MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 31 Female companion

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"He? No wonder ..." Fernando whispered.

Although "real dreams" is a talented spell of the vampires, but they can marvel at the dreams of so many people and have their own thinking skills, then only Prince Dracula, the legendary peak blood family ——The fallen Abel ’s overall strength is better than Dracula ’s, but it is above “real dream” but worse than Dracula.

It is said that in addition to creating a dream of united people, Dracula can also make a living out of nothing. With his talent of devouring and plundering, he can substantiate his dream. The various creatures in it are like real, can think and communicate, but do not know that they are false. Yes, it's part of the dream.

Antec continued to explain to Fernando: "Dream Aalto masks the true Aalto, which can effectively prevent the onslaught of the legend of the church, and there have been many contradictions between the blood races, elves, dragons, dwarves and us humans. If you always exercise restraint, it will cause a big conflict. This is fine now. It is a dream, any contradiction can be resurrected even if it is vented. "

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly proudly: "Most of the power of the dream Alto comes from Prince Dracula, but the teacher, Stanisz, other classmates, and me have all made a certain contribution, so I can only For a moment I noticed that you were in a dream and came to 'take you'. "

Fernando looked deeply at the cowardly friend, and found that he finally shined a little of his own light, and then hesitated: "I'm afraid your contribution is not as big as the nails."

"Yes, it didn't take me long to advance to the next level." Antaike didn't humiliate. On the contrary, he was quite proud. It was his childhood dream to become a high-level magician. As for the higher order, he didn't even think about it at that time.

Fernando snorted and turned his attention to the battle ahead. The more he saw it, the more he was shocked. The blood and elves' talents, melee, bows and daggers did not see any falsehood, even the aftermath of the battle. real.

"This 'real dream' is not as bad as I imagined," he said reluctantly.

Antec knew his friend's personality, and just grinned, "Hehe."

Fernando was not upset, but suddenly thought of another thing: "Dracula is in Aalto? At this time. Shouldn't he be on the front line of Tria, or near Reims?"

Is the coalition's counterattack against the church completely contained?

"The first two days, Griffith became the new Pope and renamed Gregory. On the same day, the five legendary peaks of Prince Dracula, the Archaeological Dragon, Elven Queen, Mother Earth, and Lord of the Endless Ocean, King of the Sun and Star More than a dozen third-order powerhouses such as mentors, elemental dominators, tower scholars, masters of summons, masters of transformation, devil king, demigod lich, Taikoo red dragon, prince Seth, etc., and legends such as teachers attacked Lan again This is the strongest force that can be mobilized on the main plane besides the 'master brain' of the Dark Mountains. "Antec's mood was down, but he still introduced the current situation of the coalition to his friends.

Like "The King of the Sun," the "Teacher of the Stars" was not the legendary figure who created the astral system.

"The Lord of Endless Oceans has also joined the battle? The result is still a failure?" Fernando asked solemnly.

Antec nodded: "The Lord of Endless Oceans has to participate in the battle. If the Church of Truth wins. The sea will not be calm. Therefore, General Nine Seas and other maritime forces launched an attack on the church's coastal cities and dragged the left behind. Saint, ordinary cardinal, and epic knight. He came to Reims secretly to participate in this war. "

He paused. The expression was a bit sad: "The church is well prepared, and Gregory has shown the true god-like power, plus the King of Angels, Ivan, Rudolph, Felix, Hoffenberg, and Vaurit. The help of these people has repelled our full-strength attack without any damage, and even, if we do not retreat in time, I am afraid that many of you will fall. "

"As soon as he succeeds, he has a god-like power ... It seems that no matter whether the old pope died early because of the" surrender of magic ", the new pope has a god-like level." Fernando muttered to himself, this fact is really happy Can't get up, then, he hurriedly asked, "No legendary peak fell? No" Descent "?"

Anteke's mood recovered a bit: "Well, the new pope Gregory did not perform the‘ God Spell ’.”

"It seems that he has to" adapt "for a period of time to master" Shen Jiang Shu ", otherwise in such a war, using" Shen Jiang Shu "to kill a legendary peak will collapse the coalition confidence and completely collapse." Fernando The priests, including the pope, have always looked down on, and believe that their strength is not from themselves, and easy to obtain and easy to lose.

"Not necessarily." Antec retorted subconsciously. "If the Pope kills a legendary pinnacle with the" Shen Jiangshu ", the remaining few will definitely be afraid and afraid, but they will work harder and directly threaten their lives. The hidden dangers will be wiped out. How many times can the Pope use the "Descent of God"? "

"If you are all the magicians of the empire, this is still possible, but Dracula, Danissos, the elven queen, the goddess of the earth, and the Lord of the Endless Oceans have contradictions with each other, and even several can't wait to kill each other, Who would be willing to sacrifice himself and consume the Pope's second "Descent", killing him while he was completely weak? "Fernando mercilessly exposed Antec's delusion.

