MTL - This Summoner is Outrageous-Chapter 590 0 family stall street

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Chapter 590

In the entire China region, Western Metropolis University is actually not far from overseas.

The 1,500-kilometer journey did not take much time under the rapid advancement of No. 2.

A large gathering place is already in sight.

"Let's go down, flying is prohibited within the jurisdiction of Baizu Town."

Fu Dusheng supported the [barrier] to block the wind, and motioned for Li Pu to land.

"Is the scope of Baizu Town so large..."

Li Pu took a look, there was at least 10 kilometers of wilderness between here and there.

"Yes, in order to ensure the communication of hundreds of races, a no-fly zone has been established near here to prevent low-intelligence monsters from entering and causing damage to the gathering place facilities."

"For the rest of the distance, let's go over and treat it as an activity."

When No. 2 landed, Liu Jisheng jumped down first.

This Baizu Town is an old place for the two of them.

Every time I leave the country from nearby, I will come to sit.

With the footsteps of a few people, the 10 kilometers will end soon.

Li Pu was finally able to see the true face of this so-called Hundred Clans Town.

The architectural style here can be said to be very messy.

There are high-rise buildings that are obviously inhabited by humans, and there are also very primitive caves and tree nests that are not inhabited by humans at first glance.

Although the style is messy, overall the town planning is well done. It can be seen that the operators of this town have spent a lot of painstaking efforts.

Here the human face is the passport, so the three easily passed the guard at the entrance.

When Li Pu came in, he noticed that there were human summoners and armed aliens in the team of town guards.

It seems that, as the seniors have introduced, this is a place where multiple races live in harmony.

Compared to Li Pu who was looking around, Liu Jisheng and Fu Dusheng cared about the changes in Li Pu's expression.

They are waiting for this junior to marvel at Baizu Town and various places in the territory.

The result was disappointing.

Because Li Pu had already seen this kind of diversified structure in the Cube Universe.

Speaking of Cube Universe, he hasn't made much progress in recent months.

That dinosaur copy is too huge, and the evolutionary path is too long.

I and Ah Yajun are still in the state of medium-sized dragons, and have not been able to step into the threshold of large-scale dragons for a long time.

During the period, they both hung up once, wasting a lot of effort.

"Stroll around first, and then find a place to settle down."

At this time Liu Jisheng suggested.

"It's just right, I haven't been here for a long time, let's see if I can find any good things on the stall street."

Fu Dusheng agreed.

There is a distinctive stall street in Baizu Town, where special products of various ethnic groups are sold, and many things cannot be bought in the federation.

It is also traded with crystal coins.

"Instead of entering the physical stores here, they are all black stores that rip off customers."

"If you have something you want to sell, you can also sell it to street vendors."

Liu Jisheng added two sentences at the end.

So under the leadership of the two, they soon came to Ditan Street.

"This scale..."

When Li Pu came to Ditan Street, he was finally a little moved for the first time.

This is a straight street, but there is no end in sight when standing at the intersection.

One can imagine how many hawkers there are here.

Li Pu had a lot of money, so he basically stopped and went.

Soon, he stopped in front of a stall.

The owner of this stall is a stone man with small flowers on his head.

The little flowers are like its hair, covering its head.

The things sold at this stall are all green plants placed randomly.

Even if he moved it to the vegetable market, Li Pu didn't feel that it was against harmony at all.

Forget about the other green plants, the ones that really caught his attention were the ones that looked like green onions.

These scallions are somewhat similar to straw people.

Because their roots are somewhat foot-shaped, and the two petals are like arms.

The most important thing is that they are a bit anthropomorphic, and their posture on the ground is like a sleeping Buddha lying on its side.

"Little brother, which one do you like, I'll sell it for you at a low price."

The stone man's voice was heavy, with a distinct sense of honesty.

"Don't be fooled by its appearance, the stone merchants can be said to be the darkest type in Baizu Town."

Fu Dusheng next to him spoke out in front of the other party.

"The heart of the stone people is coal, so of course it is black, ha ha ha ha."

The stone man explained with a smile.

"You humans are all summoners, right? This kind of lying grass is the best reincarnation material for plant-type summoned beasts."

At this moment, it sensed the direction of Li Pu's gaze.

"Lying grass?"

