MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2265 refining holy blood

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Zilan and Wang Yiling were also called by Zichen. While guarding Zichen, they also protected Wu Haoqi's soul and body.

"Do you want to stop thinking about it?" Wang Yiling was a little worried.

Zilan is also nodding.

"Just refining a drop to see the situation, if it is not good, stop it, it proves that this technique is not for me."

Zi Chen seemed very calm, having experienced countless winds and rains, he still had the concentration he should have.

I am lucky if I get it, and I will be calm if I lose it.

There is a bottle of blood here, and he only refines one drop.

If you can't succeed, just give up.

The black blood disappeared from Zichen's fingertips and came directly to Dantian.

Then, the light flashed again and was swallowed by the spring of heaven.

Zi Chen didn't choose to refine it directly, but sent his blood to the Spring of Heaven's Law, and let the Spring of Heaven's Law help refine it.

The blood spread instantly, turned into billowing thick black air, and then turned into a huge evil spirit.

The evil spirit roared, and the aura of the evil spirit spread out layer by layer, like a troll was born.

Then the evil spirit found that he was in a dark place, like an abyss, without any light, and with an infinite area.

The evil spirits raged and raged, but they couldn't reach the end.

After all, it is just a vision manifested by a drop of blood, not a real evil spirit.

The Spring of Heavenly Dao trembled slightly, and part of the scattered evil spirit energy was forcibly plundered, and then began to refine.

Zichen's attention has always been here, as long as there is a change in his spiritual power, he will stop directly.

The refining process was very slow, just a tiny ray of black power, which took a full hour to refine.

During this period, Zi Chen's spiritual power has grown, but it has not been affected in any way.

Even the cracks in the fountain of heaven have been repaired several times.

There was no abnormality in the body, and the evil spirit transformed from blood was still roaring in the abyss.

It has no consciousness, it can only be transformed by instinct.

Continue to loot one piece.

This time the speed was much faster, and it only took half an hour to complete the refining.

During the refining process, Zi Chen felt the unique breath of evil spirits, but after repeated refining, it became the purest spiritual power.

After four times of repeated attempts, but no abnormality was found, Zi Chen finally decided to attack the evil spirit.

That's where the blood is at the root. As the spring of heaven shakes, the head of the evil spirit falls off.

The evil spirit grew a new head again, but its huge size shrunk a bit.

Zi Lan and Wang Yiling stood by, looking at Zi Chen nervously.

Because everything happened in the dantian, there was nothing abnormal on the outside, and the two of them couldn't see anything.

However, Zi Chen didn't exude that kind of evil aura, which made the two of them a little relieved.

Wu Haoqi is in a deep sleep, and every quarter of an hour he wakes up in the outside world, his own soul power will be consumed, so don't waste it if you can.

The power of a head is pure and evil, which makes Zichen's perception more and more clear, and he has a clearer understanding of the power of evil spirits.

Fortunately, the problem is not big, the fountain of heavenly law can be refined and refined, making the blood a part of itself.

Then half of the evil spirit's body disappeared, and when it manifested completely again, its volume was less than half of its previous size.

Then it was refined again, and a drop of blood disappeared completely.

Zi Chen's spiritual power has improved significantly, and he has a full understanding of the evil spirit's breath.

Zi Chen opened his eyes, and the light in his eyes flashed away.

"Master, how is it?" Zilan asked nervously.

Zi Chen exhaled, and the energy around him shook slightly.

The evil spirit spread out, and then a huge evil spirit appeared behind it, and the pressure spread out layer by layer.


The evil spirits roared, and the coercion scattered.

"this is…"

Zilan's face changed drastically, and she was immediately on alert.


Zi Chen made a sound, and the aura of the vision behind him changed, it was still the evil spirit, but the aura was no longer evil, and even had a sacred meaning.

If you close your eyes, you will mistakenly think that this breath comes from a sacred dragon.

Zilan only felt miraculous.

And Wang Yiling's eyes were shining brightly, she had seen too many unbelievable things from Zi Chen.

The most special thing among them is the practice of cultivating dragon energy. Others have worked hard and strived for various opportunities, but it is only the talent of being able to fight for the power of a dragon. Zichen was a sacred dragon from the beginning.

Right now, even the breath of evil spirits has been conquered, which is undoubtedly another incredible feat.

The vision dissipated behind him, Zi Chen said: "Don't worry, it's all right."

Put away Wu Haoqi's soul power again, but the next Zichen didn't immediately understand the evil spirit binding fairy technique.

He continued to refine the blood, because it was of great help to the improvement of his own spiritual power.

Zi Chen took out another drop, and this time it had to be refined through his own body, before finally transforming into the Spring of Heavenly Dao.

When the blood enters the body, it spreads like a torrent, and when it hits Zi Chen's body meridians, it also tries to transform Zi Chen's physical attributes.

Zi Chen had been prepared for a long time, and his breath changed accordingly, turning into an evil spirit, and began to absorb these powers.

Refined over and over again, and finally entered the dantian.

During this period, when the blood was refined through the meridians, it strengthened the physical body and finally strengthened the spiritual power.

