MTL - To Four Thousand Years Later-v6 Chapter 8 resonance

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The faint moonlight shines through the fence-style side window, and Carl and Zheng Fu who stopped and turned back looked at each other silently.

There was a distance of three or four meters between them. At this distance, they couldn't feel each other's warmth, but after the two of them agreed at the same time, their thinking and will were enough to complete a brief moment. Karl quickly understood Zheng Fu's entire plan—including the reasons and motives, the enemy's tactics. Technology, what he needs to say and do, what the enemy might do in response, and how he responds. And the memory details provided by Karl have progressively completed the project. Added four or five new responses that the enemy may appear, and adjusted his dialogue words appropriately.

The whole process takes less than two seconds. This is the way people communicate with each other in this day and age.

There is no ambiguity or misjudgment. Don't miss the point. Nor will it be spared the details.

Since ancient times, the evolution of the way of communication between human beings, from actions to language, from symbols to words, has also been synchronized with the progress of society.

As life becomes less stressful, the short, multi-meaning old language gradually evolves into a new language with less ambiguity, greater length, and clarity.

As Innis said in "The Bias of Communication", "The strengths of a new medium of communication will lead to the birth of a new civilization. Like the medium of sticks, it itself requires writing to be simplified from hieroglyphs to Cuneiform. So the gap between pictures and words can be filled. And the process of shifting from relying on slate and clay tablets to papyrus also changed the religious and political systems in the Mediterranean area. Just like the "dual It is the same as what people said in the "War of Paper": the appearance of papyrus ended the message transmission mechanism of the oral message cloth model, and a new bureaucratic system of the more effective letter messenger model was born from it, which greatly facilitated the future. In other words, this Small papyrus, on the contrary, is a great weapon to strengthen the feudal centralized rule. It has spread popular knowledge horizontally, seized the monopoly of knowledge and writing from the hands of the priests, and produced a large number of folk literature and books. , which is also an important reason for its effective strengthening of royal power and suppression of theocracy.

After Yuan, with the popularization of "paper" which is cheaper and easier to preserve, knowledge is easier to preserve. The price for the public to obtain knowledge is lower, the calculation method is optimized, the research of scholars from different ages and regions begins to communicate with each other, design drawings can be preserved and transmitted, and the process of civilization begins to accelerate. That's why the academic development in the period of Charlemagne appeared like a hundred flowers blooming. A building of wonders such as the Zhiliman Library can be built and filled without being a joke.

With the advent of printing, people began to be able to replace the expensive materials used to record, preserve, and transmit ideas with universal materials. Knowledge about medicine and law began to spread everywhere, and the interpretation of classics was no longer the monopoly of priests and nobles. The media industry of the new generation is waving brochures with one hand and printing presses with the other, with half of its feet on the people. Half of his body is hidden under the table of the king and the council. It has become the link connecting power up and down, the nervous system of political entities.

Whether it's radio, telephone, television or the Internet. Every new medium means the birth of a new civilization. No one can assess that a new basic medium is as disgusting to the civilization in which it resides as the slate-wielding priest is to papyrus;

Just as people's "most outrageous enjoyment" of radio and telephone was so naive and simple; just as people's initial expectations for the Internet were far lower than what it could do. One is because as long as people are not in this medium, people cannot understand the meaning of its existence and what it can do. And in this day and age. People already have a new medium of communication that is more concise and precise than any other language—psychic resonance. This means the coming of a new generation... and possibly the regression of oral tradition. And written language is becoming more and more complex and elegant. But just as human beings have invented means of transportation. It is not the same as giving up walking. At least the throat can still laugh and sing... just maybe. Talking becomes a kind of 'I understand. Carl said in a low voice.

At this moment, he suddenly realized. Someone is coming up ahead.

Karl's psionic ability is very simple, simple and practical - whenever someone approaches him with malicious intentions or may have ill intentions towards him, he can sense it a few seconds in advance before the other party finds him. This is also the reason why although he was born as an engineer, he has the ability to fight on the front line all the time. The person in front was undoubtedly hostile to him.

Carl glanced at Zheng Fu. They once again completed a spiritual resonance. So Zheng Fu nodded, and disappeared as silently as a ghost. The moment Zheng Fu disappeared, there was an extra person around the corner. It was a middle-aged man with a big beard, a slightly broad forehead, and a serious expression.

"Major Karl?"

After the man saw Carl. Immediately, the mountain walk stopped in place, raised his eyebrows, and asked e, "Dr. Zheng Fu's examination is over?"

"Yes, first sacrifice. It's over just now."

Carl's heart moved, and he asked in a daze: "Are you...

"I'm also a doctor here, you can call me Luke, Major.

Luke came forward with a smile, stretched out his hand to Carl, and made a joke casually: "If you have time, how about telling the story of the front line? I treat you to a good meal.


Carl nodded, the corners of his mouth symbolically twitched, and he shook hands with Luke. He should be. That... the one who installed a fake memory chip on himself.

The reason is also very simple—why Luke didn't dare to resonate with his soul even though it was the first time he met him?

This in itself is not particularly strange. After all, not everyone is willing to empathize with strangers they meet for the first time. Many people are just another person's passer-by, and there is no need for that person to understand him. But the problem is, if he doesn't want to make friends with him, why did he find a topic to take him away? If he wants to make friends with himself, what time is wasted to directly resonate with his heart, and he can determine whether two people can become friends in one second. There is only one possibility.

Luke should want to open the road to monitor.

He should also have a memory chip implanted in his body, just like his previous state. This also means that if he resonates with himself, he can only convey his surface memory to himself... since Luke can work here. It means that his superficial memory is clean. And he couldn't possibly be after that. To show himself what he doesn't know means that he admits that he has two layers of memory, or that he has the ability to obscure the resonance of his heart. The memory he exposed to himself is tantamount to a white wolf with empty hands, and it will arouse his disgust. Thoughts in Carl's mind floated and sank. Perhaps it was because Zheng Fu had a spiritual resonance with him, and his wisdom was improved. In an instant, Carl had clearly sorted out his situation at the moment, knowing what should be said and what should not be said.

Fortunately, this situation is also in his plan. Then there is only one answer.

Read The Duke's Passion