Hearing what it said, Li Pu felt that the name seemed a little familiar.

However, he hadn't read any books, and Liu Jisheng and Fu Dusheng didn't know this thing, so they had to ask the audience outside the venue for help.

It's not too far from the federation, and the phone still has a signal.

So with the help of Liu Jisheng's phone, he dialed Wuguinan Zhuanchacha.

After all, I have borrowed so many books from Guan Heshi before, and it is not (forced) to read them for nothing.

Chacha on the other end of the phone made a call [rustle], and quickly explained it clearly to Li Pu.

This stone man is indeed black-hearted.

Lying grass is indeed a reincarnation material for plants, but the conditions for the objects to be used are also very harsh.

It can only be used if it is a 10-wood plant summoned beast.

You must know that there are not many summoned beasts with 10 pure attributes, but it happens that the straw man is 10 wood.

So after some haggling, he bought the lying grass.

Next, he bought some souvenirs in advance and prepared to take them back as gifts.

For example, Dieda wine from a foreign race for the wall-climbing tiger.

For example, a skin care cream of unknown origin for the old lady in Dongmen.

Another example is the dried tortoise specimens given to Wu Guinan, the walking sticks given to Chang's merchants, and so on.


Halfway through the street stall, Li Pu found a very interesting street stall.

There is nothing on the booth, only a card is placed.

There are two big characters written on the card: Craftsmanship.

This stall seems to sell handicrafts.

The stall owner has pointed ears, which is a characteristic of the elves.

The beauty of the elves is also on par with angels.

However, the elf stall owner was ugly, short in stature, with a big and pointed nose.

If it wasn't for the fact that his skin wasn't green, Li Pu would definitely think that the other party was a half-blood offspring of the elves, the goblins.

"Boss, what craft do you sell here?"

Fu Dusheng stepped forward to ask curiously.

"Refinement technique."

The stall owner sat on the stall with his hands folded and looked up at each other.

Compared with other stall owners, this one obviously lacks the enthusiasm for buying and selling.

On the contrary, he looked proud.

"Refinement technique?"

Liu Jisheng next to him immediately showed interest when he heard it.

He had heard of this skill, the magical ability to extract skills from materials.

Part of the skill light group is made by such craftsmen.

However, there are few personnel in this industry, and the level is uneven.

"If it's really refining, why is your business so indifferent..."

Liu Jisheng raised a question.

It stands to reason that even if the level is not good, it is only enough to refine the DEF-level skill light group, and this place should be full.

This time the stall owner didn't answer, but just pointed to the card.

It turns out that there is a line of small characters under the big characters: Only materials above grade B are refined, and crystal coins are not accepted for payment.

"Class B?"

Liu Jisheng frowned.

Does it mean that B-level and above, even S-level can be refined?

In this case, this person is a master figure!

But if you don't accept crystal coins as payment, it will indeed stump many people.

There are not many people who have B-grade materials, and with this condition, it is no wonder that the business is deserted.

"Then what do you charge for that?"

After listening to Liu Jisheng's explanation about the refining technique, Fu Dusheng also became curious.

"B-grade materials, do you have any?"

The stall owner looked up again.

Don't have a BB expression if there is no B-grade material on his face.

"Hey, I said, who do you look down on?"

When Fu Dusheng saw that, his eyes immediately became angry.

He stretched out his hand and took out a green gourd-shaped agate stone from the storage space.

"Huluma, produced by the old demon who planted vines."

"Good B-grade material, which is hard for ordinary people to find."

The stall owner is a person who knows the goods, and he recognized the origin at a glance.

"Of course."

Fu Dusheng raised his chest. This is the material that his adventure group has worked so hard to produce.

Almost flattened the entire demon vine forest, only this one.

"If a light cluster is extracted from this level of material, it will be mine."

"Extract more than one, and the rest will be yours."

Then the stall owner put forward his own conditions.


Fu Dusheng put away the calabash in silence after listening.

I'm afraid this person is not a lunatic, he takes others for a fool, right?

Regarding this behavior, the stall owner just curled his lips and stopped talking.

In fact, with his technology, he is fully confident that he can extract at least two light clusters from this calabash.

"What about mine?"

At this time, Li Pu who was next to him took out a complete fish bone the size of a palm.

