MTL - Thunder Martial-v2 Chapter 2297 strong strength

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Chapter 2297 Strong Strength

Zichen's mental power was surging and agitating.

The spiritual power entwined with Lu Wenyan is also shrinking and fading away.

Lu Wenyan couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, and his body rolled on the ground.

The pain from the spirit and body was unbearable for him.

At this moment, the eclipse still obscured the sky, and no one could see what happened.

Everyone's field of vision is invisible.

Naturally, it is not clear what happened.

"Zi Chen!"

Lu Wenyan roared, but the severe pain made his voice change, more like begging for mercy.

He can perceive Zichen's position through devouring power, but what's the point?

The spiritual power in the body could not be mobilized, and the body seemed to be being disintegrated by a sharp knife.

Will run out soon!

Lu Wenyan.


The mythical magic eclipse day did not last long, and the sky and the earth regained clarity.

But the darkness before made people feel frightened in their hearts.

When the field of vision recovered, he looked around again.

Lu Wenyan is dead.

Next to Mofei, two people also fell down.

Only five people came from Xindu County this time, each of them was a good player, but in one dark night, two people were lost.

On Zhao Jinli's side, the loss exceeded ten people.

Zhao Xi and the others were stunned.

At this moment, the members of the Myth Alliance finally showed their true strength.

Especially the death of Lu Wenyan.

Lu Wenyan was already at the peak of Chengshan before, and he was chasing and killing them not long ago.

None of them can stand against Lu Wenyan alone.

But here at Zichen, Lu Wenyan was killed after just one meeting.

"Go to hell!"

The moment the night fell, Mo Fei made a move.

Ripples appeared all around, and the flames appeared out of thin air, and began to wreak havoc.

"Kill, kill them all!"

Zhao Jinli also shouted, signaling his subordinates to move forward.

The sound of killing started.

The three of Mo Fei and Zhao Jinli's men... fought together.


Zhao Xi was puzzled, what was the meaning of this?

Why did the two parties who joined forces have internal strife?

Looking at it with mental strength, only to find that there are mirrors floating around, like the world in the mirror.

mirror flower.

Violet means.

The powerful aftermath is shaking, and those mirrors that are completely manifested by spiritual power are reflecting light that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Flames filled the surroundings, and Zhao Jinli's eyes flickered with murderous intent, "I hate this move!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden light all over his body subsided, replaced by a rush of blood, and his whole temperament changed drastically.

Mo Fei's flame could no longer hurt him at all.

The others obviously did not have Zhao Jinli's ability, their spiritual power was quickly ignited, and their bodies were also burned by the flames.

"Go to hell!"

Zhao Jinli also showed his skills, and the **** light passed by, bringing great pressure to the three people on the opposite side.

People like Zi Chen became bystanders.

Especially Zhao Xi, although she knew before that once she left Zichen, she and the people around her would surely die.

But at this moment, seeing Zi Chen and the others taking control of the situation so easily, I was surprised but still very fortunate.

Sure enough, the Mythical Alliance has always been extraordinary!

The competition not long ago was not taken seriously at all.

Zhao Jinli's spiritual power has changed, so the rumors have naturally become true.

Zhao Xi also guessed the reason for the conflict between the two sides. It must be that Zhao Jinli fell in love with Zilan and Wang Yiling and wanted to attract their attention. Unexpectedly, these people came from the Myth Alliance.

Looking at the battle ahead, the four people behind Zhao Xi were also extremely shocked. One of them said, "If this goes on, they will beat themselves to death, right?"

"There is a possibility that they will die together."

Zhao Jinli made a strong move, and Mo Fei lost another one.

Not to mention Zhao Jinli's side, more than a dozen people have died.

Powerful energy is raging, and the mirror surface where spiritual power manifests is trembling.

As the battle intensified, Zilan became increasingly difficult to maintain.

"You idiots are beating yourselves!"

Yun Tianduan's voice sounded again, and at the same time borrowed a bit of power from this icy world.


The mirror of mental power manifested was shattered, and the survivors of the battlefield noticed the changes in front of them, and their faces were suddenly stunned.

"It's your fault?" Zhao Jinli stared at Zi Chen, the blood all over his body became more and more blazing.

Mo Fei's face was also very ugly, there were five people when they came, now there are only two of them left.

"How about a cooperation?" Zi Chen said.

"Do you think I will cooperate with you?" Zhao Jinli's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"If I wanted to kill you, you would have died a long time ago." Zi Chen said lightly, "You are still alive now, but it's not because of your strength?"

Mo Fei's eyes flickered a few times, and he asked, "How to cooperate?"

He has seen the situation clearly.

"Come with us, go to the depths and take a look, and see the secrets here."

Immediately, Zi Chen's soul power spread out, forming an invisible defense, and said via voice transmission: "Don't worry, I won't kill Yun Tianduan, but I don't know if he will kill you."

Mo Fei was a little moved.

Most importantly, Zi Chen's words woke him up.

Yun Tianduan could kill Zi Chen, and of course he could kill them too.

Although they don't know what the secret of this world is.

He looked at Zhao Jinli, "What do you think?"

As a prince, Zhao Jinli is certainly not a stupid person. He is also aware of the current situation. It seems that the two sides can only cooperate.

He nodded.

"You dare to betray me, you are looking for death!" Yun Tianduan was furious, "I will not let you go."

Zi Chen smiled.

This is what he wanted.

Now, they can't do without cooperation.

At this moment, Zilan's palm reappeared abnormally, and a piece of light spilled out.

With the lessons learned from the past, Zi Chen made a direct move.


Space is shredded.

The previous iceberg appeared At the same time, the scenery under the iceberg also appeared one by one.

Everyone was dumbfounded.


Zi Chen shouted loudly and swept forward.

The others followed subconsciously, their eyes fixed on those shiny resources, and they couldn't move away.

"What did I see? Ice lotus, so many?" Mo Fei was taken aback.

His knowledge is similar to that of Zi Chen and others, and he only knows this kind of thing.

"Ice Glass Heart!"

Zhao Jinli's pupils shrank, and as far as he could see, there were many ice-glazed hearts.

"It is indeed a heart of ice glazed glass. This is a strange thing that can heal mental trauma." Zhao Xi was also shocked.

She didn't come in before, so she didn't see this.

Now she finally understands why Yun Tianduan wants to kill people, because there are so many and rich resources here.

Once people come here and take away the resources here, it is enough to create a big force.

Subconsciously, Mo Fei and the others went straight to those resources.

How can such an opportunity be missed?


Yi Zixing also couldn't wait.

At this moment, Zilan looked towards the top of the mountain, "Our goal is there."

The people at Yuntianduan were already infinitely close to the top of the mountain, and on the top of the mountain, a little beast lay prone, its pure eyes were curiously looking at these uninvited guests.


With a roar, Yun Tianduan once again mobilized the power from the small world of ice, and rushed towards Zichen and the others.

Apparently, he wanted to beat a few people out of here again. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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