MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v10 Chapter 54 undercurrent

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The rotten mud was stink, and a wild wolf that broke into it sinks into it, lamenting that it wants to pull out its legs, but sinks deeper and deeper, until the mud floods its ears and noses, interrupting its misery call.

When Vicente returned to the marsh, he just saw this scene, and saw a dark, icy black robe floating in the place where he often worked.

The black robes were all white bones exposed, the needle-shaped red flames were beating inside the sunken eye sockets, and the clothes were gorgeous gold threads forming strange patterns.

He also noticed the return of Vicente, with a hoarse and gloomy voice like the dead: "Where did you go just now? There is a messenger from the Magic Council."

Vicent said faintly: "A trip home and solved some things."

Alas, she took Shirley back.

"Go home? Solve it? Have you slaughtered the city? Have you destroyed the churches and the tribunal in the city?" The black-robed Lich said angrily and angry, "Do you know how much chalk trouble this will cause us? Do you want to destroy the organization? "

In the case where the church has the absolute advantage of chalk, there is a necromancer slaughtering the city. This is definitely a provocation to the extreme, and it will definitely lead to a legendary hunt!

"Congers, this is my business, if you are not satisfied, I can quit the organization." Vicente simply answered without any argument.

This Lich is the leader of "Soul Supreme". Archmage Congus. At the time of the change of Cooks, he relied on many deadly spells of life-saving spells and escaped by chance. However, "Soul Supreme" was also destroyed. Sexual blow, only a few members escaped, he also had to hide completely for a while.

A few years later, the wind passed a little. He left the hidden place and tried to reorganize the "soul supremacy". In the process, he accidentally learned that the semi-planar of the "dead lord" was never found by the church and seemed to be closed automatically. So, he returned to the swamp near Cux and searched for the possible half-plane clues left by the "Dead Lord", but accidentally found a self-taught necromancer, Vicente Miranda, in the swamp.

Just relying on a few common Necromantics magic books and incomplete materials in the swamp, he became a formal magician within a few years, which greatly appreciated Kangus who was planning to reorganize the "soul supreme", so In the name of guidance, Vicente was substituted into "Soul Supreme".

But what happened more than 20 years later made Congos almost unable to believe his eyes. The guy named "Vicent Miranda" may be because he did not receive formal magic education. Many ideas are simply undead. The fundamental philosophy of the department runs counter to one another, but because of this, he is completely free from the knowledge of the past. He actually improved and revised many concepts of the necrotic system. He has made huge breakthroughs in the field of human structure and circulation. Real-world feedback promoted Nine Rings at a rate that Congus couldn't imagine!

Twenty-eight years from scratch, becoming a mage, this is definitely a genius among magic geniuses. Even in the heyday of the magic empire, as far as Congers knows, only four or five people can compare to this record. Even the "Sun King" Tanos, known as the most powerful magician, also took longer than Vicente because of the special nature of the "Fateless Man".

Of course, Congers also gained great benefits from the huge breakthrough made by Vicente, plus the "Mathematical Principles of Philosophy of Magic" and "Calculus Basis" from the Magic Council. His cognition The world is almost half-solidified, and you have the confidence to try to promote the legend within fifty years.

Therefore, Congers' feelings about Vicente are very complicated. He is obviously a person who is going to be treated and cultivated as a student. As a result, he can sit on an equal footing with himself in a short period of time and have the strength to fight against himself, so busy he is rebuilding the organization. He has not had time to establish a teacher-student relationship with him and cultivate an friendship that can trust each other.

However, Congers did not temporarily chalk up Vicente's idea of ​​protecting his rights, because he knew that Vicente might have had an adventure, and sacrificed part of his flesh and blood by a peculiar object, otherwise he did not initially May break through to a formal mage in the harsh environment and materials, so if he wants to be promoted to the legend, he needs a larger theoretical breakthrough and a longer time, but he is different. At that time, there is no need to take his own shot. Weisen Special will bow down to salute.

Listening to Vicente's simple and cold answer, Congers held back his anger: "It won't happen again in the future?"

"Cooks still has a 'crazy dog'." Vicente didn't hide it.

只是 "Just a night watchman?" Congers breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll tell all the divisions and organizations to keep them secretive recently."

Vicent nodded gently: "Who is the messenger of the Magic Council?"

He was very interested in this aspect, because he had read "Mathematical Principles of Philosophy of Philosophy" and "Basics of Calculus" at Congers, and he was extremely shocked by the thoughts contained in it, and was connected to his structure and circulation Achievements in the field, even if he did not learn calculus, he will be overflowing with genius, and there is no way to build a spell model more easily than ever before, and set the advanced speed to a record.

