MTL - Tokyo Video Game Tycoon-Chapter 935 so real?

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  The canned game is not a good name, but it is also a very vivid metaphor.

   But such a bad name does not mean that the game itself is not fun.

   At least within a certain time scale, such a canned game can still attract players to play.

   It’s just that the biggest taboo of this kind of game is to try to avoid too much collection of items, or too much repetition of the game content of occupying points.

   Players will feel fresh when encountering this kind of unlocking strongholds or collecting items at the beginning, but when these things reach a certain level, it will be counterproductive.

   This kind of thing is very simple to fill, but it is more painful for the player in the later stage of the game.

  Especially for those players with obsessive-compulsive disorder, playing this kind of game is more or less a kind of torture.

  Originally, the employee of Su Rui Electronics was ready to start climbing the tower to unlock the map, and then captured the same stronghold one by one.

  However, after he entered the city, he found that there were only two options for unlocking the entire map, and he unlocked all the local area maps without wasting too much time.

   Something is wrong, this is not the same as the previous Assassin's Creed.

  The previous Assassin’s Creed had to set dozens of map unlock points on a large map to unlock the map, but this time there are only two.

   This made him even feel a little bit unsatisfied.

  But when he unlocked the map and saw that there were thirty or forty strongholds occupying the area on the map, he felt that it was still familiar.

  It seems that unlocking the map is just a form of easing the player's state.

  The employee of Su Rui Electronics happened to be a standard obsessive-compulsive disorder patient.

   But whenever he sees an uncollected item on the map in the game, or an unsolved stronghold on the map, he will feel very uncomfortable.

  But these things are so boring that he doesn't want to do them. This is really very tangled.

  Finally, he decided to try his best to unlock all these strongholds tonight.

  So, he ignored the main plot, but went straight to the nearest unlocked stronghold, ready to deal with it.

   This is a defensive stronghold.

  Here players need to build items like a tower defense game, and then resist the attack of the Templars until the time is over, and the stronghold is considered to be captured.

   It took about three or four minutes, and he easily settled the first stronghold.

   "It's easier than I imagined."

  The employee of Su Rui Electronics felt a little dull after seeing the quick resolution of the battle.

  If the bases behind are so boring, he might fall asleep while playing.

  But this is also something that can’t be helped, who made myself obsessive-compulsive, then I will go to the next...

   "Ah, sorry."

   At this moment, an inconspicuous beggar in the game suddenly bumped into the protagonist Ezio.

   Ezio glanced back at the other party, and then didn't take it seriously, but soon Ezio realized that his money seemed to have been stolen.

   "Huh? Got money stolen?"

  The employee of Su Rui Electronics raised a little interest.

  It turns out that the capture of strongholds is just a sweet spot, and there are unlocking plots later?

  That still has a little bit of meaning, which is much more interesting than simply unlocking the stronghold.

  He immediately manipulates the protagonist Ezio to chase the thief who stole the money.

   Not long after, relying on his vigorous skills, he successfully caught the thief.

   Immediately afterwards, he heard the protagonist threatening the other party to return the money to him.

  The employee of Su Rui Electronics vaguely felt that the dubbing was a little inconsistent, and it was a little different from the dubbing of the main line just now, but it didn't hurt too much.

   "Help! Help! I've been robbed!"

  The caught thief was not only not afraid, but began to struggle hard, trying to escape from Ezio.

  The staff of Su Rui Electronics directly manipulated the character to raise his hand and punch the passerby unconscious without hesitation, and then took away the money that originally belonged to him.

   This was just in the game, he didn't take it seriously, he just felt that this was an inconspicuous little plot.

   After getting his money back, he was ready to continue to the next stronghold.

However, on his way to the next stronghold, he suddenly noticed that some passer-by NPC characters were pointing at him, and he could even vaguely hear them saying that his character was a villain who just snatched away Innocent people's money.

   Suddenly, the employee of Su Rui Electronics couldn't help it anymore, and was going to do something in front of that person.

  However, he felt that he should be unable to do anything. The pointing of these passer-by characters just now should be just a certain program of the game being activated.

  But I have to say that this approach is quite good, which makes the game feel a lot more real.

   I don't know how Youxing Electronic Entertainment made it.

  He manipulated the protagonist to walk in front of that random passer-by NPC, and what he did was just his subconscious choice.

   But then something happened that surprised him.

  The protagonist Ezio took the initiative to question the humble passerby NPC character in front of him: "Do you have any opinions?"

   "Ah no sir, I have no objection."

  The man immediately ran away in horror, not daring to look directly at Ezio.

   "Huh? The reaction is so real."

  The employees of Su Rui Electronics suddenly became a little surprised.

   At the same time, he also began to notice that the cooling fans of his computer graphics card and processor began to spin crazily.

  The computer I bought can be regarded as the top performance of the current era. It is already difficult for ordinary games to make this computer run at a high speed.

  But I didn't expect that such a configuration requirement is not too outrageous, and the game will start to quickly occupy my computer's performance.

  He subconsciously cut out the desktop and glanced at the computer's performance occupancy rate, and found that the occupancy rate of the processor, graphics card and other computing cores had reached more than 90% at this moment.

  And the multi-core occupancy rate of the central processing unit CPU is also maintained at more than 90%, which can basically be used for full-power computing.

Normally, a video game usually consumes more performance from the graphics card, and the processor usually takes up the computing power of one or two cores at most, but this game actually takes up so much computing power of the processor. Abnormal.

  He returned to the game screen in a state of doubt, and then saw that the passerby character had quickly walked to the end of the alley.

  The employee of Su Rui Electronics seemed to sense something, and subconsciously followed the passer-by NPC character into the alley.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the man started to run wildly after he realized that he was being chased, and shouted in horror while running: "Don't chase me, don't chase me, sir, I was wrong! I shouldn't have said to you just now. You point and point."

  The employees of Su Rui Electronics looked at the passer-by NPC who ran away in a daze.

  This reaction... Is this also a new side story that I accidentally encountered?

  It feels like a real-life story that actually happened.

  Is it so real?