MTL - This Summoner is Outrageous-Chapter 586 return with a rewarding experience

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Chapter 586

If it weren't for the channel that doesn't allow deep-sea species to pass through, and if it wasn't for the familiar cry, they would hardly recognize the straw man.

The guy was covered in fishbones like he was wearing a white bloated coat.

The walking posture is quite stiff, and he still holds a harpoon in his hand.

【Grass! 】

The straw man was like a dog just dehydrated, shaking his body vigorously.


A large number of various fish bones fell to the ground, and the cumulative volume did not even lose to itself.

"Are you going to eat fish..."

Bie San looked at the monster fish bones in this place, and swallowed unconsciously.

When living in the water, he liked to eat monster fish, so he had a lot of experience in this area.

With a quick glance, I know that these fish bones are all E~D grades, and there are almost no F grades.

"What is this thing?"

Master Jie Jie wanted to touch the golden harpoon curiously, but the straw man put it away.

[Sloppy! 】

This is his super loot, and no one is allowed to touch the summoner before.

Then it opened its belly again, revealing a pair of big fish bones hidden inside, that's why its movements were so stiff.

This pair of fish bones is not complete, only a few vertebrae.

The bones on both sides of the spine are strange and circle-shaped.

The most striking thing is its material.

"Wow! Crystal Fishbone!"

Bie San exclaimed on the spot.

Crystalline fish bones are often from very high-grade fish.

Guaranteed B grade, or even A grade.

【Hohohoho... It's actually the bone of a half-dragon fish】

After all, the turtle soul is well-informed.

[Half dragon fish is the best among half dragon species]

[They are powerful and extremely agile in the water, but they are extremely timid by nature]

[Little grass man, you didn't hunt this guy, did you?]

It made the straw man scratch his head in embarrassment.

Indeed, I picked it up at Jiaoren Sangshou's house. Strictly speaking, it was just a sea cave.

【However, your task has been completed very satisfactorily】

Feeling the breath of the straw man, Turtle Soul nodded.

If someone at the level of Bie San and Jie Jieshi closes their eyes to perceive it, they will almost think that there are two cocoons in front of them, and they cannot tell which is real and which is fake.

I just need to extract its breath fragments later and put them all on Li Pu.

[Roar wave roar! 】

Ugly Coyote: There are a lot of trophies, I have to mark them!

【You **** guy, you came back safely】


[Eat, eat, eat! 】

Bubu: Bah bah bah! Why is your head so salty!

The rest of the summoned beasts also expressed concern about the return of the straw man.

"The only thing missing now is that kid."

Bie San looked towards the Purgatory Passage.

Master Jiejie, under the guidance of the turtle soul, began to arrange the enchantment formation for the contract.

Half a day later, when the formation was completed to 2/3, there was finally movement in the purgatory passage.

【Not good, please stay away quickly】

[There is an error in the passage, there is a high-level evil creature passing here]

Turtle Soul was the first to react.

"Evil creatures? Didn't it mean that this passage can only be passed by people from our side?"

Master Jiejie was taken aback when he heard this.

"Father, do you want to destroy the passage and close it?"

He is more aware of the dangers of high-level evil creatures.

If the passage is destroyed now, that guy will fall into the void and cannot reach here.


But these words made Master Jiejie hesitate immediately.

Li Pu is still in that world, if the channel is destroyed, wouldn't he just have to wait for the next channel to connect.

Who knows when the next connection will have to wait.

"You silly boy, are you still thinking about this?"

Even if Master Jie Jie didn't say it out loud, Bie San could still see what he meant.

"The channel is broken into by other creatures, which means that the kid has a high probability of finishing the game."

Although he was unwilling to tell the truth, Biesan still chose to speak out.

"No, Li Pu's strength..."

But Master Jiejie obviously didn't believe it.

【Don't make noise, it's too late】

【Get ready to fight】

Turtle Soul interrupted this meaningless debate at the moment.

Because it found that it felt that the high-level evil creature had arrived at the entrance of the passage very quickly, and... not one, but two!


As it finished speaking, a black light rushed out from inside.

【It's a fallen angel...】

Turtle Soul immediately recognized the origin of the other party.

There are devil horns on the head and three pairs of black wings.

