MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v5 Chapter 99 human limit

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pause. In front of the metal gate, Ludwild's pupils shrank suddenly, and his steps froze suddenly.

The news that he had successfully returned with his newborn daughter seemed to have been known to Forty-Two before he returned here. As soon as he entered the door, Aleister passed on a new order from Forty-Two: bring the newborn daughter and come to the deepest floor of the basement to meet him. Forty-Two seems to be conducting a very important experiment and cannot withdraw. In fact, this kind of situation is not uncommon, so Ludwild didn't even realize that there was a problem at first. At the moment when the door was about to open, Ludwild's heart almost stopped suddenly.

He suddenly felt an unprecedented and indescribable deterrent force inside that room. As if opening the door at this time, one's will will be instantly extinguished and distorted, like a burning iron sword being immersed in the sea.

...but that's not possible. It should be impossible. Because Ludwig had seen Leonardo in the state of "putting on the ring".

In his mind, Leonardo in that state is already the greatest and sacred state that human beings can reach. It moved him, almost made him cry. At this time, the "he" in the room is more sacred and transcendent. But it also appears distorted, grotesque, and unreasonable because of this. Just approaching that room, he feels an unbearable sense of confusion.

Ludwig's perception is beyond ordinary, even among all psykers. He is also the group with the most keen perception. Because of this, he was the first to notice the abnormality of the newborn daughter.

It's like the illusion of burning and cracking skin. An illusion like being submerged in cold sea water. It's like the illusion of taking a deep breath against the wind.

Unprecedented oppressive force, as if the brain was stimulated and cleared. But this feeling seems to be just an illusion. The moment Ludwild noticed it, it disappeared without a trace.

Strange, what the **** is that? Shocked by this abnormality, Ludwig hesitated. He looked at the closed door, but he didn't have the determination to push it open.

"Come in. Forty-two said calmly. Ludwig Fangfo heard his sigh, but it seemed like an illusion. This feeling of being in a dream-like chaos made him particularly uncomfortable.

He frowned slightly in discomfort, and entered the room with his suitcase. That should be forty-two.

In other words, it was the young forty-twos.

I saw countless forty-twos of seven or eight years old floating in huge, egg-shaped nutrition cabins, curled up like babies. Their ankle-length black hair was bundled with bright spiral light sheets and hung high, breathing quietly in the water. But in the middle of this technologically-sounding room, there is an ancient bronze vessel. It is placed in the middle of a coffin-like device, shaped like some kind of sacrificial ritual in ancient times. It is filled with a strange liquid. If you want to describe it, it can roughly be understood as "orange juice with fluorescent agent added and diluted with water into a pale golden color." It is shining like fluorescent light at this moment, exuding a strange fragrance. Like burning spices, the air is filled with a rich, intoxicating frankincense. Ludwig's eyes were completely attracted by it. Just like the cat who saw Maobo He, he even lost consciousness for a moment when he saw that thing. The whole person was immersed in the intoxicating fragrance, and unconsciously said to it step by step, "Wake up, Lorenzo. His voice was not loud, but it was like a thunder, which woke Ludwild instantly.

After he came to his senses, his first reaction was to run away almost scrambling. Without hesitation, he stood firmly against the door of the Ruo room, trying to hold his breath, staring at the floor tightly, not daring to raise his head, "Do you know what this is?" Forty-two's voice sounded in his ears again, It was as if he was standing behind Ludwig.

But behind him, there is obviously a wall

"No, I do not know.

"If you use a more accurate term, I suggest calling it "Extract No. 42" - I think people will not know what the previous 41 extracts are for after hearing this name. It is an extract made from breaking my body into pieces, finely filtering and embalming. Forty-two's voice chuckled and saw a joke: "Well. To use an ancient saying, you see it as you see me. But this statement made Ludwild even more dazed and terrified.

Four... squeezed into juice?

What's happening here? Aleister betrayed? Impossible, is the boss crazy? Without trees, this is even more impossible!

