MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2273 hit the killer

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Severe pain hit, and Wang Kui started to yell, startling everyone in the distance.

Everyone looked to this side one after another, even the competition stopped, both sides looked forward.

Wang Kui, who was still invincible just now, is rolling on the ground at this moment, his body twisted in an irregular shape, as if bound by an invisible object.

Under the bamboo hat, the expressions of Wang Yiling and Zilan changed.

They knew very well that Zi Chen did not make a move.

Then who made the move?

And this method can only be displayed with spiritual power.

"Forgive me..."

"... let me go... I was wrong..."

Wang Kui begged for mercy, his face full of horror.

Everyone looked at the three of Zichen with shocked expressions, secretly guessing that these three are big bosses?

If there is no shot, Wang Kui will die.

At this moment, an indifferent voice sounded, "Get over here!"

The severe pain all over Wang Kui's body disappeared, and the skin all over his body was strangled with bloodstains.

Everyone looked at the carriage that heard the sound.

For many days, this carriage has been following Lu Wenyan's carriage, no one got off, and no sound came out.

Everyone thought that the carriage was empty and was Lu Wenyan's spare.

Unexpectedly, there were people inside.

Obviously, the other party taught Wang Kui a lesson in a strange way.

Wang Kui endured the severe pain and came to the carriage, and knelt down with a plop.

Lu Wenyan frowned, but didn't say anything.

The three of Zichen sat down again as if nothing happened.

"Is that the method of evil spirits?"

Wang Yiling sent a voice transmission, and added a piece of dry wood to the bonfire. Just as he was on the road, Zichen said that there was something wrong with the carriage.

"There was indeed an evil spirit aura just now, but it wasn't strong, and that method was different from the evil spirit binding immortal technique."

The moment Zi Chen was about to make a move, there was a mental disturbance in the carriage, and Zi Chen deliberately took that hit and did not fight back.

After this incident happened, everyone had no intention of competing and rested separately.

Wang Kui knelt there for a whole night, and there was no second sound from the carriage.

Lu Wenyan never persuaded him.

It was not until the next day when everyone continued on their way that Wang Kui stood up.

As soon as I got up and fell down again, my legs were already numb from kneeling.

After getting up, he stared at Zichen and the other three with murderous intent in his eyes.

"What about that guy?"

Sensing the other party's murderous intent, Wang Yiling sent a voice transmission, "Do you want to kill him directly?"

"An enlightened eighth level is nothing to be afraid of, let's wait and see."

Everyone continue on their way.

Wang Kui knelt all night and walked with a limp.

Lu Wenyan invited him into the carriage, which made Wang Kuicheng panic.

"take a rest first."

Lu Wenyan handed over a pill.

Wang Kui shook his head, "No serious injury, no need."

Seeing Wang Kui's gloomy expression, Lu Wenyan said, "Why, are you still brooding over this matter?"

"My son, I was taught that I deserve it. Wang Kui understands the law of the jungle. However, being ignored by a few little things, I can't swallow this breath. This violates the concept of the jungle we abide by!"

Wang Kui said: "Of course, if they belong to the son, then forget it."

Lu Wenyan shook his head, "I don't know them."


Wang Kui looked at Lu Wenyan.

Lu Wenyan patted him on the shoulder, "Go out with me tonight, and you can do whatever you want when you come back."

That night, Lu Wenyan left with several people, including Wang Kui.

A few people came back in the middle of the night, and several people changed their clothes.

Zi Chen glanced at them, and noticed the **** smell that had not been completely covered up from them.

Wang Kui glanced at Zi Chen, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Then he looked at Wang Yiling and Zilan again, with undisguised cruelty and some kind of fanaticism in his eyes.

The next night, Lu Wenyan took people out again, and left the team for three nights in a row, and every time he came back, he smelled bloody.

Although this breath was well suppressed, it still couldn't escape Zi Chen's keen perception.

On the fourth day, the deer family informed that there was no food, and asked everyone present to hunt some small animals for food.

Of course, someone from the Lu family is in charge of handling it, as long as the little beasts are brought back.

Everyone dispersed one after another, including Zichen and the three of them.

"That Wang Kui is behind, it should be targeting us."

Zi Chen's mental power saw Wang Kui who was a thousand meters away, and he was the only one following behind with cold eyes.

"Let's go farther."

The three of them deliberately walked a long way and stayed away from the crowd.

Wang Kui was overjoyed when he saw it. He was worried that there would be too much noise. He never thought that these three idiots would come to such a remote place.

It was exactly what he wanted.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Kui's face changed, "Could they have noticed that something was wrong and wanted to run away?"

So he immediately speeded up and killed the three of Zichen.

After seeing the traces of the three of them from a distance, Wang Kui smiled ferociously, "Hey! If you dare to offend me, I'll show you how great I am next!"

"Boy, I'll break your four legs first, and then let you see Lao Tzu's performance with your own eyes!"

Wang Kui rushed forward, releasing the breath from his body.

The scaring scene that Wang Kui had imagined did not appear.

