MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 3 wack

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The heavy rain was still there, but the lightning and thunderbolts were gradually scarce, so the night became darker.

In the basement of a manor on the outskirts of the manor, Fernando sat gloomily in the corner, and Roland walked back and forth anxiously, sneaking out to inquire about the news from time to time.

In fact, even the owner of this manor did not know that the evil magicians had turned his manor basement into their stronghold.

"The vigil was bewildered by our arrangement and chased in the wrong direction." After a while, Roland quietly flashed in, while avoiding several traps, while telling Fernando what he heard, "In accordance with the previous training, others The group broke into other strongholds, and the number of lost mage and apprentices had to wait until the matter calmed down. "

南 Fernando neither nodded or shook his head: "What I want to know is why can the black claw dog find it there?"

鲜 His bright red eyes seemed to hide a horrifying storm of brewing, which made Roland, a friend who was extremely familiar with him, take a step back subconsciously.

Roland calmly said, "Yes, this is also my question. The stronghold is very hidden, and it was the first time we opened it, and there was no sign of being tracked by the black claw dog along the way. I think maybe someone can't keep it up. Paw dog. "

His tone is not weak, betrayal, killing, and escape are the main themes of the late dawn war.

"Investigate secretly, do n’t provoke a lot of movement for the time being. Good traitors may be able to 'help' us, and now two or three people are evading in groups. No one but the two of us know where the other group is hiding. It is difficult for a traitor to cause too much loss. "Fernando's attitude was unexpectedly calm as Roland expected. He thought he would be furious, growl, and can't wait to spit out the traitor, torture him with all kinds of magic to help Ingrid revenge.

Roland bowed his head softly: "I understand what to do, to be honest, Fernando, I thought your temper would be out of control."

Fernando didn't smile at all: "My anger is waiting for a suitable time to erupt."

He sighed secretly. Although he and Roland have known each other for many years, he is an old friend, but he still does not know himself very much. He is provocative, irritable, likes growling, looks down on others, but he can Control yourself, understand the situation, and even if you are not convinced, you will not persist stubbornly in the face of solid facts and doctrines. Roaring is mostly the wrong thing, but now the best decision is what you do. You are very clear and angry. Will slowly accumulate until the day of the outbreak.

"From the habit and signs of shooting, it is the 'vulture' who directs the night watch team today." Roland shifted the topic to the analysis of today's attackers. "He has been hunting us for a long time."

"Vulture" is their slander to a high-level night watchman, the other party is the top 30 strong night watchman, eighth-level sky knight, code-named "hunter".

"Yes, at the end of the evacuation, he was hit by my" Shadow Arrow ", and he also broke my defense. If it was not triggered by a spell, maybe I must find a way to turn into a Lich." Fernando affirmed After Roland's speculation, then the anger was difficult to suppress the authentic, "We have to plan an operation, secretly hang him, and scare all the night watchmen, priests and knights who dare to hunt us, no longer work so hard!"

"Assassination of a ranked night watchman will provoke a rebound in the church. Maybe there will be a legend to chase us right away. Are you willing to give up the basis here?" Roland doesn't agree with Fernando's idea very much. The "union division union" is very weak, and it is time to evade attention and grow in silence.

"Because of our weakness, we need to do something big so that the magicians understand that there is hope for us. Anyway, there is a traitor. Most of the foundations of Paphos County must be passively abandoned, and our next goal is very clear. That is to draw the nobles who are dissatisfied with the church and hide behind them. "Fernando seemed to know Roland's thoughts, his black hair dangled messily, and the previous battle with the" Slayer "was not easy.

Roland said hesitantly: "I think again, we will discuss this matter when we receive Douglas."

"Okay," Fernando replied briefly.

Looking at Fernando who was silent, Roland seemed to see a storm of humanoid shape.

Uh ...

The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the faint smell of the sea sent by the wind makes these ports full of charm different from other places.

Fernando and Roland dressed as merchants who came to pick up the goods, walked back and forth in a fixed area of ​​the dock, and the corners of their eyes were placed where the sailboats docked. According to the agreement of Garros and Douglas, this would be the place to meet, and the two would The white gloves and the dark red handkerchief in the jacket pocket are the identity marks.

A classic sailing ship approached slowly, and Fernando and Roland brightened at the same time. This is the ship that Douglas was riding on, one day later than the scheduled time-the weather in the storm channel is bad, and it is very normal for the ship to be late. They are not surprised.

"Black Claw Dog!" Suddenly, Fernando's complexion changed slightly. He saw several men covered with capes leading dozens of noble knights and attendants to the place where the ship was about to dock. Their unique black gloves showed them clearly. identity of.

Roland's face was gloomy: "Is it a routine inspection, or is it specifically for Douglas?"

