MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2243 Let the hatred come more violently

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Chen Shi had already done well, but heard a more stringent departure condition.

After all, Chen Zheng was just a customer in Boss Chen's shop, and the two of them were neither relatives nor relatives.

If Boss Chen could help her and save the lives of her mother and son, that would be the utmost benevolence.

What else can I hope for?

"Boss Chen, you... did you say something wrong?"

Chen looked at Zi Chen blankly.

Zi Chen said: "That's right, it's 70% of the total profit!"

This is the number after Zi Chen's careful consideration.

After all, he can't stay here forever, and he has even more ambitious goals.

Chen's is different.

She can stay here forever, as long as the Gesha market town exists, as long as the small shop exists, there will be a steady stream of income.

"Boss Chen, this..."

Chen didn't know how to respond, because this was completely unexpected.

Zi Chen said: "I suggest you choose the latter, because there is still a place to live."

Chen looked at Zi Chen in a daze, "Boss Chen, why?"

She didn't think that Boss Chen had taken a fancy to her beauty.

According to Boss Chen's strength and financial resources, what kind of woman can't be found?

It is impossible to miss her with her son.

"Chen is just my guest. He has invited me to drink many times, and we are considered friends. Since he entrusted me to take care of you mother and son, I will naturally do it. Moreover, once we leave, it may be a long time I will not come back, rather than leaving this store deserted, it is better to give it to someone I know."

Zichen did not tell Chen how much that map helped him.

This is Zi Chen's selfishness.

In fact, it is also the protection of the mother and child.

Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

"I'm going to take the recipe of the seasoning with me, and I won't allow you to make it yourself in the future."

Zi Chen continued: "In the future, this small shop can only sell the most common barbecue. To attract customers, it needs fresh ingredients and sincere management. With these foundations, there should be no problems in future business."

"It's not that I don't want to tell the ingredients, but that once we leave, we have no time to take care of this place. If the small shop continues to be so independent, there will always be problems."

There are no shortage of greedy people anywhere, at least the administration has been eyeing it all the time.

Zi Chen is still here, so he can calm down the opponent.

Once Zichen leaves, there may be no problem in a short time, but something will happen after a long time.

If you are lucky, it may just be that the small shop is closed. If you are not lucky, your family may be ruined!

"I have given you 70% of the profit. I have considered it carefully. Don't think too much, and don't think too little. I will distribute the remaining 30% to other people. In this way, everyone's enthusiasm can be guaranteed."

"Of course, this is a secret. Don't make it public. To the outside world, we are still the shopkeeper of this store, and 70% of the profits are also ours."

"Before I leave, I will appoint you as the temporary shopkeeper and declare to the outside world that I will give you 10% of the profit. Your quality of life can be improved appropriately, but don't overdo it, so as not to attract the attention of others."

"When Zai Zai grows up, you can send him to the academy to practice."

Zi Chen explained everything he could say.

Next, just wait for Chen's consent.

Of course, if Mrs. Chen chooses to ask for spiritual money, Zichen will also give her a fortune, which is enough for her to spend her next life with ease.

But Zi Chen can't guarantee whether he can keep these wealth.

"On behalf of the young Zai Zai and the dead old Chen, thank you, Boss Chen, for your kindness!"

Chen directly knelt down.

Zi Chen received a bow.

That's how it was agreed.

She chooses the first one.

Zichen also found the backbone of the first few black shops, and gave them the remaining 30% of the profits.

This time I changed the saying, saying that they are going to travel far away and cannot come back for the time being, and they need their help to take care of the business.

Of course a few people have no opinion.

In other words, since I started a serious business, I realized that the speed of accumulating wealth is far faster than the previous black shop.

it's getting dark.

People from the Du family and the Liu family also came.

After suffering such a big loss in the small town, there is no end to this matter.

Relying on the absolute number of powerful members of the family, they did not choose to attack at night, but informed them clearly that they went to destroy the 'not a black shop' the next day!

This evening, the bigwigs from the Administration came out in person and hosted a banquet for the two families.

While talking bad things about Zi Chen, he was clinging to the two families.

"Don't worry, after tomorrow, there will be no 'non-black shops' here. I will hang all their bodies outside the market town."

The two families made a vow and were full of confidence.

Someone tipped off Zi Chen.

This is exactly what Zi Chen wanted.

This battle has to be vigorous and vigorous, playing the spirit of the Mythical Alliance.

The next day, there were no customers in the tavern.

Instead, hundreds of meters away, many people gathered.

They were all here to watch the fun, and of course there were also some drinkers, who were full of worries about Boss Chen and the others.

In other words,,,..version. 】

The people from the management bureau also arrived, and they occupied an excellent place to watch the battle. The person who had met with Zi Chen sneered and said, "Look, after today, there will be no such fraudulent shop!"

People from the Liu family and the Du family started to advance from both sides of the street.

The breath around them is released.

The weakest is the Sixth Heaven of Enlightenment, and even the Ninth Heaven of Enlightenment has a few.

Cheng Shan is at the end.

Some of them are the elites who survived the small town, and the other part are the people who stayed in the market town before.

