MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2260 negotiated

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The elders of Zhenyao Mountain came up with a strange trick, enraged Zi Chen, led him into Zhenyao Mountain and killed him.

So a group of disciples began to speak foul words, which were very unpleasant.

All the words they could imagine were used.

Apart from yelling at Zi Chen, the main target was Zi Lan and Wang Yiling's female issues.


Zichen walked out of the flower pavilion, took out the sunset bow and shot an arrow.

The feather arrow passed through the gate of Zhenyao Mountain and entered the sect.

The background did not recover, and the six disciples at the front were pierced through their chests.

One arrow fell, and another flew out.

Arrow after arrow.

After the four arrows passed, there were no living Zhenyao Mountain disciples before the mountain gate.

Within a few hundred meters, dozens of people fell in disorder, and fanaticism and panic could still be seen on their faces.

Fanatics are dead before.

The panic was shot to death by Zi Chen when he was running away.

"A bunch of cannon fodder, why bother?"

Zi Chen sighed, and then continued to shoot arrows.

This time the range extended to about a kilometer, and no matter whether these people had yelled or not before, they didn't let it go now.

After killing one round, Zichen returned to Huating.

After that, there was no more noisy sound outside.

At the same time, with Zichen as the center, the range of one kilometer has become an absolute forbidden zone, and the disciples of Yaoshan Town are afraid to even go to the mountain gate.

The elders were in the conference hall, cursing Zi Chen as usual.

Then the elder who came up with a bad idea was scolded by everyone.

Because the current disciples have already begun to disobey orders, and no longer go to the door to curse people.

Even if the elders let the station stand far away and scold them, none of them will participate!

The kilometer range of Zichen has become a restricted area.

"It's those idiots who don't know how to take cover, so it's okay to stand farther away and scold." The elder was still sophistrying.

A few days later, Zilan left the area and came back half an hour later.

She disposed of all the gains from the last time through the Mythological Alliance, exchanged them for cultivation resources, and handed them over to Zi Chen.

This time the three were not evenly divided.

Zi Chen had nothing to do, so he began to break through.

Seven days later, the world changed.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth poured into Zi Chen crazily, forming a huge spiritual power vortex around him.

This almost plundering method attracted everyone's attention.

The Seventh Heaven of Enlightenment.

Another promotion!

This is definitely not good news for Zhenyao Mountain.

For more than a dozen miles around Zhenyao Mountain, all the spiritual power has been plundered, and all the plants are withered, showing signs of dilapidation as far as the eye can see.

This is the first time that Zi Chen has plundered life without leaving any room.

In the new flower pavilion, Zichen is drinking tea.

After breaking the border, this is a rare leisure time.

Elder Wang is still retreating, no matter what they call, he just won't come out.

Zichen, who was promoted, brought a lot of pressure to Zhenyao Mountain.

The food on the mountain was almost gone, the elders could not eat it, but the disciples could not, and the handymen had to live.

"Zichen, we are almost out of food, are you going to starve to death all of us here?" Someone stood in the distance and shouted loudly, "Do you still have a conscience?"

Zi Chen replied: "It is very simple to solve this problem."

The man's eyes lit up, "You agree to let us go out to transport food?"

"You let half of the people stand up, and I will shoot to death with one arrow, and your food will last longer."

"Are you even human? Butcher, demon!"

Zhenyao Mountain is very angry, but there is no way.

Another seven days passed, and the disciples became very anxious, and there were discordant voices in Zhenyao Mountain.

During the period, someone tried to communicate with Zi Chen, but Zi Chen ignored it at all, and the former Elder Wang was able to say a few words to Zi Chen.

As Elder Wang retreated, there was not even a single person to speak.

The anxious disciple wanted to seek Zichen's theory, and at the same time reprimanded him for being immoral and disregarding the life and death of ordinary people.

Zichen felt a little funny, instead of blaming the high level of his own sect, he came to accuse him.

Could it be that he speaks better than the higher-ups?

After shooting the two dead, each of them shut their mouths.

The upper echelons of Zhenyao Mountain are facing tremendous pressure, but they always say wait and think of a way.

He obviously doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary disciples.

The disciples of Zhenyao Mountain are almost desperate, and their original sense of belonging to the mountain gate is disappearing.

Another few days passed, and the supply of food was no longer available. Seeing that Zhenyao Mountain was about to become chaotic, Zi Chen suddenly said: "This is a grievance between me and the senior officials of Zhenyao Mountain, and it really has nothing to do with you ordinary people. In this way , those who are willing to leave Zhenyao Mountain, just swear an oath here and leave, and I will never stop."

This can be regarded as a way for ordinary disciples to survive.

Immediately, many disciples who could not persevere saw hope and walked towards the mountain gate on their own initiative.

Sure enough, Zichen didn't kill him. These people were already disappointed in Zhenyao Mountain, and immediately stood at the gate of the mountain and swore to leave Zhenyao Mountain forever.

Then leave.

Zichen asked if they had any money, and if not, each of them gave another 100 spirit coins.

Most of them are the most ordinary disciples and handymen, but they are not that rich.

With the loss of a large number of low-level personnel, it will be more difficult for the top management to maintain the status quo.