And, if forty-two_ was squeezed into juice, then it was talking to itself at the moment. At this moment, a flash of light flashed across Ludwig's heart. He instantly understood the truth: "Leonardo! You transformed yourself... into an artificial intelligence?!" But Forty-Two just laughed lightly: "Yes, that's it.

"Because I am definitely an artificial intelligence capable of self-evolution." So before I did the memory transfer, I had already consumed all the legendary points. This will prevent my task from being recalled too quickly... well, if you don't understand, it can be regarded as a pre-"In the next few years, human technology will span decades of development" no no No... I mean, why would you do that. Leonardo? "

Ludwig couldn't believe it. He was so sad that he almost despaired, his eyes widened and he raised his head. Staring at the coffin closely, he asked loudly: "You are like this. It is obvious that his only best friend, Leonardo, has the immortality beyond the world. As long as he dies, he will be reborn in the new generation. For him, it is fundamental There is no need to seek immortality in this way.


But for forty-two. This is a question so childish that it almost doesn't need to be answered, and I can't help but laugh out loud.

However, he answered patiently:

"It's not that I'm forced to do this. It's that I think it's better for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ludwild felt someone patting him on the shoulder behind him. But there was clearly a wall behind him, so he suddenly turned his head and took a step back.

But he saw a familiar figure crawling out of the wall with a smile, and greeted him.

That was the dead Forty-Two.

No, to be precise, that was the Leonardo in his memory. Leonardo in his thirties.

"You're a little mistaken, Lorenzo.

"Leonardo" chuckled and held out his hand to him. Staring at the face of his old friend, Ludwig silently opened his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes slowly.

And "Leonardo" just smiled gently and looked at him without saying a word.

When Ludwig regained his composure, he quickly wiped away the tears on his face, and asked in a low voice, "Then...what's going on?" His voice was hoarse and choked. But instead he felt much calmer.

very simple. This person was a little strange to Ludwig. But he quickly recalled: This is exactly what the legendary Emperor Zhirs looked like!

"Because I no longer need a physical body.

"Charles" raised his head and sighed in a low voice: "Life is too short...flesh and blood are weak.

"I have been told by someone that someone who, though possessed of extraordinary talents, has not done all that he wants to do, and has not thoroughly studied anything, through misfortune, arrogance, and laziness, is When I used up my whole life, I heard...a voice of great pain from within.

"Life is short, and human desires are more tenacious and solid than the world. Fighting against the established fate is the only way for everyone. You think I don't need to go through this... Actually I don't. Even if I won't die of old age 、My body will not age, but my heart will still age. As a human being, I must have limits. Because I live in a world where human beings will eventually die, my will will eventually age.

"Now, I have surpassed this limit. Charles raised his head and murmured nostalgicly.

After all, Charles was blurred again for a moment.

When he became clear again, he had already turned into a twelve-year-old boy. He is somewhat similar to Forty Two in appearance. But there is an indifferent majesty and divinity in his eyebrows and eyes. At this time. Ludwig no longer knew who this was.

His voice was clear and loud: "I once predicted that gods are not eternal things, and that under the sun, human beings will eventually be independent.

"I have prayed thus on this earth" I said, henceforth, we no longer depend on the supervision of the gods, but turn to the law for justice and goodness'

And I said, children shall hear no more of insolence, no more of desolation and ruin, and no one on earth shall hear of desolation and ruin." And I said, 'Men may look to Wisdom and Good for light, and not to the sun and the moon; I hope that people can seek wealth from hard work, not from the gods." I said, everyone on this earth will become righteous. War and hunger are cut off from the people'; I say that every day on this earth will be better than the day before. Each month is brighter than the month before. Every year is more honorable than the year before, people say. His body was broken and reassembled again. He was so fragile that he could be blown down by a gust of wind, but he was still as stubborn as his spine.

The old man's proud, haughty, proud whisperer.

"My prayers of yesteryear. Today they are fulfilled

"What I praised in the past, I promise you today.

He sighs, laughs, rememberer, whisperer:

"Finally, a

"A sun has risen.

Read The Duke's Passion