MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 21 Various means

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In a black forest at the border of Xaviershire and Lentat, a pale mist envelopes the vast area nearby, suppressing the magical field of the magician and the knight's intuition.

During the period of ancient civilization ruled by elves, because of the "conspiracy" of the "Abyss Will", many spatial cracks appeared on the ground, some of which were small and disappeared after a short time, while others did not break apart, and they were different from the abyss Layers of connectivity constitute the channel for the invasion of the demon. Later, with the help of the elven tree, the elves sealed most of the similar cracks, but the effect of spatial disturbance remained in a few places. This is the case in this black forest, so Become a good choice for magicians to hide.

In a hidden valley deep in the forest, a thick mist entangles a "stealth" magic tower-this is a very important base of the "destroyer tower", thanks to the nearby environment and its own direct transfer Characteristics, even if the church has always known that this forest is home to many magicians, even cardinals and epic knights have searched and failed to find it.

Of course, this is also the reason why the church did not go all out. When they did not want to search and planned to wipe this black forest directly, the Western War broke out. The main forces were drawn from the Aalto front and the plan had to be put on hold.

"'Broken', with your 'time to stop', you can quickly resolve the battle." On the edge of the valley, Priesthill, in the red magic robe, gave Douglas a scroll, then turned to look at Arnold, like Xiaofei smiled and said, "Even me, it is very difficult to make this scroll, it is very expensive, old fox, after the battle, I have to choose the booty."

When she said that, she paused: "Also, I contributed the 'Destroyer Tower'. If the plan fails, let it be destroyed by the church, hum ..." She looked like "you know".

The magic tower that can run and be invisible is the source of the name "Destroyer Tower", but it was put here because their headquarters was changed to a better place and it is no longer needed.

Fernando has 10,000 approvals for Plysil's appellation for Arnold. So far, he still hasn't figured out why President Arnold is so convinced that Sharp will not betray, just to bet on it in exchange for the future. Faith? What an old fox!

Ann Arnold smiled and said: "Although you have been a mage for two or three hundred years, I still watch your elders grow up and be polite."

His avoidance of the answer made Plyhill unsatisfied, and he snorted heavily, "Elder, who asked me to be rejected?"

Alas, Fernando suddenly heard the black history of the president, and suddenly laughed aloud. He knew that Priscilla had a husband, but he died in the hands of the church, but it was unexpected that there was such a period!

Annold's old face was reddish, and 讪讪 smiled, "I was in my prime at that time. It looks like now, hey, old, really old ..."

Plyhill himself prepared the escape route to escape his life, so he didn't get too entangled in the question just now, and looked at the necromancer next to Arnold slightly, and asked curiously: "This is it? I feel him Very powerful, but a bit wrong ... "

"My servant of the undead is equivalent to an extraordinary creature of the ninth order ..." Arnold explained again.

"It turned out to be a servant of the undead, no wonder it gave me the feeling of the dead." Plyhill nodded relievedly, and Congus, who followed him, said hoarsely: "Old fox, wait for this operation to succeed, your undead The servant had to borrow me to study it for a while, and I found that it was different from normal, perhaps hiding the mystery of death. "

With the beginning of Priest Hill, everyone calls Anold the old fox.

"I found it too, but I haven't figured out why." Arnold spread his hands, neither refusing Congus's request nor agreeing readily.

Congers blinked at two points of needle-shaped red awns, and as he was about to continue to ask, the fat and swollen Nelson said coldly: "Maybe Alfonso will be coming soon, and you still have a free chat? Sylvana Are all the magicians in Sri Lanka so unreliable? Then I have to reconsider the danger of cooperation. "

"Hum." Congus closed his mouth.

Prishill looked at Amana Tower, who was quietly in the shadows, and nodded softly: "Some news came from the south. Ketonia is still pursuing Rig, so we each act according to plan."

She turned and flew back to the "Destroyer Tower". After all, if there was no magician in it, it would be easy for Alfonso to see that there was a problem, and she would leave early.

Nielsen and Congus each flew to different directions. The distance was far beyond the scope that Alfonso could search and pay attention to, and beyond the scope that they could support the Tower of Destroyer for the first time.

The Amanata in the shadow of the puppet disappeared long ago.

"Fernando, you first arrange the magic circle, so that it is in a heavy rain, it is best to last for two hours." Arnold took Douglas and Fernando to a nearby grave, and then cast strange magic to thoroughly Blended into the shadows.

推测 He speculates that Alfonso will arrive here in an hour, because the location information obtained by the traitors is a bit wrong, which will mislead their path choices without preventing them from discovering it.


With Fernando's arrangement, a lightning bolt cut through the sky and smashed onto a big tree, making its branches black and burning.

Noisy, dark clouds condense, heavy rain, mixed with water and mist, making the place like the last days, the senses are even more malfunctioning.