You must know that among angels and fallen angels, the number of wings represents strength.

The level of strength of Seraphim is roughly equivalent to that of a 6-turn A-level monster.

This made it look a little dignified. Its own strength is not one in ten, and it has not yet fully adapted to Youyou's physique, so its combat power is quite limited.

As for the other two waste materials around him, let alone, they are not combat-oriented materials at all.

It seems that they can only rely on the power of the cage enchantment, otherwise this is likely to be a fierce battle.

However, an unexpected situation happened. The first reaction of the seraphim after breaking out of the passage was not to attack them or run away, but to stretch out both hands and press hard towards the entrance of the passage!


The entrance of the channel collapsed as if squeezed by some invisible force.

At this time, the second high-level evil creature only stretched out a claw.

That hand claw obviously does not come from humans or humanoids. It is a skeletal skeleton hand made of bright black gemstones, with purgatory flame patterns painted on it.


The power of space from the collapse of the channel directly cut off the skeletal hand, causing it to fall to the ground and lose its vitality.

"???" x2


Seeing this situation, other people looked at a loss.

"so close…"

Seraphim wiped his forehead at this time.

Only then did they realize that this guy's voice and figure were a little familiar, and the key point was that he was a little lame.

"Student Li, Li Pu?"

Master Jie Jie couldn't believe it.


Li Pu turned his face and looked at the crowd.

At this time, his skin is pale and has strange rune patterns, his eyes are yellow-based, and his hole has become a vertical hole.

The grass under his feet was slowly withering, as if his life force had been absorbed.

【This breath...】

The turtle soul sensed the breath of the cocoon, three strands.

It seems that this seraph is indeed Li Pu, and he has also completed the task.

"How did you become like this?"

"What was chasing you just now?"

"Did something happen between you?"

Bie Sanyi asked three times.


Facing the questioning, Li Pu pondered deeply.

"It's a long story."

"So let's not talk about it."

He walked straight to the broken hand bone, looked at it and said: "It's earned."

But he didn't pick it up right away, but let the straw man set fire to it.

Then he stepped on a few feet harder.

【Ah! 】

There was a scream from the broken hand bone, and then a puff of black smoke came out.

"I knew it, this despicable guy actually dared to plot against me."


Turtle Soul originally wanted to remind him, but he didn't expect this guy to be so alert.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Pu asked the three people present what kind of thing he had offended.

It's a pity that even Turtle Soul doesn't know what it is. Listening to his description, he can only judge that this may be the skeleton of some powerful creature that gave birth to wisdom in purgatory.

But now it is very good at soul art, and helped Li Pu to check it again to make sure that there is no thought left on it.

After getting confirmation, Li Pu picked it up and put it in the storage space.

Overall the trip went well.

He collected enough breath fragments, and finally got together the S-level inscription [Fallen Stone].

It's just a little thrilling to provoke a **** OSS who is so strong that he can only run away.

But it's also worth it to get a piece of its arm by the way.

With this piece of [Falling Sky Stone], even if the contract with the cocoon body fails, it is safe to make a profit.

【hastily! Hastily! 】

At this time, the straw man took the initiative to ask Li Pu for credit.


Li Pu didn't expect this guy to gain a lot.

First of all, about 1/3 of the pile of fish bones on the ground can be made into a complete related object.

You can look up the specific skills in it after you go out.

This time it was really a bumper harvest of related items, not counting the grass man side, he picked up a lot of related items in 20 days.

There are nearly 300 copies, but unfortunately all of them are F-level [Malicious Barrier].

He suspected that the purgatory might be divided into many layers or areas, otherwise he would not be able to explain why the mobs he encountered were all **** F-rank monsters.

As for the other two items harvested by the straw man, the half dragon fish bone and the golden harpoon.

Through the introduction of the turtle soul, Li Pu learned about the usefulness of the bones of the half-dragon fish.

That is, it can be made into a pretty good inscription, or it can be used as reincarnation material for dragon summoned beasts.

It's just that Li Pu felt that with the grade of Ugly Coyotes' A+ grade, this thing might only be a good auxiliary material, not enough to be the main material, so keep it for now and talk about it later.

And that harpoon, although not as good as the [Fallen Stone], is still a very good inscription.

