MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 13 Ubiquitous shadow

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The Heidler School of Magic consists of a spire of magic towers, which travels through it, like walking in a strange forest, and artificial light falls from the sky, creating a beautiful landscape of light and shadow.

"Mr. Robert is a student of Mr. Felipe. He has a very good standard in genetic factors, cellular memory, and application of necromancy spells, and he is said to have exchanged blood research data left over from the 'Abyss Lord' Natravos. He has made deep changes to his blood and flesh. For example, his left eye has been transplanted with the main eye of the ogre, and he can quickly perform some ray magic. The combat power is not worse than that of a high-end magician who has just entered the sixth ring. The tentacles that hide the demon can hide spiritual spells and absorb each other's brain and memory ... "

"If you are more interested in these areas, you can consider choosing Mr. Robert's course. He is definitely the best among middle-level mentors. He is no worse than the dozens of high-level mentors in terms of knowledge and practice ... ... "

Karl introduced the mentors brilliantly and hopefully. The whole person looked like a tulip in full bloom, attracting students and teachers to look side by side, but was immediately shocked by his voice, leaving a statue along the road. .

Is it okay to tell Mr. Robert's special physical ability in this way? Downey's mouth twitched, and in his mind subconsciously appeared Mr. Robert's imagination. Above the expressionless dead man's face, the left eye protruded a tan giant eye, and clear blood vessels connected it with The eye sockets are connected all around, the palm of the right hand is spread out, and a light red tentacles are drilled, and the teeth are stretched out to the surroundings ...

"Standard monster look ... Necromancer is terrible!"

不过 "But think about it, it's deterrent, very, cool?"

Donny's weird thought bubbled up and shattered. Suddenly, he felt the sleeve of his right hand tightened tightly, and he recovered his sobriety. Looking closely, it turned out that it was Sammy who was gently pulling his sleeve.

"Donnie, isn't it a secret of Mr. Robert's transformed special physical abilities? Why is Carl saying as if everyone knows?" Sammy, a confused and sleepy boy, also noticed something wrong, and asked his voice in a low voice.

Donnie saw that Carr was still telling with enthusiasm, and did not notice the difference between the two of them, so he also said quietly: "Carr is a descendant of a big man ..."

This is his speculation. After all, if Carl himself is a big man and he has done something great, he should have seen it on TV news, radio news or newspapers.

Sammy made a long "Oh" sound, then stopped asking, and wasn't curious about which descendant of Karl is the descendant of the big man, because he was upset at this moment, fighting with his eyelids, and really didn't have the mood to pay attention to others, anyway, knowing It is a big man who can't afford to mess with him, and Carl introduced the instructor of body structure and genetic factor direction, not the soul and ghost field that he wants to hear.

The ghost behind him was frightened twice in a row, and leaned against him with a look that was equally eager to sleep.

Listening to Carl's voice and looking at Sammy's face, Donny sighed secretly: "A man is comparable to the elven princess, and a man is the spirit boy who loves to sleep better than everything. My roommate is too Weird ... "

The elven princess Elestine once came to speak at the Heart of Nature school.

"Well, only you are a normal person, a normal person." The abrupt voice passed into Donny's ear and made him nod subconsciously, yeah, this bedroom is only a normal person, wait a minute, who is talking to me, How do I know what I think?

He turned his head abruptly, and found that Fat Jones was looking at himself with a smile, suddenly shocked and said, "You, when did you come?"

"Isn't you inviting me to choose a course with me?" Jones replied very calmly without being angry.

"Yes." Downey studied Sammy and scratched his hair, but I completely forgot about it and forgot your existence! Sure enough it's another ...

"It really is another strange roommate." Jones said with a smile.

Downey's expression was completely rigid: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"No, the bridge we are passing is called the" Calm Road ". As long as your emotions are intense enough to exceed a certain level, the thoughts in your heart will echo in the corridor. The mentors remind the students that the research of the Necromancy Department must be the most Strict calm, otherwise it will not only harm others, but even destroy yourself, you will not even be able to save your soul. Didn't you hear your inner voice? "Jones pointed to this black and white bridge with no extra color.

岔 It has a branch road in front of it, which leads to the teaching tower and the experimental tower. There are no windows on both sides. Only a faint light emanates from the wall tiles and floor tiles. It gives people a sense of indifference and silence, and it seems to calm everyone's emotions.

Downey listened with ears, and in the air, the ethereal voice of "It's another ..." faintly echoed. He looked at Carl and Sami in an embarrassed and annoyed state, and found that they were utterly silent, and their heads were like chickens pecking rice. Pay attention to other things.

