MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 2 rebirth

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When Karl opened his eyes again. What he saw was Qiu's indifferent gaze.

He suddenly felt a tightness in his heart.

But fortunately, Qiu didn't seem to find his hidden secret in his memory—he was a little relaxed. But a little lost. She just stared at him silently for a while, and slowly let go of her right hand that was holding his forehead. After the slender and white fingers left his forehead, they quickly faded away and turned into phantoms. She made a cold voice: "Pluto's second search force chief mechanic, Major Carl, welcome to resurrection. This is Earth Area 42 Shen City branch, the first consciousness transfer center. According to the wartime regulations, you need to recuperate here for ten days. After confirming that you are in good health, you will go to the Lin'an launch tower, which is 180 kilometers away from here, and take a flight to' Hades' star track left." This meant to put him under house arrest.

Hades is a defensive platform that surrounds Pluto. The main purpose is to create a heavy pressure field at all times to suppress the Zerg's spiritual energy leap ability. Because the ground of Pluto is already able to absorb spiritual shocks and convert them into energy, and Pluto is full of tunnels. Therefore, bombing in extraterrestrial orbit has become extremely difficult.

At present, the more common extraterrestrial strikes used by the Ground Alliance. Or use a high-power low-temperature energy weapon to lick a circle at close range. Or it is to regularly release targeted gene poison cables. Even if the gene iteration efficiency of the Zerg is very high, it can always be used to clean up a large number of Zerg.

After all, sixty years ago, the Zerg on Pluto had already completed a major stage of evolution.

No one thought that one of them, the overlord worm, successfully reached the earth's core alive, and evolved extremely strong heat resistance and pressure tolerance. And it then unfolded itself in the Earth's core. Afterwards, countless pipes protruded upwards, and the Zerg on the ground evolved from "prospectors" to "warriors" in a very short period of time.

Yes, until then, people on Earth didn't realize it. All the Zerg they had seen before. They are all just "prospectors". The analyst is the supervisor, the digger who can quickly dig the ground and mainly lives on food is responsible for digging the underground mine tunnel, the cutter who can emit high-heat laser beams is responsible for cutting the stone, and the dissolver can secrete a specific solution to dissolve the stone, After all, the "mobile brood" of soil or any organic matter that dissolves information in a targeted manner is just like a "farmer". After receiving a lot of nutrition, the Zerg has produced its first evolution: the largest Change is. They have an established air force, heavy armored units, and psionic units. A "meteor type" that can fly at up to three times the speed of sound and explode violently at any time; it looks like an F1 racing car, it can suspend in the air, continuously launch a wide range of ultra-low temperature bombardment, and release a large number of meteors like an aircraft carrier." "Comet" is currently the main air force of the Zerg. In addition, there is a huge monster that is nearly ten meters high and has hard and sharp blades all over its body. The "Dragon Turtle Type" is like a **** house, but unlike the gentle fat house, it can hug itself into a ball, stab out the sharp blade, shrink into a sea dirt...and then roll forward at high speed. There are also similar row species, for example, shrinking into a ball can become a hollow thorny fortress. "Star Fortress", or a low-altitude fortress that uses psionic energy to suspend in the air. No matter what it is, it is an excellent practical weapon that is different from their "predecessors". Aware of the dangerous changes of the Zerg on Pluto, they have already wiped out the Zerg on Earth. The earthlings finally realized something and began to rush into the sky. A group of psyker soldiers officially left the earth and went to Pluto to fight.

A vanguard force on Earth still successfully beat the Zerg on Pluto.

Powerful psychic power. Excellent command, reasonable tactical arrangements. Whether it is in terms of individual strength or command ability, the earth side has an absolute advantage. Even in the face of natural disasters from the depths of the universe, they will not fall behind.

A large number of "Roland-class" frigates began to be built at the airport. These frigates all used Psionic Leaping Engines, as well as relatively mature energy weapons and artificial intelligence centers. Even if the "comet" really broke away from the fire suppression of the defense platform and lifted off smoothly, it would be impossible to reach the earth.

