MTL - Throne of Magical Arcana-v9 Chapter 46 "The Dignity of Nobles"

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Late at night, in the luxurious bedroom of the manor house.

Shirley's father gazed back and forth, complaining to Shirley's mother, "It's a good idea from you! What do you agree with the marriage contract, let the lowly boy start to contact the aristocratic circle, hit his confidence and make him Leaving Shirley on his own initiative, what happened? Instead, he held tighter! "

"Who knows he's so shameless!" Shirley's mother said grimly.

Shirley's father snorted: "You have seen too few people in the world, and you do n’t understand human nature at all. This poor boy only wants to become aristocracy through marriage. The more we show, the more he is full of desire, how can he leave ? "

"You know everything! You know everything! Then you still agree with me and promise the marriage contract?" Shirley's mother yelled sharply. "You can tell me, what can you do? Shirley is almost like magic I control my heart, I wo n’t listen to you! I threaten me with my life!

Xi Xueli's father's expression became cold and hey, "I certainly have a way."

Shirley's mother froze for a moment: "Do you have a way? What way? Why not say it earlier?"

A series of questions revealed her panic and anxiety.

"I found someone to observe this guy. He was very interested in herbal medicine and pharmacy. He often went to the marsh to find strange herbs." Shirley's father looked cold and raised his right hand. "After a while, Find a mercenary to follow him to the swamp, and then, click ... "

He made a gesture of pinching his throat.

"What? You want to kill him? Aren't you afraid that Shirley hates us for life? Aren't she afraid of her committing suicide? She often threatens us with her life!" Shirley's mother asked silently.

Xi Xueli's father showed a grinning smile: "How could she doubt us? We have been softened by her and promised good parents. If you want to kill him, how could you agree to the marriage contract?"

"You ..." Shirley's mother suddenly awakened. "That's why she promised a marriage contract?"

"Well, otherwise why would I give in?" Shirley's father nodded. "At today's banquet, the young people who liked Shirley looked very dissatisfied with the poor boy. Shirley should consider them skeptical. Object, jealousy has always been one of the main factors of crime. "

很好 "Very well, I don't want to see that poor boy again!" Shirley's mother smiled with satisfaction. "Dear, you are so smart. When you plan to do it, I have to look at Shirley."

Shirley's father shook his head: "Don't worry, I said, jealousy has always been one of the main factors of crime. Those kids are from aristocratic backgrounds. They have always been bold in dealing with civilians and can do everything, so observe first. For a while, maybe they can help us achieve our goal? Then we don't have to take the risk to find adventurers ourselves, hehe, I promised that the banquet was for this purpose. "

"You have always been right." Shirley's mother nodded with a smile.

Uh ...

In a guest room of the main house of Manor.

的 The three noble children who had been the most provocative at the previous banquet quietly gathered together.

"Andrew, my anger is hard to contain." One of the noble children with natural curly hair said angrily.

The tall and fat young aristocrat named Andrew said with a gloomy face: "Me too! Yes, I like Shirley very much, but she will be crazy before she can't get her, so if she marries another nobleman, I will only be sad and sad, but I will not do anything drastic, but, however, she is going to marry a civilian boy, a boy who has no hope of inspiring blood! This is an insult to my personality, an insult to the dignity of the nobility, How can I face other people at the banquet in the future? 'Yo, Andrew, you can't even match a civilian kid?' "

"Yes, I can't wait to kill him now!" Another young man with amber eyes waved his fist heavily.

The natural scroll aristocrat who spoke initially nodded vigorously: "I'm the same as you, but now that poor boy is Shirley's fiance. What we are going to do will excite the Baron Brunzel couple, who have nearby Broad influence. "

He looked very frustrated. Brunzel was the last name of Shirley.

一下 The room became quiet for a moment, and fell into an unspeakable silence.

Suddenly, Andrew snorted, "This kind of thing can be done without us."

"Huh?" The other two looked at him in confusion.

Andrew laughed: "I know a night watchman, as long as he complains that the poor boy is a magic apprentice."

他 "He is an apprentice to magic?" The young aristocrat with amber eyes asked in amazement.

"Whether it was before or not, it must be later." Andrew said viciously.

Oh! The other two nobles were no strangers to this kind of trick, and immediately understood what Andrew really meant.

"What if Baron Brunzel was going to rescue him?" Natural Volume Noble asked a question.

Andrew hesitated and laughed: "Since the church occupied Aalto, the magicians have been hiding more. Many night watchmen haven't killed the evil ones for a long time. It is said that the upper level of the tribunal is a bit dissatisfied with this, fearing that the low-level night watchmen will lose value, so As long as there is a clue from the magician, this part of the night watchman will certainly not let go, as long as the "evidence" is obtained before Baron Brunzel saves the man, and the poor boy confess, will the baron dare to oppose the court and the church? "

如果 "If there is no 'evidence', then the baron can't bear torture and 'death' before he saves people. Anyway, it is just a civilian, and no one will really hold it." The young aristocrat with amber eyes complemented the plan.