Therefore, even though he is still indifferent on the surface, I have long wanted to see the author of these two books, Derek Douglas.

Congers floated to Vicente: "It is Fernando, one of the authors of" The Basics of Calculus. "

His sense of magic council is equally complex. On the one hand, he resists the other party's intention to fuse his own "soul supreme" organization, and on the other hand, he is very grateful for the behavior of publicly sharing "the mathematical principles of magic philosophy" and "foundation of calculus" .

"You can see it." Vicente touched the storage bag in his arms.

Uh ...

"Soul Supreme" hidden in the forest.

小型 A small bazaar that exchanges magical materials and spellbooks meets today. It is lively and noisy. Vicente and Congus pass by the edge and step into the underground palace.

"The appointment is half an hour later." Congus sat behind his desk.

Vicente did not answer, turned to Congus's bookshelf, took out a thick book, and read it carefully.

The time passed very quickly, and half an hour passed unconsciously. At this time, the magician in charge of the hospitality came in with a bright lady.

"Fernando?" Congers asked inconclusively, and it was this very flaming lady who was very different from Fernando.

南 Fernando nodded slightly: "I was recently spotted by the church watchman, so I had to change and go out."

He pulled the belt, his chest suddenly sag, and the whole person became a small handsome man.

Vicent looked at the scene and said in disgust: "pervert."

He comes from a normal person, and he still values ​​the boundaries between men and women. Even if there is a need for change, it is only a difference in appearance and appearance.

Fernando was immediately angry: "At least better than someone who feels disgusted when you see it!"

Vicent didn't answer and disdain to argue with him.

After Fernando growled a few words, there was no response when he saw the opposite, so there was no motivation, so he turned to look at Congers: "I want to see the author of" The Theory of Human Structure and Cycles. "

Congers recently compiled the research results of Vicente into books, in exchange for the latest research results of the Magic Council Douglas, Fernando, and the mysterious "Ms. Silver Grey".

Concuss raised his boned palm and pointed to Vicente: "It's him."

"Ah?" Fernando, who had become a master, noticed that Vicente, who was also a master, was so young!

Outside the bazaar.

Under the leadership of a friend, Oliver, who had left a moustache and a beard, took part in such a lively magic rally for the first time, while looking for a beautiful female magician, while looking at magic books at will.

For the past two decades, limited to the relationship between the level of books and the lack of teaching, he still stays in the fifth ring.

"The Mathematical Principles of Philosophy of Philosophy", "Basics of Calculus" ... What kind of books are these? "Oliver hid in Tibet and had little experience in participating in magic parties. Many things, many books, never heard.

The stallman looked at the countryman with a look on his face: "Just look at it."

"Oh, can you see for yourself?" Oliver politely picked up the book.

After a while, he forgot to chase the beautiful female magician, forget everything around him, and completely immersed himself in the world of books.

I have such a book!

I have such a theory!

Uh ...

Holy city Reims, the Great Bright Hall.

Grade 9 Cardinal Adrien stepped into this sacred room with awe, and did not dare to lift his head before meeting Pope Gregory ~

Just at the beginning of the year, under the pope ’s crown, the goddess of the land was used to kill the goddess of the earth, completely driving the magician, the dark creatures, and the church of the gods into the country surrounded by the dark mountains and mountains. The only Sylvanas empire among the three magic empires is completely dead!

After Adrian met with the Pope, he discovered that the most powerful saint, Ivan, was also in the Great Hall of Light and was receiving the Pope's order.

"You have organized cardinals and epic knights to patrol along the Dark Mountains during this period of time, and prepare for gradual encroachment after fifteen years." Pope Gregory estimated his recovery time and added a certain amount of generosity.

Ivan, a handsome and masculine man, bowed his head, "I follow the order of the Pope."

Gregory narrowed his eyes slightly as Ivan left. Although he had a final card in his hand and did not worry about the rebellion of the saints at all, he still used to take precautions, such as letting Ivan stay On the frontline of the holy city of Reims or the Dark Mountains, he was not allowed to return to the northern region where he started, such as dispersing several cardinals who had better relations among the parishes.

After a moment of silence, Grigory said to Adrian: "I will appoint you as the bishop of the Ice Cathedral in the northern province of the Shahran Empire. I hope you can help Felix well."

Adding sand to sand is also one of the preventive measures.

"Yes, under the pope's crown," Adrien replied earnestly. (To be continued, this text is provided by Daybreak Update Group @ 视 血祭. If you like this work, you are welcome to go to () to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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