MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2290 Repression of mental power

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The explosion did not appear, Mo Fei's face changed, his hands began to seal, and cumbersome marks appeared.

The surrounding space began to distort, and one airflow after another surrounded it.

Still no explosion.

Zi Chen looked at Mo Fei with a calm expression, as if watching a performance.

"This is impossible!"

Mo Fei exclaimed, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Continuing to try, the surrounding space is rapidly distorting, but the explosive power that could suppress Zhao Jinli at the beginning still has not appeared.

It wasn't until three breaths later that the explosion sounded.

But the explosion range was limited to the edge of the battlefield, and it was very far away from Zichen, so it couldn't hurt him at all.

"how so?"

Zhao Jinli, who was watching the battle, had an ugly face. In this comparison, he was far worse than Zi Chen.

"how so?"

Mo Fei was also dumbfounded, it was beyond his understanding.

The audience who were looking forward to a battle also had disbelief on their faces.

The previous battle was completely weird, Zhao Xi fell to the ground and lost the game for no apparent reason.

This time it was even weirder.

"I don't believe it!"

Mo Fei rushed directly to Zi Chen, the two palmed each other, and a shock wave spread out.

"go to hell!"

Mo Fei started to attack Zi Chen, and the powerful attacks continued to show.

Eight dragons flew out and got entangled with Mo Fei.

People from Beifeng County outside the field all stared at the battlefield with very nervous expressions.

Up to now, Zi Chen still hasn't used the mythical spell, but Mo Fei's strongest method has failed for some reason.

The sound of explosions kept coming, and it was the eight dragons with terrifying fluctuations.

Mo Fei tried to mobilize his spiritual power to cause an explosion, but it didn't work.

From the beginning of this battle, he was at a disadvantage.

In the stands, there were some senior figures with different expressions.

"City Master, why can't I understand this battle?" a person behind said.

He is the deputy commander of Jizhou City, and he is also a Chengshan, with good eyesight, but he couldn't understand Zichen's two battles.

Around him, there are also many people who are curious and puzzled.

Yun Xiang looked to the side, "Old An, why don't you tell me?"

Mr. An has been dozing off for the past few days, but just now he opened his eyes and began to watch the battle.

An Lao said lightly: "In this battle, spiritual power is just a small fight, and the real highlight is spiritual power."

"Spiritual power!"

When everyone heard it, they were all amazed.

Also envious.

Spiritual power is a very miraculous power, not everyone can cultivate it, and Shenmen is the lowest threshold of spiritual power.

But in the world, there are always some favored children of heaven, who opened the door of spiritual power when their realm was still very low, and came into contact with the mysterious and unpredictable spiritual world in advance.

The city lord and others also nodded. This time the battle may not be as exciting as before, but the existence of spiritual power is far more than before.

"The girl from Qinghe County was defeated in an instant, because she lost mental power to the little girl from Yiyang County."

Elder An continued: "So it's only natural that she lost. Of course, the little baby from Yiyang County is also good. She didn't embarrass her, so it's considered merciful."

Then he turned to look at Mo Fei who was attacking Zi Chen in the field, "As for this North Wind Commander, his mental strength is not weak, and his attack is not bad, but he has already used this move when he was fighting against the prince of the Zhao family. , if someone finds a weakness, it can be regarded as being targeted."

"Of course, if there is no strong mental power, it will be useless for others to find a weakness."

After hearing Elder An's explanation, the others suddenly realized.

However, Mr. An's explanations were limited to a small group of people here. Other onlookers still couldn't see the name, and there were still many people clamoring about the shady scene.

"If there is no accident, Beifeng County is about to lose. This time, the strength of the little guy in Yiyang County is far beyond the imagination of all of you."

After Mr. An finished speaking, he closed his eyes again. After the two sides competed in mental strength, the battle was actually over.

He had some expectations before, to see if Mo Fei from Beifeng County had a strange move, but unfortunately he hasn't used it yet, obviously it's useless.

Of course, it may be that you don't want to use it at this time.

Just like the prince of the Zhao family.

There are some things that cannot be brought to light.

"For the next trial, let Tian Duan be careful, it's best not to provoke this person."

This sentence is voice transmission.

Sure enough, not long after, Mo Fei was defeated.

Judging by his expression, he was very unwilling.

After all, the Zhao family was the dominant family in previous years, and he had beaten Zhao Jinli to the ground first, but he lost to Zichen.

Zichen won the first place in the competition.

Naturally, it meant that Yiyang County became number one.

It was as if Zhang Qingshan was dreaming, he was stunned for a long time before he realized it.

Yiyang County created a miracle!

That night, Zhang Qingshan received a letter from his family. After reading the above content, he pondered for a long time, and then went to Zichen.

"Zichen, it is entirely due to you that Yiyang County became the number one this time. According to the rules, we will get a part of the matching territory resources." Zhang Qingshan said directly after entering the door: "I will discuss with you today. How to allocate these resources."

Zi Chen was puzzled and said, "Why is it a part?"

Zhang Qingshan explained, "The trial is divided into two rounds. Each ranking has corresponding territory resources. If you win both times, UU Reading can get the complete number one resource."

Zi Chen nodded, "Oh, it seems we still have to work harder."

For the second trial battle, Zi Chen had already prepared, except for him, the others hardly used their abilities, so naturally they were the biggest.

"For the second trial, contestants from all counties will join, and they will be ranked according to the number of points. Because of our ranking in Yiyang County, we can only come to one team with five people. And Changshan County, which ranks first, has ten teams. Fifty people attended."

Zhang Qingshan smiled bitterly, "So for the second battle, the focus is on participation, not the ranking. Let's talk about the territory resources this time, and we plan to sell them."

"Sell it?" Zi Chen was puzzled, "Why?"

This is the helplessness of Yiyang County. Those territories are given to them in real terms, but you have to find someone to accept them.

Arrange for the strong and all kinds of manpower to mine in the past.

Even if others don't stumbling you, it will take a while if you want to fully possess it.

If a lot of manpower and material resources are spent, the loss will only be greater if you fail to defend next time.

In addition, the resources of the first territory are too rich, even if the Zhang family mobilizes the entire Yiyang County to participate, they cannot occupy them all.

"So that's the case. It seems that selling is indeed the best choice. But since it is going to be sold, it should be sold at a good price."

Of course, Zi Chen would not have any objection to this, he said: "How many forces are looking for you now?"

"Almost all of them have been found. Except for those few big forces, I can't eat all of them."

Zhang Qingshan said: "If everything remains the same, Changshan County is the best candidate."

"No, go talk to Qinghe County. I believe they, who are second in millennium, are more willing to pay a high price."

Zhang Qingshan was puzzled, "However, their quotation is not high."