MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 11 College in Silence

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The streets of Heidler City are not as messy and dirty as Rooney imagined, with rotting corpses. Instead, they are clean and wide, and there are many pedestrians.

However, the bustling and bustling streets that were supposed to be very quiet were very quiet, almost no one was making a loud noise, and even the communication between them was as small as a mosquito, as if there was a strange power here to stop the noise.

A closer look revealed that Downey found that most of the "pedestrians" who came and went were undead creatures. There were corpse dogs with eyes glowing with red eyes, "skinless people" whose skin was stripped to reveal flesh, and common ghosts, Zombies and skeletons.

Of course, among these undead creatures, there are Necromancers wearing dark black magic robes. Most of them are not as gloomy and rigid as Downey imagined, and they laughed and laughed as they talked to their peers, only their voices Both are pressed relatively low.

"It's a pity no Lich ..." Downey sighed softly.

In Heidler, Sammy's spirit seemed to be exceptionally good. Although he still looked drowsy, at least he didn't yawn frequently. He rubbed his own messy hair like a bird's nest and smiled, "The Lich Most of the gentlemen don't like shopping ... "

It should be said that they basically have no desire in this area ... Donny sideways passed a **** dog with three heads. It was tall and strong, with burning flames flowing from the corners of his mouth, but a collar was worn around his neck. The petite female magician pulled, running slowly in front of her.

"This **** dog is about the size of a bull ..." As soon as the female magician went away, Downey couldn't help saying that the contrast of this figure was too great.

Sami hehe laughed: "I saw a Mr. Lich yesterday chewing on a bone dragon, almost the size of a hundred hellhounds."

He arrived in Heidler City yesterday and temporarily lives at 152 Ghoul Street. Students waiting for today to go to the college together.

"Awesome." Downey looked at the sky enviously. At this point, they had reached Ghoul Street. The magic tower that went straight into the sky made it impossible to ignore its existence.

Suddenly, an ivory skull floated out. There were two needle-shaped red awns in the eye socket, which were strange and unique. His two rows of teeth opened and closed, making a raspy, unshakable sound: "All the freshmen gather, go to the college, and wait for the day after tomorrow."

The sound was awful, as if someone was scratching a bone with rusty iron. Donny shuddered slightly and walked into the hall with Sammy to gather.

"Show your admission letter and the identity stamp inside." Downey had no time to stand still. An expressionless man came over. His face was yellow, his blood vessels were clearly visible, and his eyes were the same as the Lich. Needle-shaped red mansions.

Downey hurried out his acceptance letter and a black beetle: "Yes. Teacher."

"Call me Mr. Robert." The man's voice was strangely mild and mellow. When he looked at the black beetle, it seemed to reflect a faint redness. "Well, Downey, no need to apply for accommodation, just follow us. College. "

After that. He returned the letter of acceptance and the beetle to Downey and paused: "I happen to be one of the mentors in the field of body structure and genetics. I hope you will not disappoint your current achievements and foundation."

After a while, Sammy looked at Robert who had already walked to the other side of the hall and said quietly, "Mr. Robert is said to be very close to the high order. Well, his body has been transformed many times by himself. No one knows his What special power does the body have. "

"Well, Mr. Robert puts a lot of pressure on me ..." In the cold environment of Heidler. Downey also exuded a little cold sweat, and then followed Sammy's gaze to Robert. He saw that he stopped in front of the live broadcast screen in the hall, and fixedly looked at the funny entertainment programs inside, and his mouth was suspected. Smile expression.

"... I can't think of a dead face like Mr. Robert who also likes to watch TV ..." Downey said with a slight expression of surprise.

Sami looked at him confusedly: "Can't a dead face watch TV?"

"Uh ..." Downey was defeated by Sammy. Quickly shifted the topic, "I will go to the college right away. I heard that the college is not in the city, in a mysterious place?"

Sammy nodded earnestly: "I heard that it is a very suitable place for the Necronic system to play."

When they talked about this matter, they both expressed a strong curiosity, speculating where they are, is it inside the giant tomb?

After a while, the ivory-colored Lich flew back, and continued to use the unpleasant voice: "Follow me, don't get lost. Once you lose, I will assume that you are dead and will not go again. Look for."

This sentence lifted Downey's heart, and even a dumb person like Sammy opened his eyes wide, and the entire team became extremely silent.

Following the Lich, Downey and others crossed Ghoul Street, soul avenue, brain square, and arrived at a building that looked just like any other magic tower.

"This is the academy?" Downey looked at the magic tower in front of him with a little disappointment.

The Lich stopped and floated in front of the Tower of the Magic Tower, with a hoarse, ugly and rude mantra in his mouth.

A layer of shadows emerged from the patterned rocks on the ground, spreading and growing, and soon covered the door, making it dark and deep, and the surface slightly shaking.

"Follow me." The Lich gave a cold voice, without opening the door, he went straight into the shadows and disappeared.