But at the same time, because of the influence of the mutant king worm, the Zerg race on the king planet is almost immune to the direct bombardment of spiritual energy. And if it is a close-in bombing, not to mention the possibility of being stuck by the pop, the Zerg troops with the diggers can also quickly sneak into the ground for refuge.

Among the weapons currently used by the Ground Federation, apart from the "green rain" once a month and the "hailstorm" twice a week, the most effective weapon is the "deep-penetrating torpedo". After approaching the ground, it can fix its shell on the ground, send the projectile to a depth of at least sixty meters through gouging and acid, and then send out violent vibrations, which can kill a large number of Zerg on the ground. However, the most effective weapon is still "people".

Although the ground can absorb spiritual impact. But it doesn't mean that the Zerg itself is immune to psionic energy. These "golden people" with extremely strong psychic talents easily destroyed a large number of Zerg's viable forces and suppressed the mutation and evolution of the Zerg. But because of the great situation and the nearly five hundred to one battle loss ratio After all the forces of the Zerg were driven underground, the Zerg finally showed humans the most terrifying new unit of psykers, the "Shutu".

One reason why they are called Shutu is because these "Zergs" are still human in essence. They are excellent psykers themselves, but were captured in the battle with the Zerg. Although their will was sucked back by the "tower" and preserved. But if they didn't kill themselves in time, their bodies would be left in place. Their corpses were rescued by the Zerg, preserved and transformed into stronger ones. The amoeba-like Zerg invaded their brains by physical means. Swallowing the brain and taking its place, the brain gives orders to the body.

However, these warlocks are like humans who have always blended perfectly. Their psionic energy can be shared, and even connected to the mind of the king worm. This caught the psykers off guard, and large-scale casualties began in an instant, and the front line was beaten back to the ground—then the Earth Federation activated the wartime mechanism. So far, this battle has been fought for twelve years. And Karl was killed by a magician.

But unlike people's perception of these "puppets"... the warlock spoke to him. Talking about what people say is true, and the artisans can also speak. They can also think like humans. This is undoubtedly a huge secret. And that Shutu revealed an even bigger secret to him, but he was silenced. He was hindered in his actions, unable to reveal this information to others, and unable to suggest that others were themselves controlled. This made him breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was even more worried about his own safety. Who will be the next one to find out that he has a problem? Will he... realize that he has a problem, and kill himself?

Not even Carl himself dared to guarantee that he would be fine. What kind of spiritual bomb that Shutu planted in his head?

Just as Er was thinking wildly, Suiruodao's faint blue light flashed, and a solid and heavy document was sent to Qiu's hands.

"Then. According to the usual practice—from now on, the entire process will be recorded and uploaded. Qiu read in a quick tone: "Here is the statement of your successful resurrection: you must confirm and be responsible for your complete recovery." , a complete resurrection, the memory has not been modified, and the new body has no unexpected major defects. And you will not be charged any additional fees for the resurrection process. What you need to promise is that after the training period ends and you leave the center, you will be responsible for all quality problems. If you sign this document, it is equivalent to signing an electronic document with the same name and content with your psionic wave.

"In addition, it also includes the forty-two codes of conduct that you voluntarily committed to... Don't read too much, it is much less than the rules you have to abide by in the army. If you think there is no problem, please sign the autumn finger here Pointing to the lower right corner of the file, he handed over a pen.

Carl glanced at the document floating in the air, which seemed to be on a transparent board, and signed his name tremblingly with his trembling right hand.

Immediately, the document disappeared before Karl's eyes—it was sent back to the archives. Even in this day and age, paper archives are still necessary. The location of the archive room is managed by a special person. There are no windows or doors, and all documents are transported in and out.

"I suggest you take a break first." Qiu kindly asked: "In the next few days, it is best not to think too much or do heavy physical work. I suggest you take a bath first. Then do it Moderate exercise, listen to music, "You can now follow your guide signs to your own room. You have four hours to rest, after which you have your first round of rehab. Doctor Zheng Fu will come into your room... Remember, don't try to attack him.

Well, I have experience.

Karl nodded.

Brain, heart, and stomach can't take much pressure...he knows it. He is not a newcomer resurrected once.

He subconsciously touched his chest.

One inside the beating heart, hides a tiny bomb.

Read The Duke's Passion