MTL - Those Years When We Killed the White Lotus-Chapter 127 10.03, unyielding white lotus

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001 saw that this scene did not relax, and even more nervous.

Although some of the hidden viruses in Lin Zixuan’s body are now part of the virus, this is not all. Although the system’s redemption is usually very precious, the mall is not completely open because of the Linzi’s grade. Ways to redeem the most advanced syrup.

Although these intermediate potions have some effects, they cannot be eradicated.

The situation of hosting adults is now very serious.

Damn it!

Why hasn't it been felt for a long time? In fact, when he changes from the host, he should understand that it is definitely a virus. At that time, if you start to find a way to clear the virus, it will definitely not be as passive as it is now!

But now there is nothing to say, because it is now like this, even if you regret it will not change, the only thing you can do now is to think about ways to help the host to get rid of the virus.

But after thinking for a long time, 001 can't think of any good way. I can only try my best to keep the host away from the virus, but it is really no way to go on like this!

At this time, 001 felt that he was a little useless. He could not issue a special reward task, and there was no way to give the host an adult task reminder. If this continues, the impact of the virus on the host adult may become more and more serious.

Looking at the black fog that overflowed from the body of Lin Zikai, the 001 round eyes of the cat slowly smashed up, and the worry in the heart was even more intense. Now the host is obviously affected by the virus!

Just when 001 was still thinking about what to do to solve this big problem, Lin Zikai slowly opened his eyes, and the blue color in front of him made Lin Zizhen understand how he is now.

After reaching out and pressing a few buttons, the repair bin opened, and Lin Ziqi slowly stood up and felt that the body was really a lot easier. It seems that the adjustment of the body is good.

[Host adult, how do you feel now? Looking at Lin Zikai's current state seems to be much better, 001 more or less put down the heart, although I don't know how much the virus now affects the host adult, but what is certain is that there will be no trouble in this world for the time being.

After returning to the space, it has time and the host to make it clear.

In the past, 001 didn't care so much about the virus, but because the space crack that suddenly appeared in the last world let 001 know, now everything can't be underestimated.

Because it has no way to be sure that Lin Zikai will encounter any danger.

"Much better, not only this injury, the old injury seems to be much better." Lin Ziwei smiled slightly and felt that he was really a lot easier.

[This is good, host adults, we started the first genetic awakening. When Lin Zizhen repaired his body, 001 prepared the medicine needed for gene awakening, and waited for the state of Lin Zikai to return to the peak. After the peak, he began to wake up for the first time.

The first time... awakened?

This made him slightly embarrassed, is it still necessary to divide the gene awakening many times?

In fact, this is all about Lin Zikai. If it is someone else, it doesn't take many times, but now Lin Zikai's state can be completely different from others. Now he has repaired the body, but there are still viruses in the body. His body function.

If you rush to directly awaken, it is possible to let those viruses take advantage of it, and let Lin Zikai's genes collapse, and then regret it is too late.

Therefore, 001 made such a decision after combining various situations, using a low concentration of liquid medicine to perform multiple awakenings, so that the physical damage to the host adult is much reduced.

[Yes, after the analysis of the physical condition of the host adult, I think that multiple awakenings are the safest and most beneficial for the host adult. 】 The situation of the host is very unstable now, and it is completely impossible to treat according to the conventional method.

Of course, for the 001 program, Lin Ziwei did not say much, at least now can be sure that 001 is really good for him.

Once again lying in the repairing warehouse, the feeling of Lin Zikai has just made a big difference. If the feeling is just a touch of comfort, the feeling in the repairing warehouse is somewhat different now.

It is obviously a cold liquid, but after immersing it in the body, it makes the forest have a burning sensation. It seems that the body has caused any changes because of this liquid, but the change is not too intense, although Lin Ziyi feels slightly Some discomfort, but still in the range that can be tolerated.

At this time, the benefits of the 001 choice scheme are highlighted. If this time is a one-time awakening, Lin Zikai will suffer a lot of toss.

Although the one-time gene awakening works quickly, the same, there are advantages and disadvantages. The cost of quick effect is that there are more crimes. If you have a little tolerance, you will be directly alive and dying.

Because Lin Zikai was the first genetic awakening, he wasted a lot of time. Finally, after three days, Lin Zikai slowly woke up.

During this time, Ian had seen him several times, but he saw that he had been repairing the warehouse all the time, so he did not bother.