This weirdness caused Donny and Sammy to hold their breath again, and followed the apprentice in front slightly moving slowly, not knowing where the shadow would lead.

Unfortunately, no matter how slowly they moved, they still walked to the "Gate of Shadow", and with a gritted tooth, Donny stepped in.

The body seemed to be immersed in the depths of the lake. It was dull and depressed. It was almost a drowning feeling when he was a child. Then, Downey felt only a light body and escaped from the "water".

This is a messy and decaying city. Except for the monotonous black and white gray, there is no color at all. Even the wind is frozen in the air, like a quiet and strange sketch.

Downey stared into the sky, seeing that it was as pale and bleak as Heidler, but he could no longer see the sun!

The basic knowledge of alien space quickly came to mind in Downey's mind, and he said aloud to the slumped Sami: "Necropolis!"

but. After blurting out, Downey didn't hear any noise, everything was so quiet, like the eternal darkness and sleep.

Sure enough, it was Necronomicon, and Downey exhaled. The body has an "illusion" that is gradually decaying. Only here can be called the most suitable place for the Necromancy system to play. However, I heard that it is very dangerous. Even high-level magicians have the possibility of falling. But don't care about your background. What kind of forces do they have? There is no money in the family. They only have a desire for fresh flesh and blood.

"Follow me, repeat again, don't get lost." The Lich didn't know what spell was used, and the voice sounded in everyone's heart.

Downey patted Sammy next to him. The alert followed the Lich intently, for fear of leaving the team and facing the tide-like undead alone in the necropolis.

Passing through the silent "city", the team stepped into a barren wilderness, with roaming ghouls everywhere, with rotten faces and expressions. Seems to be able to "smell" the unspeakable stench.

Farther afield, there are many semi-obscure ghosts floating in the air, their bodies transformed into black robes.

Such an environment and such a scene cheer up the ghost behind Sammy, holding his head up, making a silent scream, holding his hands up and waving back and forth vigorously.

Ha ha. Downey looked at the scene with amusement, and Sammy shook his head helplessly.

Suddenly, the gray sky became dark, as if it had been blackened, no. It's not black, but a ghost gathering from all sides!

They also issued silent screams, flying over to Sami, terrifying coercion, strong death breath, and magnificent sights, scaring many apprentices to soften their legs. Is this a natural disaster?

Downey trembled slightly, holding Sammy and motioned for him to stop the ghost behind him.

At this moment, the lich in front snorted, and a black curtain appeared out of thin air, covering everyone.

It wasn't until the blackout disappeared that Downey found himself and others who had gone deep into the wilderness, far from the former "ghost army".

"Take care of your ghost," the Lich said coldly.

"Yes, sir." Sammy replied in a trembling voice, while the ghost behind him curled up on all fours, hugging in a ball, like a frightened child, who seemed to be crying silently.

Donny looked at this ghost with a smirk, and you were scared by the "ghost army"? You almost made us all ghouls just now.

Sami, who was holding her legs softly, walked for a long time. Downey's eyes suddenly lighted up, and a magnificent city appeared in the solidified world of black and white and gray, with a black or silver or white spire magic tower inside. It presents additional colors, and there are rare sky bridges between the magic towers, connecting in all directions, complex and exquisite.

Around the city, there is a quiet cemetery filled with dense tombs, and black tombstones are diagonally inserted.

"Slanted tombstones ..." Donny chuckled inside.

After passing through this cemetery, Downey and others reached the edge of the city under the leadership of the Lich. When they passed the gate that was dozens of meters high, the feeling of solidification and depression suddenly disappeared, and the cordiality sounded again. His voice seemed to suddenly return from the deceased's territory to the realm of the living.

"Everyone, you have also seen that you cannot leave here without the guidance of a high-level mentor. Therefore, you can only study and study hard and diligently. The laggards will not be able to return home every year. Well, welcome When you come to Heidler School of Magic ~ ~ please collect your college robe and badge with your identity stamp and admission letter, and then go to your bedroom according to the logo on the badge. "The Lich disappeared after finishing speaking Ground.

Donny pulled the stunned Sami and the ghost, and received the Academy's black magic robe and the "Pale Flame" badge at the magic tower next to him, walking to his bedroom while asking for directions.

When he was almost in the bedroom, Sami exhaled and rubbed his hair: "The Necromancer is terrifying. I was scared to death ..."

As he spoke, he pushed open the door, and then he stood still, blocking Downey's vision behind him.

"Yes, sorry, I, we went wrong! Sammy stooped stooping to apologize.

Downey looked up to the house number subconsciously: "'No. 202, the Tower of Life in the Origin Zone, there is nothing wrong." Support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read m.)

PS: I recently registered an official certification number on the website. You can download this to play. If you spend it through reading, it is said that there is a reward for directed monthly tickets.

Read The Duke's Passion