MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2234 lost town

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Zi Chen took out the jerky and gave Wang Yiling and Zi Lan a taste, it tasted really good.

I gave a few more dollars to the back kitchen for everyone to taste.

Finally, I went back to the room and opened the interlayer of the oiled paper bag. Inside was a thin map.

The material is unknown.

In the evening, Zi Chen decided to launch jerky.

At the same time, I would like to thank Lao Gao.

The two sat and drank alone, and Lao Gao told the truth.

More than a year ago, Lao Chen had been helping the Liu family with things, and relying on the resources given by the Liu family, he broke through and became Tan Ling.

After a storm swept across the desert, a small town appeared from under the wind and sand, and Lao Chen and a group of people strayed into it.

That small town was very evil, and the people who entered it all died for no apparent reason. At first, Lao Chen thought that he would definitely die, but he ran out in a daze, and got a map.

He was going to give the map to the Liu family, maybe he could get a bigger reward, but he found that other people who came out first went to the Liu family and never came back.

Just guess the reason!

Knowing that his time was short, Lao Chen turned back from the desert and handed the map to Lao Gao without even telling his family members.

Because he knew very well that the Liu family would definitely kill them all.

In any case, they will all die in the end, and the members of the Liu family must not be taken advantage of.

On the day when Lao Chen entered the desert, he made a temporary decision, hoping that Zi Chen could protect his wife and children.

Zi Chen said: "So, this is a deal?"

Lao Gao shook his head, "No. Lao Chen didn't know the strength of Boss Chen, but he was desperate and wanted to give his family a chance. Before he left, he told me to hand over the map to Chen regardless of whether his wife and children were saved or not. boss."

"Actually, I was impulsive and hurt Boss Chen. I shouldn't have gone looking for Lao Chen's body. I got the map the second time I went out, but things didn't calm down, so I didn't dare to take it out. I have been waiting until now."

Lao Gao insisted on going to the desert once after recovering from his injuries.

Zi Chen does not agree with the matter of being involved.

As long as he tried his best to protect Lao Chen's wife and children, he would naturally confront the Liu family.

"What's in here?"

Zi Chen looked at the patterns on the map.

"I don't know. In fact, Lao Chen doesn't know either, but the Liu family seems to want it very much."

The whole story is not difficult to understand.

After discovering that other people had disappeared, Lao Chen expected that he would die.

But Lao Chen is also a ruthless person, he would rather be broken than broken, and he didn't even tell his wife and children about it.

This is also where Lao Chen is smart. If the Liu family insists on finding someone, even if his family hides in the remotest corners of the world, they will still be found and killed.

Zi Chen has only been to the desert once, and he has not gone deep into it. He is not familiar with the environment there, so he can't understand this map no matter how he looks at it.

Will there be mantras and mantras recorded in it?

This thought disappeared in a flash.

There are many secrets in the endless desert, including the legendary mantra.

But over the years, countless adventurers have buried their bones here, but no one has even seen the shadow of the mantra.

Zi Chen doesn't think that this is the mantra.

Naturally, he didn't care.

The business in the store is very good, and the back kitchen is even busier, because there is also a need to make jerky.

Fortunately, Zichen is not stingy, everyone has extra overtime pay, so everyone is happy to work overtime.

Even the service staff in front took the initiative to stay.

The first batch of air-dried meat was made three days later, and it was mainly roasted. After all, the time was limited, but the taste was not bad.

As soon as it was put out, it was snatched up by everyone.

The number of people in the market town has increased significantly in the past few days, and Zichen, who was sitting at the base of the wall with the adventurers, felt an unusual atmosphere.

Things might be changing here.

He looked at the adventurers, "Don't go out these days, save some money. If you are really hungry for wine, you can order half a portion and give you a bowl of wine."

Seeing Zi Chen's expression, these adventurers were taken aback, "Boss Chen, something happened?"

"It's hard to say, anyway...don't waste time."

Zi Chen said: "Remember what I said, the next ten spirit coins will still give you a bowl of wine."

"Boss Chen, then you will lose money." An adventurer said.

"I'm not afraid of losing money. As long as you are still alive, you will always come to send me money in the future. This is a hidden package, waiting for you to trigger it."

Zi Chen looked forward.

A team of seven came here, all of them were young. The leader saw the adventurers around and saw the signboard here, and felt very interesting.

"There is not enough dry food. Everyone eats barbecue every day on the road, and they have long been tired of eating. I didn't expect that there is a barbecue restaurant here, and the business is so prosperous. Come, go in and have a taste, and see what's different about his house."

The business in the store is better.

At the end of the month, because of the good benefits, each employee was paid two months' salary.

Wu Haoqi finally came back.

"Get ready for the desert!"

He is dusty.

After eating and downing a bowl of wine, he informed the situation in detail.

Recently, there has been a news circulating in the desert that the mantra spell is in a town that has disappeared for thousands of years, and this lost town is about to appear recently.

"This news was originally discovered by the Liu family in secret, but it was leaked by their insiders, making it known all over the world."

