MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2279 truth and choice

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Zilan and Wang Yiling reacted, and immediately began to absorb the spiritual power.

This state is like someone putting delicious food next to his mouth, just open his mouth, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Fu Zhengqi looked around vigilantly, but Zi Chen didn't let him absorb it, so he wasn't disappointed at all.

This opportunity is very rare for the three Qilings.

He is already Cheng Shan, breaking through the realm needs to consume a lot of spiritual power, and it can't be done in a short time.

On the contrary, if the three of them can break through the realm, their combat power will definitely be improved again. Maybe Zi Chen's previous arrow will kill a great master of Shenmen.

Cheng Shan killed Shenmen, he didn't even dare to think about it before.

It can be seen that after seeing the demeanor of Zi Chen's arrow, he felt that he could look forward to it.

Tianlang Mountain was completely in chaos.

The magic circles on one mountain after another exploded, and the spiritual power contained in the underground spiritual veins was flowing away in large quantities.

This means that someone has shaken the background of Tianlang Mountain, which is considered to be a draw from the bottom of the pot.

This also completely enraged the senior management of Tianlang Mountain. Some elders with a strong sense of honor roared, wanting to come out and fight Zi Chen to the death.

It's a pity that they are all just Chengshan, and the result can only be death.

"A scholar can be killed but not humiliated!"

An elder Chengshan flew out.

While he was still in mid-air, he was grabbed back by a big hand.

"Lord of the mountain!"

The elder looked at the mountain master who shot in puzzlement.

The Lord of the Mountain said: "Don't make fearless sacrifices."

"Did he just let him behave like this?" The elders were full of grief and indignation.

"Let me go."

In a flash, a young man appeared in the field.

The eyes of the elders lit up the moment they saw each other.

This young man is considered to be the most talented existence in Tianlang Mountain, and his name is Du Zeyu.

Although he looks young, he is over a hundred years old, and his real body is also one of the three great gods of the mountain gate.

It is said that in the future, he will still be able to make great achievements, and he will be the pillar for the rise of Tianlang Mountain in the future.

Unexpectedly, the mountain master shook his head, "Elder Mu is already seriously injured. If you are injured again, we may be in trouble. Take a look here."

Shanzhu waved his sleeves, and a picture appeared in front of him, and there were figures standing in the picture.

With just one glance, they can tell that these people in the picture are the two thousand year old Wuya and the thousand year old three Luo Yan. They have been very ambitious for many years, but they have been suppressed by Tianlang Mountain.

This time they heard the news and came to join in the fun. If Tianlang Mountain suffered a huge loss, maybe they would do something.

"A bunch of **** guys!"

Murderous intent flickered in Du Zeyu's eyes, "It's time for this matter, I have to go to their sect for a while."

Boom! Boom! …

A few more hilltops exploded.

Not only did Zichen's devouring power not end, but it was still spreading, and many magic circles on Tianlang Mountain had been destroyed.

If you look carefully, you will find that these hills are all hills that have been moving when you used the foundation before.

"What shall we do now?"

Everyone is in a hurry.

They never imagined that the mighty Tianlang Mountain would one day be so oppressed by a few spirit-enlightening realms that they couldn't hold their heads up.

No matter how this matter ends today, Tianlang Mountain will become a laughing stock in the future.

"They're just Qiling, why don't I sneak in and kill him?" Du Zeyu said.

It is undoubtedly a very embarrassing thing for a divine sect to assassinate quietly, but compared to the honor of the sect, personal honor and disgrace are obviously nothing.

The owner of the mountain is a little moved. After all, if he really wants to succeed, the crisis will be resolved.

But what if it fails?

The background has been damaged, and the two great gods are seriously injured. How should Tianlang Mountain deal with it next?

In addition, he felt that the previous arrow was very similar to the recently rumored Dayi Demon Slayer Arrow.

If it was really that arrow, it would be very troublesome.

After deliberating for a moment, the mountain master said: "Immediately question the disciples who came back, what happened, and ask them separately. We need to know the exact truth."

"I go!"

Du Zeyu disappeared.

Only a quarter of an hour later, he came back with an extremely gloomy face, and at the same time told the whole story.

Before, everyone was stubborn and kept biting these people to kill innocent people indiscriminately. They were forced to act helplessly in order to protect the dignity of Tianlang Mountain.

But after separate inquiries, coercion, and even threats with their family members, the truth finally surfaced.

"Are you sure?" The owner of the mountain also had an ugly expression on his face.

Du Zeyu nodded, "They saw it with their own eyes. When they arrived at the second village, they saw only corpses."

"Could it be that they did this on purpose, just to clear the relationship?" Shanzhu asked.

"This is currently undetermined, but there have always been only four of them, and they have never seen a fifth."

Du Zeyu said: "But the real cause of the matter is that Liang Feicheng fell in love with those two female relatives..."

The mountain master's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a flash of struggle in his eyes, "Give me the latest information about Yiyang County and Julu County, and immediately cut off the heads of those people, and then throw them outside the mountain gate."

"Everyone?" The elder next to him was taken aback.

Du Zeyu also glanced at the mountain master in surprise.

"Everyone, kill them all!"

The last voice of the mountain master seemed to be roaring from his throat.

The elders were very hesitant, and the others would kill if they said they would, but that Liang Feicheng...

"I'll do it now!"

Du Zeyu disappeared again.

At the same time, the owner of the mountain also got the latest information, which came from a few months ago, which recorded what happened in the two counties.


The mountain master snorted coldly, and the information in his hand turned into powder.

After Du Zeyu chopped off his heads one by one, he threw them directly outside the mountain gate, which caused an uproar among the disciples of the mountain gate.

Is this a confession?

After doing this, Du Zeyu didn't speak.

The devouring continued, Zi Chen didn't stop, even if he saw those heads.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, the scope is no longer expanding.

I don't know if it's the limit, or it's intentional to stop.

"Everyone has knocked on the door, and Tianlang Mountain actually cut off the heads of its own disciples. Is this the largest mountain gate in Anlang County? If you do this, your disciples will feel cold."

At this moment, a laugh came from the distant sky.

"According to Tianlang Mountain's style, isn't this normal? Knowing that you can't beat them, you can only vent your anger on your own disciples. Tsk tsk, cutting off the heads of your own family members indiscriminately is cruel enough."

In another direction, UU Reading also burst into laughter.

Obviously, some people are afraid that Tianlang Mountain will not be chaotic, and they are constantly fighting.

But the effect was not obvious, because Liang Feicheng was among the dead, and there were some well-known people, many people knew about their usual demeanor.

This time, he cut off his head directly, obviously for a reason.

People from the two parties are still coming and going in the sky, singing and singing together, ridiculing and laughing.

Everyone on and off Tianlang Mountain was filled with righteous indignation, but the mountain owner didn't say anything, and they couldn't do anything.

Can only wait.

Wang Yiling broke through.

Zilan broke through.

Not long after, Zi Chen also broke through.

Thirty percent of the spiritual resources of Tianlang Mountain were lost.

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