Luan Nord was not afraid that Alfonso would find traces of man-made manipulation in the storm. After all, this is an important base for the "Destroyer Tower". It is absolutely normal to arrange similar interference and concealed arrays!

Time passed by one minute and one second, the "Destroyer Tower" in the rain and darkness became more and more like a monster waiting to devour the world. Arnold and Douglas were under the influence of spells such as "Mechanized Mind", maintaining absolute In a calm state, Fernando, who did not need to join the attack, looked nervously at the dark forest. If something goes wrong in this operation, the magic organization in the Greater Holm area will be paralyzed.

"Target is coming ..." A gust of wind blew past, bringing the cold voice of Amanda's tablet without fluctuations.

Even Douglas couldn't help straightening his back at this time, holding the "Large Crack" scroll firmly in his hands.


A few minutes later, a beam of light entangled in the flames descended from the sky, exhaling the mist, illuminating the darkness, and striking the Tower of Destroyer.

The translucent magic tower lit up with symbols and patterns all over the body, forming one defensive magic array after another, blocking that beam of light.

At this moment, an old man in a cardinal robe appeared in the air. His eyebrows were white, his wrinkles were deep, and his face was frowning, resentful, and happy. Around him, several cardinals and Paladins provide protection and coordination in a battle formation.

In the nearby forest, a bishop, a priest, and a night glove wearing black gloves emerged, blocking the route and strangling a hiding magician.

Ronald and Douglas did not attack immediately, but waited for feedback from several other archmages.

"Found a hidden golden paladin ..." In the storm, Congers' voice came first.

Nielsen also quickly replied: "Several high-level night watchmen have secretly arranged the magic circle to prepare for the critical moment."

"There are enemies in the shadows ..." Amanata's words were simple and straightforward.

"Alfonso is still more careful, and the people they carry are stronger and stronger than we thought, and want to counter-ambush in the event of an accident." Arnold said to Douglas through the spiritual connection, "Do it!"

In the distance, Conges, wearing a gorgeous black robe, suddenly flew out of the ground, and Bai Sensen's skull flashed a gleaming cold luster under the lightning, two rows of teeth opened, and a silent howl.


On the tree, behind the stone, and in the bushes, clergymen and night watchmen screamed and screamed, their skin began to fester, their eyes became a little red, teeth became sharp, their nails grew mad, and they rushed with a foul smell. Companions working hard to resist!

In a short time, they have become undead!

At the same time, skeletons, zombies, and demons and ghouls crawled up in the soft soil. The kingdom of death came at this instant.

隐藏 The hidden golden paladin has no time to respond, and is surrounded by undead creatures!

Concuss didn't plan to desperately, so the spells he chose were naturally different.

On the other side, Nelson also flew out of the hiding place, but his appearance has changed greatly: the bloated fat is unusually strong, covered with patterns unique to the Frost Giant; the left eye is protruding and becomes Tawny eye-mongers, stalks of eyes floating around; the right eye is gray and dim, everything seen by "it" is quickly petrified; a pale white tentacles have grown on the head and body, like dehydrated octopus.

His mouth was sunken, his teeth were exposed, and entangled with smoke; his right hand was covered with tapeworms, his fingers were incomplete, with a strong breath of death; a webbed membrane was grown on his left hand, covered with fish scales, flashing with electric rays; back It was a pair of black bat wings similar to a vampire; the lower body became four fluffy horse legs ...

The whole person is like a monster in a nightmare!

High-temperature dragon breath, summoning lightning, petrified life, slow frost, death capture, various rays flying around, and tentacles to capture the wisdom ... even if there is only one person, Nelson is like a knight's magician at the same time ~ www.novelbuddy. com ~ brings nightmares, priests, bishops and paladins into unimaginable nightmares, quickly destroying the magical array arranged in the dark.

神 The clergy and night watchmen in other directions are more afraid and dreaded. They keep hearing the screams of their peers, seeing them disappear into the darkness and shadows, but they cannot find the killer!

After Ann Arnold's order, Douglas ripped the scroll of "The Great Splinter" directly into Alfonso!

Normally, it should be used after the "time has stopped", but since Alfonso dared to destroy the "Destroyer Tower", it is not uncommon for him to carry an extraordinary that can resist the effect of time stop Items, so Douglas deliberately changed the order.


方 Alfonso was attacked suddenly, his body burst into light, colorful, like fireworks in full bloom.

Sure enough, there are items that offset the time! Douglas was keenly aware.

At this moment, a huge shadow was prominent in front of Alfonso. Annold's necromancer dragged a long sickle and chopped down to Alfonso, making him have to perform magic defense.

The thick mist of death surrounding the dead's servants blocked the subconscious attacks of other cardinals and paladins.

Douglas did not delay, and immediately after the buffering, "time stopped".

The spell was successful, but he saw with a slight stun that the expression on Alfonso's face was not eagerness and panic, but a faint smile!

(To be continued, if you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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