The three of them seemed to be waiting for themselves, never begging for mercy, nor running away.

Accompanied by the puffy sound in the forest, Wang Kui knelt directly on the ground, his nose bruised and his face swollen.

At this moment, he looked horrified.

The majestic Enlightenment Eight Heavenly Heavens didn't even have the slightest power to fight back.

A face-to-face was knocked down.

"I ask, you answer."

Zi Chen said: "The answer is good, I will leave you a whole body, if you can't answer well, it will be torn apart."


Wang Kui was also stiff and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Zi Chen dodged the blood, smiled lightly, and formed seals with both hands.

Unimaginable pain spread all over his body. Wang Kui couldn't help but screamed, but found that he couldn't make any sound.

The severe pain was ten times that of before, and the body began to twist wildly, as if there were invisible long thorns piercing into the body.

Straight into the bones, viscera, and even bone marrow.

Bean big sweat mixed with blood gushed out along the wound.

"Woo woo woo..."

Wang Kui struggled violently, unable to make any sound.

The faint smile on Zi Chen's face was still there, and he praised: "It's tough, but I just want to see how far you can persevere."

"woo woo woo woo…"

Wang Kui began to roll over.

Zichen continued to increase his strength.

Wang Yiling suddenly said: "Is it possible that he actually wanted to say it but couldn't say it?"


Only then did Zi Chen realize that Wang Kui had to speak.

Wang Kui was in so much pain that he yelled, "You're asking! You're just torturing and not letting anyone speak. What's that?"

"Tell me, what have you been doing these past few nights?"

There was obvious panic in Wang Kui's eyes, and he obviously didn't want to answer.

Zi Chen smiled slightly, "No rush, I have plenty of time."

"Kill! We're going to kill!"

Wang Kui was afraid of being tortured, so he confessed directly.

"Kill who?"

"do not know."

"I don't know what to kill?"

"Kill anyone you see, people from several villages."

"The village?"

Zichen's face changed, Zichen knew very well who lived in the village, unless there were some special places, maybe the village was just a cover-up, and there were strong people hiding inside, just like the place in the alliance.

If it is just an ordinary village, then the people living in it can only be ordinary people, and most of them are old people and children.

"You mean, everyone was killed? No one was left alive?" Zi Chen's voice was much lower.

"Well, kill them all! Master Lu is practicing a kind of exercise that needs their blood."

Lu Wenyan's carriage is special, it can block the detection of mental power, which is also the reason why Zichen has noticed the smell of blood for a few days, but he doesn't know what they did.

Murderous intent surged around Wang Yiling and Zilan's body.

For three days, they didn't know they had killed innocent people.

It's hard to imagine that Lu Wenyan, who looks very gentle, can do such a tragic thing.

Then Wang Kui said an even more outrageous news, that is, Lu Wenyan has already arranged a route for the next road ahead.

There are hundreds of villages along the way.

Hearing this, Wang Yiling and Zilan trembled with anger. How many people will they kill along the way?

Zi Chen's eyes also became cold.

And this time when Wang Kui came over, he also got Lu Wenyan's consent.

He didn't care about the life and death of the three of Zichen, what he cared about was Wang Kui's loyalty.

"I keep my word, I'll leave you a whole body!"

Wang Kui stayed in the forest forever, and the three turned back.

The ground was in a mess, and corpses were everywhere.

The original people have now become corpses.

"how so?"

Zi Chen was dumbfounded, how long has everyone died?

As far as he looked, he could not see Lu Wenyan's body.


A light cough came, and Zi Chen turned his head immediately, and saw a person falling outside the carriage.

"It's the mysterious man in the carriage." Wang Yiling said.

The carriage back then had also been torn apart.

Zi Chen stepped forward to check the other party's injuries, and his heart was pierced by a sharp blade. This is a fatal wound and he should be dead.

But although the other party was weak, his breathing was still stable, and he didn't show signs of dying.

"What happened?"

Zi Chen took out a elixir, crushed it, turned it into powder and smeared it on the opponent's wound, and at the same time took out a elixir and handed it to the opponent.

The man took the elixir without hesitation, and swallowed it directly, not afraid that it was poison.

His pale face gradually turned red.

Wang Yiling and Zilan looked at each other with strange eyes.

The other party does not look very old, very thin, as if he has been malnourished for a long time.

But what attracted the attention of the two of them at the moment, UU Reading was that the other party was injured so badly that he did not die.

I have to say, this is a miracle.

"A member of the Evil Spirit Alliance." The other party said weakly.

"Evil Spirit Alliance, what are they doing here?" Zi Chen was puzzled.

He glanced at Zi Chen, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes, obviously the other party knew about the evil spirit alliance from the tone of his voice.

This is a mysterious organization, and very few people know about it.

The other party shook his head slowly, expressing his ignorance.

"Where is Lu Wenyan?" Zi Chen asked again.

"Take other people and run away. He killed half of the people here."

Zi Chen turned his head and saw that many people died because of the loss of essence and blood in their bodies.

Moreover, these people are very weak, including the ten-year-old child back then.

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