【King Spear (A)】

Additional effect: grants the ability to resist water

Attribute requirements: 1~10 water

Type requirements: none

Racial requirements: pay human

Unexpectedly, its function is not to engage in blade combat, but to confer abilities similar to spells.

Because everyone is watching, it is temporarily inconvenient for Li Pu to equip and use it by himself.

Put it away for the time being, even if you don't need it yourself, you should be able to use the cocoon body.

[Since you have returned smoothly, everything is ready]

Turtle Soul felt the same abundant cocoon breath on Li Pu's body, and expressed his satisfaction.

Next, Master Jie Jie needs to continue to build the enchantment formation, and it is to extract the breath from the grass man's body.

[Little grass man, you can stand still]

So Guihun took the grass man and Li Pu aside.

【hastily! Hastily! 】

[Sloppy! 】

Soon, the straw man's screams sounded.

When they returned, the cocoon aura on Li Pu's body had become more solid.

The straw man was pouring Coke violently to scare himself.

"Senior, I have already arranged it."

The continuous high-intensity work made Jie Jie sit on the ground, leaning against the boulder, exhausted.

【Work hard, take a good rest】

However, Master Jiejie was not willing to close his eyes, because he knew that the next moment would be to witness whether Li Pu could make a contract with the cocoon body.

Compared with 20 days ago, the breath activity of the cocoon was much higher, and he judged that this should indicate that it was not far from waking up.

[The materials needed for the contract are available in Bie San]

【Next, you just need to stand on the formation and follow the normal contracting steps】

Now that the cocoon is unconscious, it is actually very easy to make a contract.

As long as Li Pu's mental strength reaches the standard, it won't take much time at all.


Slightly nervous, he took a deep breath.

So many preparations before are just for this moment.

First of all, the [Human Demon Stone] was already equipped, and then he beckoned to Bu Bu.

[eat, eat, eat~]

Bu Bu, who was already familiar with the road, jumped over, and the moment he touched him, it turned into a ray of light and poured into his body.

"A familiar feeling."

Li Pu, who was wearing a kangaroo hat, looked at everyone, everyone's heads had turned into carrots.

Except No. 2 and the cocoon.

Combining with Bu Bu cannot immediately greatly increase its own strength.

So he began to take out the energy light ball and devour it.

When swallowed to the limit of the inherent ability [Tun Tun Beast], Li Pu's facial features are no longer visible, because all the seven holes are filled with blue light.

Even the bottom layer of the skin has blue light flowing as if it is about to burst out at any time.

"The strength of his aura is amazing..."

Bie San was stunned as he watched from the side.

He felt that he was so insignificant compared to that blue light Li Pu at this time.

【not enough…】

But Turtle Soul shook his head.

If it's only to this level, even if the enchantment formation is activated, it probably won't reach the 6-year mental strength standard.

"not enough."

Li Pu seemed to know this too.

[Eat...concave...groove! 】

The straw man next to him received the order and started to make fireballs.


I saw a blue light rising into the sky and then falling again.

It fell into Li Puzheng's open mouth with his head raised.

In addition to [Tun Tun Beast], he also has an enhanced skill obtained from the God of Fire in this state, the S-level [Swallow Fire].

Although this skill mainly enhances explosive power, it also improves mental power to a certain extent.


With blue fire in his belly, Li Pu felt uncomfortable.

Different from the violent flames of the God of Fire before, this blue fire of the straw man is sticky and inextinguishable.

At this time, his internal organs were burning, which made him quite uncomfortable.

[Roar Bobo! 】


The ugly coyote, who had been on standby for a long time, was struck by a bolt of lightning.

The nourishment of electricity quickly repaired his injured internal organs.

"Go on, come again."

[Eat grooves, eat grooves, eat grooves! 】

[Roar wave roar! 】【Lay on Lay on Lay on Lay on Lay on Lay on Lay on! 】

The straw man kept firing blue fire, while the ugly coyotes and No. 2 nursed Li Pu together.

A large amount of blue fire was swallowed, and the burn was immediately healed and repaired.

For a while, his body was washed by blue light, blue fire, lightning, and [Lay on Hands], and all kinds of special effects were messed up.

"This, this, this..." x2

Master Jie Jie and Bie San were dumbfounded by others.

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