There is even a very small ray of pure energy that enters the sea of ​​consciousness and turns into a part of the soul.

This shocked Zi Chen again.

This blood can actually strengthen the spiritual power, which is rare.

It's a pity that this thing is too evil, and the spiritual power that can be improved is really limited, otherwise you can give Wu Haoqi a try.

After refining a drop of blood, Zi Chen checked his body carefully again, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, he began to refine the next blood.

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There are dozens of drops in a bottle of blood, and after Zichen finished refining all of them, his cultivation level has increased by one level.

If it is converted into spiritual money, it is close to tens of millions.

Just this small bottle of blood contains incredible energy.

The eighth heaven of spiritual enlightenment is only one step away from the ninth heaven.

Even Cheng Shan is no longer out of reach for him.

During this period of time, both Zilan and Wang Yiling's cultivation had also improved. Zilan is now also in the Eighth Heaven of Enlightenment, and Wang Yiling is in the Fifth Heaven.

"Here, what you want."

Wang Yiling took out a storage bag, which contained the crystal of spiritual origin.

Zi Chen took out the crystal of spiritual source and put it on the table, then took out the sunset bow, and then an elf appeared from the crystal of spiritual source.

This is the spirit of the original Taoist soldiers.

It has been kept warm in the spring of heaven, and the sunset bow is also in the spring of heaven.

Therefore, every time Zichen fights, the spirit of Taoist soldiers will appear for a short time, which increases the power of the sunset bow by a line.

But all along, Zichen didn't care about the spirit of the Taoist soldier, and felt that the breath was weak, so he gave some spirit money to eat. Later, he realized that he could also eat the crystal of the spirit source, so he gave some occasionally.

In terms of resources, Zichen has always been lacking.

The harvest at the beginning was shared equally by several people, but almost everyone didn't want it, and gave it all to Zichen.

But Zichen still didn't have much left, so the spirit of the Taoist soldier was hanging half dead.

"This is the spirit of the Taoist soldier?" Wang Yiling looked at this little guy who looked like a starving ghost.

Back then she followed Zi Chen to the Terrain Sect's trial site, and saw Zi Chen bowing his bow and shooting peacocks from a distance, so she naturally knew the spirit of this soldier.

Zi Chen nodded.

Wang Yiling was surprised: "You just feed it like this?"

"What else? I don't have much resources on me right now." Zi Chen is really cash-strapped recently.

"It's the spirit of Dao soldiers, and there are many ways to grow. Have you forgotten that scene?"

The Terrain Sect brought everyone in just to feed the spirits of the Dao Soldiers.

Speaking of the spirit of Dao Bing at that time, life was indeed comfortable.

But ever since I followed Zi Chen, there has been ups and downs.

Fortunately, staying in the spring of heaven, the breath there can warm and nourish the spirit of the Taoist soldiers, so that it will not disappear.

Zi Chen shook his head and said, "I don't need the spirit of a brutal Taoist soldier."

Wang Yiling said: "It is the spirit of Dao soldiers, and it can absorb any spiritual power in the world. It has a very picky appetite. If you miss a few casually during the battle, it will be enough for it to recover."

Zi Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized it.

The Taoist spirit can really eat anything, even if it doesn't eat people, but after killing the enemy, those spoils that Zichen didn't pick up are very suitable for the Taoist spirit.

"Okay, eat less, you will have food from now on."

Zi Chen slapped the Taoist soldier's spirit on the head, feeling a little annoyed in his heart.

When the Taoyuan Villa was overturned, even though it was searched there, there were still many resources that were not taken away.

If the spirit of Dao Bing was released at that time, it would definitely give it a full meal.

Putting away the spirits of the Taoist soldiers who were not even half full, Zi Chen put away those spiritual source crystals, which are also useful for his cultivation.

He is far away from the Ninth Heaven of Enlightenment, but he is still one level away.

Next, Zichen began to comprehend the evil spirit binding fairy art, with the correct method to open it, coupled with Zichen's extraordinary comprehension, Zichen finally made some progress.

Outside Julu County.

By a campfire.

Several men in black were sitting here, one of them closed his eyes and crossed his knees, with strange marks on his hands, as if he was in meditation.

After a moment, he opened his eyes.

"How is it?" Lu Yingda asked, UU Reading Others also looked at each other.

"I can already sense his specific location. Sure enough, as we expected, Zichen refined the holy blood."

Lu Yingda stood up suddenly, and said excitedly: "I knew that guy would miss Tang Gao's evil spirit binding and immortal technique because of his spiritual power. Haha, Zichen, let's see if you die this time!"

"He has already refined the holy blood, and his mind has been eroded, should we kill him now?" asked the man in black.

"No, that guy is too evil, let's wait, my command flag has not been fully repaired. By the way, take advantage of this time to send him some holy blood, so that he can be completely assimilated by the holy blood."

In Lu Yingda's eyes, a cold murderous intent flashed, "At that time, we will have a good show."

Two days later, the intelligence personnel of Julu County discovered the members of the Evil Spirit Alliance, and after killing them, they obtained the opponent's storage bag.

Among them was a vial of black blood.

They took it back without knowing what it was for, and finally placed it on Tao Mingzhi's table.

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