Since the fall of Antioch, more and more magicians have come to the Kingdom of Holm, and the church has begun to attach importance to the inspection of ships. Of course, with the manpower and energy allocated by them, most magicians can still hide their identities smoothly. Not specifically targeted, a master mage is not afraid of this level of inspection at all.

怎么 "How do I know!" Fernando growled in a low voice, "You must judge the strength of the night watchman."

At this time, a well-dressed businessman came in from outside the dock, and the two immediately stopped discussing and continued to pretend to be waiting for their own cargo.

"Good noon, two gentlemen, have your goods arrived?" This businessman is a tall man, about thirty years old, with a tall nose, thick black hair and a full forehead. The facial features can only be regarded as straight, not handsome. But those deep blue eyes gave him a unique temperament, a temperament that Fernando was quite familiar with.

Roland laughed with a smile: "Not yet. The sailboat carrying our cargo is probably blocked by the storm. What about yours?"

He talked enthusiastically like a real businessman.

"My goods are here, right in front of me," said the businessman with a smile.

"What?" Roland gave a stun.

Fernando understood it and whispered, "Douglas?"

Roland looked at the other side suddenly, only to notice that the young businessman was also wearing white gloves and a dark red towel in his chest pocket.

"Yes, you are friends of Garros?" The young businessman admitted his identity frankly and asked kindly, without seeming to be afraid of the night watchman on the opposite side, nor about the ambush nearby.

对 "Yes, you, how do you get in from the outside?" Roland felt a little confused.

Douglas grinned: "I disembarked early and came from the bottom of the sea, waiting for you in the port for a day."

His smile is a little joke, there seems to be a childlike cleanliness.

No wonder I wasn't worried about meeting the night watchman and ambush. I was afraid that I had checked the surroundings carefully before, and Roland suddenly felt like nothing.

"Delayed goods, let's come tomorrow, let's have a drink and talk." Fernando said in the language of the businessman, and he slightly hated Douglas in front of him, because he was also a head taller than himself! And not as skinny as Roland!

While the vigil inspected the sailing boat, the three magicians did not attract anyone's attention. They left here like other merchants on the dock, took a temporary hired carriage, and returned to the capital of Paphos County.

After changing several carriages in succession, the driver became a member of the "Magic Union", at which time Fernando and Roland formally introduced themselves.

"I'm the president of the union union in Paphos County, Fernando? Ballista, just call me Fernando, I don't like my last name." Fernando quietly pouted.

"Fernando? Ballista?" Douglas repeated his tone slightly, then smiled, "The‘ Dark Storm 'of the 296th place in the purification sequence? ”

Roland nodded instead of Fernando, saying it was him.

"Being able to enter the advanced level is included in the purification sequence. After reaching the seventh ring, it rises to the top three hundred. Fernando's magical power is probably better than the normal high-level mage." Douglas smiled and admired.

During this period, most of the magic empire's strengths remained, and there were many archmages and advanced magicians.

Fernando hesitated: "It's just that I have mastered and improved some of the spells and killed the Cardinal. How can you compare to you, the Master of the Nine Rings?"

I didn't care too much about Fernando's unconscious comparison. Douglas smiled calmly and said, "I? I didn't even get the purification sequence."

"I've always wondered about this, but you Arch Master, why didn't you enter the purification sequence?" Roland learned of the purification sequence from the killed night watchman, but there was no Derek on it. Douglas name.

Douglas whispered: "I have always been considered a strange guy when I was in Antivre. There is no magical future ~ ~ Being able to become a mage is based on the accumulation of time. The teacher The legacy of the war, the tempering in the dawning war, the chance encounters and a little idea of ​​their own, it is normal to not be valued by the church. After all, the wizards who trust in the church will dispel their thoughts and tell them that Douglas will never be able to become The legendary magician will not have any ambitions, he will only ask his own questions and wait for death slowly, it is not worth wasting too much power. "

He teased himself without being despised.

"Strange?" Roland and Fernando asked at the same time. In the previous conversation, Douglas not only did not show strangeness, but also talked funnyly and with a kind attitude, which made people unconsciously listen to his words, as if there was a natural leadership qualities.

At the same time, Fernando's impression of Douglas is much better, but he is frank that he can become a master, relying on the accumulation of time.

Douglas smiled: "Yes, I'm good at asking questions."

"What's weird about this." Fernando was puzzled and continued to introduce himself.

Douglas suddenly interrupted him: "You should be good at storm and lightning spells of the elemental system?"

当然 "Of course, the vigil is rarely wrong to get the nickname." Fernando nodded slightly.

Douglas fell into silence and murmured to himself: "Why lightning can kill people ... how is lightning produced ..."

Fernando and Roland looked at him in amazement. Isn't it natural that lightning can kill people? And why? It's really a weird ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give rewards to mobile phone (), your support is my biggest motivation.)

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