 is not very good, missing his right arm and left half of his face.

Trying to talk to it, it still said [Thank you] with a bright and innocent smile.

"Okay, let's start searching."

Without homeowner No. 3, they didn't have to hold their breath anymore, Li Pu directly signaled to start the search.

After spending some time, nothing.

This time, Li Pu was completely in trouble.

With his husband and wife, he returned to Room 4.

"Is there any key factor missing?"

He intends to observe homeowner No. 4 again.

So one person and one husband sat on the ground and watched the No. 4 homeowner dance for them.

"Judging from the appearance of this guy, it's a bit like a cultural product from the river area."

The first three homeowners are all a bit similar to the old-time statues on Blue Star, so Li Pu can't help but associate No. 4 homeowner in that respect.

So what are the characteristics of the river area?

He didn't know much about the River District, beyond curry, dancing, heavily overloaded vehicles and that sort of thing.

This plaster statue is dancing the whole time, which really fits it well.

"Could it be that there is some mystery hidden in its dance?"

So he had a new idea.

Soon, he discovered that the background music in this room was a single loop.

Each cycle, about 2 and a half minutes.

Then in this song, the plaster statue will change into five colors in total 5 times.

And the actions of each multicolored time are specific.

"No way…"

Finally, Li Pu thought of something.

Somatosensory dance game.

He had seen that thing at Wu Guinan's house.

At that time, Jiang Guiju + Wang Nuonuo pk Wu Guinan + often gave business.

In the end, it ended with Chang Shishang's sprained ankle + cramps.

He and Yongin didn't participate, they were just responsible for being the audience and laughing.

"It seems that it is really possible."

The more he thought about it, the more satisfied Li Pu felt.

So he told his husband about this idea.

[nono be quiet! 】

As a result, the husband and wife shook their heads violently after listening.

Mimic these weird dance moves?

What a joke.

It's just an insult to kung fu.

But the resistance is the resistance, and it reluctantly imitated it.

Unexpectedly, this guy said no, but he turned out to be extremely talented physically.

It was effortless to follow the movements of the plaster statue, and soon the imitation was perfect.


Li Pu watched from the side and couldn't help sighing.

On the contrary, it was himself who had a hard time learning.

In fact, it's not that my body can't keep up, but mainly because I feel awkward.

I really can't figure out how those movies in the He District can start dancing at the slightest disagreement.

【Quiet! Quiet quiet! 】

Husband and wife: Master, it's coming!

The first colorful node is about to arrive, and the husband and wife remind Li Pu loudly.

"come on."

Li Pu has no expression on his face, and he has already prepared his mental health.

As the drumbeat of the music becomes more and more intensive, the key colorful node is just in the next second.

Following the movement of the plaster statue, he twisted his waist and made a seductive wave.

Completed, Black History +1.

The scene at this moment is like a dance teacher leading two students.

When they completed this action together, the multicolored light from the plaster statue was immediately drawn out.

The multicolored light floated towards the stone gate and fell into one of the grooves.

"It's done!"

【Quiet! 】

One person and one husband cheered on the spot.

In order to open the door, Li Pu went all out next.

Black history +1, black history +1, black history +1, black history +1.

After performing 5 specified actions following the plaster statue, all 5 grooves are filled.

Li Pu immediately stopped dancing and walked to the stone gate.


This time the stone door sensed his arrival and finally opened automatically.

[Quiet quiet! 】

Husband: Master, look at me!

A couple's cry came from behind.

Looking back, this guy is still interacting with the plaster statue.

And now it's the other way around, the plaster statue is imitating the couple's movements.

So to be more precise, it is now following Kung Fu.

Li Pu shook his head angrily, and took out the pen and paper he was carrying.

This is to use the text option in the origin room. It seems that it should be used for the convenience of recording the rules of the house owner, so it is allowed to exist.

He took a look at the four lines of prompts he had copied down.

After a little thought, I wrote down the rules for Room 4.

Room 2: [Fire fighting is the most important thing]

Room 3: [don't breathe]

Room 4: [follow the action]

If my guess is correct, then the remaining hints will become clearer and clearer.

Eliminate the words that have been used, and now there are only 6 words left in each line.

[Brave x joy x, manual constant x]

[x dares to guard the ring of x, x seeks to die after death]

[Name x direct fee, hold x listen to x]

[Double-sided point x number, x happy wave x]

New tips, easier to refine.

Some fluent keywords can already be formed.

Such as "brave", "number", "hands", "listening" and so on.

But whether it is true or not, we have to continue to break through to know.

"Stop playing, let's go."

After summarizing, he signaled his husband and wife to follow.

Walking into the stone gate, there is also a small passage first.

According to the usual practice, one person and one husband first stood in this relatively safe place to observe. UU reading

But before he could see clearly what was in Room 5, he saw two black lights suddenly flashing in front of him.

stop! stop!

【You died from flying cakes】

【Determined as restarting】

Li Pu: "..."

Husband and wife: […]

There are many things in the Chinese New Year, let’s just write a chapter, sorry

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