"Okay, okay, they didn't hear ..." Downey exhaled.

"Aren't you worried about me?" The ordinary but strange voice sounded again.

Donnie was startled, turned his head again, and turned around with Jones, and found himself forgetting him again!

"No, sorry." As a normal boy with honesty, kindness and a bottom line, Downey quickly apologized.

Jones waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's okay. I like this special place. At least when I'm in danger, even the enemy will forget me. I used to travel with my friends to the southern desert and met the Scorpion. After the fierce battle, the two sides retreated, leaving me in the middle of the battlefield ... "

"But then, no girl should remember you, right? If you have a wife in the future, will she forget that she has such a husband?" Downey asked curiously.

Jones' expression became stiff and smiled bitterly: "Don't mention such a sad topic ..."

所以 "So, I chose the Necronomical Department. I hope that through the study of blood vessels and physical transformation, I must turn this special talent into an ability that I can master."

祝 "I wish you success," Downey said sincerely, "Yes, what's your name?"

"Jones, I have introduced myself several times ..." Jones' voice drifted like a ghost.

"Really? But why do I only remember it once, that time in the bedroom, but only remember that you have introduced it, and don't remember the specific content ..." Downey increasingly felt that the entire bedroom was a weirdo except himself. !!

He and his team of three, no, four, followed the "Calm Road" flyover into the teaching tower and found a place to choose a course.

"Oh, the distance is too close. I have just introduced half of the mentors. I haven't even said which courses I can't blame. The main reason is that some mentors have so much information ..." Carl sighed, very sorry Look.

The main thing is that you can talk too much. The wife of the boss of the neighbor who was called Mr. Robert's brother just now told it ... Donnie said quietly, and then his eyes lighted up, and he found that the room was a row of desk-sized strange devices. They are wrapped in silver or dark black metal shells, each with two faint red and green lights flashing, and above it is a metal plate similar to a live broadcast screen.

"This is it?" Downey looked at Carl, he must know and was happy to answer!

Calvin's calm face reappeared with ecstasy, making his whole person look like the sun: "This is artificial intelligence, but artificial intelligence with a bit of soul fragments, which is more interesting than trying to popularize too much……"

人工智能 "Artificial intelligence?" Sammy trembled, her eyelids suddenly opened, and drowsiness disappeared briefly.

Donnie is also a little bit upset. Is this the legendary artificial intelligence?

"How do I use it?" Downey interrupted Carl's narrative.

Carr didn't get angry, walked to an "artificial intelligence", took off the "pale flame" coat of arms on his chest, and put it in a depression above the "artificial intelligence".

Then, the red and green lights flickered violently, and an undulating flat sound sounded: "Welcome to 'Artificial Intelligence', Mr. Carl, what can help you?"

"The selection interface pops up." Carl turned back and smiled at Downey and Sammy, making them dizzy again.

"Okay." This is a colorful light shining from a metal plate similar to a live broadcast screen. A half-height water curtain is gathered in the void in front, with a lot of patterns on it, which respectively identify different words.

"There is a course selection system, a game system, a test system, and you try to operate it yourself ..." Karl said quickly while speaking ~ ~, while extending his right hand, corresponding with a long white index finger. Gently click on the void icon, and suddenly, the light and shadow on the water curtain change, and blocks of different colors without shapes fall from the top, as if playing a building block game.

Donny saw Carl staring into the water curtain intently, his five fingers on his right hand were flying as fast as he could hear, and he still talked uninterruptedly in his ears, feeling that he had fallen into a fantasy.

"This is the 'artificial intelligence' game? It seems very interesting?" Sammy's eyes focused on the water curtain.

I shook my head, Downey went to another "artificial intelligence", imitated Karl, put the "Pale Flame" coat of arms of the college into the depression, and ordered alchemy life to pop up the selection interface.

However, instead of playing games, he directly entered the course selection system and found the direction of "body structure and genetic factors".

"Pre-courses?" Donny asked this option in doubt, and saw a bunch of courses popping up in it.

"" Electromagnetism "," Magical Crystallography "," X-ray application in the observation of the micro world "," Introduction to Quantum Mechanics "," Introduction from Atoms, Molecules to Cells "," Human Body Composition "," Body Structure of Dragons ... "

Looking at the course titles in the previous section, Downey's eyes were so dull that he could clearly feel the branding of Lucian Evans on them.

Why, why should even the Necromancy learn these things? (To be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 为 嗨 而 生". If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for referrals and monthly passes. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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