MTL - This Summoner is Outrageous-Chapter 582 fighting turtle among tortoises

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Chapter 582 The Fighting Turtle Among the Turtles

"I knew you were unreliable, so you favored it in just one night."

"In this case, I will solve it with you."

Obviously, Bie San misunderstood what Li Pu meant.

I saw him making a few weird gestures in front of the two of them.


Master Jiejie couldn't understand the other party's moves, only knew that it was definitely not the handprint of the enchantment.


! 】xN

The strange monsters around rushed over one after another.

【Grass! 】

The straw man took the lead and punched the monster closest to him.


The monster flew 7 or 8 meters straight, rolled on the ground and punched it, but immediately got up again.


This scene made Li Pu raise his eyebrows.

It's okay to be punched by a straw man, the physique of this monster is really extraordinary.

At least it has to reach the level of 3 turns.

[Gravity Field] Stage 3, move towards another monster.


However, only a hole less than 10cm was torn on the opponent's body.

The bodies of these monsters are so tough!

But the strange thing is that there is no trace of blue light liquid flowing out from the wound.

"How, can it be solved?"

At this time, Master Jiejie had already taken out a steamed bun-sized pearl crab and was holding it in his hand.

With the help of this summoned beast, he quickly established a defensive barrier to protect the two together.

bang bang bang!

When those monsters hit the defensive barrier, it was like hitting a tempered glass cover.

No. 2 carried the sleeping husband and wife up into the sky, and a ghostly body projection emerged from its body, and it flew down from above and rushed towards the monsters.

[Quiet~? 】

However, Mrs. Youyou penetrated through the monsters' bodies, but did not cause them to fall to sleep.

"Hahahaha, I want to crush you with the technique my father taught me!"

Seeing that the monsters under him seemed to have the upper hand, Bie San began to show excitement on his face.

Refining skeletons into bones, compressing beasts into flesh.

This is the truth of the composition of these dead monsters.

And the driving force is the source of this continuous barrier.

In terms of physical strength, these monsters are quite strong, so Biesan has confidence...

【Eat, eat, eat! 】



At this moment, several light clusters exploded in the monster pile.


Then the three-eyed turtle watched helplessly, and the monster he worked so hard to create turned into pieces.

"It can be solved."

It was only then that Li Pu leisurely answered Master Jiejie's question.

The strength of ordinary monsters is only 3 turns. Isn't he crushing any summoned beast casually, except for No. 2.

Number 2: I thank you, dear Summoner.

"It's good if it can be solved, it's good if it can be solved."

Master Jiejie heaved a sigh of relief when he got the answer.

After 10 minutes, all the monsters were turned into pieces, and Bie San was blocked by the straw man and the ugly coyotes.

"How, how is it possible?!"

Biesan, who was slumped on the ground, had a green and white face.

Shouldn't the monsters created by oneself be very strong?

Why is it like a paper lake in front of these guys?

"Mr. Jie, what should I do with this guy?"

Pressing the opponent with [Gravity Field], Li Pu asked Master Jie Jie.

"Detain him first. If he is really the son of Senior Turtle Soul, we won't be able to do anything to him."

Master Jiejie still considers his position.

"Of course, torture is still possible."

"He should have some information we need."

But he didn't forget the hatred of kelp meatloaf.

"It just so happens that I am very good at this aspect. It can make people super painful and never get hurt."

Li Pu squeezed his fist cooperatively.


Bie San felt that the other party did not seem to be lying.

【I also have something to ask him】

【How about we go back to the house first】

The cocoon feels that this place is not suitable for conversation.

So the group returned to the cocoon's mansion again.

However, Bie San's mouth was very rigid, and he basically didn't answer their questions.

It was just a joke just now, and Li Pu didn't really torture him.

Anyway, they had plenty of time, so they locked Bie San in the room under the advice of Master Jie Jie, guarded by their husband and wife.

"Hey hey..."

After confirming that everyone had left, Biesan smiled.

This group of guys really didn't know what to do, and actually led wolves into the house.

To know where there are the most wreckage in the enchantment, of course it is under the cocoon's residence.

Think of the accumulation of 50 years, how much wreckage there will be.

Just mess around a bit with yourself...

At night, it was still the backyard of the mansion, still the same place.

