MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2225 purple orchid

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On the huge sealing platform, only one sacred dragon was imprisoned. It was struggling, and every time it moved, the power of the dragon would overflow.

The earth around the sealing platform is covered with huge cracks, such as deep ravines.

This place used to be the place to suppress Yanruen, but now Yanruen is dead.

Zi Chen's soul power exploration, except for the strong dragon energy, has no other effect here.


Floating between the heavens and the earth, are the dragon spirits one after another.

It was the reward from the Terrain Sect.

It is said that each one is very precious.

Yet there is a lot here.

Around the gully, there are some incomplete clothes and some dead bones, which are left behind.

Unaware of the danger, Zi Chen no longer hesitated, and with the movement of his mind, a steady stream of dragon-raising energy entered his body.

At the same time, Zi Chen walked to the sealing platform in front.

There was nothing in the gully under his feet, and the big demon should be dead.

After all, it has been sealed for countless years, and it has been consumed by the major heritage before. Of course, Zi Chen's last arrow played a decisive role.

It's not that he is strong and has superb archery skills, but that Da Yi's Demon Slayer Arrow has some kind of power in it.

Just as Zi Chen was about to walk to the sealing stage, a light suddenly burst out from the gully and went straight to Zi Chen.

This is the ruthless remnant of the soul!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

A ruthless voice came from the soul light, "It seems that those three wastes have completed their mission."

Soul light rushed into Zi Chen's soul to seize the house.

From the very beginning, Yan Ruan has made two-handed preparations, or he can successfully escape from the predicament, slaughter thousands of miles, and let the blood flow in this demon forbidden land.

If it is stopped by the background of the year, then open the gap from Zi Chen and rebirth.

An evil spirit-level congenital dao fetus does not humiliate his identity as a big demon.

The former really failed.

The latter is about to succeed!

When the ruthless remnant of the soul appeared, there were also demonic forces emerging from the gully.

At this moment, the sealing table has lost 90% of its functions, so it can no longer stop the ruthless.

The strong demon power poured into Zi Chen's body closely following the glutton, and wanted to demonize his body.

"You are not dead!"

In the sea of ​​​​knowledge, Zi Chen was shocked.

"Boy, you actually have a soul, which surprised me. But now, disappear for me!"

Xie Ruan turned into its body and devoured it towards Zi Chen.

The terrifying energy shook Zi Chen's soul sea, and this terrifying power made Zi Chen keep retreating.

With his current soul level, he can't fight against the ruthless, even if the opponent is just a wisp of remnant soul.

Zi Chen's soul retreated at a touch.

Come to Dantian.

Yan Ruan also followed, and it grinned: "Boy, don't play tricks, obediently be swallowed by me."

"You are too confident. When you get here, it is uncertain who will live and who will die."

Behind Zi Chen, a sacred heavenly dragon appeared, and the dragon was mighty.

"I hate this smell!"

The ruthless eyes became extremely cold.

Its demon soul was only shocked, and the holy dragon behind Zi Chen collapsed directly.

This is the difference!

But Zi Chen was not afraid at all. Without the power of the divine dragon, Zi Chen's strength was truly revealed.

A dilapidated spring appeared from behind Zi Chen.

"What kind of **** is this?"

Seeing Quanyan, Yan was stunned, "Even the holy heavenly dragon can't help me, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yan Ruan suddenly widened his eyes and exclaimed, "The Fountain of Youth! This is the Fountain of Youth!"

This time, it was Zi Chen's turn to have a strange look in his eyes, thinking, have you seen this thing before?

"No, it's not the Fountain of Youth, it's the avatar of Fountain of Youth, this is a Yin Fountain!"

Yan looked at Zi Chen earnestly, his expression became extremely excited, "You kid, you can actually appear with the Yinquan of immortality, it's really not an ordinary evil spirit! It seems that God has favored me, knowing that I have been sealed for many years. , There is no one in strength, so give me a sip of the Yin Fountain of Agelessness."

