MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 28 i'm not interested in money

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The Airbus flies very fast, but that's not its greatest strength.

It is actually closer to underground transportation than traditional ground transportation. But unlike the "underground railway" that is still in use until 2200, it has more flexibility. Just stand on the waiting platform, and an idle airbus will pick you up soon.

Artificial intelligence will pull street surveillance and personal information to determine which waiting passengers will go to the same destination. Afterwards, airships of different sizes that are sufficient to pick up these passengers will be sent - the smallest is the single-person air speedboat used by Gabriel, and the largest is a large air "whale" that can carry 28 passengers. There are seven different types of "ship" in total, and they are collectively referred to as the "air bus" that can accommodate the most air buses in the same plane without intersecting—because of the different sizes, routes, speeds and destinations of the buses, this planning is done dynamically . It can plan the optimal flight speed and flight route to ensure a real zero accident rate.

Because the route, speed, altitude, etc. have been planned in advance, all airbus routes on the same plane will never meet small buses with one to four passengers, and the route can be decided after taking off, that is Because they have small space and more flexible actions; and larger ones will be lifted to a suitable altitude after the destination is determined, so as not to cause excessive impact on other airbus routes. It can reach more than 400km/h in a short period of time, which is a conventional speed. And if you want to go on a long-distance trip, you need special models of Airbus "Ghost" and "Banshee". The front reserve can only carry one person, and the latter can carry four people. Under these two unlucky names, is It has powerful and special performance. It can semi-submerge into the mountain in a very short period of time, and partly escape from the material world, so it can easily reach more than ten times the speed of sound without causing too much physiological pressure on passengers, and Energy consumption can be kept to a minimum. Most importantly, it can move directly in a straight line—even through the interior of the earth's crust.

In fact, this special type of aerial soil is the place where the obsolete military submarine technology is put into use. Its original purpose is to allow the spacecraft to pass through the shallow surface of smaller planets without avoiding space junk when it is moving forward at full speed, which can greatly save shield energy. Since then, psionic jump technology has been progressively developed. Humans have been able to dive deep into the mountains - which means hyperspace travel in the true sense, not in a semi-submerged state.

Drifting will continue for hundreds of thousands of years.

As a result, this semi-submersion technology lost its necessity as a hyperspace induction technology, and instead became a quick-response individual protection ability: if the semi-submersion can be completed within a short period of time, it can become an anti-material weapon. A special defense mechanism. In the semi-submerged state, only ultra-low temperature weapons and spiritual weapons can produce a complete strike effect, and most of the high temperature or laser energy of energy weapons will be transferred to the mountain, while ordinary dynamic test equipment can be completely immune. And those abilities that will cause damage to the spaceship in the semi-submerged state can be offset or reduced by the spiritual shield. According to the knowledge from the newborn daughter, Gabriel learned that this special Airbus even has a regular military establishment. In the event of an unexpected situation, they can be combined with the elite riot infantry or the three-meter-high humanoid colossus "Peace Guardian". It can be upgraded to a high-mobility individual aircraft, and some combinations are also parked on Pluto Nice flying colossus to guard the platform. Gabriel has never sat in such a convenient and fast civilian space since their birth. This is the first time.

And it is also in this era, very few public facilities that require payment. Nowadays, whether it is an underground railway or an above-ground railway, there is no longer a fee. On the one hand, it is due to the large number of constructions and low operating costs, and the other reason is the popularity of air vehicles.

They are convenient, fast and extremely efficient. In today's time-conscious society, people still use the Airbus for the reason that they pay for it. In fact, it's not for charging camp fees, and Zheng Fu is not short of that money. The main reason is to let those people who are not very pressed for time give priority to those free and large-capacity transportation methods. After all, these air buses never stop, and if no one takes a taxi, they will fly around in the air—they themselves are also "crystal towers" connected to the giant tower of mind. It has functions such as spiritual monitoring, signal enhancement, and city security. For example. This Raytheon A11 strong current restraint device. Gabriel's left-handed star-wielding stun gun looks like a stabbing sword and a sheep's head with an extremely long jaw. While skillfully pressing and releasing the energy storage trigger to heat up, he looked back vigilantly. glanced. She noticed that some tails followed behind her at some point.

"Can you answer me, how many ships are behind, um, traveling with us?"

A cool and pleasant female voice sounded immediately: "There are three ships in total, two of which are 'speedboats' with a capacity of one person, and one is a 'yacht' with a capacity of up to four passengers."

"Can you tell me how many people are in the yacht?" Gabriel pressed.

"Sorry, I can't answer this question." The melodious female voice replied humbly: "Also, we still have three minutes to arrive at our destination: No. 56 Eliog Avenue, O'Henry's Bar."

"I am obliged to remind you that the end of your journey is high-risk, and it is not recommended to land there suddenly. At the same time, we also provide security services. Do you need to call the nearby security company?"

"No thanks."

Gabriel declined politely, his eyes gradually became sharper, his left hand held the stun gun a little tighter, and the joints on his back were distinct. While talking, she had come to the top of O'Henry's bar. Started to descend rapidly, and lifted the windshield. The cold wind rushed towards her, but it slowed down when it approached Gabriel, and softened into a gentle warm wind under the influence of her spirit.

"How do I pay you?" Gabriel leaned forward, ready to run, and asked softly at the same time. And the female voice responded immediately: "When we set off, this consumption has been included in your personal credit record. This time, you have spent a total of 140 credit points, and your current credit limit is 300 million. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, that sounds like a lot." Gabriel replied calmly, "At least two Peacekeepers can be bought." She said to The concept of money is very vague.

She doesn't love money and has no interest in money. After all, Pluto doesn’t need credit points, soldiers just get what they need, if they can’t get it, they don’t have it, and money is useless. But the price is only more than 100 million credit points.

But that was decades ago, maybe prices have changed again now.

But the female voice did not answer her question. Gabriel didn't bother to care about these things. When Batu was two meters away from the ground and was slowly decelerating, she jumped off the car and landed on the ground lightly like a cat. The wind swept her away. The body is held securely.

And the first thing she did after getting out of the car was to press the Artemisia Energy trigger with her left index finger, and lightly rest her thumb on the beam-shaped mechanism, and in the gradually loud buzzing sound of charging, the flasher blue and white Guanghui aimed his gun at the three groups behind him who hadn't had time to get out of the car. Gabriel held the powder cigarette in his right hand, adjusted the dose to the maximum, stuffed it into his mouth and took a deep breath.

"Come on, handsome guys."

As a result, her noise became hoarse, and the light emitted from her pupils became brighter and brighter, just like the flashing light on the muzzle of her gun.

"Guys," she repeated, "I think we need to talk."

Read The Duke's Passion