MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 28 respective

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The cracked half-peaked mountain was squeezed by rocks and soil, and almost none of the painted circuits and symbols were complete. The buildings above were incomplete except for the later construction.

Dozens of magicians live in this "city" that seems to be completely destroyed. They are too few to bring a little life to this place. The coldness and silence around them are still like a graveyard.

"Allinge ..." Douglas floating on the hillside whispered his name in Sylvanas, even if he had seen it once, but still couldn't resolve the shock, and couldn't restrain the inner excitement. And urgent.

He slowly flew to the ground of Aringe. Under the diligent and respectful guidance of several magicians, he stepped into the central magic tower with only one-third left, followed the long march, and penetrated into the "city of the sky". Inside, there is the core of all the mysteries, and there are sources of flying power. Of course, they are all severely destroyed, and they can't directly see what they looked like.

"Research begins."

Deep down, Douglas said to himself, one of the main reasons why he chose to come to Holm Kingdom instead of Aalto was the floating city he dreamed of.

Whether lucid or dreamy, he has entangled his doubts for many years, and will get the best answer environment here.

Stepping on the gray stone steps, he walked down step by step, the figure gradually disappeared into the darkness of the cave entrance, and everything returned to silence.


The night before the early morning was particularly dark, as if there was no light at all.

"Heart of Time" Ketonia sits in the lobby of his villa. On the knee was the long time-sword.

After the laborious treatment of Franz Angel, he has got rid of the remaining curse and recovered his body, but his weakness is even visible to ordinary knights, and it will take at least some time to recover his peak. Status now.

"Ketonia, isn't the lord of death old?" A gust of wind blew through, a little taunted.

The invisible wind fell to the ground, condensing a thin man with his hair. His skin. Every line on his body feels like the wind is blowing, so regardless of hair color. Still pupil. He was all strangely translucent.

"Raymond. He is old, but dare you fight him once?" Ketonia replied lightly.

This epic knight is the current Grand Duke of the Principality of Calais, "The Endless Wind" Raymond. The Principality of Calais belongs to the original Arthur empire. Therefore, he has a deep-rooted awe of the "Death Lord". He heard that the "heart of time" that was incompatible with himself was severely damaged, and he taunted him.

"Huh." Raymond sat down on the sofa next to himself, "Frants moved us to give the hiding rats an unforgettable lesson."

He came under the order of "Angel of Angels", and several other epic knights were on their way.

"It's not for us to move, but for you to cooperate with me." "Heart of Time" Croton looked up arrogantly, with a slight contempt on his young and energetic face, "I am a man whom the Lord cares for, yes Outside of my king, the most powerful knight on the strait, so the Lord loves me, and the church believes in me, let me rule you. "

"Don't we be disregarded by the Lord?" Raymond yelled at him. He always knew that Ketonia was arrogant, but he never thought that one day he would be hard to hear.

"This is the order of the" Angel of God ", you can only obey!" Ketonia stood on the side of the church, treating the other epic knights completely as subordinates.

Raymond consciously regarded himself as a well-knight, and at this time couldn't help angrily and said, "What do you think we are? Puppy being called by you at will?"

"It's not a puppy, it's the Lord's lamb. Our servants can do as much as they want," Ketonia replied arrogantly.

"Okay, good! Don't forget that you are also an aristocratic knight!" Lei Meng didn't hit a spot, and almost killed the **** in front of him.

Ketonia gave him a scornful look: "I can be a paladin at any time."

"You!" Raymond decided to use fighting to defend his dignity and glory.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and a mass of darkness like a myriad of disasters poured in.

"Huh." Raymond resisted the impulse to do it again.


Glorious Cathedral in the room of the Teleportation Array.

"Angel of grace" Franz has been staying here, grasping the news from Reims and preparing to return to the Holy City.

"After killing Alfonso and damaging Crotonia, they will surely hide and avoid our cleanup. Therefore, as long as we don't mess around, the situation will be relatively stable." Franz pointed to the side Cardinal New takes over Canuel of the referee.

Canuel lowered his head and said respectfully: "Yes, your prediction is very accurate. I have just received information from an important person," Death Lord "against the magician union, the destroyer's tower, soul supreme magic. The order of the organization was: 'Wait until the church's counterattack has subsided before discussing other matters.' "

"Very good." Franz nodded lightly and turned to watch the teleportation array that was constantly surging.