Because he knows that although Lin Zizhen now looks good, he still hasn't completely healed. Now it is a wrong choice to use the repair bin to completely solve the hidden danger.

After spending a full three days in the repairing warehouse, when Lin Ziwei woke up, he found that everything seemed to be a little different. The eyes seemed to be able to see farther places, and the hearing became more excellent. There aren't too many changes, but he can still feel that every muscle is full of power that has never been seen before.

All of this is telling Lin Zikai that this gene awakens him successfully!

[Host adult, do you have any physical discomfort now? 】 Although Lin Zixuan’s physical data shows that he is all good, 001 is not sure whether the virus in his body will have a bad influence.

"No, I am in a good state now, I can go to restorative training tomorrow." Although he has been rehabilitating during this time, the strength is still much worse than the real training.

In this way, Lin Zikai returned to the room and took a good rest for a night. The next morning, he got up early and went to the training ground early to start a day of training.

So, when the soldiers got up, they saw a scene that made them different.

Originally thought that their lieutenant colonel would take a break for a long time after this injury. After all, the injury of the lieutenant colonel was now overwhelming, but what they didn’t think was that it was only over a month. The lieutenant colonel seemed to be The healing is almost the same.

Today, they actually saw the Lieutenant Colonel in the training ground, and what is even more terrifying is that the recovery training in the large population of the Lieutenant Colonel is even heavier than their routine training.

#Being a beta that has not been cured and has not healed, it feels so bad. #

This is the only voice of the alpha soldier present.

In fact, the original Noah’s road in the military department is not so good. Although he is a good brother of Ian, this place in the military department will not take care of you because you are a good brother of someone. If there is no corresponding strength, no matter who is the brother, they will be excluded.

And Noah relied on his own beta body to successfully make a lot of alpha conviction, and the bitterness of this is really not enough.

Now when the alpha soldiers saw that their lieutenant colonel was still so fierce, there was a kind of "sure enough", "the lieutenant colonel is still so brutally hurt even if he is injured."

Invisible, the admiration of Lin Zikai has become more intense.

However, Ian, who had been watching Lin Ziwei outside the training ground, frowned.

According to the physical quality of Noah in the past, the amount of training is now reaching his limit, so as a restorative training, such strenuous exercise is not suitable.

But he can also feel the ease of the forest, just like this training is not the same for him, which makes Ian wonder, is it true that Noah’s body has something he doesn’t know?

As soon as this thought appeared, he frowned and such things made him feel a little unhappy.

They grew up together, and why did Noah hide him?

Although I thought about it, Ian stopped people when I watched Lin Zhe, who was still preparing to continue training. Although I don’t know how Noah’s physical condition is now, one thing is certain is that he will not train again. There will be any further benefits, too much.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Zheyi, after hearing Ian’s dissuasion, hesitated and nodded and agreed.

When I walked around Lin Zikai, Ian felt something wrong.

Noah didn't have the habit of using perfume. Ian knew it clearly, but I don't know how. When he walked around him today, he could always smell a fragrance that seemed to be absent.

The taste is a bit like the taste of pheromone, but there is no lure of ac pheromone. The smell is faint, and people feel very comfortable when they smell it. There is a feeling of peace of mind.

And let Ian think that the whole person is not good, his good brother Xiaozhu Ma is a beta, beta is not a pheromone!

Is his family Xiaoma horse to be mutated?

Thinking of this possibility, Ian made a slap in the face, and his eyes fell on Lin Zikai, with a deep examination.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the other person's deep eyes, Lin Biao blinked and looked back carefully. He didn't seem to have done anything to show his feet.

"No, nothing." He just thought of a long, long time ago. He remembers that when he was very young, his mother once said that when Noah was born, everyone thought that Noah would be An alpa.

But think about it carefully, the combat power of your own beta is not like an ordinary beta. Is it true that your little bamboo horse is really an alpha?

Thinking of this, Ian felt that the whole person was not good.

I thought I was in love with a beta, but now I tell him that the other person is a suspected alpha, and the impact on him is simply no bigger!

Of course, now Lin Zikai does not know the entanglement of his "good brothers", recalls the past training scenes, and then thinks about the results of today, nodded with satisfaction, it seems that as 001 said, the gene awakens to him The help is really big enough.

And now it is only the first time to awaken, there is no small enhancement to his body, if you do not know how powerful it will be after the complete awakening.

