MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 11 double standard

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"Luke" was trembling on the ground, panting heavily with fear.

His eyes flicked back and forth between Er's face and the pulse gun in his hand, and he burst out laughing.

"You dare not kill me." Luke said with a sneer in an extremely confident tone, and the heavy panting in his mouth gradually became much calmer.

"You dare not kill me," he repeated, "Your village can't afford the price. I am a civil servant of the Union government, and I have never seen blood, and I have always been on the white list with no criminal record.

"Luke" was right, he really couldn't afford the price.

In this age of resurrection for everyone, the death penalty has lost its deterrent effect. But this does not mean that everyone has become an angel and cannot commit crimes. After all Forty-Two didn't take away their ego. Zheng Fu didn't know the same. He was very clear from the beginning that it is because of the diversity of human beings that human society can advance to such a point. So he will never take away everyone's uniqueness—this means "but because of the development of the times and the advancement of technology, although there will still be people who commit crimes, murder is no longer the most serious crime." The harm caused by some crimes has long been heavier than murder, and some debts that "can't be paid off in a lifetime" have finally arrived at the time to settle them carefully. Baifeng and Tiefeng are the two most commonly used punishments in the new era. The former is used to deal with serious criminals, and the latter is used to deal with violent offenders.

Bai Feng refers to extracting human consciousness into a space where there is nothing but boundless snow.

There is no one, no animals, no voices other than yourself, no sunrise and sunset, no need to eat or drink. There is only that vast expanse of white land, boundless.

Most people will go crazy after staying in it for a long time. Then their "feelings" during their imprisonment will be erased, leaving only the memory of this period of time and locked up for protection, and then continue to be detained. If you can't sleep at night, you will feel a nightmare experience when you close your eyes. You must do emotional maintenance regularly. Another type of punishment is "iron prison", which does not mean that people are locked in a steel cage. Rather, it refers to transferring human consciousness into an ancient machine without advanced sensors, and the power armor is completely sealed on the outside. In this way, one person becomes a complete war machine and is dispatched to the front line.

In fact, this is not fundamentally different from a batch of power armor controlled by artificial intelligence. The only difference is that they possess spiritual powers with different performances and different strengths. Until then, they will cry bitterly and truly realize how wonderful it is to live in the world; the value of life How precious and worthy of respect from others.

And its other purpose is to punish others while allowing the killer to smoothly learn a new skill to kill. Anyone who has been sentenced to "Tiefeng" will be a conscript who can be given a temporary sign in the future.

"Luke" was right. Karl really didn't dare to kill him.

He couldn't bear Bai Zhong's pain at all. He has spent several lifetimes of time and energy accumulating military exploits, and now he has finally mentioned the major. If Tiefeng is really imprisoned, it means that Karl's military exploits will be cleared.

No matter which one, it is indeed a painful price that he cannot pay.

"Are you sure, you can really survive?"

Facing the threat of "Luke", the corners of Carl's mouth rose slightly.

He calmly stared at the man who had a friendly face not long ago, and asked without fear: "Aren't you afraid of death? I'm not kinetic energy, I'm an electromagnetic gun. It's easy to say whether Luke is dead or not. You have already done that." Dead. And as soon as Luke wakes up, do you think I will be sentenced to white or iron punishment?" Carl's words made "Luke" widen his eyes.

You took the seeds?

"Luke" blurted out: "No, this is impossible! You are not a hermit, and you yourself will never be able to realize that your memory has been modified. Even if someone resonates with you, you will not be able to realize the existence of seeds." The truth of the matter makes "Luke" is incomprehensible. But he clearly knew the secret of the "Hermit" - it was impossible for him to be found out! In any case, what other people can see is only the superficial "Karl", and Karl himself cannot realize that someone is controlling his thoughts. Because all his thoughts are also given by that chip. He doesn't even have similar thoughts, and even if he sees or hears it, he will subconsciously ignore it.

That is the power of "seeds".

"Say it."

Carl said calmly, "Tell me everything you know, and I'll let you go."

"Luke" hesitated for a moment, then stopped bluffing completely, and honestly said that after all, he is just a chip now, if he is really pierced by Carl's arc gun, he will really die permanently. And he was just intimidating Er before, and now that Karl has recovered, he no longer has the ability to scare him.

"Hiddens" can sneak in the densely populated society. All they rely on are the "seeds" they depend on for freedom

That chip can completely hide their will from then on. Although they can't take the initiative to empathize with others, because in that case, they actually use their true hearts to resonate with others, and the "hermit" will also be revealed along with it.

But if one just passively accepts the spiritual resonance, then the memory and experience of the original owner of the body can cover it up. In other words, they have the ability to "disconnect from the Internet". All the "hermits" are dissatisfied with today's overly public society. For one reason or another, they are dissatisfied or afraid of this way of making friends by exchanging memories and wills, so they yearn to return to the previous era of "not so open between people". They don’t actually think that the past era was so good, but because their brains are too simple to analyze specific issues, they subconsciously infer “the past is good” from “the present is not good”. But they never thought of the possibility that the past could have been worse.

"Hermit" is such a group with a heliotropic heart. They did not accept the bewitching of any evil god, nor did they want to subvert the current world government. But they are unwilling to accept social interaction. They would rather regress in technology and close technology, and everyone will return to the closed past together, rather than show their hearts to people. This is no rebel at all.

If I had to say it, it could be regarded as some kind of evolution of the "abandoned house" in the new era.

"It's fine if you close your own intelligence, but you shouldn't involve others. Even if the experiment is only short-lived, it also means that you have interfered with the memory freedom of others."

Carl's expression gradually became cold: "You don't want others to disturb your memory freedom, but at this time, you are actively and more seriously interfering with other people's memory freedom for your own self-interest." It is a perfect double standard dog. After all, you are just a bunch of selfish trash.

After that, he stopped hesitating and pulled the trigger on "Luke"'s left foot.

"Luke" didn't even react immediately.

His voice became sharp, hoarse and desperate. He didn't even have time to hate and anger, and he didn't finish a sentence. It was Xia Zhizhi.

At this moment, Zheng Fu quietly appeared behind Karl.

He glanced at Luke and nodded to him:

"The name has changed back."

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