The aristocrat with natural curly hair was a little worried and said, "But in this way, will the vigil people get used to 'manufacturing magician', will they get on our heads?"

"Idiot, we are nobles!" Andrew cursed, "Well, everyone, get together" Kintal ", so that I can easily persuade the night watchman I know. "

While the three of them were actively discussing, there was a maid standing outside the door. She was holding a tea tray in her right hand, and her left hand was frozen in midair, keeping the posture in front of the door.

Her face was pale and her ears were shaking slightly, she could hear the sound inside clearly.

She is a human with a special bloodline. Although she did not excite the bloodline and became a knight, she was a little bit special from a young age. She was very good at listening, so she was sent to work in a guest room by the Brunsells.

She held her breath, the maid turned quietly, and left the door step by step. After passing the corner, she accelerated her pace and went to the master bedroom.

"Very well, you are doing well, I will handle this matter, you do not tell Xiaoyi sister lest she worry." Baron Brunzel said with an expression of indignation.

Hey, this plan is awesome. As long as tonight and tomorrow day, no matter what I do, Vicente's life will not be saved, Shirley, do n’t blame my dad for being powerless ... He rehearsed in his heart How to comfort Shirley's words, well, when Vicente was caught, she buried the maid in the garden.

Do things without leaving a little loophole.

一 大 In the early morning the next morning, the maid who had a nightmare woke up early and served breakfast to the guests. It turned out that the young nobles such as Andrew had left somehow.

"They started to act?" Thought the maid with a bit of anxiety in her heart. Sister Shirley was gentle and kind, and treated her servants very well. She never scolded and tortured. If her fiance died, she would be sad, no Know if Lord Baron has time to stop?

In the anxiety, she unknowingly walked to Shirley's bedroom and heard the soft female voice humming the cheerful and happy melody.

"My sister-in-law is very happy ..." She subconsciously wondered if she should tell her about this and asked her to tell Mr. Victor to hide and wait until Lord Baron resolved the matter before returning?

印象 In her impression, Andrew's family was much more prominent than Baron and therefore he was a little worried that Baron Brunzel could not stop it in time.

Hovering at the door, she always made up her mind. On the one hand, she was very good to her sister-in-law, and on the other, the order of Lord Baron.

Suddenly the door of the room opened, Shirley looked at her with a blank expression on her face, wondering why she appeared in front of her door.

After the atmosphere was frozen for a while, Shirley softly said, "Nice, what happened? Can I help you?" She thought that Nice was asking for help.

Da Nisi shivered and made up her mind in the soft voice. She looked around quickly and said quietly, "Enter into the room."

The door was closed, and Shirley heard that Niss had already told it all.

Her face suddenly turned pale, and her heart was filled with tide-like worries. If it was just a simple false accusation, she believed that she was begging her father to come forward. There should be no problem, but, however, Vicente's basement contained several bodies. Several corpses that were broken down by him!

If the night watchman finds out, who would believe that he is not a magician except himself?

父亲 Father and mother were not very satisfied with Vicente at first. It is possible to save and rescue under normal circumstances. In this case, they will never guarantee Vicente.

No, you must tell Vicente to destroy the corpses or return them to the swamp again! Shirley paced back and forth anxiously, and decided to rush to Vicente's house.

She doesn't want to let faster servants or guards go instead of herself, but how could the body tell someone!

Uh ...

New cemetery.

Oliver and another corpse were left here by the bald-headed man George, because the "gravekeeper" was just buried in the cemetery today, and the city hall and the church did not find a substitute for a moment, so he asked George to help the guard for two days When signs of undead creatures were found, the fireworks were lit immediately so that vigils could come.

George wouldn't stay by himself in this horrible cemetery, so he left Oliver: this **** boy, dare to seduce my daughter, I must let him know that I am the manipulator of his destiny!

If not worried about Oliver's escape ~ ~ he didn't even want another corpse.

Oliver was conservatively tortured during this time, and suffered unprecedented pain. Zhang Kuang's arrogance gradually disappeared from his young face, replaced with a numb expression, and his heart gradually matured.

"Only love is the only candlelight in this tragic world ..." He whispered, although George's daughter is not beautiful and is not the type she likes, but she warms her desperate heart.

Looked at the companion who seemed to want to have a fight with someone at any time, Oliver decided to go out for a lap.

"If you dare to escape, I'll catch you back and bury it alive!" Another corpse threatened him fiercely.

Oliver was in a bad mood again, and he didn't suffer much during this time.

After stepping out of the "Grave Keeper" hut, he slowly paced in the cemetery, and the thick body odor could no longer affect him in any way.

"Yinyue is so beautiful, but I am so miserable ..." Oliver looked up and looked at the bright silvery moon, and his emotions surged and his poems flourished, but when he was about to make a sonnet, Suddenly, there was a sudden scream in his mouth, "Ah!"

Crackling and clapping, a cemetery collapsed directly, numerous bone carrion exposed, and the slackness of the burial people created a patch of unstable ground. (To be continued, [this text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @ 凡 丶 乐]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤start◢◢ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users Read on.)

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