MTL - Tokyo Video Game Tycoon-Chapter 957 How to do it?

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In some official offline stores of Youxing Electronic Entertainment, the shelves are no longer filled with boxes of game cassettes and game consoles, or most of the shelves will no longer hold so many repeated games. machine.

  Internet technology in this world has developed to a more advanced degree than Zhu Youxing expected.

  People have long liked to shop for things on the Internet.

  The offline stores of video games are the products that are most likely to be replaced by Internet shopping.

  On the one hand, players can directly buy the digital version of the game, so that they can experience the new game as soon as it is unlocked.

On the one hand, the physical version of the game can also be purchased through online pre-order, and then the official will estimate the release time of different game cartridges based on the product’s first release time, so that most players can buy it without leaving home latest games.

  With a fairly convenient online shopping system, few people are willing to buy video games offline.

   Except of course the first day of some big games.

  When the top IP titles such as The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, and other Youxing Electronic Entertainment are released, they will still attract many players to line up at the nearby directly-operated physical stores to buy them.

  Because that may have the opportunity to meet the core developers of the game directly.

  Generally, these developers will also go to different stores to sign sales when the game is released, which can be regarded as a means of increasing the popularity of physical stores.

   As for the rest of the time period, offline video game physical stores seem to be a bit sparse.

  But recently there has been a little bit of a difference.

  Youxing Electronic Entertainment launched a batch of game consoles with limited appearance not long ago.

  And each game console with a limited appearance is designed by a dedicated design team, as close as possible to the style of each game.

  Like the limited edition of The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, its SWITCH base is designed with the appearance of the Shika Stone as inspiration.

There are very obvious patterns of the Shika Stone on the base, and when the switch is placed on the base, the base will make a crisp sound of the Shika Stone being activated, and a light is specially designed and installed in the center of the base , which means the Shika Stone is activated and lights up.

   Another example is the limited version of Doom’s home console. The shell of the entire home console is the entrance of a magic cave. Countless demons seem to come out of it, rushing into this world to destroy everything.

   There is also a limited machine for football leagues. Professional designers from the UEFA Champions League and other leagues participated in the joint design of a home limited machine that matches the football style very well.

  The appearance of each limited machine can be regarded as cool to explosive.

  Before this, the limited editions of many games were a little perfunctory, most of them were simply pasted with a skin similar to the game style, there was almost no design difficulty, and it was completely a money grabbing thing.

   And these limited machines are full of sincerity.

  The most important thing is that the price of these limited-edition machines is not expensive, generally only a little more than ten or twenty dollars more than the normal version of the game machine.

   As long as the core players, there is no one who does not covet these limited machines.

  However, these limited machines are limited to purchase on the Internet.

Sometimes there may be tens of thousands of people snapping up limited-edition phones on the Internet, but limited-edition phones sold offline may not necessarily be snapped up by so many people, so sometimes there will be players who have the opportunity to **** a lot of them offline. Nice limited machine.

  And this has led to the restoration of the bustling scene of Youxing Electronic Entertainment's offline stores.

  However, this kind of limited-edition machine is an unconventional customized product after all, and it is impossible to mass-produce it. The limited-edition machine of hot-selling game products is almost produced around 100,000 units worldwide.

  Although it is not ruled out that the production batch will be increased in the later stage, it will be allocated to each game IP, and players who are willing to buy it will also be allocated equally.

   Even so, the sales of Switch handhelds and home game consoles of Youxing Electronic Entertainment increased by about 15% in a short period of time.

   This is still a bit worse than the average sales volume at its peak.

   If you want to get more benefits, obviously you need to find other ways.

  By the second half of 2015, after looking at the revenue data, Zhu Youxing felt that he should take out the big killer.

  Of course, this big killer is actually not something particularly shocking to the world. It is not a top-level game work. After all, the production of top-level game works is not low, and mass production is impossible.

  But there are several other methods that can greatly stimulate players' consumption.

"President, this limited-edition machine plan has indeed improved Xiaoling a lot, but I always feel that it can only be regarded as drinking poison to quench my thirst. It is difficult for most people to increase the sales of games. It seems that the player base has reached the upper limit. "

Zhu Youxing asked without raising his head: "Then, have you investigated the number of video game players today on the Internet? I mean the number of users including mobile phones, handhelds, and all entertainment related to video games. "

"This... is about one billion. This is actually quite a terrifying number, but there are not many consumer groups. Among them, people who play free mobile games account for more than 80% of the number, and the remaining one hundred Twenty percent is considered a consumer group, and this figure has been maintained for several years and has not increased much."

   "One billion, it's still a bit small."

  Zhu Youxing smashed his mouth and said.

  According to the memory of Zhuyouxing's original world, there were four billion video game players in the original world.

  I have sold hundreds of millions of FC game consoles in places like South Africa.

  The total sales volume of FC red and white game consoles has reached an astonishing 600 million units.

  However, the sales volume of 600 million did not actually bring much revenue to him. In the later stage, FC has always maintained a rhythm of selling at a breakneck pace, or occasionally making a small loss.

  The purpose is actually to expand the player base.

   But now it seems that this speed is still a bit slow.

"President, there are already one billion people. Isn't that enough? I think we should actually change some directions and invest more money in the development of in-game purchase models. Look at our life or death. Isn’t beach volleyball a really hot example?”

   "This is fine, but I still want to find some other means."

  Zhu Youxing is actually no longer short of money. The current money alone is enough for him to squander, and it will not drag down the company for a long time.

   Now solving the revenue problem is just a matter of passing.

  “We should do something that is more in line with our style and can bring benefits to players.”

How to do?

   Several people looked at Zhu Youxing together, trying to see the solution from Zhu Youxing's expression.

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