In the days that followed, Lin Zikai took a liquid medicine every three days to further awaken, and then began three days of adaptive training.

For more than a month, the soldiers in the military had to break their chins.

Although they all know that the body of the lieutenant colonel has healed, he did not think that the body of the lieutenant colonel was so much stronger than before.

Now the amount of training for the Lieutenant Colonel is estimated to be no one can afford to live without the exception of the Major General!

But don't forget, although the younger is more powerful than the lieutenant colonel, but the lieutenant colonel is only a beta, and the younger general is in the ss巅. The peak is likely to break through the sss-level change at any time, which is what ordinary people can compare! ?

So now everyone's discussion topics fall on Lin Zikai, and everyone is very admired.

But one thing that everyone thinks is strange...

"I said, have you heard that there is a very good smell in the middle school?" At the beginning, everyone didn't notice it, because the taste was too light, and the taste was neither oppressive. There is no feeling of temptation and confusion, so it is subconsciously ignored by everyone.

However, with the further awakening of the Linzi晟 gene, the taste of the pheromone is getting stronger and stronger, and it has become so thick that it cannot be ignored.

It’s just the first time that this pheromone that feels comfortable and at ease is completely unrecognizable, so no one can be sure what it is.

Ian, who had been following the crowd, was completely dark after hearing this.

Although he did not know what happened to his little bamboo horse, he already felt that Xiaozhu Ma has attracted the attention of many people. This makes him feel uncomfortable and very unhappy!

But now imagine that he is not qualified at all, because he knows that he is a good brother in the eyes of Noah.

This positioning made him feel uncomfortable, but he did not dare to break easily.

Now that he is able to get close to Noah or because of this relationship, once this relationship is broken, can he and Noah still live together in such a peaceful way?

If Noah knows his "squatting" mind, will he feel that he is disgusting and will want to be far away from him?

Now Ian can't say anything, if Lin Zikai is still beta, he can't help but confess, but now his little bamboo horse is suspected of alpha, he has not heard of such a deviant love.

Although I thought about it, Ian did not have any rejection of the feelings of the two people.

It seems that as long as this person, regardless of the identity of this person, is alpa, his feelings will not change.

But he was afraid that Lin Zi would care, and he would alienate him later.

Of course, his fears are not at all in the eyes of Lin Zikai. From the performance of Ian every day, he knows that the other person has already perceived his feelings for himself.

So the bad-hearted Lin Zikai has another hobby every day, that is, watching his lover's various entanglements.

"Yes, 001, there has been no time to sterilize the gene awakening. What is the problem?" Because I had been in the bubble for a while, and suddenly stopped, Lin Zikai felt that it was not suitable.

[Gene Awakening Potion only takes ten times, it is enough. You don't seem to have changed much now, but in fact most of the genes have already awakened. The last point is just to protect your camouflage, until you can adapt After all the power, your alpha gene will all wake up. 】

The implication is that everything is only owing to the wind.

As long as Lin Zikai's body can withstand the power of alpha, it can be completely genetically awakened.

After hearing the answer from 001, Lin Zikai did not ask how long it took to fully awaken. In fact, for Lin Zikai, this matter is not important at all. Anyway, it will wake up sooner or later. This is simply a matter of nailing.

As for the time after that, it is not a problem, because the war will not happen again soon.

Although the last war with the Zerg, Noah and Ian, were encircled by the enemy, the two men worked together to make the other party feel badly hurt. I thought that the Zerg would not be provocative within a certain period of time.

As for the federal?

Before Ian’s death, the federation did not have the courage to challenge the empire.

Of course, because of this, Lin Zikai also suspected in the heart that this time they were ambushed by the Zerg, and there is a federal handwriting. You know, there are many people who want to die in the Federation.

Of course, I don't have to worry about it, but Lin Zikai still increases the intensity of training every day. After all, prevent it from happening.

Then everyone thought that their lieutenant colonel was guilty of evil. Every day, except for training, I didn’t know anything. Lin Zikai and Ian received an invitation at the same time.

The invitation came from their alma mater, Onofrio, and the purpose of the other party was very simple. The five-year mech-class competition is about to begin. I hope that two people can serve as judges and make some comments for those children.

For this, Lin Zikai naturally has no objection, but what he did not think is that they will let them go together.

[Hosted adults, this is a key plot point, this is the male owner, the male second and the protagonist are met for the first time. 】 When Lin Zizhen was puzzled, 001 was destined to confuse the host of his family.