Li Pu and Cocoon looked up at the starry sky again.

After a quiet discussion with Master Jie Jie, the division of labor between the two of them was clear.

At daybreak, Master Jie Jie went to several key points to search the inner structure of the barrier.

Now that the troublemaker, Bie San, has been caught, it is estimated that there will be no more danger in the barrier, as long as there is a grass man to protect him.

Li Pu, on the other hand, was in charge of keeping an eye on the cocoon.

Although this guy seems to be stable at the moment, as a mission target, it's better to keep an eye on it.

What's more, Bie San didn't disclose any useful information, but told it the truth of the entire enchantment and its cause and effect.

For the cocoon body, this should be a difficult reality to accept for a while.

【Brother Lame, if you count strictly, do the pair of fallen angels and handouts count as my parents】

"I think it's more reasonable to regard you as their fusion."

Since the other party knew everything, Li Pu also spoke out.

【You are right】

【It turns out that the me 50 years ago was once a bad guy who did a lot of evil】

[But why now, I have no memory at all? 】

As Cocoon said before, it is only 9 years old, so it only has 9 years of memory.

[If I'm really so unforgivable, why does Prime Minister Turtle take care of me again? 】

[How long will the punishment of enchantment imprisonment last? 】

[Am I really not going to die? 】

[If I find a way to kill me, can I go out? 】

【I really want to see the outside world】

Cocoon's words are more like talking to himself.

Li Pu was silent and didn't answer, because he didn't answer either.

He just felt that the night tonight seemed to be very long, and the stars were trembling in the false sky.


Why do the stars in the sky vibrate, Li Pu was suddenly taken aback.

But then, he discovered that it wasn't the stars that were shaking, but... the ground beneath their feet was shaking!

"Do you feel it! What is the situation!"


Master Jie Jie rushed from the room to the backyard.

[What is an earthquake? 】

The cocoon has apparently never encountered such a situation.

"Something's wrong... Number 2!"

Li Pu frowned and called out to the summoned beast.

【get out! Summoner! 】

Number 2 floated over quickly.

He let Master Jie Jie and the straw man board No. 2, and then he floated up by stepping on the buoyancy.

boom rumble...

In mid-air, the entire mansion can be seen, no, it should be said that the ground within 100 meters in diameter of the mansion is slowly rising, and the diameter is still increasing.

Soon, a hideous rock was squeezed out of the soil and revealed.

More ledges then appeared, forming a craggy oval area.

Familiar, Li Pu suddenly felt a sense of familiarity.

But after the huge monster fully manifested, Master Jie Jie yelled out the answer for him.

"What a big turtle!"

Yes, it's a turtle.

A big turtle with a hideous appearance.

It feels like a heavily armored fighter, the kind that has nothing to do with clumsiness and sluggishness.

"It's kind of like that."

Li Pu finally understood why the eyes were familiar.

This outline is basically a shrunken version of the Guardian Beast and Turtle Soul.

The fighting turtle raised its head slightly and looked at the floating crowd.

Bie San's voice actually came out of his mouth.

[A puppeteer was actually locked next to the material library]

【You guys are really negligent, Huhuhuhuhuhu...】

Same as before, Li Pu couldn't feel any breath from this fighting turtle, obviously it was also a dead thing.

So he sent a straw man to test it out.

【Grass! 】

Deling's straw man quickly wove a pair of vine wings and leaped forward.


With the help of vine wings, it glides out.

【Just in time! 】

[Aww! 】

The fighting turtle opened its mouth wide and swallowed the straw man directly.

"This idiot."

Li Pu's eyes twitched.

[Sloppy! 】

Straw Man: Summoner, you don't understand, this is called destroying from within the enemy!

In telepathy, the straw man spoke his plan.

【Grass? 】

But in the next second, it made a sound of surprise.

Because the straw man successfully entered the body of the fighting turtle, he suddenly found himself imprisoned by an enchantment!

An extremely narrow sphere enchantment squeezed it into a spherical shape, just like the original void giant.

【Naive, just naive】

【Actually, it’s okay to tell you】

[I have my father's blood in my body, so I can also use the original power of this enchantment]

[It is absolutely impossible to fight against me! 】

Turtle three did not lie.