Wu Hao smiled coldly, "It's all right now, everyone is here, and the Liu family can no longer keep secrets."

Zi Chen nodded as a response.

In fact, he didn't have much interest in mantras and mantras from the very beginning.

"Hey, what's your attitude? That's a mantra! Every word contains great power. There are only nine words, and the number is less than the mythical mantra!"

;Zi Chen was very cooperative and surprised, "Oh, that's pretty good."

Seeing Wu Hao's dissatisfied expression, Zi Chen took out the map.

"What the hell?"

Wu Haoqi took it and opened it, and some lines were drawn on it.

"Old Chen died because of it, said it was brought out from a small town." Zi Chen said.

"The lost map?"

Wu Haoqi's eyes lit up, and his breathing became short of breath, "The lost map is actually in your hands!"

The fact that the Liu family lost an important map has long been spread in the desert. It is said that they have killed many people for this map.

Wu Haoqi had been gloating before, and unexpectedly saw the lost property.

Zi Chen corrected: "This is not something from the Liu family, it was bought by Lao Chen with his life."

Wu Hao looked at it angrily, but didn't see any tricks.

"The news is that the Liu family has pieced together a map that can reach the outer part of the lost town, but the inner map of the town is lost. Maybe this is the one."

Wu Hao said excitedly: "Zichen, we are going to be lucky."

Zichen didn't know if he would go or not. Anyway, before dawn the next day, he was dragged up by Wu Haoqi.

A group of four packed up their daily necessities and embarked on a desert trip.

Before leaving, Zichen told everyone that if there is trouble, they must not hold on, and they must know the truth of admitting cowardice.

As long as people are alive, everything is fine.

As for other things, we will talk about them when they come back.

After leaving the market town, I found that there were a lot of passers-by, and their targets were all deserts.

On the endless desert, black spots appear from time to time.

These are adventurers.

Come by chance.

People fly by in the sky from time to time, and the weakest ones are all big men at the Chengshan level, making the hard-working passers-by below envious.

"Chengshan, when will we arrive, I really want to know how it feels to fly to the sky."

Wu Hao looked enviously at a ray of light going away.

"There is news from the family, let's go at full speed!"

A voice sounded from behind, and then a team of a hundred people rushed forward.

They were all at the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm, and the leader was the Spiritual Enlightenment Nine Heavens.

Zi Chen turned around inadvertently, and found a familiar face from inside.


That day, he plotted against Zi Chen in the forbidden place of demons, but was almost killed by Zi Chen. In the end, three companions and a younger brother died, and he escaped alone.

It is said that during this period of time, Du Qi has mobilized many contacts and almost searched Yiyang County just to find Zichen.

"Let's speed up too, maybe that lost town will appear soon." Wu Haoqi couldn't wait.

Continue on the road at night.

Two days later, everyone gathered in a huge desert.

There's no markings to be seen from here, and there's nothing unusual about the terrain.

The strange beasts within a radius of ten miles have been emptied, and there are thousands of adventurers in various camps.

"I seem to have been here before. Could it be that the lost town is here?"

Wu Haoqi couldn't believe it.

It's not too far from Gesha market town, only a few days away. Many adventurers have been here before, and they have never seen any small town.

The members of the Liu family felt as if they had eaten a dead mouse. After the news leaked out, they were coerced and had no choice but to share information.

Facing the doubts of the big forces at this moment, they can only explain.

It turns out that the coordinates on the map are always changing, like the town is moving silently, and the location is never fixed.

This is also the reason why very few people have met the small town over the years.

Without a map, you can only go in by, but you may not be able to come back alive.

Only one day later, under the clear sky, a strong wind suddenly blew.

A huge tornado storm formed between cups of tea and swept across the world.

The storm connected the sky and the earth, and the yellow sand in the sky was swallowed by the storm. The huge movement made people dumbfounded.

Some of the adventurers started to back away, with panic in their eyes.

There are still some who persist in place, their whole bodies glow with light, resisting the devouring force from the storm.

The storm lasted for another cup of tea, then vanished into thin air.

Where the storm once raged, a lost town emerges.

The town streets are deserted, but clean as new.

Immediately there were exclamations from all around.

"The lost town is alive!"

"Call the others back!"

In the exclamation, others began to call for their companions, and some of them retreated before.

But when I turned my head, I found that there was no one in the distance.

Those who retreated before seemed to be in a different time and space from them.

"The people who retreated before have all disappeared."

Wu Haoqi also noticed this.

Zi Chen said: "It's not that they disappeared, but that we came to another place, and the time and space are disordered. We may not be in the desert now."

The three of them looked at Zi Chen in puzzlement.

"The appearance of the storm is similar to some kind of teleportation, bringing all the people who were still in the field here."

Although many people disappeared, thousands of people remained in place.

The moment they saw the lost town, everyone shouted excitedly and rushed forward.

Then, the first group of people who rushed in were mutilated without warning, blood flowing like a river.

The exclamation stopped abruptly.

There was a dead silence all around.

Read The Duke's Passion