After he finished speaking, Yan Ruan started to devour Zi Chen again, and he couldn't wait any longer.


The immortal Yinquan was shocked, and the rays of light erupted, blocking this devouring power.

Xie Ren failed to tear this youthful Yinquan apart. It seemed that the quality of this item was even higher than the Heavenly Dragon Power cultivated by the Dragon Raising Method.

Yan Ruhen couldn't attack for a long time, and his heart became more and more impatient, and finally he directly used his supernatural powers.

As if the Nether opened up, one side of the world was pressed down towards Zi Chen.

Feeling the power of this world, the youthful Yinquan also began to tremble, and there were signs of collapse.

However, every time it collapses, a ray of strange energy will overflow from the Yin Fountain of Agelessness, stabilizing the Yin Fountain of Agelessness.

"That's it?"

Zi Chen smiled coldly, since he dared to come here alone, he naturally had some trump cards.

I saw the youthful Yinquan shook slightly, and a ray of light flew out from it, like a meteor, smashing into the nether world.


There was a huge earthquake in the dantian, and the terrifying air wave spread throughout the dantian world, and Zi Chen's body also shook violently.

The nether world collapsed in an instant.

The light also turned back and fell into Zi Chen's hands.

It's the Stone of Heaven!

Back then, it came out with Zi Chen, and stayed in the Fountain of Youth, being irrigated and nourished by Zi Chen's spiritual power, until it was taken out by Zi Chen today.

The nether world was shattered, Yanruen suffered heavy losses, and his soul became very dim.

Do it again, you must die!

"Boy, my demon power has been injected into your body now, and then you wait for the demonization!"

Xie Ren already felt that his life was about to end. At this moment, his eyes were full of resentment, obviously not making Zi Chen feel better.

That small stone gave it a feeling of extreme danger.

The most important thing is that it contains the breath of the Great Dao, which can overcome him.

Just as Yan Ren was waiting for Zi Chen to be demonized, he saw that in the Sealing Platform, that seed, touched again, belonged to Yan Ren's demon power, and was swallowed by it again.

Yanhen knew for a long time that the little thing was left unintentionally back then, and it should have withered long ago. I wonder if it was because of the sealing platform. , it never cared.

It never occurred to me that today it suddenly became uncharacteristically, plundering half of its own demon power, and it showed signs of recovery.

Now at this most critical time, he devoured the other half of his demon power.

But at this moment, its soul is on the verge of collapse, and there is no way to prevent this scene from happening.

That seed forcibly dragged out the demon power pouring into Zi Chen's body, swallowing it up.

And the seeds that have been silent for many years have finally changed.

It grows, emerges green buds, and finally blooms into a purple orchid.

The flowers bloom, and the spiritual power surges in the stamens.

The spiritual power is transforming and becomes very pure. When it reaches a limit, this purple orchid finally returns to nothingness.

There was one more woman in the field.

She was naked, her skin was as smooth as jade, without any blemishes.

She stood there, her eyes full of confusion, as if she hadn't figured out the situation.

At first glance, she saw Zi Chen.

At this moment, Zi Chen had just returned to his senses when he saw the young, perfect girl, like a white jade statue carefully carved by a master sculptor.

Even though Zi Chen had seen a lot of stunning people in the world, he was amazed at the moment.

Not to be indecent, he turned around quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were here."

A faint fragrance came, and the girl had come to Zi Chen, looking at him with her head tilted.

Confused and full of curiosity.

"Girl, please put on your clothes." Zi Chen quickly looked up at the sky.


The girl looked at herself and then at Zi Chen, and noticed the difference between the two.

The next moment nods to show understanding.

She grabbed Zi Chen and wanted to undress him and put it on herself.

Zi Chen: ? ? ?

The woman was wearing the clothes given by Zi Chen and stood beside her, staring at a pair of big eyes as bright as gems, like a curious baby.

Zi Chen walked towards the holy heavenly dragon.

