MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 1 Lost visitor

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"Master". A farmer working in the fields greeted his lord humbly and obediently. Most of them had not had time to see the count of the count, and only knew that he could be surrounded by so many knights and able to ride The dragon-scale horse with that superpower can wear a gorgeous coat with a collar higher than the back of the head and cover the ears. There must be noble Lord Earl here, and the guys in front are not saluting.

Count Count Pefors held dragon scale horses in his legs and held a leather whip in his hands. He said hello to the farmers. This is the treatment the nobles deserve, so no surprise.

When he left the manor and turned to the avenue, Count Pefoss yanked his horse and let it speed up, overtaking a carriage, a pedestrian along the road.

For those aristocrats riding a carriage, Count Pefos is despised. How can aristocrats who have been slain by hanging magicians and all kinds of heretics to give up their knighthood, give up their pride, give up the knight's instincts, vanity is also the original sin!

The Paphos family was the earliest knight family that followed the church and the king to rebel against the magic empire. It was able to obtain the count of the earl, relying on the overbearing strength and immortal feats established by generations. This includes the earl of the earl. He was promoted to Heavenly Knight before reaching the age of ten, and was awarded the title of "Guardian Dragon". His hands were covered with blood of evil magicians and various heretics.

Dozens of dragon-scale horses ran fast and rushed into the city all the way. The doorman's attendant saw the signs of the Pefors family from a distance and cleared the way. He did not dare to intercept and inspect.


As soon as Count Pefos pulled the reins, the dragon-scale horse stood up, with a roar similar to a dragon in his mouth.

The following knights made similar moves, stopping the horses at almost the same instant.

"Good evening, Lord Earl." At the door of the villa, there were already two men dressed as nobles.

They are wearing two layers of jackets that are currently popular. Many buttons are made of gemstones. They are covered with high-necked coats and many accessories.

Count Pefoss rolled over and nodded slightly, "You work hard."

Here are the two barons under his earl, and today he helped him to gather in private for the nobles who came closer.

"It's our pleasure." The two barons replied respectfully, leading him toward the villa.

Count Peffers was unsmiling, but he was very satisfied with the attitude of the two barons, which made him feel the glory and authority of the superior and the higher nobility.

There are several long tables in the villa's lobby, where steaks, grilled chicken, and hungry food are placed. Many nobles are already holding wine glasses and talking in groups.

"Good evening, Lord Count." All the nobles said hello to Count Pefoss as soon as possible.

Count Peffers raised his right hand and waved, "Good evening, everyone."

He enjoys such occasions, and rights and places are always fascinating at this time.

After giving the horsewhip to the accompanying knight, Count Pefos was about to preside over the party, but at this moment, the gatekeeper brought in a clergyman in a holy white robe.

"Dear earl, Lord Bishop invites you to church." Although this young clergyman is very polite, his skin is tight and there is no smile, giving a very proud feeling to the nobles present. No one feels wrong. This is the Lord's shepherd. Even if he is dissatisfied with his attitude, he must not reveal anything at all, otherwise the night watchman of the court will come to the door.

"Are there any tensions?" Count Paphos asked tentatively.

The clergy's eyes seemed to be looking at the ceiling: "I don't know, count, you'll know when you get to the church."

Such an attitude made Count Pefors secretly angry. Did the clergy of the church lose even the most basic courtesy?

He could not control his emotions, and said blankly, "OK."

"Yes, Earl, it's six o'clock in the evening, and no one can ride a horse except the knight on duty." The clergyman added stiffly.

Count Count Pefoss clenched his fists secretly, only felt a anger straight into his head. As an Count, as the lord of the city, he didn't even have this privilege?

After the clergyman had finished explaining, he drew a cross on his chest: "I hope you can reach the church as soon as possible, but the truth will last forever!"

"Only truth perpetuates ..." Count Paphos drew a cross in his eyes, and decided to be patient. What about impatience? Fight against the church? A god-like, nearly fifty legendary cardinals and sacred knights, Seraph who can come at any time, what do you use to fight? This is a force more terrifying than the last three magic empires!

Moreover, with the gradual removal of the remaining forces of the magic empire, the church became less and less dependent on its own nobility and other nobles.

The horse-drawn carriage drove slowly to the city church, at which time it was dim and dark, and the rain seemed to fall later.


The thunder exploded, and the silver and white electric snake illuminated the sky. Count Pefos looked up at the sky, got out of the carriage, and entered the church.

"Good evening, Lord Bishop, please allow me to pray to the Lord first." Count Pefoss said politely, and he had completely eliminated his dissatisfaction and anger.

城市 The city is the county's capital, near Port Padre. It is important and relatively prosperous, so the bishop is a newly promoted Cardinal Field. He bowed his head gently: "This is your piety."