The black mist that emerged from the transparent magpie's faces surrounded a towering magic tower. The magic tower was dark as a tombstone, with only a faint light flashing on the highest floor.

The light came from a silver candlestick, and the "dead lord" Tananos shrouded under the cape quietly looked at the unopened books in front of him. There were more than a dozen strange words written on it, which seemed to come from Mish Kate Empire:

"The Secret Study of the First Body by Various Wizards."


After a long trek, Fernando landed on the ground. This is the northwest direction of the holy city of Reims, close to the Tria location of the war. It is the area with the most legendary powerhouses, so he did not dare to carelessly fly at high altitude.

This is a long and narrow strip with the holy city of Reims to the southeast. The northeast is the northern province of the Holy Hertz Empire, the southwest is the last base of the magic empire of Alto, the northwest is the Tria front, the north is an ally of the Church of Truth, and the pagan religion of the Mother Earth, and the north is the Church of Truth Full control of the Shahran Empire.

"The four legendary peaks of the King of Angels, Griffith, Ivan, and Rudolph, plus the" Sword of Truth "and" Shield of Truth "which are not inferior to the legendary peaks, and five Seraphs, more than eight Third-order saints, the number of cardinals, epics that suppress the coalition. Even without the pope, the strength of the church is horrible enough to fight against all forces except them, not to mention their help from allies such as Mother Earth ... Fernando transformed into a mouse, carefully walking through the area, thinking about the information he had received during this time. A little frustrated. A little angry again.

This is not even the saints and cardinals and epic knights who have not joined the westward war!

"Do you have to put in the demons of **** and the demons of the abyss. Is there hope to defeat the church?" Fernando thought in a confused mood.

Suddenly, he found that the tallest building in the city ahead began to shake violently, where the church ruled. The tallest building can only be a cathedral!

"What's going on? The legendary lords have launched an attack again?" The coalition forces had been driven back to Tria by the concentrated church forces, so Fernando only guessed this way.


"Is there information on the 'Red Eye' headquarters?" Ketonia looked majesticly in front of the night watchman.

The night watchman lowered his head: "Yes, the source of information is reliable."

He knew that it wasn't long before the epic knight in front of him caught the trap, so he told the source and details of the information originally.

Ketonia picked up the sword and hurriedly said, "They should be moving. I'll rush to stop now, and you inform Raymond that they will come."

"Yes, sir." The night watchman did not accidentally answer.

The hazy light shuttled between the clouds and soon approached a small town that looked very ordinary.

Ketonia shouted: "Evil magician, let's die!"

He incarnates "a long river of time" and shoots down mightily, with the goal being the city center.

Nielsen, who had time to transfer in the future, looked at this light, only one thought in his heart, finished ...

But time has been washed away, and he still lives in this world. The high-level magicians around him are alive. Only one eight-ring magician has died and turned gray. Of course, a red-eye mage farther away all fell on On the ground, they seem to have died for many years!

"The heart of time has fallen to a non-legend?" This was Nelson's first thought, but he soon saw Kotonia turned over and shouted outside the city: "You can't escape!"

amount? Nelson suddenly realized that he was pulling the high-level magicians next to him and ran away in the other direction, which was the prepared escape route.

Shortly after they left, Raymond and other epic knights arrived, and Crotonia said blankly: "Slow a step, the high-level transfer is gone, and only these dozens of middle and low-level magicians have time to escape."


"Dead Lord" Tananos put down his thick note and pulled out a dark black mirror from the storage bag.

He stroked the mirror, which gradually became clear, and the scene reflected was a room with a cross.

Glorious Cathedral ~ ~ The place where he was treated before, the shadows in the corner suddenly came alive, dark and distorted, just like the curse on the wound of Ketonia at that time.

"Death Lord" stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the mirror, and the whole person began to blur and merge into it.

The shadow squirmed and stood up, becoming a "death lord" covered in a hood!

His fuzzy face, two red flashes, locked the "angel angel" Franz near the teleportation array.


Douglas ended his research for a while, went out of the ground, sat on a rock, and watched the dim sky.

"The sun rises to the west, why is it so ..." Douglas still murmured a little obsessively.

To the west, the sun went down and turned red. (To be continued ...)

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