MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 47 The stars die

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Only then did Zheng Fu see the true appearance of the target of the trip, the legendary "Zerg Queen". She has an extremely large body individually. Even compared to the size of the entire moon. She is also only slightly smaller.

The queen looks like a mixed nest of arthropods and mammals, which stores eggs of different styles. Her upper body is like an upright cow, and there are hundreds of huge orangutan-like arms. Each arm has more than three joints, dozens of fingers, and a sharp mouthpart. And in the center of the body, there is a huge crimson crystal like a crystal tower blocked in the middle by bones and muscles. She is humming and continuously emitting heat to the surroundings—this should be her brain. Or something similar to take on the corresponding function.

It's not so much a Zerg, it's better to say it's a demon. This mother of demons with hundreds of hands, a hundred families, and thousands of feet has a strange beauty. Although there are dozens of different models of her long arms and appendages, she presents a sense of tower-like symmetry. If you cut her into four or even eight parts from the top. Each copy is mirrored seven times, and the final image is exactly the same as it is now. For her, there is no front, back, left, or right in the world. The queen was guarded in the center of the entire Zerg, surrounded by the most elite guards.

Facing the leaping steel satellite, the queen roared without fear.

[Back next one]

It was the collective psionic energy of an entire race. Even though they are half a light-year apart and their races and languages ​​are completely different, Zheng Fu can instantly feel her tyrannical and cold will.

It was just an angry, silent rebuke, and without any skill, it only summoned the tangible blazing magic fire with hostility. Unprovoked and sourceless fires emerged in the void. No, that wasn't a raging fire, but a crimson spiritual energy that danced like a flame.

The unreasonable psionic flames, ignoring all laws of physics, descended on the moon in an instant. It was burning so fiercely that just a second thought was enough to vaporize steel.

But just for a moment, it was enough to send out the shelling. "Fire." Following Zheng Fu's order, he suddenly felt an unprecedented spiritual impact. In the opened eyes of the moon. It was a divine strike that was released only once and only lasted for a moment.

Like a powerful recoil. His soul trembled violently, and was directly knocked out of Gabriel's body. Just in a special soul perspective. He witnessed miracles. The trace of distorted light is deeply engraved in the space, cutting out a dull and colorless crack that even time cannot heal.

The moment the distorted light hit, time stood still. It was complete, unreasonable stagnation.

It was as if that fleeting brilliance had completely absorbed all the colors. To describe it in the language of mortals, we can only claim that this is rainbow light. In the eyes of human beings, the invisible spiritual energy has colors. In other words, the brilliance of the soul manifests itself. And when it is reflected on the retina of the earthlings, it will show different colors according to the corresponding characteristics. no doubt. This is the eye that the mountain gives to mortals to meet the soul, and it is the gift that the mountain gives to creatures born on the earth. A testament to their innate affinity with psionics.

It is precisely because of this that this pure brilliance will show such a bright iridescent brilliance in the eyes of "Zheng Fu" - it is the aggregation of tens of thousands of spiritual powers, and the contributors of each spiritual power are well-deserved "great men" ". In the bone-eroding cold, the old and aging werewolf would not eat or drink, and was as thin as a piece of dry wood. His face was deeply scratched by the wind, and he looked at the young newborn who had just been full of milk with deep and quiet eyes. His also elderly wife voluntarily gave up the last ration, skinny as a skeleton, and closed her eyes. Only for the survival of civilization.

In the dark world without light and fire, the sage who is like a ghost shines with brilliance all over his body, tearing an inch of his soul with every step he takes. As he measured the land with his feet, the light gradually rose from the dim earth, and countless lightless wandering souls followed behind him, gathering around clusters of soul fires clinging to each other. Only for the survival of civilization.

On the dry and yellow wasteland, an old prophet in ragged robes walks on the desert, guiding the hungry and thirsty travelers to the water source and the oasis. On the way, he narrated to people what the old times looked like, guided them to escape from barbarism and return to civilization, and taught everyone the most precious knowledge equally without asking for any return. Only for the survival of civilization. In order to continue the fire of civilization—that is not the cry of despair.

What do we live for?

What is the meaning of our birth and living? To live is to suffer.

So they said.

What is the meaning of our suffering?

"I hope that the future clansmen will be able to eat enough to eat, live in a warm cave with a fire, and survive without eating the corpses of their clansmen. The newborns can grow up safely."

"I don't ask for anything. I just distribute the seeds of light - my corpse will be the new light."

"Our civilization was destroyed by war, and we are just the last dead sinners. There is no trust, inheritance and love in this world. But I think they are good, I just want young people to understand Download them, and let them know that they were once on the earth.

Ah...ah, that's it. Zheng Fu understood their existence.

This is the [grave]. Psionic energy is the memory they leave behind, which is the evidence of their existence. It is the aggregation of thousands of fires.

One is [hope].

Hope to reach the other shore of happiness, hope to live to the future where pain is eradicated. Zheng Fu can clearly see that as the world loses its color and shape, the iridescent glow is still extending into the distance. The path of the light cannon was not straight, nor did it exude overwhelming heat or cold. It's pure scorching eyes. With the psychic power triggered at the end of countless civilizations, it proves that the brilliant blow of "what is civilization" and "what is hope" is in the gap between stagnant time and space, and the light of civilization is infinite without any loss. Extending forward. The torrent of light destroys all matter equally. Zheng Fu finally understands why this main cannon requires so much spiritual energy to drive it, and why the ancient gods left behind this powerful main cannon. Because of this The main cannon was originally a taboo weapon that "can only be fired once".

Those who participate in the firing process will be pulled into the world of stagnant time. How long the firing process lasts and how far the optical flow extends. It all depends on how long the triggerer can hold on in the memory gap. That is a future that can never be reached. Even Zheng Fu himself didn't know how long he stayed in this stagnant time. Zheng Fu only knew one thing. Because he was not unable to bear the memory of the end of countless civilizations and his soul was burned, but after completely remembering all the traces of civilization. Time began to pass again. His soul suddenly returned to his body, and the colors and shapes of the world could only be seen after Zheng Fu's infinitely extended shot. The queen's body has been completely destroyed. Only an illusory red shadow remained, maintaining its previous appearance. The scarlet aura continuously dissipated from it, and the painful cry was transmitted to Zheng Fu's ears. Except for the Queen herself, there is nothingness around her. Behind and around the queen, those insect swarms that only carried the aftermath have completely disappeared. The most recently ablated swarm is only five times the diameter of the moon; the farthest point the beam reaches is at least ten times the diameter of the sun. So at least, because that is already the maximum diameter of the Zerg main force. As for where the light beam flew the farthest, even Zheng Fu himself didn't know. Zheng Fu could only see - not a single star was shining at the end of the Zerg line that he could see through at a glance.