After praying at the cross, Count Pefos smiled, "I don't know what you have to do with me, Lord Bishop?"

Hufffield looks kindly: "According to the report of the night watchman, there are recent signs of magician activity in this area. I hope you can invest more energy in tracking down."

"This is my responsibility." Count Pefos replied casually, waiting for the bishop to discuss with him more important things.

很好 "Very well, then you can go back and arrange it, Earl." Field smiled.

没 "Nothing else?" Count Paphos blurted out in amazement.

Fieldfield raised an eyebrow: "What else is needed?"

The faltering made the anger in Count Pefoss rise, calling me over for such a trivial matter? Just send someone to talk about it! When am I? Church dog? Calling casually?

或者 "Or count you think this is not important enough." Field's smile faded away.

Count Peffers worked hard to suppress the anger: "Please forgive me for the urgency of my dedication to the Lord, Lord Bishop, since there is nothing more, I will go back and arrange the investigation immediately."

He walked out of the church with constant expression, into the carriage, and sat in a statue like a statue until the carriage drove a certain distance. The roar of thunder continued to sound, his face became iron-blue, and golden scales grew on the back of his hand .

"It's abominable! We don't treat our aristocracy equally!" Count Pefoss secretly gritted his teeth.

Howling, the rainstorm poured down, and the night was even darker. The roaring winds blew the branches of trees along the road, and from time to time, leaves and debris fell on the carriage.

Crackling, the rain hitting the roof, as if playing a musical instrument, Count Pefoss looked out of the window at the dark night, his heart could not be calm for a long time, and his expression was slightly confused. Is this the true status of the aristocracy?

咚咚, 咚咚, 咚咚, three consecutive beats sounded near the window, and Count Pefos turned his head in shock, and yelled, "Who?"

Can approach silently without being noticed by his own sixth-level sky knight. The opponent's strength is enough to be called terror.

"An astray visitor." There was a slightly low female laughter from the window, but the coachman in front and the knight behind were unaware.

"Who the **** are you?" Count Paphos narrowed his eyes, and a layer of golden dragon scales appeared on his bare skin, and his pupils became golden vertical pupils.

Hey, the female voice with a little magnetic voice: "Count, don't you invite me to sit in? Do you worry that to this extent, I really want to sneak attack, I will not remind you just now, for you and me For a strong one, what's the carriage block? "

He is very proud of a person who likes to attack others ... Earl Peffers judged in his heart, and after considering it carefully, he opened the window carefully.

A bright red figure flashed in and sat across from Count Pefoss.

A high-level magician ... Count Pefos's alert was raised again, ready to start at any time, but his eyes suddenly turned on, because this was a bright young beauty, she was petite, wearing a bright red magic robe , Exquisite features, pupils like blood, the whole person is full of life.

的 Rumors that female magicians like to transform their looks seem to be true, but isn't it that high-level wizards will have a lot of strange looks due to the deepening of bloodline transformation and the pollution of various experiments? Count Paphos thought subconsciously, why was such a high-level magician himself impressed to come from another country?

"A daze won't help solve any problems." The bright beauty across it seemed a bit quick-tempered, without deviously saying, "Count, don't you want to change the status quo?"

现状 "The status quo?" Count Pefos repeated in a low voice, then sneered ~ ~ Discussing the status quo with a stray dog-like magician? Madam, we are not on the same step. By the way, what should we call you? "

娇 The petite beauty of this child's face sank: "Call me 'Storm'. As for the status quo, I think domestic dogs have to worry about their status."

Is this an attitude of communication? Count Paphos was crying and laughing at the magician who sent such a lady to her, and she would not suffer at all!

However, his expression was dignified. Although the lady was impolite, her words pointed directly at the problem that she had just worried about.

"Time is running out. I'm going to your villa right away, let me tell you directly." Madam Storm did not care about the change in the attitude of Count Pefoss, and was quick-tempered, "The value of your aristocracy's existence is to help the church fight magic Teachers, against heretical races such as elves and dragons. If they lose their value, it will be different from the general public. What kind of place they have depends on the mood of the church. "

She narrowed her eyes slightly: "Moreover, aristocrats with good strength are more secretly guarded and slowly weakened by the church than ordinary people, so you need to understand where your value is reflected and you cannot let it be lost."

After speaking, she did not wait for the answer from Count Pefoss, and it turned into a shadow and disappeared into the carriage. It is impossible to talk about success in such a matter, and she must contact and communicate step by step.

Count Peeves watched her disappearing night with a grim expression, her eyes twinkling, and she was lost in thought.

There was a torrential rain outside the window, the thunder roared, and it was dark, like the last days. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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