The power of the ban is disappearing, and it will not be long before the sacred dragon will collapse and turn into the power of the dragon.

Zi Chen came to the sealing stage, successfully took away this sacred dragon, and put it into the Yin Fountain of Agelessness.


Losing the holy dragon and the stinger, the seal table collapsed directly.

This seal, which existed for an unknown number of years, disappeared.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth no longer gathered, but began to gradually dissipate.

From now on, there will be no more demon-forbidden land in the land of demons.

When he came, Zi Chen ran all the way without stopping at all.

When returning, Zi Chen deliberately slowed down, because he wanted to teach the girl next to him some basic common sense.

Zi Chen didn't know her origin, and the girl couldn't tell her own.

She was wearing a large robe given by Zi Chen, and her long sleeves were tossing around, as if she was singing a big show, which was very interesting.

She is like an elf, bouncing around Zi Chen, extremely energetic, and never tires.

She has a lot of words, but her voice is very pleasant, like Cui Ming singing.

At the same time, her learning ability is super strong, Zi Chen only needs to say it once, she can completely remember it, and she does a good job.

"Zi Lan, hee hee, I have a name too. Zi Chen, Zi Lan, are we a couple? Like that pair of birds?"

Ziling was very excited and pointed to two birds that were covered by leaves a thousand meters away.

Zi Chen was slightly startled, but he didn't expect this. The reason why he called her Zilan was because he had seen a faint purple light flickering on her body before, and at the same time she had a faint fragrance of purple orchid on her body.

Seeing that Zi Chen didn't respond, she thought it was a default, and was even more happy, "I also have a pair, Zi Chen, Zi Lan is a pair! Then should we have another litter of little Zi Chen, little Zi Lan?"

Next to the two birds, there is a nest with newly hatched chicks in it.

Zi Chen shook his head helplessly, "This metaphor is wrong, don't say it in the future."

"Oh fine."

The girl is a little lost.

Zi Chen was also a little lost, he missed his family.

Wu Hao widened his eyes and looked at Zi Chen carefully.

Wang Yiling's eyes widened and she looked at Zilan carefully.

When I went alone, there was one more person when I came back.

And this girl is too beautiful, she is amazingly beautiful.

Wang Yiling is a rare beauty, but in front of this girl, she is still slightly inferior.

Wu Haoqi is very happy, very happy!

It wasn't because of the girl's perfect face, and her perfect figure that could not be concealed even in a robe that was too wide to fit. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But with such a beautiful girl by his side, Zi Chen would definitely not miss his Linger anymore.

This is a very happy thing!

Liu Yu recovered for a while, and then left with Mo Lao, leaving the two to continue to wait for Zi Chen.

As for the others, they left early in the morning.

After all, such a big thing happened, they must go back to the sect to have a look, or report it to the sect.

Not in a hurry along the way, Wang Yiling began to tell Zilan some life precautions, the first of which was to ask Zilan to change out of Zichen's clothes, which should look better.

Girls should be pretty.

As a result, Zilan was reluctant.

It took half a month.

When the group returned to the fallen demon area, they knew what happened.

Looking at the above content, Zi Chen was shocked.

Two mountains, three sects, four clans, and five cities, except for one Maoshan that suffered little loss, the other forces were unwilling to revive the foundation in advance to stop the big demon, and as a result, the foundation was forced to recover.

Now, they have dropped from the top sect in the land of the demons to the third-rate sect, or even a bit lower.

The suzerain and elder of the clan each fell to a great realm.

The other disciples in the sect fell to a small realm.

This was still Zi Chen's shot in time. If he waited for a while, the various sects might lose a few more realms.

This is information from the Mythical Alliance, detailed and true.

For the time being, there was nothing else to do, so the group temporarily stayed in this Fallen Demon area.

On this day, just as Zi Chen returned to the room, Zi Lan ran all the way, still wearing Zi Chen's robe, and saluted him, "Master, you're back, Zi Lan greets the master."

Zi Chen: ? ? ?


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