Antaike insisted on his own view: "Whoever sacrifices is not decided by himself, but the Pope. If they retreat, they will only be killed by the Pope one by one. There is no other possibility, and they can still fight together."

"Huh, it's too naive, and the pope who consumes the" downfall "also has god-like power." Fernando sarcastically, then he looked at the sky, "unless Yinyue can recover before the pope restores downfall. "

"Well, this is the best situation." Antec echoed with a little hope. "It's not possible, then ..."

Having said that, he suddenly shut up and looked forward, as if the battle that was about to end had attracted him deeply.

"Then what?" Fernando asked in confusion, with a little suspicion in his heart. The magicians may have their own plans.

Antec grinned: "Then retreat into the dark mountains, where the environment is complex. Not afraid of the church."

"Huh, a lying coward," Fernando commented briefly.

"Really, I really think so." Antec said sincerely.

Fernando ruthlessly exposed his mind: "You are you, others may not think so, even if the dark mountain environment is more complicated and the church advances a little, there will always be no hiding place for you."

"Oh, you'll know by then." Antec kept his mouth shut. "Well, I'll take you into the real Aalto. Hey, how good it is to live in such a dream."

"Don't be too addicted, the illusionist bewildered by his dreams will sooner or later go crazy." Fernando reminded.

Antec nodded, no squeak, and pressed his right hand over Fernando's shoulder. Ripples emanated from him.

The scene in front of Fernando suddenly shook, gradually blurred, and then cracked.

A moment of darkness subsided, and the sun was shining brightly in front of Fernando, and the long victorious city of Aalto was in front of him. It turned out that he had not yet entered the gate.

Around him, Antec emerged, communicating with him, and taking him through the heavily guarded city gate-afraid of the arrival of special night watchmen unaffected by dreams, into the real Aalto.

The real Aalto streets are empty. No figure was seen within a few hundred meters, silent. Like a pale ghost.

"Most of them are sleeping." Anteke pointed to his head. "The food you eat in your dreams comes from the power of Prince Dracula and can directly add energy."

"I am afraid that ordinary people cannot bear such a dream for too long." Fernando said solemnly.

Antec nodded: "At most three years, they will be soberly recovered regularly, uh, Fernando, I want to ask you a favor, help, help ..."

At this point, he suddenly stuttered, his face flushed, and Ai Ai was half a day, speechless.

"A coward who can't even tell anyone to help." Fernando looked at him scornfully.

It seemed to be stimulated by this sentence, Anteke's speaking speed accelerated: "Your transformation belt seems to work well, I don't see any strangeness at all, I want to ask you to pretend to be my female companion for a banquet. The guys always laughed at me for not finding a girl companion.

He didn't stop talking and almost didn't breathe.

"... Poor fellow." Fernando squinted at him before taking a long sigh.

After Antec said the request, the whole person was a lot more relaxed, using the message just obtained, "Aren't you trying to attract a group of potential magicians, it will be relatively simple to use the image of a beautiful lady."

"Is there a potential magician who is a male? Like me, there should still be girls who don't like it, and the most important factors are strength, future and future." Fernando said scornfully.

Antec pursed his lips: "But tonight's banquet is full of male magicians, uh, there are more than a dozen women with a good level of magic, but their leader is a girl who likes girls, you're done She and the other ladies will naturally follow. "

"That makes sense." Fernando nodded, thinking he was convinced, and he didn't rule out using a transformation belt anyway.

Antec saw Fernando's promise, but he was not quite assured: "Will the effect of your transformation be seen through? Their eyes are constant for some spell effects."

"No ~ ~ I have transformed this belt, and after using it, I become a complete woman. Everywhere, even the legendary magician, I can see at most that there is magic in me. Traces of the transformation, but I can't see what the transformation came from. However, it is still defective and cannot be pregnant ... "Fernando introduced the belt, focusing on the topic of taste.

Antec breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

As for whether taking off the transfiguration belt will cause the spell effect to be lifted, he will not be without common sense. The sign of using a magic item is the mental power control center instead of wearing it. .

Just when he was proud that he finally had a female companion, Fernando suddenly said: "The female companion you brought was fierce with others in front of you, would you be ashamed?"

Antec staggered: "It makes sense ..."

Then he hurriedly said, "That's fine."

"No, I already want to participate." Fernando stared ahead. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

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