"Will you go?" Looking at the invitation in his hand, Ian frowned. What is the purpose of the college? He is clear, not just wanting to bring those good seedlings back to the military, and to be a school in the future. Do you want to win the light?

"Go and see, after all, it is the alma mater, and it is also the invitation letter sent by the principal." Ian can think of things, Lin Zizhen can naturally think of it, so his heart is also somewhat unhappy.

He is willing to give pointers to the younger generations, he is willing to do so, and it is just pointing out. Now the alma mater is swearing that they have studied in the college and want to be under their hands...

Of course, if you just let them go back and look at it, if you don't force it, if the other party asks them to take some students, I am afraid that the face of the college will not look good.

Neither he nor Ian is a man who is bullying and still silent.

"Well, since we will go back and see it, not only us, but also bring some subordinates back. After all, the college hopes that you and I will give a good review." If this comment is only a dictation, those people may not understand it. So for them to be good, he will naturally let his own subordinates demonstrate it.

"It is enough to bring an adjutant. There is no need to tear your face." After Lin Zikai decided to find himself and Ian's adjutant, he explained the matter.

Ian listened to Lin Zikai’s decision and said nothing, but the acquiescence gesture had already let the two aides know that he had defaulted to Lin Zikai’s words.

This makes the two adjutants horrified!

Alpha is who, who is the most ruling, the most arrogant, the most unreasonable person, whoever dares to make decisions for them, the consequences will be very eye-catching, and this special hegemony often increases with the optimization of genes.

But now, Lin Zikai has obviously made a decision for Ian, but the other party has no unhappiness, even when they look at him with incredible eyes, they agree with a nod.


Whether their young generals have been dropped, how can they be so obedient today, this is simply not right!

Now, where do two people know that their younger generals only have his little bamboo horse alone? Don’t say that these decisions are correct. Even if it’s a ridiculous decision, it’s estimated that now’ “true”, Ian, will also The beauty smiled and came to the princes.

However, this is not unhelpful. When two people adapt to this strange situation, they find that this arrangement is the best!

Although the Major General is strong, but the interpersonal relationship is not a star and a half, because for alpha, they do not need to compromise on people, so in some things, the means will be too strong, this is not bad, but it is too easy to enemies .

Now that the Lieutenant Colonel is doing checks and balances in the middle, maybe it is a good thing.

Therefore, after an hour and a half, after the three people finished the matter, the two adjutants went out with joy and acted in accordance with Lin Zikai’s plan.

And Ian was sitting on the side and looking at the person sitting opposite.

"Why do you want to compromise? You know that those people will not be our opponents, and all aspects are." Ian doesn't like Lin Zikai's grievances, and what qualifications do those people have for him to make a decision! ?

The author has something to say: Dear little angel, I am coming back, because this article has reached the stage of getting close (probably there are two worlds around), so I can’t help but manage the outline. Now I have solved all the problems, and I am finally able to come back with peace of mind.

At least one day later, at the end of the month, the end of the month will end, the new text begins to receive, the 10th is open on time, I hope the little angel can support Ha ~ (づ ̄3 ̄) づ

New article for support~

"The Master of Rebirth" is about the counterattack of the standard master

Gu Chenxi, a former life student, was killed by the teacher’s door. He knew that the moment he died, the so-called teacher training was just to let him be willing to send his spiritual roots to the younger brother, and after no value. It is the time of ruin.

Live another life, he is a gentle and elegant master in the eyes of everyone, is an elite of the division, a human race hero, kindness and goodness, everyone praises merits and infinite.

What? The tragic death of the past life revenge in this life? No, no, no, use other people's resources to force yourself, so that potential enemies are depressed and vomiting blood is the coolest!


What is the future fairy tales of the younger brother? grab!

Master respects the future of the best medicine? grab!

The secret of the future of Zongmen? grab! grab! grab! Must grab!

Just... Why did he seem to open the door to the new world after grabbing a beast?


During this time, the great demon emperor expressed a slight heart.

He saw a person repairing a sword and swollen? Heart is tired _(:з"∠)_

So exhausted means to become a lover's contract beast, just this day riding, when to be riding at night, when is a head qaq

The main attack of this article, the main attack of this article, the main attack of this article, important things must be said three times.

Finally, thank you for your support from Little Angel Meng~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ

Silver threw a mine to throw time: 2016-07-0617:37:35

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