MTL - Tokyo Video Game Tycoon-Chapter 993 one of the most hated things

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  Chapter 993 One of the most annoying things


   "Mr. Takeyou, you can think about it carefully."

   This hippie was a little embarrassed by Zhu Youxing's outright rejection.

  I also did a lot of homework in order to be able to meet and talk with Zhu Youxing about this matter.

  He wants to elaborate on the many benefits of this game encryption product.

  Of course the biggest benefit is that it can bring more benefits to users' products.

   Logically speaking, wouldn’t normal companies reject such products?

   However, Youxing Electronic Entertainment has not been a normal company since its inception.

  It is difficult for a normal company to maintain such a high output quality.

  For more than 20 years of video game products, except for some games that are very challenging and polarizing, the rest of the games are above the passing line.

   Among them, there are countless masterpieces with full marks.

  Other game companies can get professional media evaluations and show off their games with full marks for a long time, and they even want to directly paste slogans such as a certain media’s full-score evaluation on their posters.

  But Yuxing Electronic Entertainment's game works don't need these bells and whistles at all.

  As long as the logo of Youxing Electronics Entertainment is printed on the lower left corner of the game cover, it is synonymous with quality.

   "No, unless you can guarantee to me that your product will not affect the performance of the game itself when it is running, then I can indeed consider it, but it is only a consideration."

  In fact, under normal circumstances, Zhu Youxing is not particularly sensitive to certain products, and he will not have a particularly strong reaction to certain products.

  Most of the time, he looked at all this indifferently, as if he had just passed by.

   But there are always exceptions to this kind of thing.

   This broken game encryption system is one of the things Zhu Youxing hates the most.

  In the original world, he was powerless to change these, and D encryption made genuine game players miserable.

Especially later on, due to the explosive improvement in the performance of electronic products, many manufacturers began to simply sell bad games. The games were not even optimized, and they were directly thrown on the PC platform to cheat money. The encryption system is even worse.

  So, maybe other things can be discussed, but there is absolutely nothing to discuss about this game encryption system.

   This hippie-style person faced such a flat rejection, his face was a little ugly.

   "Mr. Zhuyou, this is an epoch-making product, and it can empower your products..."

   "Stop, stop, I don't want to hear this kind of vocabulary."

  Zhu Youxing is numb, and really doesn't want to listen to this kind of internet slang anymore.

   "Then listen to my explanation..."

   "As I said just now, if this thing of yours doesn't cause performance loss when the game is running, I can consider it. If it doesn't meet this requirement, then I can only refuse."

   After Zhu Youxing finished speaking, the hippie finally couldn't help standing up, somewhat annoyed.

"Mr. Takeyou, your position in the point-and-click game industry is indeed very high. I must admit that, and your contribution to video games is also very large, but I have to say that you have already It's starting to get a little old-fashioned, and sometimes you should try to catch up with the times."

  Zhu Youxing asked unceremoniously: "Then do you think your product is the trend of the times?"

   "I think so."

  Zhu Youxing shook his head: "Then the idea between us is not suitable, you can leave here."

   "Mr. Zhuyou, you will definitely regret it. When I bring more and better benefits to other game company products, you will definitely regret your choice today."

   "I only regret one thing."


   “That is if I choose your product, I will regret giving players a bad experience.”


  In the end, the hippie left Youxing Electronic Entertainment with a depressed face.

   And it wasn't until this time that Zhu Youxing remembered that he still didn't know the name of this person.

   But it's not a big problem, whether you know the person's name or not won't affect him.

   Then Zhu Youxing simply regarded this incident as an episode, and quickly forgot about it.

   But the hippie hasn't forgotten.

  He is a young man from a certain European country, and he is quite talented in the field of program development, so he and his partner can create such a relatively unique product.

   Not long after their products were launched, they were quickly welcomed by some game developers in Europe.

  After these game developers used this encryption system, the sales of genuine games immediately increased significantly.

  Probably an improvement of more than ten percent.

  So in a short period of time, this hippie and his partner became a little dark horse in Europe, and then received several rounds of investment, and now the company has a valuation of about 100 million US dollars.

  The smooth development in Europe also made him want to start expanding for granted. The first choice for expansion is not the United States, but Japan.

  Because Japan can be regarded as the place where video games are rising in the world, if it conquers here, then it is no problem to conquer the game manufacturers in the United States.

   Among them, the person he most hopes to persuade is Youxing Electronic Entertainment.

  It's a pity that his wish came to naught in the end.

   The business negotiation department of Youxing Electronic Entertainment pays more attention to this. They think it is a good thing to bring benefits to the company, but they are not sure whether this thing is good or not, so they choose to ask the boss for another opinion.

   But when it came to Zhuyouxing, the wind turned sharply. Zhuyouxing seemed to know this product very well.

   What I understand is even a little abnormal.

  He could immediately find out the key point of this product after only listening to the hippie's few introductions, and pointed at the key point, claiming that if the problem of performance occupancy is not solved, then their product will not be considered.

   This really made the hippie a little unexpected.

   "Hey, how is the business negotiation in Japan?"

   Not long after leaving the Youxing Building, the hippie's collection sounded.

   It was another partner of his who called.

  His partner is naturally also very concerned about this negotiation in Japan, and wants to get first-hand information as soon as possible.

  The hippie replied in a very unhappy tone: "Failed, my sales failed, the **** of the game field rejected our product."

  "Refused? Why did you refuse? Did you not explain clearly the effects of our products?"

   "Hehe, I don't need to explain at all. This **** in the game field is really amazing enough. I don't need to say anything. He seems to know our products like the back of his hand."

  (end of this chapter)

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