This is the loot brought back by the grass man in Yuanhai Realm, and it is not related to insufficient weight.

Most of the related items that were not enough in weight were sold at the trading station, leaving only a few relatively high-grade and complete materials, and this fish bone was one of them.

"B-grade material, mini sunfish."

"The price is the same as his."

The stall owner took a look and pointed at Fu Dusheng with his chin.

"Look at this again."

Li Pu thought for a while, and then took out the spine of the half dragon fish.

The long jade spine has wonderful ring-shaped appendages on both sides.


This time, the stall owner finally had light in his eyes.

"Good guy, you are not simple."

"A rare species that hides in the deep sea and is known for its timidity, can A-level half dragon fish get it?"

"The weight of this material is really sufficient."

"The first and second light clusters belong to you, and the third belongs to me."

And he offered different conditions.

"Tut tut."

At this time, even Fu Dusheng next to him couldn't help shaking his head.

A junior is a junior, and it really is different when he makes a move.

As for Li Pu himself, he exchanged glances with Liu Jisheng.

Li Pu: Senior, is it believable?

Liu Jisheng: Generally, if you set up a stall here, you are at most black-hearted but not deceiving.

Liu Jisheng: Otherwise, the street stall manager would beat him to death every minute.

After getting Liu Jisheng's affirmation, Li Pu felt relieved.

"That being the case, look at this..."


Just as Li Pu was about to take out the third item, he was stopped by the stall owner.

"This is not a place to talk, you come with me."

He tidied up the booth swiftly and motioned for the three of them to follow.

As a refiner who works with materials all day long, he is very sensitive to materials.

Just before Li Pu took out his things, he felt a heavy breath.

It cannot be displayed here, so as not to attract onlookers.

So they walked through several alleys, and the stall owner brought them back to his small yard.

"Okay, you can take it out."

The other party's cautious attitude made Li Pu feel more trustworthy.


He pulled out the obsidian bone claw.


! "

"Hey, silk-grade material!"

In an instant, the expression of the stall owner became wonderful.

S-level materials, it doesn't mean that I haven't handled them before.

But in the eyes of a craftsman like him, there is a difference between high and low S-level materials.

The aura and weight of this Obsidian Bone Claw obviously belonged to the relatively high one in the S rank.

If done correctly, more than one token can be produced.

"Hum hum…"

Fu Dusheng folded his hands and shrugged and laughed.

Looking at the other person's appearance made him feel a little happy: Who didn't even look at me just now.

"Old Fu, are you okay?"

Liu Jisheng seemed to be looking at a fool.

"Boss, can you refine this?"

Li Pu shook his bone claw.

"Of course!"

This time it was the stall owner's turn to feel underestimated and angry.


Li Pu was suddenly moved.

"Student, don't worry, you first hear what he wants to pay."

Fu Dusheng stretched out his hand to stop him.


" just let me touch it."

The stall owner showed obsession.


Fu Dusheng was dumbfounded on the spot: You Your attitude has changed too quickly!

"I'm not kidding."

The stall owner's expression became serious.

For refiners, being able to manipulate S-level materials once is a rare opportunity to improve their skills.

What's more, it's still such a large amount of S-level material.

Two **** of light are definitely impossible, but one is more than enough.

"If you are willing to pay some crystal coins, after refining, I can ask my brother to help you make this material into an inscription."

"Don't worry about his technology, he will definitely be able to produce an S-level inscription device."

The stall owner said so again.

"If it can be done, I will give you two rewards."

Li Pu threw the Obsidian Bone Claw over, he didn't intend to make people work for nothing.

"no problem!"

The stall owner nodded heavily, and then motioned for everyone to protect him.

Refining techniques practice kung fu and consume mental power.

In fact, the operation time will not be long.

After drawing a simple enchantment circle in the palm of his hand, he began to refine it.

The whole process is completed in 5 minutes.

At this moment, a radiant light cluster floated in front of Li Pu, illuminating the whole room.

"Huh? What is this thing?"

Li Pu grabbed the light ball, and the information was passed on immediately.

[Lv1-Negative Energy (S)]

Passive effect: When you attack yourself, you can randomly make the target suffer from a strong negative emotion

Attribute requirements: 5 dark or above

Type Requirements: Balanced

Race requirements: none

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