Moreover, for such a large fusion body, the upper limit of the original energy of the enchantment that can be carried is extremely high.

"Let's go."

But Li Pu was not moved, he woke up his husband and let him cooperate with his actions.

【Quiet! 】

The fist formed by the small wings on the left side of the husband has already put on the [Geshan Fist].

Under the effect of the buoyancy field, one person and one husband leaped over No. 2's head.

Different from the straw man, they jumped to the left and right sides of the fighting turtle under deliberate control.

High above the sky, Li Pu exerted a huge reverse gravity on himself.

[Hardened]'s left foot was like a heavy hammer, hitting the battle turtle's mountain-like back shell.



The sound of landslides and ground cracks suddenly roared.

"This, this, this..."

Not only the sound, but also the picture that Master Jiejie saw was like a mountain collapsing.

The huge fighting turtle was still 1/5 of its size, destroyed by this kick.


! 】

On the couple's side, there was also a move [Super Saiyan Kung Fu Geshan Super Combo], which hit the other side of the fighting turtle.



The remains of the fighting tortoise scattered like fireworks.

The big potholes it made seem to have done as much damage to the turtle's body as Li Pu's.

【Ha ha ha ha! Do you think this is the end! 】

However, a miraculous scene happened. A large number of fluffy blue light threads emerged from the gap of the battle turtle, as if spirituality extended to the broken wreckage.

Then he sucked them in and pulled them back to his body.

During the process, Li Pu and his husband and wife tried to cut off the light thread, but found that it seemed to have no substance.

In the process of about 30 seconds, the fighting turtle looked intact under the restoration of the light thread.

[How about it, you can't defeat me in this enchantment! 】

Biesan's voice sounded from the fighting turtle's mouth again.

But neither Li Pu's [True Sight] nor Husband's [Sharp Eye] could find out where he was hiding.

"It's kind of weird."

Li Pu was suspended in the air, frowning.

This enemy cannot be killed because it has no life itself.

I wanted to find the controller of Bie San, but I couldn't find it.

Then it can't be broken, which is difficult.

If you have to say it, the concept of this battle turtle is very similar to that of Warcraft mech.

But it was tens of thousands of times stronger than the Lese that Gan Paper put together.

"Could it be that Bubu is going to take No. 2 and send a wave of genuine bombers?"

Li Pu felt that the only answer that could completely break the other party was Bu Bu.

So he planned to let No. 2 transport Master Jie Jie away through telepathy, and then bring Bu Bu back alone.

"Student Li Pu!"

【careful! 】

However, just when he was slightly distracted, he heard the shouts from Cocoon Body and Master Jiejie.

The shadow, the huge shadow has enveloped him at this time.

The fighting turtle really wasn't clumsy at all, it jumped up high and launched a blow to him.

The area occupied by this guy is too large, Li Pu realized that he had no chance to escape for a while.

So I can only turn on the two-strand force whole body [hardening], and [gravity field] 4-stage vibration protection Bang!

Just after completing this action, the huge fighting tortoise has already been suppressed.


But when Li Pu was squeezed to the ground, he was suddenly taken aback.

It doesn't seem to hurt at all.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, this is not the case.

It looked like Li Pu was crushed into a meatloaf by a huge monster turtle in one breath, what kind of meatloaf was unknown.

[Let go of my friend!

! 】

Seeing this scene, the cocoon's eyes suddenly turned red.


Master Jiejie next to him suddenly felt that this guy's aura was soaring.

It's stuck...!

In the next second, he seemed to hear the sound of the bottleneck shackle breaking.

"...1 turn! Run!"

He took the lead and rushed to the distance, avoiding the influence of Heaven's Punishment.

[What is there to be afraid of, what a fuss! 】

No. 2, who was riding Bu Bu and Ugly Coyotes, followed closely behind.

The punishment of the enchantment will be slightly delayed, and it will not fall the moment the cocoon completes 1 turn.


At this moment, an angel halo suddenly appeared on its head.

However, the color of the halo is different from that of ordinary angels, it is black.

【Come out, my chosen servants! 】

Following the call of the cocoon, two space doors suddenly appeared on both sides of it.

A dark abyss filled with darkness.

A deep blue like the sea, as if there is no end in sight.

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