Coupled with the fact that these people who left deliberately publicized the deeds of Zhenyao Mountain, this behemoth that has stood for many years may really collapse.

Liang Bainian is certainly not a fool if he can become the lord of the mountain. If this continues, Zhenyao Mountain will be wiped out.

The lesser of two evils!

He knows what to do.

Elder Wang is still in seclusion, even if Liang Bainian went to invite him personally, he has not left the seclusion.

In desperation, he could only ask someone for help.

Three days later, an old man came to Zhenyao Mountain.

It was the elder from Maoshan, who once helped Zichen speak.

Zichen has a good sense of Maoshan, and they were the only ones who stood up for justice that day, even though it was useless later.

Zi Chen walked out of the flower pavilion, cupped his fists and saluted, "Senior, why are you here?"

Elder Mao said: "This old bone of mine is here to intercede on behalf of Zhenyao Mountain. I wonder if I can exchange two points of thin noodles with you in Zichen."

Except for Elder Wang, Zi Chen didn't communicate with anyone else at all.

Those people didn't even have a chance to speak.

It seems that Zichen really came to seal the mountain, and he didn't make demands or negotiate during the period.

"Senior, you were joking, you are here with me, you have a lot of face, if you ask me to retreat, I will not say anything." Zi Chen's words were very polite.

Elder Mao waved his hand and said, "No, I'm not that capable. I just came here to see what's going on."

"Senior, please."

The two entered the flower pavilion, and Zilan started to make tea.

Elder Mao said: "I'm just here to spread a message for Zhenyao Mountain. Zichen, you can give me this face, which is already very good. As for the others, follow your plan."

Zi Chen didn't beat around the bush, "To be honest, I didn't come to block the door this time, not to mess around, but to kill us for a hundred years. If it wasn't for the luck of the three of us, maybe we wouldn't be able to come back .”

"Liang Bainian colluded with outsiders and calculated the three of us, which is equivalent to starting a war with the Mythological Alliance. We have suffered a loss, so of course we can't just sit idly by. However, our Mythological Alliance is also a place for reason, so there are only the three of us, and no one else participates. .”

Elder Mao listened quietly.

He still has a very good understanding of the Myth Alliance's behavior style.

At the beginning, Mo Radon didn't even enter the gate when he came to Zhenyao Mountain. This was not only a slap in the face of Mo Radon, but he also didn't take the Mythological Alliance seriously.

However, Mo Radon did not get angry and just left.

He knew from the very beginning that Zi Chen's move was certainly not what Zhen Yaoshan said.

"Originally, according to the agreement, the mountain was closed for a hundred years. Now that the senior is here, I have to give the senior face. They have done such a shameless thing in the town of Yaoshan. Naturally, this matter can't be left alone. There must be compensation anyway. .”

Elder Mao smiled slightly, "I don't know what kind of compensation you think is suitable for Zichen?"

"The general compensation of our Mythical Alliance is really not worth it, and this town of Yaoshan, because of selfishness, has suffered a great loss of foundation, and there is nothing good now, and those who can get it will not be old spring water. How about it? , Reluctantly, we accept the compensation from the Spring of Immortality."

"How much?"

"Ten drops."

Even though Elder Mao was ready for Zichen Lion to open his mouth, the corners of his eyes twitched.

Ten drops, this little guy really dares to speak.

Zi Chen said with a smile: "Of course, when doing business, there are back and forth."

Elder Mao nodded and smiled, it seemed that this was to give him a chance to relax.

He entered Zhenyao Mountain and directly reported Zichen's price. Liang Bainian and the elders immediately raised their eyebrows when they heard about it.

"That guy is crazy, this is simply a robbery!"

"It seems that this is his purpose!"

"The previous one was just an excuse, he just wanted to **** our fountain of youth!"

"He is dreaming, let alone ten drops, even if there is not a single drop!"

"No, absolutely not!"

Hearing the righteous indignation of the elders, Elder Mao walked out of the conference hall.

After half an hour, the angry voice disappeared.

Then, they began to discuss, and after another half an hour, Liang Bainian came out personally and invited Elder Mao in.

"Elder Mao, you must be aware of the situation we are in in Yaoshan Mountain. We really can't produce these springs of immortality. To be honest, if we can produce a drop, it is already the limit."

They also knew very well that this matter would not work unless it was resolved, so they did not turn against Elder Mao.

Elder Mao said: "I can try to talk to Zi Chen, but you have to be prepared."

The negotiation lasted for two In the end, Elder Mao bargained for three drops, which was Zichen's limit.

No matter how unwilling Liang Bainian was, he could only nod in agreement.

But he said that there is no spring of youth for the time being, and it will take decades to give it.

As a result, two more Chengshanjing elders died before they took out the three drops of immortal spring water.

Zi Chen took the things and said goodbye to Elder Mao and left.

This time it greatly exceeded expectations. When he came here before, his purpose was actually just a drop of the fountain of youth.

But Zhenyao Mountain grinded and challenged Zichen's bottom line again and again, which contributed to the last three drops.

If he had readily agreed earlier, he would have left long ago.

On the way back, Zi Lan asked suspiciously: "Master, why did the people in Zhenyao Mountain know this would be the result, but they didn't compromise before?"

"There is a kind of person in this world who won't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Read The Duke's Passion