They want to carry out a devastating blow to the "not black shop".

The four of Zichen walked out of the store and stood on the spacious street.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Zichen said with a smile: "This kind of situation is rare, people who don't know, think that our store will not be able to operate."

Wu Hao laughed very cooperatively.

Seeing that Boss Chen was still talking and laughing happily, the drinkers felt a little less nervous.

"You four, come and kneel down for me to admit my mistake!"

Liu Jia was the first to roar, "Otherwise, I will crush your black spot and kill everyone!"

"Just you coward?" Wu Hao looked disdainful.

"Shame on you?" Liu Jia's eyes were full of murderous intent.

Wang Yiling asked directly: "How to fight this battle?"

Zi Chen thought for a while, "Peace is the most important thing first."

After finishing speaking, he took a few steps forward, "Everyone, we have no grievances or enmities with your two families. There is a saying that it is better to make friends than to resolve them. Why don't I invite you to drink and let us clear up this misunderstanding?"

When Liu Jia heard this, he laughed loudly, "It's only now that you come to reconcile, don't you think it's too late? Where is your madness in the lost town?"

Du Qi also sneered, "Why, are you afraid? Grandson, come and kneel down for Grandpa, first kowtow and admit your mistake!"

Zi Chen's sudden confession also made others stunned.

Where did the previous calmness go?

Zi Chen explained: "You also know that I am in business, and I don't want to mess with you. So, peace is the most important thing, okay?"

"Kneel down and beg me." Liu Jia laughed jokingly, "By the way, call Grandpa a few times to listen!"

Du Qi also said with a smile: "I also have the same request! Call Grandpa first, or else we won't talk about it!"

Then he looked behind him, "Everyone, what do you think?"

"Haha, call grandpa first, and call more times!"

The people of the two families are booing.

"And we, too, are happy to be grandpas!"

Of course, the people in the administration will not miss this opportunity to take advantage.

In their eyes, Zi Chen and the others are already dead!

Zi Chen had a bitter face, "Everyone, I intend to resolve the misunderstanding with you, but you are insulting me. You... bully people too much!"

Liu Jia laughed loudly, "Idiot, did you see that? We not only insulted you, but also killed you! By the way, although the two women beside you have a good figure, they are really ordinary in appearance, otherwise we don't mind using them first and then killing them." !"

Zi Chen sighed, "Look, if you don't want to give me face, you will be aggressive instead, so don't blame me for being rude."

Then he looked at Wang Yiling again, "Since we fight, let's hit the big one, kill these two idiots first, and make the hatred more intense. Remember, don't let anyone go!"

Wang Yiling disappeared.

"This is…"

Everyone was stunned. Such a strange method is rarely seen.

Liu Jia had a disdainful expression on his face, "You have the ability to play tricks..."

Before he finished speaking, his neck began to spurt blood.


The butler next to him yelled in shock.

He was on guard before, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

The young master had his throat cut.

"It's God's Hidden!"

From the other direction, Du Qi yelled and said in shock: "This is a mythical spell: God's Hidden!"

Mythical spells are different, but each type will only be mastered by one person and will not be repeated.

Shenyin is Wang Yiling's special technique.

And Wang Yiling was with Zi Chen again.

Subconsciously, Du Qi looked at Boss Chen.

Then, he was scared to death.

Because Boss Chen held his hands empty, a bow has been pulled away by him, and the feathered arrow has been condensed.

"Zi Chen, you are Zi Chen!"

Du Qi yelled in!

The bowstring trembled, and feathered arrows flew out.

Pierce directly through Du Qi's chest.

In an instant, the two young masters who were arrogant before fell to the ground one after another.

This scene was too unexpected.

When everyone looked at Boss Chen again, they realized that Boss Chen's appearance had changed drastically.

It is no longer the ordinary and greasy shopkeeper who made dirty jokes with adventurers.

He is clearly a handsome and extraordinary young master!

"Hey, grandchildren, don't even think about leaving."

Wu Haoqi also returned to his original appearance, and with a wave of his hand, golden lights scattered in all directions, turning into golden armored warriors.

Mythical spell: Sprinkling beans into soldiers!

All around exclaimed again.

This move shocked everyone.

Zilan took a step forward, and the brilliance flowed around her body.

She also showed others with her original appearance, showing her alluring face, like a peerless fairy who descended from the fairy world.

Even though she was still wearing that ill-fitting loose robe, it didn't affect her temperament at all.

Immediately, countless people lost their minds.

One thought.


Plants grew out of the ground and entwined towards the people on both sides of the street.

"Boy, die!"

A Cheng Shan flew up, and the terrifying coercion swept towards the four of them.

"Old man, just you?"

With a look of disdain, Zi Chen took out the sunset bow.


As the sunset bow was pulled away, the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth began to riot, like a storm of spiritual power, converging towards the sunset bow in Zi Chen's hand.

Spiritual power turned into feather arrows.


At this moment, Zi Chen's whole body is also shining, like a heavenly man!


The shining feather arrow pierced the sky.

Like a bolt of lightning!


Cheng Shan, who had just vacated, fell towards the ground.

Read The Duke's Passion