MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 90 under the limit

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Although Forty Two had already warned Chang Xi in advance.

But when Chang Xizhen was brought into the mountain by Forty Two. He was still overwhelmed by the great and terrifying void.

Chang Xi clearly saw that what she was standing under was not the earth, nor the atmosphere, or even the starry sky, but a thick gray fog that was extremely far away. He looked down, and just relying on visual calculations, he could tell that the gray fog was at least five kilometers away from his current position. The gray mist spread in all directions. Boundless. They seem to have spiritual intelligence, and they are also like a life in the form of fog, rolling and roaring quietly. It was surging like a tide, but there was no sound at all. It's like standing in the middle of the vast ocean, but here, there are not even seagulls and fish, and there is no sound of waves. It was as if everything had stopped here, empty and silent. And above their heads, there is a thick curtain as pure as snow. It floats slowly in the sky like an aurora.

It seems like a wall, but also like hazy glass. Chang Xi's inspiration can tell him that something behind him is watching Ruo here, but he can't see anything behind it at all. To use an inappropriate metaphor, it's like suddenly feeling in the shower that someone might The feeling of standing outside without a sound is normal. Unreasonable fear seized his heart in an instant - after changing his "container", this was the first time Chang Xi felt the "emotion" again so clearly, and it was also at this time that he became so clearly conscious Realizing that more than 80% of his body has been replaced by his mechanical self, he grinned and smiled. He is as scared as he is happy. But a bit of curiosity can't help gushing in my heart.

However, Chang Xi didn't even have room to ask Forty-two. Because the majestic scene on Shishishi's body was more shocking than the sense of unreasonable fear.

That was not a neutral boy of twelve or thirteen years old, but a giant with pure radiance shining all over his body. He is at least five meters tall and has countless long hairs that seem to be composed of pure light, twisting and spreading in all directions like tentacles. Each tentacle is connected with a silver chain, hanging straight down under the gray mist. Behind him is a huge, unformed, transparent and blurred light wheel, which is temporarily covered by intense light. Chang Xi couldn't see clearly at all. He grasped Ruo Changxi's spiritual body. Speed ​​traveler in this boundless space. And no matter how they move, the chains are right below them. As if it hadn't moved at all. The only evidence that can remind Chang Xi that they have indeed moved is that beside the forty-two spirit body, thick pure white ripples like water waves are shooting out all the time. On the trajectory of his flight, these pure white ripples became thicker, leaving a trace like a vortex. frozen in the air. It looks like the smoke left behind by a jet.

It's just that in terms of proportion, it's many times heavier than that. Forty-two's body at this moment is only five meters high, and the radius of those psychic traces is at least more than twenty meters, messy, like a mythical creature leading a storm forward.

Is this the legendary mountain? Really as the name suggests

Here, everything is solidified. Only psionics can move freely.

Chang Xi had just awakened her psionic energy, and this was her first time here. Because he was once human. It was put into a memory box again. Transferred into the steel body of the bionic man. He used to observe the world with naked eyes, later with advanced sensors, and just awakened with spiritual vision, but his way of observing in the environment is completely different from these.

If it should be described, the "entrance" of information has been widened. Every part of his body is attached to observe, as if his whole body is covered with eyes. A very weird, incomprehensible feeling that both clairvoyance and physical eyes are limited to "a certain direction". The naked eye cannot see through, and the spiritual vision cannot see through the physical body—so if you look forward, you cannot see behind you.

The sensor has a wider range of acceptance, and every part of his skin can feel pressure and vibration, and then listen to sound. The line map of the **** suspended in his head, which can rhythmically follow his speech and mood changes, is actually a very advanced "mirror receptor". It has no entity itself, but it can record, transcribe and refine all the surrounding picture information into useful information. Even Ruo Changxi could sense that someone was watching her. It can also extract passers-by's makeup removal, face, weight, and stride length, and will be consulted. If it can be connected to the police's data car network, Chang Xi can know the personal information of everyone in the surrounding street.

And the strange vision here is very similar to this one. When Forty-Two Grasp Ruota stepped out of that place and returned to the normal world with colors, he felt as if he had been in it for several years, and he felt like Only for a moment. But when Chang Xi came to his senses, he was already standing in Chang Xi's office, and Forty-two had already let go of his body.

The slate was placed on Forty-Two's desk, and Forty-Two walked around to the other end of the desk, and poured himself a full glass of Coke with crackling bubbles and a cold white mist.

"Your observation skills are quite keen. Forty-two is obviously in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Being able to feel fear at this end of the curtain means that your inspiration is very strong. Drink it, it's so cold. "

Ah, no need. Thanks

Chang Xi's consciousness was still a little stunned, and she subconsciously replied: "Is the one above the head the curtain? Then, is it that Forty-Two who is watching us at the other end simply and neatly denied Chang Xi's guess.

Before he even said the words, Forty-Two knew what he meant.

"You don't think that the evil gods in the mountains are only agnostic, do you? The evil gods living there are no less than ants in an ant nest. We can only touch a small area around them.

"The world is very big. And we are very small.

Forty-two said calmly: "The curtain is an unreasonable wall that separates the material world from the mountain. Passing through the curtain is the end. Chang Xi was taken aback when he heard this: "Isn't the place we were in before a boundary? Forty-two said: "Of course it's not that once you reach the real mountain, you will never come back. The curtain will not only block the evil gods, but will block all knowledge and information that try to enter the material world. Only the non-existence The psionic energy of consciousness itself can pass through the limit and fall back to the material world—or actively open a channel from the material world, so that the mountain can fall back to information. Just the power itself held by the evil **** also has the ability to pollute people's hearts Once the cultists open the channel, the consciousness of the evil **** will come to the world, and the spiritual energy belonging to the evil **** will gather and turn into a body.

In other words, the more psionic energy people borrow from the evil god, once someone invokes the will of the evil god, the more powerful the incarnation of the evil **** can condense. If it exceeds a limit, it can become a "mortal god", or, in other words, a demon from the mountains. This is why, regardless of whether evil practices are harmful to civilization itself, believers must be weaned off.

Compared with Zhijing, the means of debt collection by this group of people are more cruel - they will really hit your door, and even demolish your home.

"You have to know that the reason why the end is called the end is because there is no concept of time there. Forty-two explained in detail: "Material existence cannot pass through the curtain, and spiritual energy will be sucked away by the curtain itself. The only thing that can flow into the limit is thought and will itself. From this point of view, the more people who use psionic powers, the more psionic powers will be murmured to the end. Waiting for Forty-two and Chang Xi to talk more, he suddenly received a communication request. This is Lorenzo's number.