MTL - Tokyo Video Game Tycoon-Chapter 916 growing up

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  Chapter 916 Growth


  The smooth movements and the unique special effects of the sword collision caused all the audience watching the live broadcast to be silent for a short time.

   It didn't take long for Davidson to successfully defeat the invincible Genichiro Ashina without any loss of life.

   "Yeah... so cool!"

   "The way I played the game before is completely different. Is this how I want to play?"

   "Ashina Genichiro can also be defeated, this is really unexpected."'

   "Look, this is really a plot kill. Even if you defeat Xianichiro Ashina, you will still be ambushed by the opponent and cut off your arm. This Xianichiro Ashina is really a sinister guy."

  At this moment, the voices of questioning in the discussion area began to become less and less, and more sighs and admiration.

  Davidson is also very happy to watch the discussion area that is gradually changing the direction of the wind.

Taking advantage of this time, he still did not forget to continue explaining: "In the game, we still give players a lot of freedom, and we also set up a multi-week inheritance mode for this game, which means that players can use it after clearing the level once. Existing props, weapons, etc. continue to be played again.”

   "Multi-week game? We are familiar with this, but isn't there no difficulty adjustment in this game? If there is no difficulty adjustment, wouldn't the subsequent multi-week succession make the game easier?"

Davidson looked at this comment and shook his head and replied: "This player, although this game does not have the option to adjust the difficulty, there is actually a very secret difficulty adjustment mechanism in the game, that is, every time the player clears the game, The game's internal difficulty adjustment mechanism will increase the overall difficulty of the game. Of course, there is an upper limit to this difficulty adjustment, but at least in the first few weeks, it can definitely bring each player the greatest gaming experience. "

   "Huh? Can it still be like this? Then I might try Duo Zhoumu."

   Immediately afterwards, Davidson continued to play.

At the same time, more and more players learned that Yuxing Electronic Entertainment is broadcasting Sekiwo officially, and then they began to flock to Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's official live broadcast room, and the number of simultaneous viewers in the live broadcast room jumped to 500,000 in a short time many, and are still rising.

   Moreover, in the real-time sales statistics of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's official background, it can also be seen that the sales of Sekiro games are gradually increasing.

  Many of these players are also people who have decisively refunded their money after only playing for less than two hours.

  Now they find out through the live broadcast that the gameplay of this game is completely different from before. They seem to really ignore this, and then want to buy it back and try it for themselves.

   This naturally includes Bart.

   To be honest, he was still a little hesitant about refunding the game Sekiro.

  Because he is still very interested in the special Japanese cultural elements in the game, now he has memorized two oriental Chinese characters, one is called death and the other is called danger.

   Originally, he was quite disgusted with these two words before, because every death would make him more irritable.

  But after watching the live broadcast, he suddenly found that these two words didn't seem so annoying anymore.

  He wants to continue watching the live broadcast, but he doesn't want to be spoiled, he wants to experience the game himself.

   This time he made up his mind that no matter how cruel the game is, he will try it himself!

  So he closed the live broadcast, downloaded the newly bought Sekiro, and entered the game world again.

   But playing this game is really different from watching others play this game.

   Watching others play this game can make my mentality more stable.

   Besides, what he just watched was the customs clearance video of the official personnel. They can deal with the boss without injury. How could a novice like him do it from the beginning?

  However, he really wanted to achieve the official effect of clearing the game without taking any damage.

   Because that's really, really cool.

   Watching the enemies who used to show off their power in front of you gradually become defeated under your own countless challenges, it is quite good just to imagine.

  So he started countless challenges to die in front of the red ghost boss.

  But this time he no longer chooses to give up. Looking at the death words that pop up again and again, all he has is a raging fighting spirit.

  Because in his brain, there's Davidson's dashing fight, official.

   That's his goal!

   "Hiss...dead again!"

   "No, no, I shouldn't be greedy for this knife, I just cut it once!"

   "Oops, I've been pushed into a dead corner, next time I must not let myself get stuck in a dead corner."

   "Oh!! Why was I thrown off the cliff! I will never run to the edge of the cliff again next time!"

  Bart's failures are often straightforward.

  But he also found that his failures should actually be considered minor problems.

  It's just that often small problems will kill yourself directly.

   The fault tolerance rate of this game is quite low. You must concentrate on playing and never relax.


   Must not be angry!

  Bart remembered the teaching he had heard in the live broadcast room before.

  Failure again and again is for the precipitation of that success.

  Every failure is accumulating experience, and every failure is also growing.

   Gradually, when Bart died in front of the red ghost for the fiftieth time, he found some tricks.

  The trick to defeating Chigui.

  He discovered that apart from some seemingly special moves, they can actually be resisted with swords.

   It's just that I didn't notice it at all before.

  At that time, when he saw the red ghost's every powerful attack, he subconsciously just wanted to dodge in fear.

  But now, he has begun to try to resist.

   Immediately afterwards, after dying seventy times, he found out how to avoid some of the red ghost's dangerous moves to maximize their benefits.

  What kind of angle dodging will allow you to avoid damage and at the same time make up two more shots.

   Seventy-one times.

   Seventy-two times.

   Seventy-three times.

   Trying again and again is to test what kind of attack can bring greater benefits.

  At this time, he no longer had the despair and anger he felt when he saw the dead words again and again.

  He only has indifference in his heart now.

  It seems that I have gradually grasped the tricks of this game.

  Bart thought so in his heart.

  Then he was surprised to find that he was fighting the red ghost now. However, at this time, he could calmly fight the red ghost, and his brain could think about other things at the same time.

   Fighting against red ghosts has become an instinct of his.

  He remembers every move of the enemy clearly.

  He remembers how to maximize the benefits.

  After death after death, when his long knife finally executed the red ghost, it seemed that all emotions were released.

solved! Finally solved!


  Bart roared excitedly.

   "What's the matter? What's the matter with you, Bart?"

  Bart's mother ran in in a panic, looking at Bart worriedly.

   "No, no mom, I'm fine, I'm in a great mood!"

  (end of this chapter)

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